facesofone 5 months
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Due to the issues with the instagram account locking me out, we have made a new account (faces_of_one) and will be posting new comics there. However we are going to need some time to regroup after such a blow. We are going to take a small hiatus while we focus on finishing up our book. I am wishing you all a safe and comforting end of the year and we will see you in the coming one.
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facesofone 5 months
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Due to the complications that happened last week, we now have a new instagram profile. It is Faces_of_One now, with underscores instead of periods. I'm sorry for losing control of the original account and I'm sorry to ask you to follow this one instead. This change only applies to instagram, tumblr is still the same.聽
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facesofone 5 months
Hey everyone, just wanted to share a quick update now that it is official. I spent hours trying to get a hold of a human being through customer service, or internet chat, or even just searching what other people have done in the past to fix my problem but to no avail. I'm running in circles on the help page having web pages lead to web pages that lead right back to the first ones. (Go to instagram.com/hacked and try to put in a claim that it was hacked, it just leads to instagram's main help page, so you go and select that it was hacked and it takes you back to the page that will lead you back to the main help page...I nearly screamed).
So I'm at the end of my rope and I have exhausted my options on how to get it back, so I'm kinda freaking out. I may have to start a whole new instagram account but even then I have no real way of directing the people over from my original page, so that page is essentially dead in the water.
I'm going to figure out what to do and hopefully will be back soon with new content.
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facesofone 5 months
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For a long time of my life, I dealt with alters without fully knowing what (or who) it was we were hearing. Kyra was very upset that the life she was trying to craft was taken away from her when Jak took control in High School and beyond. She would occasionally come into the co-conscious space and cry. I never quite knew what to think about it, and of course I never told anybody so I never thought there was something off. Didn't everyone have this?
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facesofone 6 months
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Having a system (especially one that tries to work together) means that there's a lot of deliberation on things. Sometimes it's as simple as what to eat for the next meal, other times it's of greater importance. Sometimes we can all (or mostly) agree and work towards a common goal, and other times it gets divisive. It is better now than when it was Jak and Kyra arguing and then both of them putting the pressure on Ian to choose who to side with (let's just say that never went well) or when Atom showed up and now it was 2 vs 2. We're now lucky to have an odd number of alters so we can break ties, but our fifth alter happens to be non-verbal and is apathetic to most things that aren't sleep! Sometimes it's a miracle that we can get anything done at all!
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facesofone 6 months
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This is another remastered early comic from before I was doing 4-panel format. It's been a very long while since we've had to deal with Jak's abuser and the triggers that come from her, but when we were in the thick of it Kyra was always ready to do a hard reboot of the front so Jak didn't have to deal with the trigger. It was much easier for her to brush it off than for him to. Having alters that aren't affected by the same triggers can be helpful in avoiding them. It's not always possible to switch that easily though so this is really a best case scenario.
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facesofone 6 months
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This is one of my eaaaaarliest comics and wasn't originally in a 4-panel format, so I decided to redraw it to fit. I used to have a series I was planning more for, called: The Little Guide to Littles, and this one was all about co-consciousness moves that our little likes to use. I'm sure there's more out there so let me know what moves your little uses to get their way!
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facesofone 6 months
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I'm wishing everyone a safe and fun Halloween! We're definitely in the mood this year, we got decorations, costumes, and even enough candy left uneaten for the trick-or-treaters, and when it's all done, we're gonna sit down with a nice movie. However you choose to celebrate (or if you celebrate at all) I hope y'all have a good time doing it.
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facesofone 6 months
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The creature once again, is a manifestation of my intrusive thoughts; though it may actually be it's own alter, but that is a conversation it has not been willing to have. It can get rough when the creature gets on a roll with it's negativity and sometimes we have to just bat it away. It never goes away for good, but the temporary reprieve is nice.
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facesofone 6 months
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I sometimes forget that this phrase has become a colloquialism and generally does NOT mean that the person is actually a plural amount of PEOPLE. It's a funny phrase to us and we always smile a little bit when we hear it.聽
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facesofone 6 months
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I used to pick up lunch for my friend while we were hanging out at his work and sometimes he would send me with his card. Unfortunately that meant he had to divulge his private information and while he would trust me with it, I always knew that it can be a little uncomfortable sharing one's PIN. Thankfully I have a small little short term memory storage area by the name of Ian. Give him a few numbers to hold on to for a designated time and he'll make that his whole focus. Once the time for using it passes it is gone from his mind and thusly, OURS. The next time we had to use his card we would have to ask again what it was because we simply didn't have that memory anymore. It can be nice to be able to get some use out of memory problems.
Panel 1: Jak has Ian in the background, sitting on his shoulders and clinging to his face while Jak's friend is handing him a debit card. His friend says "Here you go...the pin is 2493...though I'd appreciate it if you'd..." to which Jak replies "Don't worry, I got a way of storing short term memory."
Panel 2: Jak is walking down the street and Ian is bouncing around him excitedly, repeating "2493" over and over again until it fills up the page.
Panel 3: Jak and Ian are standing at a counter where someone is working, Jak holds a bag in one hand and a debit card reader in the other, and he's holding the card reader so Ian can input the numbers. Ian presses them and says "2....4....9....3!"
Panel 4: Jak is back and handing his friend his card back, while holding the food in the other hand, saying "Here you go, and I've already forgot your PIN." the friend says "Awesome, let's eat!" and Ian is in the back, trying to remember the number, saying "2...23...uh...27...uhh...shoot..." indicating that he has already forgotten it.
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facesofone 6 months
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We've gone by many names over the course of our life, never paying too much mind that most people didn't feel like they were someone else. This can be hard when people of different times and places meet and there is a discrepancy for what our name is supposed to be. It's awkward but often telling someone it's a "nickname" will settle any weirdness.聽
Panel 1: Atom is shaking hands with a person while another person stands behind him and watches. Atom says "Hi, I'm Atom." to which the person shaking his hand responds "Hi Adam, pleased to meet you." Atom corrects him by saying "With a 'T', A-t-o-m." and the person says "Oh that's an interesting name."
Panel 2: The person behind Atom says "No it's not...you told me your name was 'Jak'..." Atom nervously looks back and forth between them and the person who Atom just met looks confused.
Panel 3: Atom rubs the back of his head, the person behind him crosses their arms, and the person he just met takes a step back. Atom says "Uh...haha...yeah, my nickname...people call me that..." and the person he met says "That's a weird nickname. How do you get Jack from Atom?"
Panel 4: Jak is now out front and shaking the first person's hand again, saying "Yeah I don't know why I said ATOM nobody actually calls me that. It's Jak, no 'C'" and the person shakes back saying "Uh huh...okay..."
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facesofone 7 months
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There's certain things that we as humans do that can ease us of stress. Sometimes using these techniques can calm an alter who is not fronting, but close enough that their stress leans on us. Often we can be seen with one part of the body soothing the other.
Panel 1: Jak is standing in a line with a bunch of people, the person in front of him is yawning and ends up whacking Jak in the head, causing irritation.
Panel 2: Jak is carrying large, red, block letters of the word STRESS.
Panel 3: Jak's right hand is soothing Ian's left hand (though in hindsight it could've worked better the other way around)
Panel 4: Jak and Ian are now standing peacefully in the line together.
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facesofone 7 months
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This is a repost of one of my earliest comics, back when I didn't do 4 panel format, back when Atom spoke in cursive, and back when I was using a mouse and didn't know exactly how to draw my selves. It's interesting to see how much my style has changed, yet how many of the core elements remained the same.聽
Panel 1: Kyra and Jak (and their conversation takes up the majority of the page as they are the largest things on there. Thusly Atom and the person he is talking to is smaller in the center. The person asks "How do you feel about ____?" The conversation between Jak and Kyra goes as follows:
Jak: Look it's just easier to let me handle---
Kyra: Are you serious?! This is important to---
J: Blah...I don't care enough to get into this.
K: Well I do! Things like this matter, you can't not have an opi---
J: ---nion? Oh I HAVE one, it just does not align with yours.
K: You can't even try?
J: Look, getting into this will contradict us.
K: Oh my god. Fine. Go ahead and spout your shitty opinion.
J: Shitty?!
K: Yes
J: Get off that high horse.
K: OMG How dare you! Whatever, do what you will. I give up.
J: Sorry I don't want to ague.
K: It's fine. IDC.
J: I Just want to chill okay?
Atom has been trying to butt in, saying "Umm...guys? We need to respond...SOON." Eventually he gives up and says to the person, "Ahem please excuse me." And in then in Jak and Kyra's voices says "I need to go."
(PS: Sorry for slacking on the content ID the past few comics, I'll try to be better about that)
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facesofone 7 months
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Posting this early because I will be out of the house tomorrow!
Miss White made a joke the other day about how she gets the "5-for-1 Special" when it comes to us. We all have our own opinions and alters are no different, so when given the opportunity to express our opinions we want to share them ALL!
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facesofone 7 months
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One of the hard parts of being a system is a disconnect between memories. Jak didn't form until 2001 so a lot of references from the 90s go right over his head. He has to check in with everyone else to see if THEY understand it, though typically they don't because Ian wasn't exactly paying attention to pop culture during his time in the front. Anyone else feel like they have gaps in their pop culture knowledge?
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facesofone 7 months
hi, i just stumbled across your account and wanted to say that your comics are wonderful. they're extremely relatable (i have dissociated identities as well) and i love that you show the positive, negative, mundane, and everything else that comes with having dissociated identities.
Thank you very much! Yeah I try to bring a little bit of everything. It can be very easy to just focus on the negative aspects, and even a little bit just about the positives, but it's really just the everyday stuff that we deal with the most, so I like showing it all! I'm glad you're liking them, thanks for reaching out!
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