gsakorea · 8 years
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이성애자인 남학생, 이성애자인 여학생을 전제로 구성된 학교는 그 외부를 수용하기 어려워한다. 외부는 조롱당하고 비정상으로 호명되며, 더 나아가 비난받고 차별을 받는다. 성소수자를 바라보는 학내의 시선을 보면, 성소수자임을 숨기는 것이 자연스러운 반응임을 알 수 있다. 학교 구성원들에게 성소수자에 대한 부정적인 태도는 상당히 만연해 있어서, 성소수자 청소년 응답자의 92.0%는 다른 학생으로부터, 80.0%는 교사로부터 성소수자에 대한 혐오를 나타내는 말을 들어본 적이 있었다.
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gsakorea · 8 years
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Hundreds of gay rights activists danced to drum beats and held colorful balloons as they marched in a parade in New Delhi on Sunday, celebrating what they call the diversity of gender and sexuality. Organizers said that while the gay pride parade celebrated the gains India's LGBT community has made in recent years, they also wanted to highlight the continuing discrimination it faces. The Delhi Queer Pride Committee also demanded the repeal of Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, which criminalizes homosexual acts.
11월 29일 인도 뉴델리에서 델리 퀴어 프라이드 퍼레이드가 열렸습니다. 성의 다양성을알리는 다채로운 행사가 진행되었지만 주최측은 동성애자들에 대한 차별을 강조하며 동성애를 범죄로 규정한 섹션 377조 규율의 폐지를 요구했습니다.
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gsakorea · 8 years
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“Official election results showed Biskupski won 52% of the votes to defeat two-term incumbent Ralph Becker.”
종교적이고 보수적인 유타주의 수도인 솔트레이크시티에서 동성애자인 재키 비스컵스키가 시장으로 당선되었습니다. 
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gsakorea · 8 years
Famous Footwear's latest ad shows children having dinner with their two dads, who gently enforce a wholesome rule of no electronics at the dinner table.
“Television viewers have seen a plethora of advertisements featuring LGBT people and our families this year, and shoe store chain Famous Footwear is the latest to step into the spotlight. From Campbell's soup to Kohl's, companies are rolling out the red carpet for the LGBT marketing demographic.”
동성애자 부모 (게이 아빠)가 등장하는 미국의 신발 광고입니다. 올해들어 미국에서는 TV에 성소수자들과 성소수자 가족들이 등장하는 광고들이 점점 늘어나는 추세입니다.
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gsakorea · 8 years
Activist Frank Mugisha is asking Pope Francis to address LGBT issues during his visit to the African nation.
우간다의 성소수자 인권 운동가인 프랭크 뮤기샤는 프란시스 교황이 아프리카 방문하는 동안 성소수자의 이슈에 대해 이야기해줄것을 요청했습니다.
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gsakorea · 8 years
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Asia-Pacific report by UNESCO on school bullying, violence, and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity
아시아 태평양지역에서의 성소수자 학생들에 대한 괴롭힘, 폭력, 차별에 대한 유네스코의 보고서 입니다.
Download the report >
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gsakorea · 8 years
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Accused of not being “girly enough,” she was frequently swarmed by students and beaten with a roll of paper. Her teachers witnessed the abuse again and again but did nothing. She begged her junior high classmates for help -- but they told her to endure the abuse, that high school would be easier.
A 20-year-old Japanese woman who was bullied by her classmates in junior high school holds a notebook displaying the message: “It was common knowledge that I was being bullied. It was also common knowledge that my teachers would never help me.” 
The story – shared with me this week by a 20-year-old bisexual woman in Japan – is sadly familiar in this part of the world, as is made clear by a UNESCO report released today that documents the widespread failure to address homophobic and transphobic bullying in schools across Asia and the Pacific. The document comes on the heels of 12 United Nations agencies pledging to address violence and discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people. 
(via Dispatches: UN Takes On LGBT Bullying in Asia)
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gsakorea · 8 years
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A lesbian was elected Thursday as the student president of the nation’s top-ranked Seoul National University (SNU) for the first time in the school’s history.
한국에서는 처음으로 서울대학교에서 성소수자 학생이 학생회장으로 선출되었습니다.
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gsakorea · 8 years
The Irish republic became the first in the world to legalize same-sex marriage by popular vote.
아일랜드가 세계 최초로 국민투표로 동성혼을 합법화한 국가가 되었습니다.
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gsakorea · 8 years
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More colleges are expanding gender options for transgender and non-binary students. One leader in LGBTQ student life at Harvard discusses the update to the college's applications.
더 많은 대학들이 남성, 여성이 아닌 성다양성을 포용하는 성별 선택 옵션을 대학 등록시 가능하도록 한다고 합니다.
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gsakorea · 8 years
The president is on the cover of Out magazine, which named him “Ally of the Year.” 
오바마 대통령은 "Out magazine”의 표지에 등장하면서 성소수자 잡지 표지를 장식한 첫 대통령이 되었습니다.
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gsakorea · 8 years
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점점 더 많은 공공기관에서 성소수자에 대한 배려의 일환으로 여성/남성의 성구분을 하지 않는 공중화장실을 제공하고 있습니다.
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gsakorea · 8 years
“I want the world to be a place in which people who work hard do not suffer,” Kim said during her speech. “I want this to be a world in which no one has to fit under a label of what is ‘normal.’ I want this to be a world in which people can love themselves for who they are and in which they can live confidently. That’s why I am telling you. I’m a lesbian.”
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gsakorea · 8 years
Micky Kim remembers the day two years ago when he married Tony Ruse in California - only his family never knew.
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gsakorea · 9 years
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미연방정부가 LGBT청소년의 컨버젼 치료 (성치료 테라피)를 종료하자는 리포트를 발표했습니다. "부모들에게 어떻게 아이들을 키우라고 얘기하는 것은 우리의 일이 아닙니다. 그러나 부모들이 아이들을 키울 때 가장 최선의 결정을 할 수 있도록 필요한 과학적 근거들을 제공하는 것은 우리의 의무입니다. 우리는 젊은이들이 어떻게 보이던지, 어디에서 왔던지, 어떤 성정체성을 갖고 누구를 사랑 하던지 그대로 존중해야합니다." - 어드바이저 발레리 자렛
“It’s not our job to tell parents how to raise their children. But it is our responsibility to provide parents with the scientific evidence necessary in order for them to make the best possible decisions when raising their children,” [senior adviser Valerie Jarrett] said. “We do strongly believe that young people should be valued for who they are, no matter what they look like, where they’re from, the gender with which they identify or who they love.”
Read GLSEN’s statement on President Obama’s call to end conversion therapy for LGBT youth.
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gsakorea · 9 years
10월 11일 내셔널 커밍 아웃 데이를 맞아 페이스북 의 리서치, 데이터 사이언스 부서는 리포트를 발표했는데 세가지의 트랜드를 볼 수 있었습니다. 첫번째는 사용자 프로파일을 동성애로 표시하는 등의 "커밍아웃"을 하는 사람의 수 증가, 두번째는 LGBT 페이스북 그룹에 대한 서프트 증가, 세번째는 이 두가지의 트렌드가 지난 6월 26일에 있었던 동성혼 합헌결정에 크게 영향을 받았다는 점입니다.
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More people than ever are coming out as LGBTQ+ on Facebook, and big moments like the Supreme Court decision play a huge role:
In honor of both Spirit Day (Oct. 15) and National Coming Out Day (Oct. 11), Facebook’s Research and Data Science division has published a new report that details three, possibly correlated trends. First, there’s been a spike in the number of people “coming out,” defined by researchers as updating one’s profile to express a same-gender attraction or specifying a custom gender. Meanwhile, support for LGBT-specific Facebook groups has increased. Lastly, researchers said, both of those trends were heavily influenced by the Supreme Court’s June 26 ruling on same-sex marriage.
I’m geeking out over how cool this is. Visibility matters. (via the Huffington Post)
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gsakorea · 9 years
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A group of South Korean LGBTI and human rights activists on Wednesday protested against the Gender Ministry’s recent order directing the Daejeon Metropolitan City to scrap articles that guarantee LGBTI rights in the city’s newly revised charter of gender equality, demanding an official apology and recognition of LGBTI rights as part of women’s rights.
한국의 LGBT 인권 운동가들은 10월 7일 수요일 대전 시청의 성소수자의 인권보호안을  취소한 여성가족부의 결정에 대해 규탄 대회를 열었습니다.
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