enchant-the-pasta · 2 years
Ok I’m not seeing anyone talk about this but the reason “Burn Butcher Burn” is even more heartbreaking and gut wrenchingly angry is because Jaskier spent so much time and effort to get everyone away from calling Geralt the “Butcher of Blaviken”. That’s why “Toss Your Coin” is a big part of the first part of season 1. So “Burn Butcher Burn” is just gutting because Jaskier starts calling him that while also mocking him with that line and melody “toss your coin” as well. Also gives me “Burn” from Hamilton/“Picture to Burn” Taylor Swift vibes. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk🤙🏻
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enchant-the-pasta · 2 years
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enchant-the-pasta · 2 years
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also a werewolf au but a modern
Jaskier shows Geralt the twilight
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enchant-the-pasta · 2 years
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poor Geralt…
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enchant-the-pasta · 2 years
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enchant-the-pasta · 2 years
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What if wolf but no face meat?
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enchant-the-pasta · 2 years
“Mean girls all grow up to be nurses!”
“Mean girls all go into social work!”
“The mean girl to teacher pipeline!”
Y’all, these are just pink collar jobs. The reason you think there’s so many “mean girls” in these fields is because they’re all like 97% women. Of course some of them are gonna be assholes. There’s assholes everywhere.
We get it. Your job isn’t like other girls’ jobs. It’s a cool job.
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enchant-the-pasta · 3 years
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Please let's start a collection of these
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enchant-the-pasta · 3 years
which one of u was going to tell me that tea tastes different if u put it in hot water?
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enchant-the-pasta · 3 years
Tag yourself I’m 5
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enchant-the-pasta · 3 years
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enchant-the-pasta · 3 years
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enchant-the-pasta · 3 years
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(via 9fo0rxhfw7q71.jpg (819×2048))
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enchant-the-pasta · 3 years
COVID is slowly becoming a “third world” disease. While first world countries are hoarding vaccines, having doses for populations many times their size, third world countries can’t get any because pharma companies want to sell to the first world countries first. Even then, first world countries will receive them first. While rich countries recover from COVID, they will forget about the pandemic while many other countries live the absolute worst moment of the pandemic without being able to vaccinate their population.
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enchant-the-pasta · 3 years
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Monsters are born of deeds done. Unforgivable ones.
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enchant-the-pasta · 3 years
A rainy day ❤️
I hadn't done any 2d animation in A While ! Now that I have the tools again I really want to try more ambitious projects so I can get better at this over time !
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enchant-the-pasta · 3 years
My perfect mashed potatoes
The secret is in the water; literally, it’s IN the water.
See, when you boil potatoes, a lot of special starches and sugars and stuff leeches out into the water. When you drain the water before mashing them, you throw away a lot of good stuff, which is a big part of what makes mashed potatoes “dry” and bland, even when you add large amounts of cream and butter and things.
So don’t throw out any water.
Here’s how you do that:
First, cut your potatoes into smaller cubes than you probably do. (I’ve left the skins on for flavor and also, that’s where a lot of a potato’s nutrients are, like protien and iron and vitamins B and C, just to name a few)
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The reason for cutting them smaller (besides avoiding giant peices of skin) is so that there is less space in the pot between each peice for water to fill, so you use less water to cook them. That’s important because you won’t be draining any water, so you can’t afford to have too much water! For the same reason, just barely cover them with water when they go on the stove.
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But! Before you do that, put the pot on the stove with some butter, garlic, and seasonings; let the butter start to sizxle just a little then put most of a single layer of potatoes in the pan and let the brown and sear. Turn them, brown them on all sides, get ‘em fairly dark (I forgot to get a pic here because I was worried I’d burn the butter).
Ready? now throw the rest of the potatoes in right on top, and add your water, give them a stir. This way, you’re boiling in some of that lovely fried potato/french fry flavor.
Okay, so, as they cook, you may need to add a little water, not too much! ideally the very highest piece of potato will be poking just above the surface. Now, when your potatoes are really really soft, mash them directly into the water. Just pull them off the stove, leave all the water in, and start mashing. Trust me. At first you’ll think there’s too much water. If you get them mashed and they ARE a little too liquidy, just put ‘em back on the stove. You’ll have to stir often or constantly, but they will steam off additional water without losing any good stuff.
Now add some salt, and taste. Right?! And you haven’t even put in any cream or cheese or anything yet.
Speaking of which, you can use like, a third of the amount of butter or cream or anything, and they will still taste better than usual. So they taste better AND they are higher in nutrients AND lower in fats and salts! That’s a lot of win — enjoy your potatoes!
Fuck Columbus! Indigenous Rights! And happy Thanksgiving!
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