lepusoferos · 2 years
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lepusoferos · 2 years
Celebrating the Autumn Equinox Called Mabon
The Celtic festival known as Mabon takes place on the Autumn Equinox. Mea'n Fo'mhair is the name that the Druids give to this festival, during which they pay homage to the Green Man, who is considered to be the God of the Forest, by pouring libations for
The Celtic festival known as Mabon takes place on the Autumn Equinox. Mea’n Fo’mhair is the name that the Druids give to this festival, during which they pay homage to the Green Man, who is considered to be the God of the Forest, by pouring libations for the trees. At this time, it is permissible to make offerings of ciders and wines, as well as herbs and fertilizer. Mabon, like Ostara, is an…
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lepusoferos · 2 years
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I am so ready for autumn, can't wait to celebrate Mabon
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lepusoferos · 2 years
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How have you lovely creatures been liking the tarot challenge so far?!
REMEMBER, you can always catchup by doing the sections in spreads 🙌🏼🖤.
Keep tagging us at #cactarotchallenge
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lepusoferos · 2 years
Lucky color of the Day
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Lucky color of September 6, 2022
Lemon is symbolic of happiness, joy, optimism, positivity, clarity, energy, enlightenment, remembrance, intellect, honor, and loyalty. It is known to help clear negative energies, and increase calmness, love, honesty, kindness, inner peace, truth, and emotional depth and devotion.
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lepusoferos · 2 years
Celebrating Mabon 🍂
🍂 Bake! Apple pie, pumpkin pie, caramel tart, cinnamon rolls, caramel cookies.
🍂 Eat: corn, apples, plums, grapes, BBQ chicken, pies/tarts, cinnamon donuts.
🍂 Indulge in the fruits of the season.
🍂 Buy fruit & vegetables from a local farmers market.
🍂 Acknowledge & burn or release any bad habits.
🍂 Visit the cemetery or graves of loved ones lost.
🍂 Take care of plants & gardens: weed, sow, repot, fertilise, mulch, prepare frost protection etc.
🍂 Harvest any home grown fruit or veggies.
🍂 Bask in nature!
🍂 Star gaze, have a bonfire & fire gaze as well.
🍂 Watch: Brave, Pocahontas, Open Season, Spirit, Brother Bear, Fly Away Home.
🍂 Research the history & folklore of Mabon.
🍂 Express gratitude! Reflect on successes/ failures & celebrate blessings!
🍂 Declutter & deep clean the house in preparation for Winter.
🍂 Wear gold, red, brown or yellow.
🍂 Do a Mabon rune cast or tarot spread.
🍂 Donate time, money or items to a charity.
🍂 Meditate, write in journal, do yoga & raise vibration with music.
🍂 Review what is in & out of balance/harmony.
🍂 Have quality family time; no screens, outdoors & include pets.
🍂 Create a Mabon mood board on Pinterest.
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lepusoferos · 2 years
Mabon Resource Masterpost
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A collection of categorized links for your Mabon needs! What is Mabon? [X] Mabon is celebrated between September 21st to September 29th (March 21st to March 29th in the S. Hemisphere) and is also called: the Autumn Equinox or the Second Harvest Festival.
The Basics:
Ways to celebrate Mabon
What is Mabon?
Mabon: A small guide
The Autumnal Equinox: Finding balance as the cycle ends
Solitary Autumn Equinox
Secular celebrations - autumnal equinox
Low spoon Mabon ideas
A lazy witch’s Mabon
Mabon ideas!
Mabon Crafts:
Floating acorn cap candle
Mabon burlap wreath
Mabon wreath
Apple bowls
Mabon Recipes:
Mabon stew
Mabon pomegranate chicken
Grandma’s pumpkin bread
Easy pumpkin muffins
Mabon apple twist bread
Fresh apple autumn cake w/ honey cinnamon glaze
Stuffed apples for mabon
Lavender cider tea / Mabon cider
Mabon Spells:
Mabon spell
Mabon charm sachet
A Mabon ritual
An autumn ritual
Autumn blessings
Mabon Tarot Spreads:
Mabon spread (3 card)
Harvest wisdom (3 card)
Mabon/Harvest spread (4 card)
The balance (5 card)
Fall harvest tarot spread (7 card)
Mabon delicate balance spread (9 card)
Autumn equinox spread (12 card)
Mabon sigil
Mabon bath
Mabon/Autumn Equinox playlist
Crystals for the Autumn Equinox
Mabon masterpost
Last udated September of 2021, please inform me of broken links via askbox!
Imbolc / Ostara / Beltane / Litha / Lammas / Mabon / Samhain / Yule / Bedridden ideas
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lepusoferos · 2 years
Witch Tip 73
Witchcraft shouldn t feel like a chore. Don t force yourself to cast a spell or do divination everyday if you don t feel like it.
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lepusoferos · 2 years
Can be used for cleansing, healing, prosperity, protection, and confidence.
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🌸It's high vibrations makes this flower great for those experiencing nightmares. Add the petals to a sachet and place it under your pillow. It will act as a ward against nightmares.
🌸Add peony petals to incense blends, baths, oils, charms, or poppets.
🌸Mix with cleansing herbs to add healing magick.
Click on the link below to purchase a little peaceful sleep pillow that has peony petals!
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lepusoferos · 2 years
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Pʜᴏᴛᴏɢʀᴀᴘʜʏ ʙʏ Nᴏɴᴀ Lɪᴍᴍᴇɴ.
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lepusoferos · 2 years
vintage headers, dividers, and other images for your digital grimoire/book of shadows
i've compiled several images i've been using for my digital book of shadows, and thought i'd share some of my favorites!
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lepusoferos · 2 years
Casting Glamours
What is a glamour?
Stemming from the old Scots word, a “glamour” (always spelt with the British “ou”, as we are referring to the spell not the trait) is a kind of magickal spell or enchantment that a person casts upon an object, a person, or themselves to confuse, bewitch or obscure the senses of other observers. For instance, a pickpocket may use glamours as a means of assisting in the avoidance of detection, and a secret Witch may use a glamour to hide their spell supplies. Glamours are also one of the primary spells that the Fae Folk use to hide their presence, and also to make mischief and cause harm to intrusive or blundering humans who offend them. 
Why have I never heard of this before?!
Probably because it’s not very flashy and, by its very nature, it’s centred around concealment. Glamours are very powerful, very useful spells, but they don’t involve love or money or luck or happiness and so they tend to be overlooked by most novice or self-taught Witches. They’re also quite hard to perfect, and so many more experienced Witches give up before they have mastered them.
They are simultaneously very simple spells to perform, but very difficult to perfect, as they require significant effort of Will and a lot of practice but if you achieve a true glamour it can be one of the most powerful spells in any Witch’s arsenal. It’s also worth noting, however, that glamours do not conceal things from machines. Machines like metal detectors, security cameras and proximity detectors don’t have minds, and as such they cannot be fooled by magick that affects the mind and how the brain perceives senses. They also work poorly on animals, especially cats. Do not try to fool a cat with a glamour. Dogs are often confused by glamours, but generally see through them with time, and snakes and lizards are completely immune as far as I can tell (since their minds are not concerned with things that glamours affect).
OK, but how do I cast a glamour?
The first step is, as with all spells, to decide to do it. Decide “I am going to cast a glamour”. Know it in your soul, know that what you will do is magick, it is a glamour, and that it’s purpose is to hide yourself. Glamours on yourself are generally the easiest to start with, because they are the easiest kind with which to tell when something needs improving. 
Secondly, you must visualise strongly - and I mean REALLY strongly, let it consume your being - the purpose of the glamour. Fill yourself with the knowledge how how it will work, what it will do, how it will work. If you are looking for a glamour of imperception, whereby you attempt to make yourself hard to see by convincing the minds of people around you that you are utterly uninteresting and forgettable, fill yourself with that. Let to complete and utter truth of that ring through your head; 
“I am forgettable, I’m not even here. You don’t remember me, I’m utterly boring, I’m just another part of the background. Everything about me is empty and dull. There is nothing here”
And similar such truths. Let your Willpower make them true, let their truth fill the world around you through the strength of your visualisation.
Thirdly, sustain it. This is the hardest step, but a glamour will only last for as long as it is sustained and remembered. If you are visualising a glamour on something that moves or changes (such as yourself) this can involve literally constant reinforcement - never ever stop thinking those reinforcing statements and pouring all your Willpower into them. For objects that are more static, for instance a chest containing spell supplies, this can simply involve a period of refreshment every evening whereby you place your hands upon it and refresh the enchantment you’ve placed upon the chest, reminding it of how completely ignorable and boring it is, reminding it that nobody will open it because nobody will care enough to try, that nobody will notice it because it’s so dull it’s not even there. 
That seems REALLY hard, is there a simpler way?
The short answer is, no. This is why glamours are often quite unpopular - despite their obvious power and usefulness, the sheer effort of Will that goes into the construction of a glamour, and the amount of practice you need to get really good, can scare off a lot of Witches from truly persisting. Those who need glamours are often the only ones who are really any good at them - the best glamour-caster I have ever known developed her skill during her life as a pickpocket, when she used glamours to avoid getting caught. The simple fact that she has no criminal record attests to their efficacy! But, it took her a very long time to get that good, and most Witches simply don’t care enough to try.
However, I urge you to do so! It’s such a rewarding skill, even if only so that you can be the undisputed champion of paintball and laser tag in your friend group because nobody ever sees you in the shadows. 
So there you are! The ancient, powerful, and mostly-overlooked art of glamours! I hope this helped all you lovely Witches!
– Juniper Wildwalk
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lepusoferos · 2 years
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lepusoferos · 2 years
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Vasilisa Donbay ph.
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lepusoferos · 2 years
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Trolls found in the Norwegian woods.
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lepusoferos · 2 years
Bedridden Witch: Wheel of the Year Edition
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These will be a combo of low energy and bedridden activities! Please note that absolutely nothing is required in order to honor the seasons besides witnessing them and trying to admire the things they bring <3
Purification, spring cleaning, home and hearth. Winter to Spring.
Light a candle or turn on an electric candle.
Open the curtains to let light in. 
Crack open all your windows to let in some fresh air.
Visualize a light cleaning each and every room in your home.
Spray a cleansing spray throughout your bedroom.
Clean an area in your home, big or small. (It could be as simple as making a pile of trash so it’s easier to move later.)
Wash your bedding or rotate your blankets and flip over your pillow.
Change your pajamas.
Bathe yourself (either in the tub or sponge bath style). Infuse some herbs/flowers into the water!
Low energy Imbolc + Imbolc masterpost
Bedridden witch: Cleansing + Bath Magic
New life, growth, celebration of lusciousness. Spring. 
Water your plants and whisper blessings to them.
Plant something new! It can be as simple as a beansprout in a paper cup.
Open the curtains to let light in. 
Crack open all your windows to let in some fresh air.
Spray floral water in the air and on your bedsheets.
Have someone bring you some spring flowers.
Draw flower designs or in pastel colors.
Make some herbal/floral tea or infusions.
Burn incense or smoke cleanse.
Drink lots of water.
Ostara masterpost
Bedridden witch: Garden + Pastel
Peak of life, renewal, fire. Spring to Summer.
Wake up earlier than usual to enjoy a full day of light.
Make flower crowns with real, fake or paper flowers.
Braid something (your hair, a bracelet, ribbons, etc.)
Make sure sunlight and fresh air can reach you.
Enjoy some fresh fruits, nuts and seeds.
Drink tea or water infused with fruit.
Decorate with/wear/create things with bright colors
Light a candle or turn on an electric candle.
Decorate a new pot for your plants (painting, sharpies, ribbons, etc.)
Write a list of things you would like to release and burn them (alternatively: tear it up and place in a glass of water).
Beltane masterpost
Bedridden witch: Nature + others linked above.
Sunshine, joy, celebration. Summer.
Make sure sunlight and fresh air can reach you.
Try to be awake and witness both the sunrise and sunset.
Pour an offering of water for the plants (indoors, outside or out the window).
Decorate with flowers and crystals.
Have a picnic (outside, on the kitchen floor or in bed).
Enjoy locally grown fruits and veggies.
Find a way to incorporate honey into your day (scrubs, food, tea, etc.)
Burn beeswax candles.
Listen to music that just sounds like summertime.
Make sun water or sun tea.
Bedridden witch: Elements + others linked above.
First harvest, gratitude, abundance. Summer to Autumn.
Eat grains and local veggies.
Eat bread or your closest alternative.
Start a new project like crocheting or knitting. This is also a great time to finish that project you’ve been avoiding.
Read an entire book, start to finish or finish a book you put down and forgot about.
Infuse berries into water.
Wear and decorate and create with browns, golds, dark greens, oranges and yellows.
Drink rich teas.
Decorate with sunflowers.
Make a mug cake (x)
Low Spoon Ways to Celebrate Lammas
Second harvest, balance, abundance. Autumn.
Drink apple cider or juice.
Decorate your home to make it look more like Autumn (fake or real leaves, acorns, paper cutouts, etc.)
Eat things like breads, nuts, grapes, pomegranates, pies, apples and root vegetables.
Wear/decorate/create with oranges, reds, golds and browns.
Write down all of the things you can think of that you’re thankful for.
Apple magic
Drink warm drinks like coffee or cocoa and add warming spices (cloves, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, etc.)
Create a picnic/feast wherever is reasonable, with a little bit of everything.
Pull up a video of leaves falling or a fire crackling.
Mabon masterpost
Final harvest, honoring ancestors, reflection. Autumn to Winter.
Spiced apple cider
Pumpkin pie, pumpkin spiced-things, pumpkin seeds.
Decorate with small pumpkins, paint them or draw on them if carving is too high-energy.
Create an altar honoring loved ones who have passed on, either a material one or a photo album online.
Pull up a video of a burning fire or light candles.
Turn off all of the lights and sit/lay in darkness.
Visualize your wards and boost your home protection.
Do spirit work/leave offerings for the spirits.
Burn incense/make a spray that smells of spices (cloves, basil, etc.)
Watch spooky/witchy movies.
Creating, sharing gifts and feasts, warmth. Winter.
Create an apple pomander with cloves or dried orange slices.
Watch videos of fires burning or snow falling.
Decorate with evergreen boughs, holly, pine cones, etc.
Make rosehip, peppermint, vanilla, rooibos or spiced tea.
Step outside/open a window to feel the cold air (if you live somewhere warm, do this in the early morning/night).
Handcraft gifts for loved ones or write heartfelt cards/letters to the people you care about.
Put birdseed outside/a bird feeder by your window.
Make a simmer pot, or use this idea to create a scented spray.
Wash your face with snow/cold water.
Drink hot or spiced drinks.
Yule masterpost.
Bedridden witch: Winter + others linked above. 
You may also like:
Bedridden Witch Series
Spoonie Witch Masterpost
Chronically ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
Mentally ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
My resource masterposts: Imbolc / Ostara / Beltane / Litha / Lammas / Mabon / Samhain / Yule
Links updated June, 2020. Please inform me of broken links via askbox!
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lepusoferos · 2 years
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Pinterest • https://www.pinterest.com
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