griffonvent · 3 years
Not all that outrageous if you consider griffia prices before the crash
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griffonvent · 3 years
Anyone else think it is hilarious that the only raffle the admin or ga do anymore are the free to make species?
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griffonvent · 3 years
Yo what happened to houraibean?
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griffonvent · 3 years
Wtf did Raven do in order to get permabanned, tf???
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griffonvent · 3 years
You all act like if you wouldn’t buy a lot of adopts if you had the money
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griffonvent · 3 years
Hi, Qu33n-Dianna here. I just wanted to say my deepest apologies for my behavior on this blog. I am very sorry for the way I acted on this blog. I was very rude here which is no excuse. It will not happen again. I am leaving griffia so you won't have to worry about me anymore. Again, I'm very sorry for the trouble I caused.
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griffonvent · 3 years
Is there any place where the information about RavenSong and their partner is? I'd like to know what happened with them and their bans so I can avoid them if possible...
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griffonvent · 3 years
Writers also don't draw their beans because well... they're writers.. Does that automatically make them a shitty person for not drawing their beans? What if a person enjoys their beans in private? You all really are just trying to find bullshit reasons to shit on an innocent person.
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griffonvent · 3 years
Closed Species adopts are a LUXURY. You will not die if you don't get an orm you piss babies. Besides, Sin always had ABs on her rebases and customs up to 600-800. Why are you getting mad about it now? Get a life.
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griffonvent · 3 years
I get characters all the time and dont necessarily draw them and post to deviantart, doesnt mean they're not used. Ever since eclipse rolled in the site kinda went downhill and people left so theres not much point
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griffonvent · 3 years
the more shit they keep removing and "balancing" the less inclined i become to spend money and effort on griffia. my griffians will stay with me and all, but the arpg itself is so nerfed at this point that it stops being fun. im not saying things cant be balanced but let players have *something* you know? companions are useless, they remove and merge things but dont give any actual replacement or compensation for it. its sad.
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griffonvent · 3 years
It’s not just flat sales you know, but auctions too. I’m pretty sure a lot members, new and old, would’ve wanted a chance to get their own custom.
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griffonvent · 3 years
About the nitro thing. I don’t judge on how they spend money, if they want to thats fine but inflating the prices is a D move. 200 dollar designs are now always 600. Bids al seem to have outrageous AB now because people like nitro force them up. I saw a bid slow down at 200 a few times then Nitro and some other raises it to 600. Even REBASES not even a custom are at 600. This is just evil when you have 3 people making designs and only the worst ever opens bad anatomy customs for a normal price.
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griffonvent · 3 years
The problem with nitro is not that can afford these designs. The issue is with them snapping up everything and not giving anyone else a chance. Being greedy in cs always gets you a bad rep, especially when those designs are also rare. Like orms. Being able to buy them and then buying everything in sight from mods is not a good look. Quit acting like it is.
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griffonvent · 3 years
I‘m still baffled how horrible some people treat others in Griffia because they are jealous that someone owns different pixels than them. How pathetic can you be to be such an entitled brat?
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griffonvent · 3 years
Ravensonglullaby did something to get their discord and wog accounts banned. (You know its bad) you cant get a user banned from discord without a link to the messages. They are denying it all and trying to turn people against another user until they find actual evidence of their wrongdoings.
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griffonvent · 3 years
To the person asking about RavenSongLullaby. They & their partner got permabanned from griffia.
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