katanyakatanya · 3 years
Oh God, I'm missing the gene which makes you grow up and buy a flat in Streatham and start visiting Homebase every weekend. Everyone's moving on without me, into a world I don't understand.
pg. 161, Confessions of a Shopaholic - Sophie Kinsella (eISBN: 978-0-440-33445-3)
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katanyakatanya · 3 years
I'd feel completely paralyzed with misery and fear. So the trick I've learned is simply not to listen. My mind is very well trained like that.
pg. 130, Confessions of a Shopaholic - Sophie Kinsella (eISBN: 978-0-440-33445-3)
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katanyakatanya · 3 years
One dawn Jamie came across a pride of lions. He watched from a distance as the lioness moved toward her mate and their cubs, carrying a baby impala in her powerful jaws. She dropped the animal in front of the male and moved away while he fed. A reckless cub leaped forward and dug his teeth into the impala. With one motion, the male raised a paw and swiped the cub across the face, killing it instantly, then went back to his feeding. When he finished, the rest of the family was permitted to move in for the remains of the feast.
pg. 31, Master of the Game - Sidney Sheldon (1983)
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katanyakatanya · 3 years
Big business was a matching of wits, the courage to gamble and the instinct to know when to quit and when to press ahead.
pg. 156, Master of the Game - Sidney Sheldon (1983)
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katanyakatanya · 3 years
She had been trying to commit suicide without actually having the courage to do it.
pg. 311, Rage of Angels - Sidney Sheldon (1980)
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katanyakatanya · 3 years
Beware of people who say they're too rich to have to work for money.
pg. 269, Rage of Angels - Sidney Sheldon (1980)
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katanyakatanya · 3 years
Being a poor is only romantic in books.
pg. 244, Rage of Angels - Sidney Sheldon (1980)
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katanyakatanya · 3 years
If we want a spaceship built or the distance of a star measured, we call in the experts. But when we want something really important done, we collect twelve ordinary folks to do it. As I recall, the founder of Christianity did the same thing.
pg. 159, Rage of Angels - Sidney Sheldon (1980)
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katanyakatanya · 3 years
He had resigned himself to being a failure and was afraid to try for success.
pg. 45, Rage of Angels - Sidney Sheldon (1980)
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katanyakatanya · 3 years
He had retreated into an emotional fortress where nothing could touch him again.
pg. 26, Rage of Angels - Sidney Sheldon (1980)
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katanyakatanya · 4 years
Milik kita di akhirat hanya yang pernah dibelanjakan di jalan Allah. Selebihnya berpotensi menyusahkan kehidupan jangka panjang kita di alam barzakh dan di alam baqa di akhirat.
halaman 199, Shalat Sufistik: Meresapi Makna Tersirat Gerakan dan Bacaan Shalat (Prof. Dr. K. H. Nasaruddin Umar, MA, penerbit Alifia Books, cetakan 1, Mei 2019)
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katanyakatanya · 4 years
2020 Reading Challenge
I have read 52 of 52 books for the 2020 Reading Challenge! What should I read next? http://www.goodreads.com/user_challenges/19223541
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katanyakatanya · 4 years
Beberapa pelajaran hidup yang bisa kau tarik dari berkebun
“In just the manner that fruit is produced--the seed buried for a season, hidden, growing gradually so it may come to full maturity. But if the grain sprouts before the stalk is fully developed, it will never ripen .... That is the kind of plant you are, displaying fruit too soon, and the winter will kill you.” --Epictetus, Discourses, 4.8.35b-37
Fooling with books so you can sound smart or have an intimidating library is like tending a garden to impress your neighbors. Growing one to feed a family? That’s a pure and profitable use of your time. The seeds of Stoicism are long underground. Do the work required to nurture and tend to them. So that they--and you--are prepared and sturdy for the hard winters of life. 
(”15 September: A GARDEN IS NOT FOR SHOW”, The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations on Wisdom, Perseverance, and the Art of Living - Ryan Holiday & Stephen Hanselman, New York: Portfolio, 2016)
Ideas were like seeds and brains like soil: Sometimes the seeds took root, other times they perished, and in some instances they lay dormant for years before sprouting.
(pg. 134/176, The Misfit Economy: Lessons in Creativity from Pirates, Hackers, Gangsters, and Other Informal Entrepreneurs - Alexa Clay & Kyra Maya Phillips, New York: Simon & Schuster, 2015)
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katanyakatanya · 4 years
Sometimes in leaving everything behind, you are forced to radically reinvent yourself.
pg. 124/176, "Chapter 6: Pivot", The Misfit Economy: Lessons in Creativity from Pirates, Hackers, Gangsters, and Other Informal Entrepreneurs (Alexa Clay & Kyra Maya Phillips, New York: Simon & Schuster, 2015)
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katanyakatanya · 4 years
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katanyakatanya · 4 years
Intensitasnya melakukan latihan perang di masa damai harus lebih besar daripada di masa perang. Saat-saat damai hendaknya dijadikan persiapan untuk menghadapi perang.
Dalam latihan perang, penguasa dan tentaranya harus selalu disiplin dan terbiasa hidup dengan cara keras. Dengan demikian tubuhnya akan terbiasa dengan penderitaan.
halaman 68, 39 Tokoh Sosiologi Politik Dunia: Dari Socrates sampai Barack Obama oleh Choirul Mahfud (penerbit Jaring Pena, Surabaya, cetakan pertama, Februari 2009)
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katanyakatanya · 4 years
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Bukan semata-mata kesalahanmu :P
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