          Whoa, actual conversation. Don't screw this up, Seira. This is okay. Singing on a stage is easy as 1-2-3, so talking can be the same. ...Maybe. ...No, not really. Ugh.
          Seira tried to offer a smile his way, rather thankful that he hadn't just dismissed her and kept walking. Too many had done that already, and while it saved her an awkward and stressful time trying to speak up, the ignoring still hurt a lot. Who knows, maybe he was looking for some conversation, too.
          "Mm, I suppose," She shrugged a shoulder, drumming her gloved fingers together. "Bit too cold for my liking, but at least the sun out helps to combat this." Pause, and awkward scuff of her feet on the ground. She shyly glanced up, absently tucking a section of hair behind her ear. "...I'm Seira Anami. It's nice to meet you."
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You didn’t even see her there, but it’s a nice thing for someone to notice you. A nice change. You haven’t seen her around before, on any of your walks or taxi commutes, but meeting new people is good, you suppose. 
"Hm? No, I’m fine. Just erm… walking." You’re not really sure what to say or do, but you don’t want the conversation to die out that fast. Who knows, maybe this girl has some interesting things to talk about, maybe she’s like you; in need of friends. Probably not though, sizing her up, she seems that she’d have many friends, she wouldn’t be a piece of garbage like yourself.
"Uh.. nice weather today, am I right?" It’s cold, but very sunny, and you hate that kind of weather. It’s so fake. It gives off the illusion that it’s warm and pleasant, only to face the cold. 
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          Yeesh, what was his big thing about talent, too? All talents were talent in their own. Eh, or so Kira thought. All of them took effort. So what if he was the Good Luck? He got in based on that skill. Might as well treasure it while he could.
          "I dunno what you're smoking, but its definitely doing something to that head'a yours," Kira huffed, rolling her eyes a tad. "Don't all talents require some effort? I mean, murder is no easy feat. I can't just cut someone's threat in broad daylight. Then its the slammer for me! Same goes for your Lucky thing."
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          Ugh, she was the absolute worst at pep talks. Sei was probably worse than her, though. Kira threw her hands up right after, shrugging her shoulders dramatically. "Fuck if I know, man! I ain't gonna tell you what you can and can't do. Just live day like its your last. Thats my motto!" Well, not really. She made that up now. Improvising was her best skill aside from cutting throats.
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          "Oi, you always look so gloomy like this? I know what you need. A good ol' killing spree. You and me one night. Lets just go murdering. Just fuckin' do it, man," Kira snickered to herself, tongue lolling about. How amusing it would be if Fluffy was taking her seriously about all this!
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"Hahaha, seems that I win." He chuckled, most for himself than for her, but he didn’t do it in a bad way, needless to say. Althought he was waiting her to leave the place since nobody actually care about his "hope" speechs. That’s one of the reasons because people don’t talk to him.
He glaze to her tongue, looking it moving everywhere, it was kind of funny to see, so he kept his smile all the time whilst he waited for her answer.
Oh, she was going to nick him fluffy anyways… Well, better than Trash, Nuisance, Rubbish… He just nodded at her words.
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Oh… His talent become a topic again… His smile vanished to have a more serious facade, looking at her in the same way. Maybe she was expecting something ultra hope-like talent, but the truth is…
The pseudo-talents she just said… Dejavú. “…Those are an odd thing to think about, but you’re wrong… My “talent” is Good Luck. Please remark the air-quotes, it’s not even a talent, or a skill. Just an efortless talent.”
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whoops. I disappeared for a few days...
And it looks like despairs-mental-asylum went bye bye, too. Thats awfully depressing...
Mmm, I think I'm going to keep Genocider Kira, though. She's become such a fun part of Seira. I'd hate to get rid of her just like that.
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          "It's actually a lot more work than people give it credit for," Seira shrugged one shoulder, glancing down at her shoes shyly. Vocalizing was a walk in the park compared to things a soldier did, so Seira didn't want to make it seem like her talent was more tough or anything.
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          "Like, ah... There's a lot of thinking involved. Can't just go on autopilot. Remember where every rest is, if you need to go into a crescendo or not, what notes come next, remembering cues... A lot of time is spent on just warming up in general. A-And sometimes there's notes that almost out of my range and I still have to hit them--" Seira paused, rubbing the back of her neck. "Mmm.. Sorry. I-I tend to go off on a tangent sometimes..."
She knew that just the mere telling of her title might perhaps startle others, but it just could not be helped. “..Lots. Training, learning the usage of weaponry..Anything you might expect of a typical soldier.”
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"It’s similar to the way you must prepare yourself vocally." Okay, well, there were obvious differences, but Mukuro was referring to the idea of ‘training’ as a mutual grounding. "I’d assume you must do a lot of preparations as a vocalist."
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          "Aaah? Really? You only think? That's such a drag!" Kira whined to herself, planting her hands on her hips and shaking her head in disappointment. No good, no good at all. People needed to hear about her. Kira wouldn't settle for anything less. "That just bi~ites! ... Feh. Whatever." Kira gave Airi a quick look over before smiling at her again. "It's cool, sweetie! So- D'ya have one of them fancy... Suepr Duper Titles or whatever?"
"U-Uuu…" Airi’s met so many different kinds of people with her view on what was normal being slightly twisted and messed with as she met the next person. This crossed that border some time ago, but she did her best to stay relatively calm outside her fright.  "Aaa… um- I-I might have heard about you once or tw-twice before, Miss Genocider Kira. Or at least I….th-think I may have." She tilted her head and thought.
"Oh, I forgot to say this, I apologize. It’s a pleasure to meet you."
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          "You can call me Kira, sweetie! Genocider Kira! You may have heard of me or my work from TV broadcasts about murders and such. If not me, then maaaaaybe you've heard of my fantastic idol, KiraKira-chan!" She babbled, chuckling to herself once she had said her fill. Perhaps that was too much? ... Naaah.
"A-Aaa…" She’s a bit spooked at the other girl’s last couple of words, them seeming a bit threatening to her. She directed her attention back to her other words to calm herself. "Ah, th-thank you for your kind words. My name is Airi Yumomo, May I ask you what your name might be, Miss?"
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          ...Yep. definitely off his rocker. Maybe Kira should just stop encouraging his hope rambling tendency.
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          "...Sure. Uaaah huh." Just roll with it, Kira. Dealing with a hoping maniac was the least of her worries. Aside from all that, he seemed... well, kind of like a decent guy. Kind of. Something was definitely off in his crazy little white head. 
          Nagito Komaeda. Nagiiiito Komaaaeda. That was a bit of a mouth full- coming from someone with a giant tongue. Kira bobbed her head a couple of times, flashing one of her slasher smiles. "Aaaalright! Nice to finally meetcha, Nagi-chan! I'm still gonna call you fluffy 'cause of that hair of yers."
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          "So whats yer High School whosewhatsits? If I'm a Serial Killer, and Sei's a vocalist, then ya gotta have somethin' too!" Pfft. He was so in love with hope, so maybe that was his title. Super Hope or whatever they were called. Maybe High School Hair.
          "No, wait! Lemme guess this! Mmm... A Super Duper High School Forgetful Person! Or Super Super Duper TsunTsun Hair! ... Man, I give up, those ain't even talents."
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"Oh, of course, I don’t have rights to do that, I beg your pardon." Cynical smile showed in his face, playing along with his coat whilst talking. He didn’t say nothing after, not even a beep.
 ”Well, if you… Ah, nevermind, I just said that I don’t have the right to give my opinion. My mouth is shut.” However, he would say a few things.  If she keep killing people, she can’t expect roses and hapiness, Komaeda was really curious about this personality of her, how it appear? for example, for now, he can’t ask her, not now.
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"Don’t say that… as long that you two have hope within your heart, I’m pretty sure you can meet some person and be a lovey-dovey couple. Don’t forget hope, hope’s forward. You two had a great talent in your hands, ergo, you are a embodiment of hope. I’ll be there for remind that to you and Seira-san.” He got excited for the mere idea of hope, his mouth when he talked moved in the same way, and he had his arms widely open. 
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Oh, yeah, he didn’t say his name to the genocider, yet. He still was unsure if she will remember it, but he just said it for courtesy. “Nagito Komaeda, pleased to meet you, Kira-san.” Seems that he regain his composture in a few seconds, smiling as always.
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          Ah, a Soldier. So they had both killed people before. Small world. "...I was just.. wondering is all." Jeez, since when did being a soldier require hair to grow that length? ... Hopefully Kira wouldn't get any ideas to grow their hair out like that. Ugh. "Mm.. M'just a vocalist. A-Anywho, sorry, I-I didn't mean to be in your way..."
This sort of reaction was becoming a trend, ah Hinata and how long would it take the mercenary to piece together why. Angry eyebrows maybe. “. . ?” He paused for a drawn moment, more so wondering where the question might have come from, but ultimately tipped his head sidelong a tad along with a shrug. “No. It would be, Super High School Level Solider, as I was told.”
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          "Oi, don't you tell me what's wrong and what isn't!" Kira huffed, waving her hands erratically. "I'm only gonna kill the fuckers that plan on spilling the beans! Letting the cat outta the bag! Untrustworthy assholes deserve to be in the grave anyway!" Feh, get married? They would have to be okay with Kira, and nobody ever was. Aah, such a lonely life was led between the two of them.
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          "Now if she ever got with somebody and they were all accepting of our lives, I wouldn't give a hoot! Hell, I'd even tolerate getting repressed just so Sei could go and enjoy herself!" Kira quieted down a bit, trying to regain control of her temper. Fluffy here wasn't purposefully trying to make her upset or anything of the sort. Relax.
          Kira sighed silently to herself, shaking her head a few times. Forget about it. Just... forget it. "...Whatever man. It ain't gonna happen anyway. Who's going to deal with a serial killer vocalist?" The answer? Nobody. Nobody was going to stick around the two of them at all.
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          "Ey, Fluffy, I just remembered. I never caught your name! Is it as cute your lovely little face issss~? ♪" She was still going to call him Fluffy anyway.
He stand up from the seat finally, stretching a bit first. He slowly approached Kira, hands were in his jacket pockets, looking at her a bit puzzled, with a bit of dissapointment.
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"Sigh… can’t you see it, too? The greater the despair, the greater hope must become, you two have great talents- unlike me, you should have a little more… hope than that." Crossing his arms in retrsopect, he glanced to the floor, with a concerned and long face.
"Furthermore, that’s a bit… selfish, you want to protect her or something? It’s the wrong way, what if she fall in love, or something among the lines? You are going to kill his- or perhaps, her- lover? That would be…" He didn’t say the last word, he didn’t want to, he placed his hands back in the pocket of his caqui coat.
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"Oh… about that, sure. I’m not going to say anything, if you want to trust me. I wouldn’t never deceive anyone, so…" He paused after hearing the throat comment. "Pretty throat? … I already told you, I… rather don’t die… yet."
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          Yep. Definitely off his rocker. Kira rolled her eyes, shaking her head lightly. Somebody sure as insistent on hope and that they were both so wonderful. Kira wasn't going to complain, as she was practically drinking in all his little praises. Still, a little correction couldn't hurt.
         "Talent," She corrected with a little flick of her long tongue. "It's talent the two of us have that Hope's Peak noticed. Hope is something Sei doesn't have much of. Lemme ask you a question, Fluffy."
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          "How on earth can she have hope for the future when there's a serial killer inside her? Killing ev~ery~one~ she might get close to."
          Oh, but Kira didn't do it to ruin her life! She was being a good little girl and protecting Sei! It was such a tally on her forte and requirements for murder, but whenever Sei had the foolish idea to confide in somehow, they would run off and tell someone else! So, in a way, it was necessary to kill those brats.
          "Mmm, I'll take your word for it for now, Fluffy. Lets just keep this whole serial killer thing ooour secret, alrightalright~~? Between the three of us! I'd hate to slit your pretty throat ♥"
Moving a strands of hair from his face, he looked at her with serenity. He wasn’t scared nor surprised. Well, maybe the latter just a bit, but he finds her another “self” very interesting, too.
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Oh no, she’s been incredulous, Komaeda needs to put her back on his pedestals with a short speech. He waved his hand in a friendly way, talking. “Genocider Kira-san, I’m pretty sure that you two have hope, if not… You girls wouldn’t be in this school. Hope’s Peak don’t make mistakes. Even if you insist, I will too.” A grin meets his lips, closing his eyes playfully.
Oh, she may still thinking about Komaeda and her are equal, how silly! Well, since they’re differents person, it don’t harm explain it again. “I’m grateful then. But since we’re not alike- because you’re superior- I’m not going to do anything to you, or Seira-san.”
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   Three people want to be taken care of.
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          "Fuckin' hell am I popular lately..." Kira huffed to herself. Not like anyone ever came to see the Vocalist, so this crowd must be for her! "Aaalright, alright, alright,  Hi-Hi everyone! Nice to meetcha! I'm Genocider Kira~! ♪"
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          It took Kira all of ten seconds to realize this guy was off his rocker. What was Seira thinking, hanging out with this guy? Desperate and lonely times led to such measures apparently.
          "Hope?" Kira echoed incredulously. "You think we have hope inside of us? I'll let you in on a little secret- Sei's about as hopeless as they come. Don't bother with any of that stuff around her."
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          "'Sides, I don't even want to kill ya!" Kira groaned. "I'm a serial killer, but I've got to keep up appearances, y'know? If I just slit every throat I came across, that would make me look incredibly messy. I would be caught in nooo time flat. If that were t'happen I wouldn't be noticed. Everyone would forget all about me. And Sei won't get to be at the top of her game."
          So in a way the two of them really went hand in hand. It would be dangerous to continue killing as Seira continued to climb her road to success. Ah, well, that was a problem for future Kira.
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He can only chuckle at his new nickname, Trash, Rubbish or Nuisance would be better nicknames, but he can’t complain, he hadn’t heard that kind of gentle nick in a long time. “Guess it’s man nature. However, I didn’t say that you need to do it, I rather not.”
He wondered, how a tongue can go that far? Well, anatomy it’s sure a mistery for this girl, however, he hold his tongue about the subject. Hearing her talk.
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He glanced his gray optics at her, smiling. “Ohhh, so you are sparing my life, I thank you! My death itself will serve little purpose to the world, and I wouldn’t want to die that way… I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.” He may sound doubtfull, but’s saying the entire truth, even if his words were… strange.
He also take a look to the room, without standing up from the chair. “We’re in the music room. And now, I’m not going to harm you… or Seira-san. Even if I wanted to, I’ll surely get killed in this moment. I can’t harm someone like you-or Seira. You’re carrier of a great talent, I don’t want to crush any hope that’s inside of you.”
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          Kira blinked once, twice, three times in confusion, raising an eyebrow. "Hah? Why the hell would I strip?" Aah, wait, Fluffy must have meant... Kira switched her attention down to her shirt and red bra. Right, right, he was watching her undo the buttons. "People are bound to look at someone with their bra hanging out, right? Makes you think about them? Good. ... I ain't gonna strip. This is as far as I go."
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          Silly, silly boy. Everyone always thought that she was going to kill them if they found out somehow. "I've got no reason to! You won't find my lovely wire around your neck anytime soon. I mean, unless you somehow became my competition or Sei's then I'd slice you up a bit. But frankly you don't strike me as vocalist or serial killer. Rest easy, Fluffy."
          Speaking of Fluffy... Kira propped her hand on her hip, taking a long look around the room. "Who even are ya? Sei's neeeever been popular with guys. ...Or, well, anyone. I always have to take care of everyone who hurts her. You weren't thinkin' of harassing her, were ya?"
…Komaeda didn’t say much after that first impression, then, she was pseudo-stripping herself, he also didn’t say anything about that, seems that she got scared too much.
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The male scanned every corner of her suspiciously.This was not supposed to happen, what to do now? … This was all very intriguing! Komaeda couldn’t help a grin after hearing her new tone of voice, seems that we got a split personality. “Fluffy? Well… And no, I don’t think that someone as… her would take care of me… You aren’t going to strip, right? That would be troubling, it’ll destroy the harmony of the school enviroment.” He said with a calmly voice, looking at her actions.
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…Genocider? Murders? Slit throats? Oh… He don’t know if she was telling the truth, but why she would lie to him? Ah, it’s obvious, he’s Komaeda, the boy that always being ignored or deceived. “…Genocider? Are you planning to kill me now that we’re alone?” He scratched his head whilst moving a few locks of hair from his forehead.
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          Seira? Ahah, right, Sei was so paranoid about people finding out about them so she never told a living soul (At least they weren't living anymore). Kira snickered to herself with this thought, loosening her tie and popping a few buttons on her white dress shirt. So Sei managed to rope a guy in here alone. Ohhh, this was going to be hella fun.
          "AaaalrightAlrightAlrightAlright Hiya, Fluffy!" Kira waved down to Komaeda with a wicked smile. She took a few paces back before taking a running jump off the stage. Her landing wasn't exactly stable but it wasn't entirely graceful either. Grace and murder didn't really go hand in hand. "Whats Sei doing bringing a boy in here aaall alone? She couldn't be trying to take care of you, is she?"
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          Oh, enough of her empty teases. Kira cocked her head and raised a hand up, flashing the peace sign. "Genocider Kira at your service, Fluffy! You may recognize me or my work from your television set broadcasting serial murders and slit throats! ♥"
He looked at her with excitement, he was honored to hear her singing, she may have a great voice, this is going to be great. Komaeda just smiled at her, waiting for her sing.
…What? How someone can modify the iris of their eyes, and why her tongue is more… Oh, yeah, nothing can be as expected. Komaeda just glanced at her with curiosity.
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"Hmm… Seira-san? What happened, are you scared? Don’t think that I’m going to say anything, more so, I’m honored to hear you singing." He only blinked at her change, waiting for a correct response.
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          Seira giggled to herself, taking another quick look around to make sure she was perfect. Knees slightly bent, shoulders back, and fixating her posture to that of a signers so as to not irritate flow of breath. Seira bowed a little bit before she began, gesturing to herself once she straightened up. "Seira Anami! Performing her hit song, Black Diamond!"
          Cue an intake of breath, about to belt out the opening lyrics, when her air came shooting back up with a startling hiccup!
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          "...Where the hell am I?" Obviously it was a stage, but there wasn't any crowd or music. Just one lonely looking guy in the audience. How dull! The whole room should be full of screaming people! Ugh. Throats would be cut for this.
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He stayed in silence after her words, leaning his back in the chair, comfty enough. He just rather not to say anything about that because he will protest about it. Better hold his tongue.
Right after, Seira began to reach the stage, just look at her, she seems somewhat happy, not something that Komaeda wouldn’t expect, it was her talent, after all.
…Song request? Oh no, Komaeda isn’t into music, he may heard some ambient music sometimes, and even some punk rock, but he don’t remember anything about it, not even the song titles or the band names. Komaeda declined with a movement of his head. “…Black Diamond? Okay, delight me.”
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   One person wants to be taken care of
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          "And whoooo~ do we have here! Kira spies a cute little darling! ... Nah, girly, in all seriousness you're adorable. I could just cut you up. ♥" Damnit, Kira, don't scare the poor child. This is why nobody likes you.
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I updated my theme!! Give it a look, maybe~? I think it looks better than the previous one.
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