dianasbow · 1 year
MY SHIPS !! <3
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dianasbow · 1 year
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never mind
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dianasbow · 1 year
“and part of this character’s arc is them learning how to be loved and cared for”
me every time: oh my god part of this character’s arc is them learning how to be loved and cared for
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dianasbow · 1 year
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well damn. they really just threw each other under the bus?
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dianasbow · 1 year
i'm so glad i'm not a teen anymore i'm sorry for teens that you guys still have to do that. whole heartedly prefer the ways my 20s suck to the ways my teen years sucked
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dianasbow · 1 year
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dianasbow · 1 year
Casting a spell on you that makes you happy, by the way. Your day tomorrow will be pretty good. Something nice will happen, maybe.
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dianasbow · 1 year
what hasnt killed me has just made me overly sensitive and defensive
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dianasbow · 1 year
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ah yes, ur favourite lovers
instagram - @macedraws
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dianasbow · 1 year
im sorry but something needs to be said. the "kanej and helnik are so deep and poetic and wesper is so fun and silly 🤪🤪" joke is SO FUCKING TIRED. its not even TRUE. do i really need to explain the poeticism of wylan and jesper?? they both spent their whole lives thinking a fundamental part of them was wrong. wylan was abused and manipulated by his father into thinking his disability made him worthless. jesper repressed his grisha talent his whole life because his father told him it was dangerous; that he'd be be better off without it. it got his mother killed. but having each other makes them realize that they are worth something. they love and trust each other so much that knowing that the other values them gives them a whole new perspective. they didn't think they deserved love. THEY NEVER THOUGHT THEY WOULD GET TO HAVE THIS!! WITH EACH OTHER!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND
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dianasbow · 1 year
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INEJ GHAFA In the Shadow and Bone: Season 2 Trailer
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dianasbow · 1 year
cannot stop laughing at the thought of kaz brekker going abroad chasing a big payday only to end up embroiled in a civil war in a country he doesn’t give a shit about facing off against shadow monsters and countless other horrors way above his pay grade with essentially a long stick for a weapon
genuinely the trailer is so fucking funny because you have alina flexing her powers and shooting light out of her hands and inej twirling her blades and jesper shooting with deadly precision and wylan with his big flashy explosives and matthias looking jacked in an mma fight and then there’s kaz just wailing on some dudes with his cane and swinging it around like a baseball bat
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dianasbow · 1 year
*removes one earbud* fuck you want
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dianasbow · 1 year
i'm tired of aiden. not even like i hate him or anything, i'm genuinely just tired of him.
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dianasbow · 1 year
Dear Reddit: AITA for not asking my boyfriend to kill my boss?
by u/10fox10
I know the title sounds a little bit extreme, but hear me out.
My boss is a huge asshole. Oh, he puts on a good face for most people, and he seems like a nice old man usually. But let me tell you, that thing about not knowing someone until you've seen how they treat their subordinates? It's especially true for this guy. He's got me and my brothers basically indentured to work for him, so we can't complain no matter what he does. He's usually too busy to bother us much in person, but he overworks us like we're droids and treats us like we're less than human.
So that sets the stage for how I'm doing when I meet my now boyfriend, AS. We ran into each other after he had a meeting with my boss. AS is basically treated like Boss's son, even though they're not related and don't even talk that often. But I only vaguely knew that at the time, so I was understandably wary of the guy. AS, on the other hand, was smitten instantly, and spent the next few weeks trying to catch my attention. Long story short, we started dating.
AS is a really passionate kind of guy. He feels things really strongly, and he'll do anything for the people he loves. I didn't believe it at first, but he's moved mountains to make sure his wife (yes she knows about me, yes it's fine, polyamory is a thing) is safe, so it's kind of hard to deny at this point.
But the main thing is that this guy would do anything for me, and when he found out how much of an asshole Boss was being, he offered to kill the guy for me. AITA for turning him down?
Edit 1: Okay, I can see how jumping straight to killing seems a bit extreme. I left this out initially for privacy purposes, but I should also admit that Boss is extremely powerful, and there's very few ways to remove him from having power over me and my brothers without doing something drastic like this. And to all the people suggesting AS just steal me away or something, I'm not leaving my brothers behind, and there are way too many of us to hide. It's just not feasible.
Edit 2: No, his wife can't talk him down from this offer and make him see sense. When I tried to get her involved, she got a really concerned look on her face and asked me if I was sure I didn't want AS to take care of all that for me. She's just as into this crap as AS is. They're a perfect match for each other.
Edit 3: There's been a lot of people trying to guess who my Boss is. I'm not telling, cos if this gets out and he finds out about it, I'm dead. I'm not kidding. Stop trying to guess, I really don't want him to find this.
Edit 4: Okay, to clear things up a little, AS is feeling hurt that I don't trust him enough, and also incredibly angry that I'm just gonna let the situation stand. The anger is currently winning, so I can't really have a rational conversation with him right now, since it just devolves into him actually starting to make plans for my Boss's murder. The conversation can wait until he's calmed down a little.
Edit 5: I'm not in any danger from my boyfriend. I don't care how unsafe he seems to you people, he's never directed any of that at me. He loves me and would never hurt me.
Edit 6: Stop posting links to domestic abuse services. I'm going to start blocking people. Fuck off.
Edit 7: To all the people who advised talking to my boyfriend, you'll be pleased to know that finally happened. He said he was really concerned about me, and wanted me to be safe, but that he knew I'd never be safe while that asshole still has power over me. I asked him to please maybe think about using his position to depose him instead, and he's now conferring with his wife. They're both vibrating with excitement. I'm officially worried.
Edit 8: Bad news: one of my brothers ratted on me and told AS that my Boss has been punishing all of us with ration shortages and sending us to interact with abusive members of his organization, and now AS is homicidal again. He's also angry at me for withholding information, but I think it's justified seeing how he reacted to what he already knew my Boss was doing.
Edit 9: Alright, I may be the asshole for holding that info back. Sorry. I apologized to him, and he apologized back for not being a person I could trust. I think his wife coached him through what to say, but it was sincere, so I forgive him. Now we just have the original problem of him wanting to kill my Boss.
Edit 10: Why the kriff have half you fuckers decided you agree with my boyfriend with this new information? Withholding rations as punishment isn't that bad. It mostly only affects me and my oldest brothers anyway, we keep the younger ones fed well enough.
Edit 11: I read those abuse pdfs. They were really helpful. Thank you to everyone who's been kind and patient with me. I have a lot to think about now. I think AS is worried at how quiet I'm being, so I'm going to share this thread with him.
Edit 12: I know it's been a few days, but I think after all the help you people gave me you deserve to know how the story ends (if you haven't already seen it on the news). After some thinking, I decided my Boss was an even bigger asshole than I'd thought. Those resources on the effects of abuse were really scary to read, and I realised that I don't want my little brothers to end up as fucked up as I am, too. So I wrote up a list of people who were cruel and abusive towards us. And the next time AS asked if he could please kill anyone for me, I handed him the list.
You all probably know the outcome of that. I think Anakin Skywalker killing the Chancellor of the Republic (who turned out to be a Sith and a traitor) made headlines pretty much everywhere.
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dianasbow · 1 year
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dianasbow · 1 year
I got polls letsgo
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