inkindofmagic · 5 months
Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn ☿℞♑︎
December 2023
— Astro News
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The Third Mercury Retrograde of 2023 begins the Pre-Shadow in Sagittarius on November 25 at approx. 12:40 pm Universal Time*, 8:40 pm EDT, and 5:40 pm PDT.
Mercury goes Retrograde in Capricorn (8º 29') on December 13 at 7:09 am Universal Time, 3:09 am EST, and 12:09 am PST.
The Direct Station occurs in Sagittarius (22º 11') on January 2, 2024 at 3:37 am Universal Time, and on Jan 1, 2024 at 11:37 pm EDT, and 8:37 pm PDT.
The previous Retrograde in Capricorn occurred in December 2016.
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Discover more about Mercury Retrograde ✨here✨
Useful tips to survive Mercury Retrograde ✨here✨
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source astrologyhoroscopereadings.com
via @inkindofmagic
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inkindofmagic · 5 months
December Monthly Forecast
December 2023; Astrology and Horoscope
— Astro News
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❄️ Mercury's extended stay in Capricorn, between December 1st and January 26th due to its retrograde motion, focuses on precise communication and long-term goals. The transit prompts careful word choice and career planning, urging grounding meditations to address pessimism and problem clarity before solutions. This is a hybrid Mercury retrograde that spans Capricorn and Sagittarius. Reflecting on achieved goals, unresolved matters (Capricorn), and personal growth (Sagittarius) during this introspective period aids in integrating experiences. ☿℞♑︎
❄️ Venus moves into Scorpio on December 4th, embracing intense and passionate energy, contrasting its usual harmonious charm. Scorpio seeks all-encompassing love and authenticity, forgoing superficiality. ♀->
❄️ The New Moon in Sagittarius on December 12th initiates a journey of self-discovery. Yet, amidst Sagittarius' spontaneity, maintaining practicality becomes essential to avoid unrealistic expectations.
❄️ Capricorn Season, commencing on December 21st and culminating on January 20th, emphasizes wisdom and authenticity, transitioning from Sagittarius' exuberance to grounded stability without compromising the festive spirit.
❄️ The Full Moon in Cancer on December 26th encourages nurturing familial connections and introspection. Reflecting on the past six months helps in closure while fostering the inner child's needs.
❄️ The transition of Venus from Scorpio to Sagittarius on December 29th signifies a romantic shift towards liberation, adventure, and spontaneity, influenced by Sagittarius' expansive nature.
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via @inkindofmagic
source astromatrix
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inkindofmagic · 5 months
3 ways to take your power back
1. Stop over-explaining
❌ just... ❌ but... ❌ because...
Cease the habit of over-explaining yourself in every situation. Frequently using words like "just," "but," or "because" might lead to unnecessary justifications or trying too hard to convince others. Ask yourself: are these explanations truly necessary, especially if the audience might not value or appreciate them? Are they even worth it?
2. Stop expecting people to always read your mind
✅ I need... ✅ I'd like... ✅ Let's...
Avoid setting unrealistic expectations for people to always understand your unspoken thoughts or needs. Instead, actively communicate your desires, expressing what you need. Stop isolating yourself. Initiate conversations, expressing your preferences.
3. Stop ignoring your intuition
logic + intuition = 👌
Acknowledge and respect your intuition. While logical thinking is significant, our bodies and subconscious often provide signals that are closer to the truth. Tune in to your instincts and gut feelings, as they can often provide valuable insights that purely logical reasoning might overlook. Practice listening to and trusting your intuitive responses in various situations. Trust your guts.
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via @inkindofmagic
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inkindofmagic · 6 months
What I did during the full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus 🌕🐂🕯️
disclaimer: I'm not a professional anything but today I did a full moon "ritual" and I wanted to share it! Hope you'll enjoy it and hopefully be inspired~
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So this full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus is all about releasing, letting go of what no longer serves us. It's closing a big chapter started November 2021 and even though we may feel tired, even exhausted, we should take a moment for ourselves and take a deep breath. What I did wasn't properly a ritual, it was a series of actions done with intention (okay, perhaps it was, indeed, a sort of ritual)
I started by lighting a candle and put it near my bathtub
I filled the bathtub and used a bath bomb that I bought exactly for this event
I took a moment to enjoy the water, closed my eyes and rested in silence feeling my body
After that, I started taking my energy back. I've spent a lot of energy for people who didn't deserve it, so I said this, out loud, multiple times:
I lovingly and peacefully call all of my power back to me now
As I was saying that, I was visualizing all the energy in the form of a white light coming from them to me and entering my body once again.
I did it for as much time as I felt, until it was right for me. Then I started letting go. Similarly to the situation aforementioned, I was spending a lot of energies for the wrong people and, even if it may feel hard to do and sad, it is right to do the best thing for us and let go. So I started saying:
I accept what enriches me and I let go of what no longer serves me.
I was saying that taking deep breaths and letting stuff go as I exhaled and accepting while inhaling.
After that I started washing myself, as I did, I focalized with what I was saying and I also began to talk to the universe. I said how grateful I was for all the blessings it was providing me, and that as I washed myself I was reborn. Just like a snake, I was letting go of my old skin and mind, I was accepting to become my desired version of myself and I was so happy for everything the universe did to me, because I was able to be present in that exact moment. I was able to thank it and to accept all the blessings it is about to give me. I thanked it for always rooting for me and making everything fall into place just the way I want and it is supposed to be.
I then started to empty the bathtub, I continued talking throughout this process and I didn't leave the tub yet, I waited for the water to be all gone, with all the stuff I had released with it.
Once I was done I dried myself up and I did a thing that was mind-blowing for me: I cut my nails. I know it's nothing special, but it is something so simple that can become so meaningful if done with intention. I cut them visualizing everything I needed to let go and I was happy after I saw my nails pretty and without any superfluous emotions in them (as I was writing it I thought it could be something like "hair holds memory", why shouldn't nails? Of course it's a shorter amount of time but it's still time)
And that's about it, it was so good I had to share it right away, for closing my morning I will also do a special tarot reading and then I'll have a nutritious breakfast.
Hope this post reaches you and brings you some inspiration! Fair Winds~ 🧿
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inkindofmagic · 6 months
Lunar Eclipse in Taurus
Astro News
28 Oct 2023
Opportunities: Getting back to basics - Defining your value system Challenges: Letting go of what is no longer working - Using conflict productively
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A significant Lunar Eclipse involving five out of ten planets marks the end of a series of Taurus Eclipses that began in November 2021.
This Eclipse signifies the closure of a significant chapter characterized by themes of peace versus drama, security versus change, and comfort versus evolution.
Over the past two years, these themes have dominated collective experiences, underscoring the need to reflect on the journey.
As Full Moons are associated with release, this final eclipse prompts us to identify and let go of the last remaining attachments.
It's time to unburden ourselves, step into a new paradigm, and embrace change with courage.
The supportive influence of Jupiter encourages us to take bold steps toward transformation, despite Taurus's attachment to comfort.
The presence of the Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Scorpio compels us to act, as Eclipses accelerate cosmic energies and necessitate change.
Our evolving values require us to live in alignment with them, and careful planning must balance enthusiasm.
The Taurus-Scorpio axis offers the gift of transforming experiences, including trauma, pain, shadow aspects, and raw talents into valuable resources.
The ruler of this Eclipse, Venus, resides in Virgo, emphasizing the importance of knowledge, growth, and earthy wisdom.
This therapeutic Eclipse represents the culmination of the healing journey undertaken over the past two years.
Being a 'Hybrid Eclipse' with the Moon's Nodes in different signs from the Moon and the Sun, it spotlights relationships and the balance between the Masculine and Feminine.
Releasing certain connections is necessary for new growth to emerge, ultimately contributing to our highest evolution.
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source astromatrix
via @inkindofmagic
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inkindofmagic · 7 months
October Monthly Forecast
October 2023; Astrology and Horoscope
— Asstro News
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October promises a dynamic and transformative astrological landscape, urging us to embrace change, explore the depths of our relationships, and seek balance in various aspects of our lives.
🎃 The focus of early October is on Libra-like themes: love, relationships, money, beauty, values, and balance. Libra represents balance, justice, fairness, and equality, often seeking to please others and maintain peace.
🎃 Venus moves into Virgo on October 8th, encouraging a careful and critical approach to love, relationships, and finances.
🎃 Pluto goes direct on October 10th, signaling a shift from introspection to outward manifestation, promoting personal and collective growth.
🎃 Mars enters Scorpio on October 12th, intensifying exploration of social dynamics, relationships, and passions.
🎃 Eclipse Season begins in mid-October, with a Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 14th, emphasizing relationship refinement and balance.
🎃 Mercury enters Scorpio on October 22nd, enhancing intuition and deepening conversations, often focusing on taboo or hidden subjects.
🎃 Scorpio Season starts on October 23rd, bringing powerful transformative energies and delving into the depths of our psyches.
🎃 A busy Lunar Eclipse occurs on October 28th, marking the end of a series of Taurus Eclipses and symbolizing the closure of significant collective themes. This Lunar Eclipse encourages us to release old attachments and step into a new paradigm, with the support of expansive Jupiter.
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via @inkindofmagic
source astromatrix
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inkindofmagic · 7 months
Discover yourself, one tarot reading at a time.
- @inkindofmagic
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inkindofmagic · 8 months
September Monthly Forecast
September 2023; Astrology and Horoscope
– Astro News
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🍂 Venus Retrograde in Leo (Ongoing): During this ongoing retrograde season, Venus retrograde in Leo urges us to engage in introspection and reconsider our personal relationships, creative pursuits, and values. It may unearth unresolved issues from the past that require our attention for us to move forward confidently.
🍂 Venus Turns Direct on September 3rd: As Venus finally turns direct on September 3rd, a shift occurs from this period of introspection to outward expression. This transition is an opportune moment to implement the changes and insights gained during the introspective phase. Take a moment to reflect: Have your relationships undergone profound transformations during this introspective journey?
🍂 Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus (September 4th - December 30th): From September 4th through December 30th, we embark on a four-month journey of Jupiter retrograde in Taurus. This unique period invites us to slow down and take stock of our lives. It's an ideal time to evaluate our growth, explore material opportunities, and indulge in life's sensory pleasures. Jupiter's amplifying influence is at play here, magnifying our experiences, especially in Taurus, a sign deeply connected to the physical world.
🍂 New Moon in Virgo on September 14th: The New Moon in Virgo on September 14th holds a special significance. Supported by the alignment of three powerful planets – Uranus, Jupiter, and Pluto – this New Moon empowers any intentions we set and seeds we plant. It's akin to having the wind at our back and the universe aligning with our goals. When we align our intentions with the qualities of Virgo, such as practicality and attention to detail, we set the stage for proactive, positive, and productive outcomes.
🍂 Mercury Goes Direct in Virgo on September 15th: On September 15th, Mercury, the planet of communication, ends its retrograde journey in Virgo. This transition marks a favorable time for implementing practical changes, organizing our lives, and enhancing daily routines. It's also an ideal period for refining communication in both personal and professional relationships, ensuring clarity and understanding.
🍂 Libra Season Starts on September 23rd: With the commencement of Libra season on September 23rd, we are encouraged to embrace adaptability, balance, refinement, and an appreciation for harmony in our lives. During this period, we may find ourselves drawn to seeking the finer things in life and placing significance on friendships and partnerships. Our desire to connect and maintain harmony with those around us becomes more pronounced.
🍂 Full Moon in Aries on September 29th: The Full Moon in Aries on September 29th marks the culmination of events and intentions that were set during the New Moon on March 21st, which was positioned right at the beginning of a new season. Aries, known for its pioneering and risk-taking nature, encourages us to reflect on bold moves and significant changes made in areas such as relationships, career, or other major life aspects. This is also an opportunity to acknowledge our successes and learn from any setbacks or mistakes, allowing us to emerge wiser and more experienced. In the backdrop of the Sun's presence in Libra and Mars ruling the Full Moon, finding equilibrium in our relationships becomes essential. It's a time to release connections that no longer serve our personal growth or to seek a middle ground for mutual benefit. Balancing our individual needs with the dynamics of our relationships is a key theme during this period of reflection and adjustment.
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via @inkindofmagic
source astromatrix
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inkindofmagic · 8 months
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo ☿℞♍︎
august 2023
— Astro News
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The Second Mercury Retrograde of 2023 begins the Pre-Shadow in Virgo on August 4 at approx. 3:00 am Universal Time*, and on August 3 at 11:00 pm EDT, and 8:00 am PDT.
Mercury goes Retrograde in Virgo (21º 51') on August 23 at 7:59 pm Universal Time, 3:59 pm EDT, and 12:59 pm PDT.
The Direct Station occurs in Virgo (8º 0') on September 15 at 8:21 pm Universal Time, 4:21 pm EDT, and 1:21 pm PDT.
Mercury ends the Post-Shadow in Virgo on September 30 at approx. 5:15 am Universal Time, 1:15 am EDT, and on September 29 at 10:15 pm PDT.
The previous Retrograde in Virgo occurred in August of 2017 and 2016.
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Discover more about Mercury Retrograde ✨here✨
Useful tips on how to survive Mercury Retrograde ✨here✨
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source astrologyhoroscopereadings.com
via @inkindofmagic
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inkindofmagic · 8 months
Mercury Retrograde Cycle ☿℞
— Astro Notes
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This diagram illustrates the 5 distinct periods that are related to the Mercury retrograde phenomena, as well as 4 sensitive points along its path.
🌟 Why Mercury Retrograde?
Mercury's orbit is closest to the sun. It completes its orbit in about 88 days, compared to the earth which takes about 365 days. As a result, from our perspective we first experience mercury moving forwards as its orbit takes it between the earth and the sun.
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💫 Mercury Retrograde Pre-Shadow
The Mercury Retrograde Pre-Shadow phase is indicated in blue and corresponds to the time during which Mercury traces the path in the sky that it will later return to as it moves backward, during the Mercury Retrograde Phase. Often it is during this time that the conditions are set up for the Retrograde phase that follows. As Mercury slows down, just prior its retrograde motion, the contributing factors and the experiences of the cycle are strengthened, and this is indicated in the diagram by a violet color.
💫 Mercury Retrograde Station
There is a moment in time, when Mercury by our line of sight has slowed down from moving forward and is about to appear to move backwards. That moment is referred to as the Mercury Retrograde Station, and often somewhat incorrectly as "Mercury Retrograde". This tends to be the most intense part of the Cycle, and is show in Red on the graphic.
💫 Mercury Retrograde Phase
Then for about 3 and a half weeks or so, it appears to be going backwards in the sky - when Mercury is retrograde. The Mercury Retrograde Phase is in light red. Near the beginning and the end of the retrograde phase, Mercury seems to slow down in the sky, and its effect tends to stronger. This is shown with a darker color. The retrograde phase is famous for revealing the consequences of inattention to detail, wrong assumptions as well as errors in communication and transportation. For some people at this time, transportation and communication issues may develop. Many of these are often set up in the pre-shadow phase.
💫 Mercury Direct Station
Towards the end of the retrograde period, Mercury has reached a place in its orbit where it begins to move in the same direction as the earth around the sun. The moment Mercury appears to stop moving backward and is about to move forewords is called the Mercury Direct Station. This is indicated in the Calendar with dark brown. As much as the Mercury Retrograde Station, discussed earlier, tended to be a focus of errors, false assumptions, lack of clarity and proper execution, the Mercury Direct Station tends to be a focus for revealing the consequences.
💫 Mercury Retrograde Post-Shadow
The Mercury Retrograde Post-Shadow phase is indicated in brown. Mercury is now moving forward, and this phase refers to the time during which Mercury is retracing the path in the sky where it had formerly moved backward during the retrograde period. During the early part of this phase, Mercury is still moving slowly, and thus the effects are more intense. Often, the Mercury Retrograde Post-Shadow can reveal the errors in communication and travel that may have occurred during the pre-shadow and retrograde phases.
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🌟 Mercury Retrograde can be a Blessing
The retrograde cycle tends to reveal what is not working properly, and although it can contribute to delays and frustrations, it can also reveal issues that are important to resolve, fix or address. It is a good time to deal with what you may have put on the back burner and for reflective and creative writing, inner work, journaling, spiritual work and completing long overdue tasks.
🌟 The Two Levels of Mercury Retrograde
Mercury retrograde occurs at two levels. At one level, there is not much you can do with the actions of others, except to be more conscious and prepare for delays and errors by double checking. But at the personal level you can do a lot in order to avoid the consequences of Mercury Retrograde. Most of us encounter the consequences when we are not centered, aware or conscious of what is going on around us, and more often than not the culprit is that we are not acting from our heart and spirit. Instead we are reacting from our needs, our hurts, from our buttons being pushed, or the way that we take care of others and not ourselves. In that way we act from our shadow, and that is what mercury retrograde is all about. Mercury Retrograde occurs when it is moving backwards, into its shadow, and thus communication, scheduling, transportation and judgment becomes cloudy or error prone. As much as outer work is challenged by Mercury Retrograde, introspection and inner work is very supported. Take advantage of Mercury Retrograde by clearing your own tendencies to get caught up in your own shadows and those of others.
next → how to survive Mercury Retrograde
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source astrologyhoroscopereadings.com
via @inkindofmagic
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inkindofmagic · 9 months
Sun Conjunct Natal Ascendant
Astro Notes
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I'm talking about the transit you'll experience during the year! When the Sun is near the point of your ascendant the day you were born. eg. I'm a Leo Asc and these days the Sun (now Leo) will cross the same degree as my Natal Asc.
Opportunities: Making Plans, Impressing People
Challenges: Planning with Clarity, Using Your Self-Knowledge
During this period, many people feel like they're celebrating a second birthday because the Ascendant is almost as important as the Sun in the horoscope. Positivity and being genuine become more noticeable, and people let go of pretending. They might want to show their real selves instead of pretending to be different.
People might have extra energy and excitement, and they look for new ways to use it. They'll feel sure of themselves and enthusiastic about the next few months. They might even come up with detailed plans on how to use this time, even when they're trying to focus on other things. So, keeping a pen and paper nearby is a good idea.
During this time, some people might want to impress others with their personality. That's okay, but they shouldn't take themselves too seriously while doing it. Charm that’s too aware of itself is no charm at all.
Whether people get a lot of things done or just have a good time depends on how much energy they had before this time started. They could do a bunch of tasks or just relax. But whether they're working or taking it easy, this time will feel like a fresh start.
It's a chance to clear their minds and get focused. They should make the most of it because it could shape how the whole next year goes.
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source astromatrix
Via @inkindofmagic
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inkindofmagic · 9 months
August Monthly Forecast
August 2023; Astrology and Horoscope
– Astro News
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August is the perfect cosmic window to reach out, connect and find belonging - even if that’s an inside job.
☀️ August features two Full Moons, one at the start and one at the end, in the signs of Aquarius (Aug 1st) and Pisces, providing an opportunity to connect and find belonging.
☀️ The warm-hearted New Moon in Leo on August 16th encourages expression of the Inner Child and creativity.
☀️ Virgo season from August 23rd brings enhanced intellectual abilities, loyalty, and a desire to be of service to others.
☀️ Mercury Retrograde in Virgo from August 23rd highlights the need for communication clarity and reevaluation of past projects.
☀️ Mars transitions to diplomatic Libra on August 27th, encouraging fairness and balance but may lead to challenges in finding equilibrium.
☀️ Uranus retrograde from August 28th urges introspection and embracing an abundance mindset to overcome limiting beliefs.
☀️ August concludes with a Full Moon in compassionate Pisces on Aug 31st, guiding us to practice greater altruism towards ourselves and others. Pisces encourages surrendering to the unknown and merging with the divine, while Aquarius emphasizes serving humanity through wisdom and knowledge.
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via @inkindofmagic
source astromatrix
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inkindofmagic · 9 months
Full Moon in Aquarius 🌕♒︎
Astro News
01 Aug 2023
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Be sure to check out the Full Moon in Aquarius Tarot Spread!
August showcases two Full Moons, positioned at the beginning and end of the month, each nestled in the compassionate signs of Aquarius and Pisces. This creates an ideal cosmic opportunity to extend our reach, establish connections, and foster a sense of belonging, even if it involves introspective efforts.
This particular Full Moon traces back to the initial New Moon of 2023, which appeared on January 21st, in the sign of Aquarius. The seeds sown during that time are now blossoming before us.
We might witness certain friendships and communities bearing fruit, especially if we consciously sought out like-minded groups in alignment with our principles and beliefs. These connections may reveal just how deeply we've integrated into these circles. Conversely, we could also experience a detachment from societies that no longer resonate or embrace us—a natural part of our social evolution.
As we explore this lunation's dynamics, it's crucial to acknowledge the opposing influence of the Sun in warm-hearted Leo. The interplay between Aquarius' focus on intellect and the future, and Leo's emphasis on emotions and the present, offers an intriguing contemplation. Striving for balance becomes paramount amidst this celestial dance.
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via @inkindofmagic
source astromatrix
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inkindofmagic · 9 months
Telegram Channel
Howdy! I'm sorry I'm not super active, I'm currently working two jobs and doing a lot of stuff, but I want to be active in my own way, that's why I've decided to create a
Telegram Channel!
I'll try to be a little bit more active there and share helpful resources. I thing it'll be mainly focusing on astrology and stuff that happens on a daily basis (e.g. Mercury enters Virgo - that's a current news and I won't be able to always write posts about that kind of events.) Honestly, for now, I won't share tarot and similar, since they don't have any "expire date"
That's it~ if you want you can join the channel ofc and I hope there will be a great vibe overall 🔮
I'm new to telegram channels etc, but I created also a
Group Chat
Probably it is already linked to the channel, but I'll leave the link there just in care lol
Hope we can create some great connection!
fair winds 🧿
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via @inkindofmagic
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inkindofmagic · 1 year
Planets I - Sun, Moon and Inner Planets
— Astro Notes
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☉ Sun ☉
The sun is a metaphor for our life force, conscious ego, and expression of the self. It establishes our desire to live and our ability to be creative. It is related to health and spontaneity. A person with a good Sun aspect will be compassionate and have concern for others both broadly and specifically. A person with a poorly aspected Sun will be one who finds it much harder to reach their capacity for love and compassion. Your life goal and the manner in which you leave your mark on the world are represented by the sign's placement in your horoscope.
☽ Moon ☾
​​The moon is a symbol for our emotional makeup, sense of security, and core requirements. It includes our fundamental routines and unconsciously triggered responses connected to our past karma and upbringing. It is both our inner child and mother, and it is connected to feminine energy in general. It is instinctual, responsive, receptive, and contemplative. Our individual charts display our emotional reactions to our surroundings.
☿ Mercury ☿
Mercury is a symbol for our way of thinking and speaking. Communication and idea sharing are favored by strong aspects between your Mercury and your partner's planets and/or points.
♀ Venus ♀
Venus is a symbol for our feminine or passionate side. It is in charge of both love and money in life. Venus is the planet that governsbour values, and pleasure, including grace and charm. Venus is the goddess of romance, love, beauty, and comfort. In order to understand how we approach our relationships—whether through security, conquest, or adventure—and what aspects of life most make you happy, we look to Venus in your horoscope.
♂ Mars ♂
Mars is a symbol for our aspirations, drive, and want to act. It controls our primal aggression, rage, and survival instincts. When it comes to this primordial force, there is frequently no thought prior to action. Mars represents all of our sexual desires. Unlike the sun's creative energy, its energy is just physical. When Mars is in a good position, we are assertive, focused, and frank; when Mars is in a negative position, we can be impetuous, reckless, and aggressive. Your chart for Mars reveals your fundamental animal character, including how you exhibit anger, what enrages you, and more significantly, what motivates you to act.
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via @inkindofmagic
source astromatrix
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inkindofmagic · 1 year
taurus pisces saggitarius if your requests r still open pls ?? :>
posted! here
sorry I'm a bit busy but requests are always open! I just need to take my time ^^
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inkindofmagic · 1 year
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𝐓𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬 𝐒𝐮𝐧, 𝐏𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧, 𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠
requested by anon | via @inkindofmagic
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