eccentrish · 7 years
Too Relatable
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11. Adult
You did it! Now panic.
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eccentrish · 7 years
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eccentrish · 7 years
My emotions are valid*
*valid does not mean healthy, or good, or to be privileged above common sense and kindness
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eccentrish · 8 years
Adventures in Depression:
I want to be around somebody. Oh god, I am so alone... I just don't want to be by myself anymore :c (Thinks of all the lovely, compassionate, understanding friends I have) Ugh, I don't want to be around anyone whyyy >:l
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eccentrish · 8 years
Reblogging for the comments 😂
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eccentrish · 8 years
(Cough cough)
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The Daily Show urges caution in the wake of another terrorist attack by a white male.
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eccentrish · 8 years
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eccentrish · 9 years
Friendly Parental Advisory Announcement
You made your kids; you do not own them Earn respect for boundaries by having respect for boundaries Lead by Example. Do you want them to read? Read. Do you want them to stand up for themselves and others? Stand up. Do you want them to know what love is supposed to be like? Treat others with love. Be the parent you needed when you were their age Have the talk early, answer their questions honestly, teach them to love and respect their bodies and do not shame them. They'll already be talking about sex and more and you have the chance to correct all the scary, crazy, potentially damaging and strange things they will hear. They will hear a lot-- but they should be hearing it from you. Challenge them and let them challenge you Teach them the difference between having an opinion and repeating an opinion Check your sources. Check their sources. Let them think for themselves but also teach them how to think about their thoughts and where they come from Always answer the "why"s and "how come"s They may surprise you Is it a struggle? Yes. Is it worth it? ....Well?
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eccentrish · 9 years
I must be 68 cause U are the only 1 for me
I’m good at math. U + I = 69
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eccentrish · 9 years
But I wanted bacon pancakes...
I went to make bacon and realized that I cooked the entire package in one sitting and that there is no more bacon. Also realized there is no bacon emoji and, seriously, wtf is up with that.
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eccentrish · 9 years
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Hello, Internet. This is River Tam.
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eccentrish · 9 years
When I'm sick and not thinking straight:
Things I think are a good idea: "I'll just take a swig of apple cider vinegar. That's supposed to be healthy right? When you are sick?" Things that are not a good idea: THAT. UP THERE. THAT WAS A BAD IDEA.
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eccentrish · 9 years
I just took a big bite of ramen and then coughed and there are noodles everywhere and I am crying because being an adult is hard.
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eccentrish · 9 years
Using your Noodle
Hello, my name is Trish and I am 25 and I am ashamed to admit that it's taken me this long to realize I can just break ramen in half if I really want to cause tbh sometimes the whole bag is too much when I am sick/want a snack.
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eccentrish · 9 years
Everyday Evils
Men wonder why women are guarded or untrusting-- Wonder why getting yelled at on the street is not a compliment or why getting side-eyed makes us uncomfortable The tension that exists between men and women is too often happily mistaken for sexual energy than a buildup to a fight or flight response Violence against women is subtle and constant and especially hard to define since women are not often given the language to even understand ourselves about what is happening to us, around us, in spite of us... It's important that these things be brought up and discussed so that other women, men, people in general can see for themselves the issues- and maybe see a bit of themselves on one side or the other- so we can work to change it. It's a lot easier for me as an adult to now describe a lot of the behavior that went on around and to me. And as an adult woman it's a lot easier for me to see what, why, and how some of these behaviors were completely inappropriate- It's a lot easier to describe that weird, ants-on-your-skin feeling when certain things would happen that seemed so innocuous at the time. Looking back I can say even then I understood that something was wrong, before I even understood about what sex was and why it was important and how it would effect my life later. But I never knew how to say it, or why, or when because even though I knew /something/ was wrong I never knew as a child/teenager/young-adult how to say "this man makes me feel unsafe" or even just "no" Women are by-and-large conditioned to appease. To be a lady. To not fuss. You can be a strong, fiercely capable, intelligent person, someone not to be trifled with and yet /situations out of your control still happen to you/. So it is Important these stories are told Because as a woman, no matter how strong and rough and intelligent I am As any of us are These things still happen everyday
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eccentrish · 9 years
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I like cats
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eccentrish · 9 years
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Mercer and I communicate solely through the magic that is pusheen
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