nihilosphere · 4 days
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"We live in a time of great peril. Humanity and the proud achievements of its infancy on earth are in grave danger. Knowledge has outstripped wisdom. We have controlled disease but have not regulated our numbers. We have advanced our understanding in the natural sciences but have not adequately controlled our baser animal instincts. We have begun to accept the rule of law but have limited its application, permitting it to regulate the affairs of individuals and of small political divisions. While we neglect to use it in controlling a major aggression. We have outlawed the use of murder and violence and resolving individual disputes but have failed to develop procedures to peacefully settle conflicts between nations.
The group consciousness of our race is blind and perverse and it is easily distracted by trivia when it should be focused on fundamentals. We are in a critical era. Population pressures are creating political and economic crisis throughout the world. These make more difficult the building of a rational world society.
The most pressing world environment problem is the need to control human numbers. In recent centuries technology and abundant fuels have multiplied humanity far beyond what is prudent or long sustainable. We can foresee the impending exhaustion of certain energy sources and the depletion of mini vital raw materials.
To control our reproduction is crucial. This will require major changes in our attitudes and customs. Unfortunately, the inertia of human habits can be extreme.This is especially true when those for whom custom is a dominant force are uninformed of the need for change.
No person should be brought into the world unwanted and unneeded. No child should be conceived through carelessness.
The need is urgent and should take precedence over other problems, even those relating to national defense. Population control is a global problem. Overcrowding human beings in conditions of squalor and ignorance is dehumanizing."
- Robert C. Christian
Common Sense Renewed
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nihilosphere · 16 days
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"Chaos is what we've lost touch with. This is why it is given a bad name. It is feared by the dominant archetype of our world, which is Ego, which clenches because its existence is defined in terms of control."
- Terence McKenna
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nihilosphere · 1 month
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Hold under the most criticism that which you hold the most sacred.
Truth lies far beyond idealism.
Truth and comfort are mutually exclusive. Your comfort zone is a trap. Truth exists in your challenges and your struggles. Truth lies in your discord.
Every answer yields another question.
The tide will always turn.
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nihilosphere · 2 months
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“Everything you see is in the process of falling to pieces … and Kali is standing there as the manifestation of what will happen to everything and everyone. There will be total destruction and reversion of everything into something new.”
- Dr Robert Svoboda
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nihilosphere · 2 months
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"There in a whirl of Chaos dwells eternal wonder.  Your world begins to become wonderful.  Man belongs not only to an ordered world, he also belongs to the wonder-world of his soul.  Consequently , you must make your ordered world horrible, so that you are put off by being too much outside Yourself.
You open the gates of the soul to let the dark flood of Chaos flow into your order and meaning.  If you marry the ordered to The Chaos , you produce the Divine Child, the supreme meaning beyond meaning and meaninglessness.
But for him who has seen The Chaos, there is no more hiding, because he knows that the bottom sways and knows what this swaying means he has seen the order and the disorder of the endless, he knows the unlawful laws. He knows the sea and can never forget it.  The Chaos is terrible. Days full of lead, nights full of horror.
But just as Christ knew that he was the way, the truth, and the life, in that the new torment and the renewed salvation came into the world through him, I know that Chaos must come over men, and that the hands of those who unknowingly and unsuspectingly break through the thin walls that separate us from the sea are busy.  For this is our way, our truth and our life.
The magical way arises by itself.  If one opens up Chaos, magic also arises."
- Carl Jung
The Red Book
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nihilosphere · 3 months
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The path of the initiate is a winding one. The very nature of our ascent is serpentine. It twists, turns. coils and goes back into itself. Ascension through the spheres is a gradual process. The mystic must take his time, watch his step and perform his work with devotion, or he will be consumed and annihilated by the Great Chaos. The Dragon compels us – but by degrees.
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nihilosphere · 3 months
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"Blessed are the meek. For they shall inherit the earth."
Matthew 5:5
The meek can have the Earth. Look at the state the meek have left the Earth in. Everything is a disaster. Nature is being destroyed.  Everyone has some kind of condition. We can't breathe each other's air anymore. Humans have become a malignancy. "Civilization" has become a cancer. Our ideologies are illness.
But fear not - The Earth will eventually reset the balance. My eyes may not see it, but I feel a great satisfaction in knowing that the reckoning is coming. The only solution now is annihilation. Then things can start anew. Possibly without humans at all.
And so, for now, meek ones - the earth is yours. Enjoy your manifestation. Hails to those who find beauty in the cruelty of Mother Nature. The whole of humanity shall suffer all it deserves.
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nihilosphere · 3 months
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"Death is our eternal companion. It is always to our left, at an arm's length... It has always been watching you. It always will until the day it taps you."
"How can anyone feel so important when we know that Death is stalking us?"
"The thing to do when you're impatient is to turn to your left and ask advice from your Death. An immense amount of pettiness is dropped if your Death makes a gesture to you, or if you catch a glimpse of it, or if you just have the feeling that your companion is there watching you."
"Death is the only wise adviser that we have. Whenever you feel, as you always do, that everything is going wrong and you're about to be annihilated, turn to your Death and ask if that is so. Your Death will tell you that you're wrong; that nothing really matters outside its touch. Your Death will tell you, 'I haven't touched you yet.'"
- Journey To Ixtlan
Carlos Castaneda
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nihilosphere · 5 months
I was wondering if there are any specific philosphers or specific philosphies influences your spirtual work and or view on the cosmos it self.
I apologize for the extremely late reply. I don't spend much time on social media and have all notifications disabled. As for your inquiry, it would be difficult to boil it down to a few essentials. My study involves much input from many different sources. But none as important as my direct experience and gnosis. I would highly recommend the book Federick Nietzsche & The Left Hand Path for a fascinating study on the philosophical influence Nietzsche had on left hand path occultism. Manly P Hall is another favorite mystical philosopher of mine and, while not left hand path, he speaks of hidden universal truths in a captivating manner. I recommend The Secret Teachings Of All Ages and The Initiates of The Flame. Anything you can get your hands on by Johannes Nefastos would be of benefit, particularly his books Fosforos and The Catecism Of Lucifer. AMSG by Valentin Scavr is worth reading as well. And while not occult, Yukio Mushima's Sun and Steele is a big part of my ethic and lifestyle.
There are thousands more but I will leave you with those for now..
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nihilosphere · 5 months
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"The great Dragon was hurled down— that ancient serpent called The Devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him." - Revelations 12:9
Taking on a Draconian system as a western practitioner requires a great deal of de-conditioning to acclimate to. I have come to understand that The Dragon can represent something that can either be an obstacle or a tool. It can be something that destroys you or strengthens and evolves you. The Dragon can symbolize something to be overcome - and a force to be worked with, exercised and aligned with.
The Fires Of The Dragon Purify Me.
1) original photograph art
2) Helix Nebula photographed by Hubble Space Telescope
3) taken from the front cover of The Serpent Power by Sir John Woodroffe
4) unknown
5) The Great Dragon - Ekaterina Devi
6) original artwork generated by Stable Diffusion Ai text to image generator.
7) The Devil Of Sorcery - Nestor Avalos
8) The Great Seal of the Order Of Dragon Rouge
9) original artwork
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nihilosphere · 7 months
I've found your blog really interesting and learned some interesting things through it.
I'm rather new to the anti-cosmic path, so I was wondering if there are any books you would recommend to read.
In Nomine Chaos!
Greetings. I'm glad you have gained something from my content. I would recommend two books for starting out:
• Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic - Thomas Karlsson
• Apotheosis - Michael W. Ford
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nihilosphere · 11 months
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The inner discipline of self is the core of resistance against exterior stimuli. Yet how many of us are truly willing to embark on an excursion into our inner soul, to seek what lies within our silent minds? Could the effects of anesthetics, stimulants, and even hallucinogens be harvested from our dormant gray matter by exercising one's mental prowess over so-called 'reality'? It certainly seems possible. By overtly pushing the physical being and spatial status into a secondary plane, one allows the power of the mind, and all its huge vistas of yearning, to become the more dominant of the two. Pain can be eradicated, sleep withstood, visions awakened, and the seemingly last reserve of strength tapped again and again! This is accomplished not by drugs, but through the concept of mind over body, of mental dominance over falsely imposed physical barriers and previously accepted normalities. The choice of discovery is yours: welter in futility and waste at the expense of your own self advancement or establish new laws applicable to any being!
- The Conqueror Manifesto
P Helmkamp
*photo credits:
1) Alexandre Araújo
taken from 'Black Flame: Study & Practice Of The Anticosmic Tradition' by Tau To Naas
2) Christos Beest
taken from 'Dark Gods In The Spheres and Pathworkings' by Magister Hagur
3) Elda Isela Ford
taken from 'Liber HVHI' and 'Ahrimanic Yoga' by Michael W. Ford
4) unknown
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nihilosphere · 2 years
Ave Saturni
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nihilosphere · 2 years
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"Evil" is a manifestation of Order/Creation. Chaos is amoral. There is no inherent evil in Chaos. Only limitless possibility and lawless perfection. The Dragon is our Avatar - a symbol of our aspirations and our gnosis. Chaos is Liberation. Chaos is Truth. 
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nihilosphere · 2 years
Music: Richard Moult - Suite For Titouan V
From the album Solos & Duets - recorded on the shores of Loch Eve, North Scotland, January 2011. 
* I do not own the rights to any music or video footage presented in this video.  I was inspired to edit these images together with this music out of appreciation for the beauty of Mr. Moult's music and a love of cosmogonic activity.  This is an inspired work of homage and tribute to the beauty and mystery of the vast unknown processes of the universe.
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nihilosphere · 2 years
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Distinctions are regularly made about individual devotion to the path. Since opening this account, I have been contacted by individuals who make talk of who is "true" and who is not. Such declarations are the product of ego and far removed from the Path Of Adeptship. The True Seeker is not looking to outdo anyone. They are on a personal quest. The True Initiate does not view their activities as a competition with others. They are only in competition with themselves. The only "power" they wish to have is over themselves. The Knowledge they seek is utilized for the purpose of transmutation into Wisdom. Contact with The Acausal is meant to bring them to understanding and, eventually, Unity. Let us recognize that all the actions we perform - from Study to Practice, from Meditation to Ritual - is all, in the end, meant to bring us into contact with Our Higher Self. And from there, we proceed into The Beyond. This is The Path -  regardless of your preferred System.  Those who are "false" are of no consequence to someone focused on their goal of Enlightenment. Falsehood filters itself out in this realm and we leave them behind as we ascend.
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nihilosphere · 2 years
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