linathetaurus · 4 years
"Principles of Visual Interpretation in Xelena González’s All Around Us" by Lina Scott
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Poster presentation link: https://youtu.be/0dK_GlReDEY
What was the most interesting or surprising thing that you learned as you researched and worked on this project? 
The most interesting thing I have learned while researching for this project is that something that may come across as simple like a children’s book, can actually be analyzed deeply. This made me realize how complex children’s books are and how much thought goes into them. I also came to have more appreciation for the thought that goes into literature, diverse children’s literature specifically. 
 Why did you choose to work with this text from the syllabus? 
The artwork in this children’s book interested me and it was my favorite among all the books we read this semester. In relation to my research proposal, the book’s illustrations also gave me a sense of calmness and happiness because of the colors and shapes used. I also liked that the book had such an important lesson to teach to young students and taught it in a way that students are comfortable with. I found this book to be versatile in addition to being a high quality piece of children’s literature.
How will you apply what you learned or discovered during this project to your teaching or professional goals beyond this course? 
This project has helped me better analyze children’s books which will come in handy when picking out books for my future students.  I will look for books that are high quality in representing diverse cultures and can be used to teach an important life or academic lesson. Working on this project has also helped me with understanding and annotating scholarly texts as well, which is something I have always had trouble with and will come in handy in my academic career.
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linathetaurus · 5 years
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