ectoblastfromthepast · 15 hours
i love this character so much......i hope they get seriously injured and almost die
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ectoblastfromthepast · 15 hours
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in the hour or so it took me to draw this op turned reblogs off
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ectoblastfromthepast · 22 hours
sorry i cant hang out i forgot how to mimic human like behaviour
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“Isn’t there something you wanna tell us?” Maddie asked, her eyes soft, her hand held out in invitation. Danny’s breath hitched a little and he looked over to Jazz for confirmation. She nods a little, holding a hopeful little smile. “It’s okay, Danny, they know,” she whispered. She squeezed his hand, and behind him, Sam and Tucker squeezed his shoulder. Danny’s breath hitched as he looked between his family and the crowd that had gathered. ------ Now the whole family is in on the secret, but there's no time to dwell. Life must go on, or something. Part one in the the world is having more fun than me (tonight) and can't have shit in amity park, not even a slightly normal halfterlife series. “So…”
“So,” his mom replied. No one else offered up a new starter, so the silence just hung awkwardly in the lab as Danny debated the best way to do this, as the ghost boy or the Fentons’ son. He would feel better doing this as Phantom, as if his half-ghost self still provided some kind of protection from his parents’ and their impending wrath. Fenton was just so vulnerable… Just as Danny had made his decision, his mom spoke up again.
“How long has this been going on?” Maddie asked in that soft, concerned-mom voice she did so well. It made Danny’s heart squeeze a little bit. He hadn’t thought about what was going through his mom’s head while he made his way across the Ghost Zone.
“Uhh…” Thrown off by the question, Danny counted back quickly in his head. “Since like July before freshman year?” He flashed a quick, nervous grin as he thought back. It had been a last-minute-before-school-started-back dare from Sam. He had started his freshman year as Danny Phantom.
“Two years?!” Danny could see the restraint it took his mom to not screech at the time at the top of her lungs. His dad was just watching all of this like a ping-pong match, head bouncing between the two of them so he didn’t miss a moment. He would get to voice all of his questions later, but Maddie might explode if she didn’t get this out.
“Give or take,” he said, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. It was almost the end of his sophomore year, so it was quickly approaching three years. He swallowed the urge to correct her. It wouldn’t help.
“So that was you all those times, fighting those ghosts?” At first, she sounded angry. The thought of her baby boy fighting those ghosts made her freeze up in terror. He was too young, only a child!
But then it dawned on her… “That was you all those times?” she whispered in horror as it dawned on her that she and Jack had tried to hunt and dissect the ghost boy for just as long. Her son. “Oh Danny,” she said as she yanked her ghost son in for a hug. All of this transpired in the space of a minute, leaving Danny with a sense of whiplash as he was jerked into the ferocious mom hug.
Continue on AO3.
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