naminewalton · 6 years
what the FUCK is up kyle i just had an anxiety attack logging into this account accidentally
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naminewalton · 7 years
Hidan was beyond confused when he first received the invite from Namine. His faulty memory had proved to be a problem when he spent a few minutes trying to connect a face to the name. Not that it’s a very common name; he couldn’t really couldn’t recall where he’s heard it from before. ‘Namine’
A wave of embarrassment hit him like a ton of bricks. Oh, right. The drunk girl he invited home, almost hooked up with, but spent the rest of the night cleaning up her uncontrollable sickness. He couldn’t decide which was more awkward to deal with that night, her sloppiness or her anxious hangover.
In short, that night had an unbelievably bad vibe. It didn’t take long for him to block it from his mind and hope to never think of it again. He assumed it was the same for the blondie- you know, until today apparently.
The man felt obligated to go, whether he wanted to or not. He still felt the slightest bit of guilt for the accident, it would be shitty to refuse such a nice invitation. So, he went. The little coffee shop near campus was always buzzing with college students- how weird could it be?
He entered the shop and spotted Namine almost immediately. He maneuvered his way to her table, and took a seat.
“Hey, what’s up?” He consciously tried speaking in a calmer tone than usual, vaguely remembering the girls demure nature.
She looked a hell of a lot better than the last time he’s seen her. Clean outfit, brushed hair, and even a smile drawn on her porcelain face. He was prepared to comment on her appearance, until something on the table threw him off.
There were two cups in front of him. One was clearly Namine’s, but the other was a mystery. There weren’t any other seats occupying the table, either. Hidan quirked a brow, suddenly very confused.
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“Is there someone else here, or…” He pointed to the cup, quickly scoping the inside of the shop.
at his confusion, namine felt a little embarrassed. was it wrong of her to buy him a drink? she always felt like treating her friends, or in this case, acquaintances. either way, this man had helped her out in a messy time, so she felt like he deserved a little coffee. trying to not feel so awkward about things suddenly, she readjusted the smile on her face and straightened up.
“i --- uh, i bought you a coffee. it’s for you!”
she beamed at him for a moment before reaching on the table, holding up the bag to bring to his attention and hand to him. she wasn’t really sure if he wanted to hang around for long, considering she did sort of spring this on him out of the blue. she just loved taking any opportunity she could to make friends, and she thought this was perfect. then again, she was the one lacking memory of the oh so infamous night.
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“anyways, uh, here’s your shirt. i washed it and everything. but, uh... i was...w-well i was sort of hoping we could catch up. in a more...normal situation. but if you’re busy, it’s fine...”
internally, she was screaming at herself. why does she always mess things up? this was embarrassing. 
second chances || namine & hidan
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naminewalton · 7 years
Of all the useless classes the administration had decided to throw him into, art was the most unbearable. At least in his other classes, he could pretend to be taking notes or doze off behind an upright text book. There was no escaping the responsibility that came with a basic art class and all of the stupid exercises it entailed. Draw your favorite place. Draw a household object in three different ways. Draw an apple from five unique angles. By the end of the first week, Vanitas had grown nauseous at the thought of another “drawing exercise”.
The very last thing on his mind was the little project he was expected to turn in at the start of the second week. It was another useless exercise, pushed to the back of his mind as soon as he scrambled out of the art room on Friday afternoon.
Here it was, ten minutes prior to his Monday art class, and he was without a project to turn in. It wouldn’t have been so much of a problem if it wasn’t worth a good chunk of his grade, and he needed decent grades to stay in the university.
Vanitas sat at his designated spot at the art table, mindlessly etching profanities into the wood with the tip of his pen. He was frustrated; art wasn’t like other school subjects where he could pass by copying other students’ work. It was too late to skip class and too late to whip something up, so Vanitas was left with one option.
Golden hues scanned the room in search of his victim. There weren’t too many students sitting around this early, but there were a few innocent lambs to choose from. He struggled to remember which of them were decent artists. His attention fell onto a small girl with blonde hair and a sketchbook in front of her. She looked distracted.  Easy prey.
Vanitas watched her for a minute longer, hoping that something would draw her away. If he could just get his hands on that book…
Luck was on his side. As soon as he was about to stand and create a disturbance himself, the girl jumped to her feet. Someone had called her name from the doorway – a friend? A classmate? He didn’t care. It gave him just enough time to leap from his seat, grab the sketchbook, and throw the binding open.
He flipped through the pages in search for something that he could use to turn in. There were plenty to choose from, but most had a perfectly neat signature on the bottom.
Namine Walton.
A name that sounded so proper and elegant that he wanted to vomit.
Vanitas settled on a picture that looked to be incomplete. It didn’t have her signature, but it was good enough to be turned in as it was. He tore it out of the book, dropped the cover shut, and returned to his seat before Namine ever returned from the doorway. Now that he had taken a second glance, he could tell that she was wrapped up in the arms of the same person that had called her name. They were giggling.
How sickeningly sweet.
Vanitas averted his eyes, irritated by the affection. He took the opportunity to scribble his name onto the picture in vibrant black marker.
Vanitas A. Jones.
“Good morning, everyone!” sang the cheerful art professor. “I hope you’re all ready for an exciting week. We have lots of fun exercises planned! But first, let’s all take out our weekend assignment! You were supposed to draw something that signified your personal happiness. Happiness comes in many different shapes and I can’t wait to see all the different perspectives you have!”
Vanitas set his chin in his hand and flashed a devilish smile in the professor’s direction. At the same time, he noticed the blonde return to her seat after her little cuddle in the doorway. She didn’t suspect anything.
The professor swooped by him sooner than he anticipated, but he was ready. He could feel her bird-like eyes examining the artwork over his shoulder, but her silence didn’t last long.
“Amazing! Mr. Jones, I didn’t expect you to be such an artist!” The professor held up the paper for the rest of the class to see; of course, he couldn’t miss the look of confusion and shock that came across Namine’s pitiful little face. “Look at the time and effort that went into this piece! Very nice work!”
“Thank you,” he cooed, flashing another grin towards the blonde like the little devil he was.
art class, for namine, was a sort of sanctuary. considering art was one of the things that really got her through life and improved her mood, a whole class on it was like heaven for her. she always put the most effort she could into her art assignments, taking pride in the work that she produced for a class. once a piece was finished, she didn’t mind showing it off or turning it in.
but one of her pet peeves was people seeing her unfinished work. those were the pieces she didn’t have her full confidence in, because there was always a lot of room for improvement. they were almost for her eyes only until she finished them. so she kept them neatly tucked away in her sketchbook, where she assumed people would have the decency to not snoop in.
for now, she was early in class, mindlessly doodling something in the corner of a page in her sketchbook, until she heard someone call her name. startled, she glanced up, only to see her favorite person ever in the doorway. her girlfriend. immediately she hopped up, leaving the sketchbook behind, to greet her girlfriend with a big smile and, on xion’s end, a hug.
 the affection in public usually flustered her, but it was just a hug --- enough that people would just assume they were friends. they caught up for a bit then sat down as class started. namine was really excited to turn in her work. she really liked the prompt, and honestly couldn’t wait to see what the other students had created too. well, that was until the teacher showed off one student’s work.
or, really, her work, but with an ugly ‘vanitas jones’ scratched in the corner. namine felt her soul sort of die. it wasn’t even one of her finished ones --- and here this guy was, smirking at her and getting admiration for work she created, that she hadn’t intended to share with anyone.
class went by fast after the incident, with namine’s heart nervously pounding the entire time, getting nauseous at the thought that she would definitely have to confront him. once class was over, namine told xion that she’d be right out, she just had to talk with someone real quick, and for xion to leave without her. so the other did.
immediately namine walked up to the raven-haired boy, her face flushed with embarrassment and anger still. it was just the two of them left in the classroom, as she blocked his path from leaving, her trembling hands holding her sketchbook.
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“why did you do that? why did you take my art? i --- i’m going to tell the professor. you can’t --- you can’t get away with that.”
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naminewalton · 7 years
Kurogane waited for her to come over and wordlessly handed her his helmet when she reached him; with his hand free, he then stripped out of his leather jacket because it was quite warm beneath, and he wiped away some sweat from his forehead with the back of his arm. 
“Yeah”, he said. “I never came around to show it to you. Got some time?”, he asked.
The bike was a blue Yamaha which had been tuned to accomodate him missing his left hand - all switches from the left side had been attached to the right. On the side of the bike, there was a silver tribal dragon design sprayed on by a friend he met at university, as well as the Kanji 蒼氷, Souhi - pale ice, the name of his bike.
surprise completely overcame namine as the man handed her his helmet wordlessly, not expecting the action so soon. it absolutely thrilled her, though. she held the helmet gingerly in her small hands, as if afraid she might mess it up with the wrong touch (but of course, she wouldn’t, it was a helmet, but still a foreign object to her). eyes wide, she marveled at the object for a second before bringing her gaze up to meet his, a wide grin blooming across her features.
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“yes! i --- i have all the time in the world!”
her attention shifted to the bike as she admired it from slightly afar, curling her arms around the helmet and clutching it to her chest absentmindedly. it was an action she usually did with her sketchbook, but now she had something different in her hands. slowly, she stepped closer and closer to the bike, getting incredibly excited at being so close. she threw a nervous glance back at the other.
“can --- can i touch it?”
I wish I was a punk rocker (Namine & Kurogane)
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naminewalton · 7 years
Tyki gives a deep sigh for himself, not over anything the other did, but more over the fact that even if he had tried doing better, it didn’t really seem like his save had worked. The fair girl seemed like she wanted to be anywhere else than where he was right now. 
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“Hm, it has. It was just after I joined the first time, so it has to be close to a year or more.” He were bad at time, but it felt like a year or more at least. Or that might just be because there had been so much back and forth since they met last. 
“So, how have you been then?” 
a year. what a year could bring. even though namine never really got close with this man, just thinking about the person she was a year ago...baffled her. she had changed so much, and so much in her life had changed, too. maybe he was even remembering the wrong namine, since she was so changed now. no, no, that was just her overthinking, but it did intrigue her how she might seem different.
then again, she could hardly remember much about the other, but one thing did change about him --- he was a little more aware of his smoking. at least he had that going for him. namine tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear, shifting her gaze down to her sketchpad.
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“i’ve been okay. how about you?”
at her question, her eyes raised to look at him, peering at him curiously. she definitely lied a little bit, but it was kind of rude to say anything else. besides, she was more curious about him. she’d rather worry about her own issues another day.
Learning [Tyki and Namine]
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naminewalton · 7 years
Hanzo couldn’t really help the fact that he wasn’t one to joke much – he was raised in a very… serious family, to say the least. His brother was the one who was more attuned to teasing and jests, as he was off having fun while Hanzo was being groomed for absolute perfection. His head tilted at her explanation of her joke, eyebrows furrowing.
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“…This is just how I look.” While he may have looked slightly more aggressive while zoned out and fighting, it was just a part of him. He always looked stern and commanding: another part of him being raised as a part of the Shimada clan. Looking the part was a lingering thing that he had mixed feelings about; sometimes it was better to just intimidate people away, but it didn’t really help him to make friends when he wanted to.
No, he certainly wasn’t in a good mood right now. But his eyes did lighten up a bit at one particular thing she said – something about asking to draw him? His features softened significantly, and his eyebrows once again lifted in question. “You… would like to draw me?”
the conversation seemed to be going worse and worse the more namine decided to open her mouth. she didn’t mean to offend, or confuse, but the man was obviously not picking up on anything she was saying. it was just...embarrassing. she didn’t even have the heart to explain herself anymore, because it just seemed like he wouldn’t pick up on what she was saying anyway.
but the subject changed. that was good. seeing the man’s features suddenly soften made namine relax a little, knowing he understood for once. she hadn’t expected this to be such a stressful interaction, so that tiny, slight change in his demeanor was practically a godsend. instantly she held up the sketchbook she had been carrying with her.
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“yes. if...that’s okay with you. a-and it’s totally fine if it isn’t --- i-i can leave you be if you want...”
nervously, she awaited his response, her head lowered so she was peering at him through her bangs. so far, he had proved to not be in the greatest of moods, and even though he may have softened a little, namine was still wary. just in case.
fighter and a half || namine & hanzo
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naminewalton · 7 years
Band practice goes smoother than usual. For once, none of them are even the slightest bit stoned, something Demyx muses might actually be a first for them. Not that the weed ever seriously slows them down; if anything it allows for their progress to be more creative… He thinks… But today’s practice is one of the most productive and effective sessions they’ve had so far, and as they high five and split apart for the night, Demyx lingers back a little. 
He’s got no real reason to stay behind, more just an unwavering curiosity than anything else, but he does. And honestly, he’s glad he does, because Namine is still sitting in a corner sketching away in her pad. Maxwell trots over to her, and Demyx slowly follows, his interest building with each step. 
But… As he draws near, he notes the sharp frown on her face. She doesn’t appear to be in the best of spirits, something that makes Demyx himself curl his lips downward. Hmm. Suddenly, he’s relieved he stayed behind. He doesn’t know what’s wrong but… Namine is just as much a band member as any of the rest of them are. He wants to take care of her too. 
Pausing, he waits for her acknowledge him before shifting closer. When she does not, he clears his throat. “Uh. Nami? Hey, what’s up? Practice ended, you don’t need to stay…” Fuck, he hopes he can help… “I mean unless you wanna chat or something. I gotta tear down for the night still-” A lie; they rest the place and can leave their instruments and equipment here all the time. “Nami?”
namine really, really likes being a part of the band. even if she only did poster designs for them or whatever, it was enough to make her feel happy to be included in something. she barely had any musical talent, so the drawing would do. she liked curling up with her sketchbook at band practices, the background noise of the band fueling her creativity.
and lately, the drawing and being with people was just the distraction she needed. things had definitely not been good on her end. what had happened earlier in the summer still weighed heavy on her shoulders, and today, it seemed more prevalent than ever in her mind. so she drowned herself in her drawing, absolutely getting immersed in what she was doing. so immersed, in fact, that she hadn’t noticed practice was over and almost everyone left.
it wasn’t until demyx spoke up that she was woken back up to reality. startled, she gasped and looked up at the other, before realizing it was just him. he didn’t scare her, he wasn’t going to take her sketchbook away and tear her drawings and --- she stopped herself. rubbing her eyes, she stared back at her unfinished drawing, trying to think of what to say.
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“s-sorry. i guess i got too into my drawing.” she faked a smile. “i’ll get going. sorry for bugging you.”
Empathy // Demyx and Namine
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naminewalton · 7 years
 Other than the routes between his classes that he had gotten used to, Eichi hadn’t quite explored any other part of the campus. It was an unfortunate consequence of taking a double major, but it was the only way he was able to conquer the Tenshouin corporation. Either way, he was ready to work himself to death to achieve his goal. Of course he wasn’t going to drop anytime soon, that would just be counterproductive. 
 Today however, one of his classes had unexpectedly cancelled which gave Eichi the free time to wander about the school’s corridors. Passing through the fine arts classrooms, sky blue eyes spotted a young lady occupying one of them. Overcome with curiosity, he carefully approached the girl with a friendly smile. One that he had practiced since he could walk. Even so, it was one that showed kindness. 
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 “Good afternoon~ May I ask what you’re up to there?”
sometimes, namine needed a bit of silence. it seemed as if everywhere she went, there was always a hint of background noise --- whether it was students chatting, janitors cleaning, birds chirping --- anything. usually she was good on ignoring it, but today even the slightest things were overstimulating her. obviously she was a little more on edge than usual.
however, she had her place she could escape to. usually she could find an empty fine arts classroom to hide in for a bit, just to let out her full creative freedom without getting distracted by minor things. the loneliness may get to her soon, but for now, she was perched at an easel, practicing her painting (which she normally didn’t have a chance for). 
she was soon interrupted by someone entering the classroom, and she was a little startled at first, but soon calmed down at seeing his friendly smile. he obviously didn’t have any bad intentions. still, she stood protective over her unfinished work, not really wanting him to try and peek at it or something.
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“oh, just...painting. do you...need something?”
❦art of commoners❦
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naminewalton · 7 years
Izumi couldn’t quite understand why it was that every time he tried to practice, someone was always interrupting him. However, it looked like this excuse wasn’t as stupid as he originally thought it might have been. She looked like someone who would get lost easy, wandering into the wrong rooms. But he might have been wrong.
She was nervous, stuttering and stumbling over herself. It showed him that she wasn’t confident, and that irritated him. Blue eyes focused on the sketchbook in her hands, and suddenly it all made sense. Artists of all varieties found inspiration anywhere and everywhere…just like an estranged composer he knew. He never understood it, and he didn’t want to either.
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He waved his hand, sighing. “No, you can stay. Talk confidently, otherwise people will dismiss you.” He took a small pause, now that his heart rate had spiked from getting scared by the damn door. Izumi couldn’t help but focus on the sketchbook in her hands, thinking for a few more moments. He would have to get her to speak clearly, without all the stumbling. It would make things easier. “You’re an artist then I take it. Are you looking for material or just passing through?”
a flush burned her cheeks. why did he have to bring up her speech like that? it was something her father might have told her, had she still been living with her parents, which left her with an uneasy feeling coiling in her stomach. she didn’t like that she stuttered sometimes, but she always got that way with strangers. she was constantly second-guessing herself with people she didn’t know.
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“sorry,” she muttered, voice barely above a whisper.
namine took a moment to try and compose herself, wishing the embarrassment would just wash away with the change of topics. she shifted slightly, knuckles white from holding on to her sketchbook so tightly. would he call her out on that too? suddenly she was feeling very hyper-aware of herself. it wasn’t a comfortable feeling.
“i --- well, uh, both, sort of. i like to wander and...find something that --- that captures my muse. and...i do like drawing dancers...”
at this point, she just wished god would personally strike her down the next time she stammered. it would be better than the boy mentioning it again.
Fancy Footwork | | Izumi & Namine
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naminewalton · 7 years
Saix carefully placed his telescope on the step outside the dorm, moving just next to it to check his pockets and make sure he had both his ID and keys with him. Once that was confirmed, he closed the door behind him, quickly scanning the grounds. It was very quiet, especially compared to the campus during daytime, only a few stragglers returning to their dorms and the distant sound of college kids on a Saturday. A nice change of pace.
He picked the telescope back up again, carrying it down the steps and across the quad, following the pathways until he reached one of the circular areas. Setting it down, he took out his phone to run a quick check over the location of the planet he was looking out for tonight, then crouched to look through the lens.
He took his time repositioning and adjusting the focus on the telescope. There was really no rush, since he should have at least another hour or two to find and watch the object that caught his interest.
it was late. too late for her to be out under normal circumstances, but namine rarely ever went to bed at a normal time. impa would probably scold her for running off when she should be getting back into a normal sleep schedule, but the strong urge to draw buzzing in her fingertips just couldn’t be ignored. she hoped her roommate would understand that --- she usually did.
the darkness, although scary at times, came as a bit of comfort to her. it was normal to be alone at this time of night. she wouldn’t get worried by seeing laughing friends hanging out on campus or anything of the like. a soft sigh escaped her as she loosened her grip on her sketchbook, deciding that she should relax. she just needed to find something to draw.
and something she did indeed find. as she slowed her wandering, she came upon a student looking through a telescope. the sight piqued her curiosity. so much, in fact, that she had to go up and actually approach the student, wanting desperately now to draw him. but she needed his consent. not wanting to startle him, she cleared her throat, hoping that would grab his attention before speaking up.
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“erm...sorry to bug you. i was just...wondering if i could draw you? i didn’t want to like...creep on you. and, well...you look very interesting, looking through your telescope...”
and secretly, she wanted desperately to look through that telescope (but she probably would never ask).
i shall not live in vain || namine & saix
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naminewalton · 7 years
Ah! He was finally noticed! What a good thing~ He offered her a warm smile, and he shook his head. “No! Why, I didn’t need anything, really! Unless you count the need to compliment your hard and Amazing and beautiful work a need, then I do have but one need from you! Amazing!”
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He restrained himself from throwing glitter, since he wasn’t sure glitter would even work with that backdrop, and plus, he really didn’t want to ruin her hard work. He had just gotten done complimenting it!
“How do you do it? You have such skill, I’m impressed! I’m also very thankful for what you do~”
the moment he started complimenting her art, she felt her cheeks flush in embarrassment. she never took compliments well. her lack of confidence in her art had always been a problem for her, so when someone told her exactly opposite of what she was thinking, she didn’t really know what to say. she knew it was rude to shut him down, but...what else could she do?
“i --- uh, th-thanks...”
namine’s voice was meek and quiet as she responded to him, avoiding eye-contact in order to make the embarrassment a little less unbearable. she wasn’t sure why he felt the need to bother a poor little crew kid like herself --- all the theatre kids seemed really good at that anyways, but not this kid. he continued on, and namine felt even shyer and shyer.
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“uhm...thank you, a-again. i don’t...know. i just...paint. l-like there’s a method for it, believe --- believe me, but, uhm...anyone can do it, really.”
Lights and Masks [Wataru + Namine]
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naminewalton · 7 years
second chances || namine & hidan
starter for @jashinloveshidan
one of the worst night’s of namine’s life unfortunately happened when she was with hidan. she also didn’t remember most of it, but she knew it was terrible from what hidan had explained to her the morning after. the whole ordeal was embarrassing, but it was an important first experience, and if it wasn’t for hidan it probably would have been a very unsafe experience.
well, that’s at least what namine believed, and with that, she believed hidan was a really great guy. she had kind of hoped that they could spend more time together, where neither were drunk or hung over or whatever --- just as friends. and namine had the perfect idea.
that’s how she ended up in the coffee shop, a nice little bag that held hidan’s shirt he had let her borrow, clean and folded up nicely inside, sitting on the table. she was waiting on hidan since they had made plans to meet here, and her drink she had ordered. well, not only her drink, because she ordered for him too, wanting to treat him. she checked the door every time someone walked in, and when she saw hidan step in, she waved and gave him a cheery smile.
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“hi, hidan! good to see you again.”
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naminewalton · 7 years
It began with a juice box.
Maybe Namine hadn’t meant to knock her juice box off the table with her elbow. Maybe it was a coincidence that the juice spilled across the floor just moments after Kyoko had gotten up to carry her tray to the bin. Maybe it was completely coincidental that Namine had left just enough juice in the bottom of the box to potentially make someone lose their footing if it were to spill across the cafeteria floor. The whole thing could have been coincidental, but there were too many “maybes” for Kyoko to believe it was an accident. When her heel hit the slick cafeteria floor and she went crashing backwards onto the tile, she knew there was someone to blame.
That someone was sitting at the end of the nearest table with a surprised “o” shape on her mouth; Namine looked surprised by her sudden fall, but Kyoko didn’t believe it for a moment.
She stood up and hovered over the blonde, raising a clenched fist. Her bottom ached from where it had slammed into the tile, though she didn’t show an ounce of pain or embarrassment from the fall.
“Who the hell do ya think you are, huh?”
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namine was not a petty person. truly. if she had a conflict with someone, she would just forget it and move on, probably avoiding the person at all costs. of course, namine wasn’t really someone who had conflicts with people. however, there was a certain girl that particularly rubbed her the wrong way when thinking about the last --- and first --- conversation she had with her.
she was sure that she would never run into the other again. from what she knew, she had left ttu for whatever reason. not her problem, whatever. so naturally it came as a surprise to see the face of probably the only person on campus she couldn’t stand in the cafeteria. the moment she saw her, she immediately looked away and kept herself from fuming.
negativity was not something she wanted right now. but she still was not on good terms with the other. she noticed she had gotten up and was moving towards where the blonde sat, not noticing. namine had the stupidest idea of maybe getting her to stumble over her juice box --- harmless, but satisfactory. so she sort of nudged the box of the table with her elbow, and ---
everything went to shit.
she really hadn’t intended for the juice to spill, or for kyoko to take quite a tumble, and she watched the scene with a look of horror. oh gosh, what had she done? things were escalating as the other stormed over to her, looking rightfully angry.
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“i --- i didn’t mean to!” she wailed, shying away from the other. it was...sort of true. that counted, right?
This Means War || Kyoko & Namine
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naminewalton · 7 years
He wasn’t at all pleased with her response, though he should have seen it coming. Gaston’s demeanor altered for a moment when she mentioned a map. That was the thing he was avoiding the most. Plus he didn’t want to seem like an idiot for not understanding how the map work. “A map? Oh of course…is there any place to get?” He pushed back a few loose strands of his hair.
“Must of forgotten to get one after applying.” He lied as he eyed the trash can he recent used to chuck his map at. It was if it were mocking the brute for his action. He mentally waved his fist at it, his eyes darting back to the girl. 
She was quite cute. Such wide blue eyes, nice blonde here. So tiny like a little mouse. She also seemed innocent, or at least that’s what it appeared.  The brute let a friendly smile at her.
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“Oh how rude of me. I’m Gaston, and who’s this lovely lady?” He winked at her.
it was her own mistake to mention a map, because she honestly had no idea where to find one. she used to have one when she just started school at ttu, but that was over a year ago, and she knew she probably got rid of it by now. she frowned, wondering where they could find a map. she had been hoping he had one, but obviously he wouldn’t be asking if he did...
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“i’m not sure. uhm --- i mean, maybe we can find it by looking around. i’m always wandering on campus...”
it was true. namine usually found her way around campus by just wandering, taking in the scenery and finding all sorts of new spots to draw in. that sort of thing was okay when she was by herself, but she wasn’t sure how much he would like it. quickly, she had an idea. 
“if you’re new, i can show you around. and then maybe we’ll stumble across the gym.”
he caught her slightly off-guard with the ‘lovely’ things, but she quickly gave him a shy smile. “oh --- my name is namine. it’s --- it’s nice to meet you, gaston.”
Little Mouse | Namine and Gaston
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naminewalton · 7 years
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namine is my go-to when i try out new styles because of her simple design
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naminewalton · 7 years
It took a while before Kurogane had the opportunity to fulfill the promise he gave Namine one late autumn night at the lake. Shortly after meeting her, he got himself beaten up so badly that he couldn’t ride his bike for weeks because several of his ribs had broken; afterwards, in the winter, he kept his bike inside and didn’t use it. Spring came around and he blew the winter dust off his beloved blue Yamaha, but by then, he had already moved off campus and took his bike with him. 
It took over half a year, when summer came around and Kurogane came to university with his bike every day again, that he saw Namine going down the quad near the parking lot where he had just parked his bike, and he suddenly remembered his promise. It felt like that night had been ages ago, maybe in a different lifetime.
He got off the bike and took off his helmet when he saw the short blonde walk past. A lot had happened since that night in Kurogane’s life - really, it probably was safe to say that he was a bit of a different man by now. He knew that things must have changed for Namine as well, at least a little, since she now was the girlfriend of one of his best friends.
Still in his leather jacket and with his biking gloves on, the helmet tucked beneath his left arm, Kurogane raised his voice. “Oi”, he yelled loudly to get Namine’s attention. “Walton!”
a lot had happened since kurogane and namine had first met. that much was obvious. she had nearly forgotten about that night, but she remembered his promise. one day, maybe she would see his bike, and see him again. she knew he was friends with her now girlfriend, so she would come across him every now and then, but never long enough to strike up a conversation. and, in a way, namine missed him.
there was definitely a desire for her to get to know him better --- she enjoyed the talk the two had by the lake, but she never really thought about it too much after the encounter. there was just so much going on with her life now --- from getting a girlfriend and two pets, to recently getting disowned, it was a lot to take in. for now, however, she was trying to not let it all get to her.
so she decided to find somewhere to settle down and just draw outside, in order to relax and get her mind off things. she had been walking around, deciding to see if she could find some place to new to draw at, until she heard someone call her name. well, her last name. startled, she abruptly stopped walking and turned to the source of the voice, pleasantly surprised to find it was a friendly, familiar face.
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“oh, hi!” she gave a small wave, walking up to kurogane, noticing his bike gear, and getting excited. “it’s --- it’s been a while! i, uh, see you have your bike with you...” she smiled, clasping her hands behind her back, peering up at him hopefully.
I wish I was a punk rocker (Namine & Kurogane)
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naminewalton · 7 years
Starter for @naminewalton
There was a change to the fashion program at TTU: it wasn’t just about clothing fashion anymore…face fashion was included. And by “face fashion,” the university meant make up…Mettaton’s specialty. Years of performing in drag and spending hours upon hours of experimenting with make up has brought him to this point: to teach a small class about “proper” make up application. 
Today was the start of the class: it would run Monday, and Wednesday, for a half-hour. This would last the full semester. Mettaton’s job: teach them how to apply: primer, foundation, concealer, “baking,” contouring, and highlighting. This was going to be a cinch! Well…if anyone would show up.
“Okay, what in the hell? I know I posted flyers all over campus.”
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Then the door opened, and in walked a small blonde girl.
“Hello darling~! How’re you doing today~? Please, take a seat! ….you’re probably going to be the only one for today.”
namine doesn’t remember the last time she touched any sort of makeup. in fact, namine isn’t sure if she’s ever even touched makeup before. before college, her mom never even suggested it for her, and once in college, namine never found the desire for it. appearances were not such a big deal to the artist, especially since she had a cute face without makeup anyways.
still....as she explored social media more, she couldn’t help but admire the beautiful girls with perfect makeup all over instagram, or watch the cool makeup tutorial videos on youtube, and want to do the same (and also wanting to impress xion). but she had absolutely no idea where to start. sure, she was an artist, but the thought of putting anything near her face was...a little scary. 
luckily for her, apparently makeup classes being held on campus, which fit perfectly into her schedule, and were just what she needed.
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 so, overcoming her shyness, she showed up, and was immediately overwhelmed. whoever this person was, they were...very energetic. being the quiet, meek thing she is, she merely shuffled to the back of the class and sat herself in the corner, hoping someone else would show up so she wouldn’t have to be so...obviously awkward.
Time To Get Painted Darling!
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