(guy who only ever listens to hozier and has synesthesia) wow it smells like hozier in here
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Hey, if you've got bear problems, I may offer bear solutions?
btw we've been secretly casting all the recently banned bear-related spells. so y'know. we have an army of entirely messed up bears.
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Yeah fair enough.
Hey. What if you just stopped listening to the wizard council.
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I missed that entirely, it seems. Mind if I ask what happened?
Hey. What if you just stopped listening to the wizard council.
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wait wait wait there are other druids??? Why are y'all not supposed to upset us??? Clearly I've been in the gardens too long.
Hey. What if you just stopped listening to the wizard council.
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I don't know much about wizard councils, but I will happily join something like this.
y'know what? sign up to be part of MY wizard council. there's only one rule and it's to not be a dick. no taxes.
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does anybody ever think about the fact that fwb situations fall under the qpr label? isn't that wild? we've got Defaults™ out here defying amatonormativity (and I'm sure closeted people as well) and they don't even realize that hey wait a minute there's a whole community that'd like to speak with you please
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okay but really, when you really think about it, what would be the harm in using the 'wrong' pronouns for like your dog. it don't care. dogs aren't smart enough to construct something like gender, socially speaking. bingus-pronoun your dog, everything is fake, be free.
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character lore
filled out a character sheet for Jay (not to be confused with Jay from STT, mind you) - i lost the link to the op but if someone finds it i'm more than happy to add it.
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Notes: The "unknown" is just additional text, the amount of space the bar behind it takes up pretty accurately about as much space as would be by what is known of his power level. He doesn't really go around testing his abilities unless it's necessary.
His species, the Upright Kakapo, originates from the magical embodiment of reincarnated Kakapo spirits from our realm. Capable of flight and equipped with hands hidden under the feathers at the wrist of the wings, he's able to do more physically with his new body.
Some kakapo remember their past life, most don't. It's difficult to hold onto memories without words or symbols of some kind to stabilize them around. The thing that Jay remembers most is the taste of rimu fruit, and as such he has devoted himself to archiving plants of all kinds from every realm.
He does have a few magical artifacts: his staff, which he mostly wears around his back to ground and channel in case of emergencies, a small carving of his familiar's species (artistic rendition pending) that serves as a key to his 'tower' (which is a burrow that's basically an upside-down tower) and as a smaller-scale channeling tool, a porta-portal frame, and a sentient, hollow orb that he fills with bioluminescence from plants for light when he and others may need it (he does have dark vision but you need light to see color).
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Poll time 2: Electric Boogaloo!
Same concept as the last poll, but with Discord! As before, reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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poll time!
This one's pretty important to me, so reblogs are absolutely appreciated! It's about worker's unions!
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yeah okay this is a thought
It needs to be said
[this is, by and large, directed at pluralphobic people; though I'm not sure if I'm ready to be known by that particular demographic, hopefully expressing the sentiment will do... something, I guess.]
Look, I know how ridiculous I seem to people who don't understand plurality. I know my very existence seems delusional. I'll admit that I'm perfectly aware that I'm not a full, independent human - I'm a reflection of the host's kindness, his caring nature. I'm aware that I'm not actually Dr. Harvey from Stardew Valley, just the embodiment of the host's interpretation of him.
But even if each and every member of our system was completely convinced that we were each whole people in the same manner as singlets who get a whole brain and body to themselves, even if each of us believed ourselves to be distinct personalities and transported directly from our sources - so what?
That doesn't give anyone any right to be cruel. Thankfully, nobody has been cruel in this particular space yet, but none of us should have to sit here and wait for the other shoe to drop. None of us should have to live in fearful anticipation of the day that we end up the target of mockery (in a dedicated space, no less!) because small-minded people aren't comfortable with our existence - regardless of how said existence is expressed.
No system is causing harm by nature of being a system. No system is any less of a person (or people/entity/entities) worthy of respect, autonomy, and/or self-determination by nature of their plurality. You've no right to make it your job to hurt and be cruel and nasty towards anyone(&) for how they cope.
Which, by the way, is a piece that I feel is often ignored by many participants on all sides of the plurality discourse - ultimately, plurality is a coping mechanism, often a trauma response. Not exactly something we can just sweep under the rug and ignore, and certainly not something I'd pat myself on the back for using as an excuse to be unkind.
We're by no means experts on this whole plurality thing. We're still pretty new to it ourselves, especially the vocabulary and discourse. But for the love of Yoba or God or whoever it pisses you off the most to hear me use their name in that manner, why the fuck can we not be kind to good-faith identities? Why is that so fucking difficult?
It doesn't take a doctor to see the harm that you're doing.
I don't really know how to conclude this if I'm being honest, but the long and the short of it is that this world desperately needs more kindness, and I'm sick and tired of watching people exacerbate that need because they think they're never wrong or some similar nonsense.
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time loop that’s set to end when you’ve completely fucked your life up in a blaze of hedonistic glory under the assumption that it’ll all just reset at the end of the day
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on aave (disclaimer i am not black so. y'know)
so are we (as non-black people) just not supposed to use aave at all, are there certain things that are acceptable and others that aren't (outside of the obvious like slur[s] and whatnot), or is the important part that we credit African American people and their culture for generating the vernacular we lift from the dialect for use?
If it's the third option, may I propose /aave as a text tag? i'd also like to propose that, when using aave or other frequently-wrongly-attributed vernacular/dialects, a notation symbol could be made similar to the trademark symbol (as silly as that sounds) to be sort of a nod to whoever it's borrowing from?
something that could be a special character that would be accessible with the rest of the special characters like accented letters and currency symbols and whatnot, and it would be formatted like the growth factor in an exponential equation (i think the proper term is supertext?).
because it might be a little ridiculous to go and put in every post with aave - or other dialects with similar tendencies to be misused - a big disclaimer that reads 'hey this is aave not whatever the fuck y'all appropriated it to be' or whatever like waving a big old banner around (though i'm not against that if that's what's appropriate), and this would, I feel, serve the same purpose much more concisely.
massive fucking disclaimer! I am not black! I just had an idea that I thought could be beneficial to the discourse, but my intentions are by no means to speak on behalf of or god forbid over people of a demographic im not a part of (and even have privilege over)! if you are part of the demographic that this applies to, feel free to tell me to fuck all the way off!
also feel free to repost this in your own words, take this idea and run with it, whatever, especially since my following isn't that large and I don't get the feeling that my primary demographic contains many of the people that this applies to (could be wrong. again feel free to tell me to shut up at any time).
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So is the time dimension relatively stable and self-repairing, then? Since there's been relatively few other side effects (I hope).
This is a bit out of my realm of expertise, but I might have some concentrated extract from bio-luminescent plants with magical properties, if that could be at all of use? I can throw in my best reactant (for this particular extract, anyways).
The light itself isn't magical, but the distillation process has imbued the extract with magic, so it's not exactly mundane, either. I have a floating light orb I like to fill with the stuff whenever I have company or need to see color in darkness that you can borrow.
Cast an Illegal Spell.
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second idea
browser extension that detects when you report a spambot follower, saves the pfp from the spambot, and places it in an archive so that people can check it and see if their photo has been stolen by spambots
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wikipedia browser extension that allows you to right-click something and go immediately to the wikipedia article for it. not sure what something is? now a boatload of information about it is just two clicks away!
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