desiprincess111 · 2 years
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"How nice is it to know that you are never ever in competition with anyone but yourself? No one could ever occupy the same space as you, emit the same energy as you, shine your exact life experience. I love knowing that the more truly me I become, the better everything becomes." - Dove Cameron
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This may be the first of a few posts related to rearranging your mindset specifically pertaining to confidence, so I won’t be covering everything in this one post about how to acquire absolute self love and whatnot. For now, we’ll just focus on jealousy and more specifically the feeling of inadequacy. Before we start, I’d like to quickly provide the definition of jealousy: Jealousy is the feeling of discontent due to the possessions, characteristics or merits of another. It comes from a place of lack because it is the understanding that you are missing something, which consequently harbors insecurity and self-doubt. I understand, it’s hard to be confident in oneself when you’re bombarded with milestone culture and beauty standards that constantly dictate what you should look like and what your life should be like; And when you’re constantly surrounded by people who embody those standards, it’s easy to believe that there’s something inherently wrong with you for not living up to them. I was once in that position, but I’ll touch on that later on. The first half will discuss changing the way you see others and the second will discuss changing how you see yourself (and my experience doing that). Without further ado, these are the mindset adjustments that I implemented into my life that helped me stop feeling inferior to anyone else.
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No envy, just inspiration.
Instead of focusing on the fact that they are something you are not, start seeing people as motivation for what you aim to be. Other people are and should be seen as sources of inspiration because they are testaments to the reality of your aspirations. It doesn’t matter what the goal is, whether you want to be a top student or have your dream body, it is achievable and the decision to acquire it will always depend on you. Stop downplaying your capacity. If they can, why can’t you? What makes them more capable than you? The only difference between you and them is your mentality and the diligence to go after what you want. 
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People are only what we know about them.
It’s easy to be jealous of someone - such as an influencer, for example - when all you see from them is the good parts of their life. You may think to yourself that you’d give anything to switch lives with another when the truth is everyone always has something going on behind closed doors. You see people for everything you want to have, do and be but it’s also important to remember that we only see people for what they choose to share with the world. 
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Compare yourself to others… the right way 
If you’re going to compare yourself to another person, do it in a way that puts you on the pedestal. Instead of dwelling on what somebody else has that you don’t, switch the narrative into thinking about what you have that others don’t. It’s so easy to make list of everything you wish you had, but have you ever stopped to consider what you have that they don’t? Maybe they have your dream body, but they don’t have a contagiously endearing smile like yours. You may not have a captivating relationship like they do, but you have a best friend who loves and supports you unconditionally. They’re gifted at math, but they’re not as skilled at drawing as you are. Maybe you don’t have any of the previously mentioned qualities, but there will always always be something about yourself worth appreciating that they do not have. You’re so fixated on what’s missing in your life that you tend to forget about what isn’t. Picking up this habit will take away the feeling of lack because you’re remembering all that is in your possession right now and not only will it take your mind off of that but it’ll also feel reassuring to know that you aren’t below somebody else after all. Instead of letting them be the standard, you become the standard, which brings me to my next point:
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Live by your own standards
I cannot emphasize how important it is to set your own standards and live by them. Socially, you will be told that matters such as beauty and success look a certain way and any deviation from it is undesirable. Why should you live your life according to somebody else’s rules or standards? Your perception of what it means to be beautiful or successful will never be exactly the same as somebody else’s, so it’s nonsensical to force yourself into a mold that wasn’t made for you in the first place. Humanity is not a monolith. Success, fulfillment, happiness and beauty are all relative. What one person regards as success is failure to another, what someone considers to be the epitome of beauty might be completely unappealing to another. Do not allow another person to impose what their ideal definition of any of these concepts is unto you. Your perception is the only one that matters and you are the one who gets to dictate what the standard for yourself should be. 
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Your greatest competition and your worst enemy - yourself
This is the part where I talk about my experience with jealousy and feelings of inadequacy. I was once an incredibly anxious person who always felt like she was “behind” in comparison to everyone else. I would constantly compare my life to everyone else’s and feel guilty because I hadn’t accomplished as much as them. One day, I had the most enlightening epiphany: I realized that the only person who was imposing these expectations and pressure on myself was none other than my very self. Nobody in my life was telling me that I had to be doing this and that, it was always me who set that standard up because of what I heard elsewhere and as a result I was practically my own enemy. I never stopped to ask myself why that was a standard I chose to satisfy in the first place and because of that, I unintentionally created so much unnecessary stress for myself.
We constantly worry about what the correct way to live, be or do something is and what abiding by otherwise suggests about us but as it turns out, in the end it’s only you who will hold yourself to that. Other people are busy living in their own worlds, pursuing their goals, or even struggling mentally comparing themselves to the next person and we don’t even know it because we are too clouded by our own judgment to realize that. I was my own obstacle and my own bully. The only person who cared about what I was and wasn’t doing was myself and I wish I had realized this earlier because the moment I did I finally let go of that pressure. I learned that there is no correct way to succeed and as long as I was moving forward, the rate at which I progressed would never matter.
Sometimes you are your own worst enemy and you need to be the one to call yourself out for it. Entertaining imaginary one-sided competitions and enforcing baseless expectations will only impose frustration on yourself. If I could give my old self some words of advice, this is what I would say to her: Be more kind to yourself and make your life a little easier by not getting in your own way. You’re the one person who will always be by your side at any point in your life. Have your own back, be your biggest supporter and your own best friend. Appreciate yourself more and give yourself more credit for how far you’ve come. Take it one day at a time and trust yourself because success does not have a fixed trajectory. 
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Your new mentality
When I had my epiphany and chose to switch the comparison narrative around, I started to truly change how I saw myself and what my thoughts looked like in respects. In the present day, my mentality is that I live my life for myself only and I have zero interest in living up to anybody else’s standards and expectations but my own. I don’t care about what anyone else is doing because I am my biggest priority and my attention is exclusively directed towards my ambitions. Upon appropriating this mindset, I completely let go of that old version of me and never looked back. It’s been one of the best personal decisions I have ever made and I hope this encourages you to do the same out of love for yourself as well.
Take a deep breath and relax, this is your life. Only your goals and who you aspire to be matters. Stop living by others’ rules and start living by your own. Become so fixated on yourself that you can’t be bothered to care about what anybody else is doing or saying. Put yourself first and do whatever it takes to preserve your peace of mind. Stay away from people who actively make you feel inferior and delete social media if it’s distorting your expectations and standards. Whatever means are necessary but take yourself out of situations that make you feel less than others and start shifting your mindset into one that sees you as a winner.
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Final words
Only you get to decide if you’ve had enough of feeling like you’re not enough. Implement and think about what I wrote in this post. Live by it until it feels so natural to you that the idea of being jealous of another feels unbelievably silly (because it is)! The longer you sustain this state of mind the sooner you’ll be at peace mentally. I leave you with a final reminder:
It is never too late to become the person you have always dreamt of being. Find inspiration in other people, establish your goals and do what it takes to achieve every single one of them. Do it for nobody else but you. Be so loyal to the dream version of you that it inevitably materializes before your eyes. You are infinitely greater than you think you are. The world is far too grand and your life is full of too much potential for you to allow yourself to be suppressed by the expectations of others and the fictional competition you have placed upon yourself with another. There is nothing in this world that you cannot have, do or be and the only person you should be competing with is yourself. Every day is a new opportunity to be better than who you were yesterday. You’re not running out of time because your path is your own. Nobody could ever come close to imitating the excellence that is you and nobody ever will, that will always be your greatest blessing and your greatest brag. 
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desiprincess111 · 2 years
⏳— 𝟒𝟖 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞.
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Yes, you heard it right. You can manifest anything & everything in only 48 hours. You don’t need to perfect your self-concept or work on past limiting beliefs or spew affirmations 100 times a day. All you need to do is to live in the end + persist & you’ll see just how fast your desires fall into your lap. You can manifest whatever you want— there is no such thing as ‘small’ or ‘big’ manifestation, all that matters is your mindset & unwillingness to take no for an answer.
Remember, you are LIMITLESS.
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Just join in. Don’t procrastinate or postpone your dream life. You deserve beautiful ambrosia like happiness that comes from having all your desires & being perfectly fulfilled.
It’s not compulsory but I would REALLY appreciate it if you could make a post stating all that you’re going to manifest and what methods you want to use to live in the end. Do read the instructions section below because if you have that engraved in your mind, you’re definitely going to succeed :) Also, tag me & use the hashtag #48HC so I can reblog your post.
Don’t forget to drop your success stories. I’m as excited as you are to see your desires come true. Let’s all motivate each other & use our success to help those with doubts & fears. I have absolute faith in all of you & I have no doubt that you will succeed.🖤
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Assume that you always manifest your desires within 48 hours no matter what. Regardless of your circumstances, mental & physical health, environment or anything you consider to be a blockage/barrier, assume that you’re a master manifestor & all your desires will manifest instantly or within 48 hours.
Live in the end: Go straight to your imagination and dwell there. Feel it to be real. Assume that what you’re imagining truly IS your reality. Do this until you feel fulfilled and the state of having your desire feels natural to you. The 4D is the BLUEPRINT for the 3D. You’re not manifesting your desire. You are simply reflecting what you are: which is the assumptions that you have accepted to be true. When you live in the end, you are embodying the state of consciousness of the person who ALREADY has their desires. Instead of ‘praying’, ‘wishing’, ‘hoping’ & ‘expecting’, simply choose to dwell in your mind & embody the mindset of a person who has it all.
Mental diet: By living in the end, you’ll notice that your thoughts naturally align with your desires and constantly reaffirm your state as a successful conscious creator. However, if there are a few intrusive thoughts that say you can’t manifest, reject them & flip them around. If there is a thought that says, “Manifestation is difficult & the 3D takes time to conform”, go straight to your imagination & FEEL what it’s like to manifest easily & effortlessly. Accept this as your truth & reality. Don’t allow these little annoyances to ruin what is going to be your beloved masterpiece as the artist of your life.
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— What I manifested with this challenge: I did this challenge on 21/7/22 & 22/7/22. I’m already living my dream life so there is nothing I wanted for myself. Hence, I manifested several things for my beloved younger brother. With his consent, I manifested a full scholarship ride to university, his sweet, caring dream girl, getting picked by an international sports team, deep misty blue eyes, the ability to fly without wings & be invisible on command. He also has the ability to manifest instantly & can enter the void at will.
— Words of Motivation:
If you follow my instructions, I promise you that your manifestations will arrive effortlessly & quickly. You don’t need the void or SATS to change your life. Only use them because you enjoy them & not because everyone’s doing it. This challenge will prove to you that anyone can get what they want by simply dwelling in their imagination.
You are GOD. You are the most powerful existence in creation. If you’re breathing, you’re okay. You have a second shot at life. You have time. You aren’t weak, limited or restricted. YOU ARE DIVINE. So choose yourself. Always. Manifesting your dream life is the greatest gift you can give to yourself. You’ve had it hard till now & it’s not your fault for being in hell but it IS your fault for staying there once you find a way out.
— Thank you for participating in this challenge, my loves.🦋 Trust me, you ARE God- an absolutely limitless being who can manifest their desires in the blink of an eye so this challenge will be a piece of cake. Remember, I’m here for you & I’m rooting for you. <3
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desiprincess111 · 2 years
I was getting SO Motivated while I was reading your 48H challenge post but then I read the part where you said you manifest your brother to be able to fly and go invisible. Come on baby, isn't that a little too much? We ALL know that you're lying. YOU know that you're lying TO YOURSELF. Now is manifesting real? Maybe. But your brother flying around and going invisible like doctor strange is a complete bs. People like you are the reason why this community has so many skeptics.
Look, if you don’t believe that my brother can fly or turn invisible THAT’S ON YOU. That’s your inability to believe that you’re LIMITLESS & infinitely POWERFUL. So don’t blame that on me or call me a liar, blame that on your weak-ass self-concept honey, cause “skeptics” like you are what’s holding back the community from reaching its full potential.
Neville has constantly stated that there is no difference between fantasy, fiction & reality. I used that to my advantage and manifested for him. It’s easy as pie. If people can make their hamsters talk, why can’t my brother fly? If people can have their own little fairy friend, why can’t he turn invisible? I manifested a perfect self concept 7 months ago and the reason I do not post my biggest manifestations are due to people like you who are not willing to open their minds and accept that they are, in fact, GOD and they can do anything. My brother flying is only a fraction of my power, if you knew what I manifested over the months, your jaw would drop.
Y’all call yourselves GOD and then put limits on what’s possible and what isn’t 🙄 That kind of mindset doesn’t make you a God— it makes you sound like a bird who has walked all its life and is now afraid to fly, unable to believe that it can touch the sky.
It isn’t BS but I’m not going to post proof because my brother’s privacy is more important than you. Believe what you will but if I get another anon saying I’m lying, I’m going to block you because I don’t need your negative energy around my babies here who are going to accomplish greater things than you ever will.
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desiprincess111 · 2 years
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Elevate yourself
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desiprincess111 · 2 years
please don't try to change the 3D, pleassee....
your 3D has nothing to do with your desires. it won't affect your manifestations in any way!! I repeat, it won't. let's take an example.
you = 4D
mirror = 3D
you looked at a mirror and saw your lipstick has smudged a bit along the corner of your lips. wiping the mirror won't do anything. in order to change/correct your lipstick, you have to wipe your face not your reflection in the mirror. same goes for your 3D and 4Drealities. don't try to change your 3D when there's something you don't like. change from within! change your thoughts! the 3D will automatically reflect the change made in the 4D.
happy manifesting, loves❤️
everyone should read this :]
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desiprincess111 · 2 years
I’ve discovered a lot about loa over the past year but i can literally just say that I’ve tried everything (ik ik, i shouldn’t say “tried but hear me out) and I’ve gotten nowhere. For a really long time, almost a year, I fully and wholeheartedly assumed and persisted in the fact that I have a sharp jawline and a small waist, but I’ve gotten nowhere, in fact I’ve gained more weight and have a wider face and more of a double chin now. I’ve done blanket affirmations, I’ve done subliminals, I’ve done lots of methods and persisted in them, and I’d even convinced myself that I was doing everything right and will always get results, yet….here I am. I’ve done so much, I’ve let go at some points to not obsess over it but I’m honestly not seeing any changes. Please, PLEASE just tell me if I should give up on loa altogether and stop trying to move things in my favour, or if I should continue, and if so, how ?
hey love! here are the links of some posts that i think could help you:
persisting ; persisting
how blushydior manifested w hard circumstances
essay on manifestation
what i recommend you to do is literally take a break. a long ass break if needed. i want you to clear your mind, saturate it, find new hobbies and just overall not think about manifestation. right now you consider manifesting impossible and you think that you can fail. let me reassure you that you cannot fail! there’s literally no way someone can fail when they manifest. you currently have many limiting beliefs, so here’s what i want you to do:
restart your journey. how? you’re simply going to state that right now you look exactly how you see yourself in the mirror. i want you to let out all the emotions that you feel right now, anger/sadness etc. look at yourself in the mirror and literally “insult” it.
once you do that (try to repeat step 1 for a few hours/days, as much as you feel like) i want you to get in front of your mirror, look at yourself and say “ok, from this day on i won’t fail anymore. failure doesn’t exist for me, because i can do anything i want”. if you want (and i recommend it) you can get a note pad and write the rules that you’re going to set for yourself and stick it to the mirror. so anything you’ll go see yourself, you will read the notes and repeat them in your head till you fully believe in them.
how i suggest you restart your journey:
1. get off tumblr, delete any social media platform that talks about the law (youtube, tumblr, insta etc.)
2. state your desires; no scripting, no affirming, no nothing. simply say “i have this, this and this” and persist. ik you’re tired of hearing this, but trust me it is the only way you can do it.
3. sporadically think about your desires and whenever you do, say that you already have them. if you get intrusive thoughts immediately flip them to positive ones.
that’s it. that’s all you have to do. you won’t need subliminals, affirming, visualising none of that. i actually recommend you don’t use any methods at all. simply think about you already having what you want regardless of what the 3d shows you.
you can do it. anyone can. if i manifested you can do it too. if bambi and many more manifested through hard circumstances you can do it too. this is your reminder that anything is possible! you’re the operant power, everything starts from your mind. nothing in this world would’ve existed if we didn’t imagine it first. every single thing that humans created was a thought first, then it became reality. trust me love, you can do anything. time is something that us humans made, but it’s subjective. we perceive time however we do and want, so you can literally have anything you want right now. not in the span of a week, month, year… right now! as long as you want it. i believe in yourself and so should you, i love you ♡
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desiprincess111 · 2 years
Officially giving up
licher uh lee, Y ?
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desiprincess111 · 2 years
✦ . 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄: 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠
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so we all know how self concept is one of the big keys to manifestation. how you view yourself in relation to the world around you is extremely important and can greatly affect how you manifest. however, there is another key to manifestation that often gets overlooked and that is persistence. 
now i understand why. it can be HARD! of course, manifesting in general is very easy but it does require a certain amount of discipline and mental work. when it truly gets difficult for most people is when an unfavorable circumstance happens in your 3d (external) reality. everything seems to be going alright then all of a sudden you start seeing the opposite of your desire or you're in a situation that makes you feel a negative way. suddenly, you start to question and doubt yourself and even start spiraling, not knowing what to do. 
if this is something that you’re experiencing right now DON’T WORRY! in this post i will be sharing how to get yourself back on track and how to PERSIST no matter what you’re seeing in the 3d. 
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𝐈. what exactly does it mean to persist?
   per·sist  /pərˈsist/ verb
continue firmly or obstinately in an opinion or a course of action in spite of difficulty, opposition, or failure.
in other words, persisting means to continue to pursue a certain goal despite the difficulties or obstacles that come in the way of that goal. 
in the context of manifestation, this means that we continue to dwell in your new assumption no matter what the 3d is showing you. 
𝐈𝐈. why is persisting so important?
why perisisting is important can be summed up in one of my favorite quotes by neville goddard:
"an assumption, though false, if persisted in will harden into fact."
this is the basis of the law of assumption. no matter how "crazy" or outlandish an assumption may be, no matter how delusional you feel, even if you don't believe a single WORD of your assumption, if you persist in that assumption it will ALWAYS become true. the 3d will always, without a doubt, conform to this assumption.
this is why persisting is absolutely key when manifesting, especially when first starting off. when faced with an unfavorable circumstances, you can trust that the 3d will always change and conform to your new assumption when you persist.
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𝐈𝐈𝐈. how do i persist?
i touched on persisting in a previous post i made about ignoring the 3d, but essentially, to persist means to live completely in your 4d (inner reality) and to disregard any unfavorable circustances that the 3d may throw at you. literally think of your imagination as the ONLY true reality that matters to you. when you see something you don't like on the outside, turn inwards to your imagination and live within.
in other words, think the thoughts you would have if you already had your desire. don't let yourself and your mind be swayed by outer circumstances, because they don't MATTER!
“help, im spiraling!”
sometimes, it become difficult to immediately persist despite the 3d and we get into a spiral of doubt, fear, worry, sadness, etc. no worries, here’s a simple step by step guide to getting out of a spiral! (original ask)
1. stop everything + relax
“the main cause of a spiral is usually a result of seeing something unfavorable in the 3d and becoming overwhelmed. you feel like it’s difficult to change the circumstance. therefore you force yourself to go 2x harder trying to “fix” the 3d, (personally, i tend to affirm even more, repress emotions, over-consume info), which ultimately makes you feel worse. so, i would recommend that you take a break from ALL things manifesting-related for a few days to a week. delete tumblr, instagram, unsubscribe from loa youtube channels, whatever. in this time period, i suggest that you do meditation and journal out your feelings. let yourself feel any emotions and vent out whatever’s bothering you. don’t keep it all bottled up. do some deep breathing and take some time for yourself!”
2. work on your self-concept ONLY
“after you feel like you’ve taken enough time “off” from manifesting consciously, now you can start easing back in. i recommend choosing 1-3 self-concept affirmations to repeat throughout your day whenever you feel like it, or when you’re in SATS. i’d suggest working on your self-concept for another few days to a few weeks, (and forever honestly, cause self concept is all you really need).
here are some neutral affirmations and some good self concept affirmations!”
3. be still and know…and don’t seek validation from the 3d
“this isn’t really a “step” but just a good mindset to implement. you guys, when you’re truly in the state of KNOWING, whether it be knowing you’ll get your desires or knowing you already have your desires, you will be much less likely to spiral. why? well, as i stated in the first point, we spiral primarily bc we experienced something unfavorable in the 3d. but when we’re in the state of knowing, we KNOW that the 3d is temporary and that our desires ARE COMING!! it’s inevitable, therefore there’s no reason to spiral over something that won’t even last.”
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𝐈𝐕. fun ways to persist!
so at this point you might be thinking, "ok i know persisting is important but it still seems hard and kinda boring!" well don't worry, here are some fun methods and techniques to help make persisting fun and easy :)
3DOL x ROE challenge
this is a super fun challenge by @starliet and @cleostoohot, in which you affirm in a way that implies that you always manifest in 3 days or less and you manifest everything regardless of everything (ROE). this is a great way to practice persistence because it reminds yourself that regardless of literally any circumstance, you can still manifest your desires (in a very short amount of time too)!
SATS, or state akin to sleep, is a method in which you visualize/affirm in a drowsy and sleepy state until you either fall asleep or feel completly natural in your new assumption. this is both an easy and relaxing method that is also extremly effective! here's a few posts on SATS, 1 & 2, that go into more depth.
vaunting is a super fun way to affirm where you combine a bunch of affirmations together and turn it into an inner conversation. the reason why it's so effective is bc it makes persisting and living in the end feel more real and natural. @sexyandhedonistic explains her method here!
𝐕. conclusion
to wrap up, persistence, while sometimes hard, is extremly important to manifest your desires! the best thing to do is to remember your power and remind yourself that whatever happens you will manifest everything you want no matter what! remain faithful to your new assumptions and don't let outer circumstances rattle you. you are the operant creator and everything HAS to go your way no matter what! don't ever give up. persist, persist, persist, ALWAYS! the 3D will always conform to you!
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© celestialheartbeat - 2022
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desiprincess111 · 2 years
⠀ ⠀ ⤷ 𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐅 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐏𝐓 ⋮ 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞 𝐆𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝
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𝐈. ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏ ‎ Introduction
𝐈𝐈. ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ what is self concept? + benefits
𝐈𝐈𝐈. ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ self concept indicators
𝐈𝐕. ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ how to change and maintain self concept?
𝐕. ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ self concept affirmations + vaunt
𝐕𝐈. ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏ ‎ ‎‏tips + quotes / outro
Neville and many others have preached about investing time into your self concept. One important note is that you don‘t need to change your self concept to manifest your desires. Although this investment isn‘t needed to manifest your desires, it would be foolish of me to say its investment isn‘t worth it, because it is completely worth it. Almost all of your questions can all be answered with: 𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐅 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐏𝐓 … Dear reader, if you are willing to change your self concept, these limiting thoughts regarding your desire, self being & the world will disappear and your life will be on easy mode.
Self concept is how you perceive the world in relation to you and yourself to the world. It contains all assumptions you have regarding yourself, such as your appearance, personality, social life, romantic life, etc., and contains all assumptions you have about your environment, such as other people‘s appearances, personalities, how they treat you, etc. Self concept also relates to your assumptions regarding manifestation, such as your assumption on the time it takes for you to manifest, what limits you believe you have, etc.
❝ As within, so without. ❞ — Neville Goddard
With a good self concept, you instantly and effortlessly manifest. You won‘t doubt your abilities anymore ; your limiting beliefs and worries about failure, time, logic and the 3D will be gone. You‘ll no longer have a victim mindset, you‘ll take accountability, as you‘ll understand that you are the operant power. You‘ll no longer be wishful thinking or dwell on regrets. You‘ll be treated as you wish. You‘ll no longer be insecure or jealous, and you‘ll put yourself first / on the pedestal. Basically, your life will be on easy mode.
❝ Self concept is like when you play a game and set the difficulty. With a high self concept you'll be playing in easy mode and everything will take less time and effort. While with a lower self concept you'll be playing in a harder mode, so your manifestation might take more effort from you. ❞ ©️
You put yourself on the pedestal and you put yourself first. You don‘t spiral about your circumstances. You are patient and unwavering while manifesting. You don‘t blame others / you don‘t have a victim mentality. You have self love and confidence. You don‘t settle for less, as you are brazenly imprudent and you know you deserve what you want. You pay no mind to logic, time or the 3D. You don‘t doubt your power nor downplay yourself. You rely on yourself, believing and trusting in yourself. You aren‘t influenced by others, disregarding others words. You aren‘t miserable, jealous, insecure or envious … and so on.
You have your desires on the pedestal, putting yourself second. You spiral often and dwell on negativity. You are impatient and aren‘t consistent with persisting. You blame others and have a victim mentality. You hate yourself and are insecure. You settle for less, accepting defeat. You focus on logic, time and the 3D. You doubt yourself and your power, always downplaying yourself. You rely on blogs, coaches, etc., not trusting yourself. You are easily influenced by others, accepting others words as facts. You think you don‘t deserve anything good. You have an insecure, miserable, jealous and envious mindset. You believe in limiting beliefs such as having to work hard to get what you want, divine timing / fate / destiny, not everyone will like you, everything happens for a reason, life isn‘t fair, some people are just lucky, etc.
First off, do not attempt to change your 3D. You do not have to do anything in the 3D. ❝ Stop trying to change the world since it is only the mirror. Man‘s attempt to change the world by force is as fruitless as breaking a mirror in the hope of changing his face. Leave the mirror and change your face. Leave the world alone and change your conceptions of yourself. ❞ To change conceptions of yourself, all you have to do is stop identifying yourself as the undesired, and start identifying yourself as the desired. There are many methods, techniques, etc. out there that can help you with changing your self concept, such as visualization, commanding your subconscious, etc. It all works, but in this post, I‘ll only cover,
౨ৎ ⋮ 𝐀𝐅𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆 aka thinking … ⌵
𝟏. Identify negative / limiting assumptions you hold
𝟐. Flip those limiting beliefs to positive ones
𝟑. Affirm the positive ones and don‘t return to the old story
What assumptions do you have right now that do not benefit you? Flip those negative assumptions to positive ones, then from now on, have thoughts that imply that positive assumption as a fact & persist. Something I‘d like to note is that you do not have to affirm every second, 24/7. You can if you‘d like though! You just need to affirm whenever thoughts regarding whatever it is about your self concept that you‘re changing pops up. Keep in mind you do not have to believe in your affirmations, because they will harden into fact anyway.
The world is against me -> The world is on my side
… Jonathan assumes the world is against him, which results in people treating him like shit and him having bad luck. To change this assumption, he changes his thoughts. He stops having thoughts that imply the world is against him and he basically keeps his thoughts in check. With persistence, his assumption changed and now the world is on his side.
To maintain your new and improved self concept, all you do is persist in the new story (new story = good self concept) and give no power to the old story (old story = bad self concept). This just means to persist in dominantly having thoughts that imply your self concept is perfect. I know sometimes we slip up or get intrusive thoughts. It is okay to slip up a few times, as long as you are dominantly thinking in having what you want. If you get unwanted thoughts, then something that helps is interrupting those type of thoughts. For example:
🤡 What if my desire doesn‘t manif-
👼 No. It is done. I already have it.
🤡 When will it-
👼 It is done.
🤡 How will my desire manif-
👼 It is done.
If you need motivation, Neville Goddard books are truly motivational reads, as they are full of success stories and inspiration. You can also read success stories on Tumblr or any other trusted loa site. One tip I have for motivation is to keep a list of all your success stories, no matter how “big” or “small,” then read that list whenever you feel low about manifesting.
‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ my self concept is perfect
‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ I know I deserve everything I desire and more
‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ everything I want, wants me more
‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ I don‘t chase, I attract
‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ the world and good luck is on my side
‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ I manifest instantly and effortlessly
‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ I am treated like a god / goddess
‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ I always win; I never lose
‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ everything about my life is perfect
‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ I am secure in all aspects of life
‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ I am the operant power and I am limitless
‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ manifesting is so easy
‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ everything always works out in my favor
‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ I am patient and unwavering while manifesting
‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ creation is finished
‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ I am the creator and god of my reality
‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ I love myself and my life
‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ I am loved, appreciated and cared for
‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ I already have all of my desires
‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ the 3D has no power over me
❥ my self concept is perfect in all aspects. I know I am the creator, the God, the source and I know I am limitless. I see myself in such a godly light and so do others, which is why others can‘t help but treat me like a God / Goddess. Not only that, but everything I desire, desires me more. My desires are extremely attracted to me; In fact, anything good is attracted to me, like a moth to a flame. I love life because life treats me extremely well. Life treats me like how someone would to their first love or to a desert rose. I am also protected, as everything always goes my way and works out in my favor. And of course, manifesting is so easy. I manifest anything I desire instantly and effortlessly. I don‘t care about the 3D. The 3D doesn‘t affect me, as I know it is malleable and not set in stone. I am brazenly imprudent; I don‘t take no as an answer. I only get what I want and better. I always win, never lose. I already have all my desires.
𝐓𝐈𝐏 🏷 If you wanted to, you can make a list of self concept affirmations (either online or irl, doesn‘t matter), give it a title (can be anything), then affirm that you got everything from *insert title* (self concept list). For example, I‘ll write down self concept affirmations, then title it “star list” and affirm “I have everything on star list” — that way, I don‘t have to affirm for every single self concept affirmation.
𝐓𝐈𝐏 🏷 Use sleep to your advantage! When you wake up and while you fall asleep, you are in SATs, which is extremely useful to affirm in. I suggest that you affirm right when you wake up and as you fall asleep. Works like a charm.
𝐓𝐈𝐏 🏷 If you are feeling frustrated, please do yourself a favor and take a break. The law isn‘t going anywhere, so don‘t worry about “wasting time” while taking a break. Take the break, take care of yourself, then come back when you feel better.
𝐓𝐈𝐏 🏷 Make affirming / Changing your self concept fun for you! One way I love to make it fun is by using music. Make a playlist dedicated to self concept and have fun listening!
𝐐𝐔𝐎𝐓𝐄 Health, wealth, beauty, and genius are not created; they are only manifested by the arrangement of your mind-that is, by your concept of yourself, and your concept of yourself is all that you accept and consent to as true.
𝐐𝐔𝐎𝐓𝐄 The world is a mirror, forever reflecting what you are doing, within yourself.
𝐐𝐔𝐎𝐓𝐄 Change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live. do not try to change people; they are only messengers telling you who you are. Revalue yourself and they will confirm the change.
𝐐𝐔𝐎𝐓𝐄 Your opinion of yourself is your most important viewpoint. You are infinitely greater than you think you are.
… This was a pretty lengthy post, but I hope you learned of the benefits of self concept and how to change your self concept! Happy manifesting, my loves ₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
© 2022 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐓 | do not repost, copy, translate, or use any posts on this blog in any way without credit or permission
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desiprincess111 · 2 years
I have a few questions on this post. Do I have to do all affs or just one and can I put them in a list and affirm I have everything this list and do I have to do three days aff?
You can do whatever you want. You get results based on your assumptions. If you think this will get me results, it will!
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desiprincess111 · 2 years
Tumblr media
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desiprincess111 · 2 years
Hello, how are you ?
I have a question about the void as well. I was wondering what affirmations would you recommand if someone wanted to fall asleep or wake up in it. I really have no patience to lay down and wait, even if it's 2 minutes and i think it would be easy since i sleep a lot anyways !
Do @cleostoohot ROE challenge
Regardless of everything, I always enter the void every time I fall asleep. Regardless of everything, I always wake up in the void state. Falling asleep takes me straight to the void. I enter the void state daily when I fall asleep. No matter what, I always enter the void state successfully.
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desiprincess111 · 2 years
this was what i needed hah i never looked at it that way that i was just wasting time....
any advice maybe for waking up in the void? I'm doing the roe challenge for a while and affirming to wake up in the void...
No you aren't wasting any time. You are doing everything right. Stop thinking that you are doing something wrong. ( Law of assumption!)
Just think of the void as something of an intermediate, between falling asleep and waking up. Something which is bound to happen. Just like how the sky is always blue or how Tuesday comes after Monday.
Revise that you enter the void every day at night. After waking up, do a little bit of journaling and always mention how you ended up in the void again.
Raise yourself to a pedestal. Acknowledge your power. You don't need any method to enter the void. You have already manifested everything you desired ( cuz you went to the void several times, right? ) So why enter the void for manifesting your desires? You just enter it to get complete relaxation and experience deep meditation. That's it. You don't need the void. The void exists because you exist.
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desiprincess111 · 2 years
Hey love the thing about living in the end for fun. Yeah I can do that! I literally slay that with all the right amount of feeling n all. (that Ik all the answers on Monday's exam + I even imagined n acted getting a pre-fect. It was all so natural n easy!) But when I close the giddy senario n go on with my day the anxitey starts popping. Like what am I going to do on Monday when I didn't even open my book properly! Like the paper comes in n.. then what?? N just the whole situation seems so risky. Like either do or die. Help pls :0 n 've a good day~
Hi sweetheart.
My guess is that your fear comes from the fact that you're not fully aware of just how powerful you are. These intrusive thoughts can dissipate if you make the decision to work on your self concept. Just like everything else, passing this test is nothing more than a cinch for you! You're a limitless being, my love. Divinity runs in your blood. You're capable of passing with flying colors and more. Persist in that image of self and you'll easily acquire peace of mind because you'll come to the realization that you always call the shots and failure doesn't have to be an option unless you allow it to be one.
"I couldn’t possibly be concerned about anything if I really believe that imagining creates reality." - Neville Goddard
Besides, let's just say you did fail. Nothing's ever set in stone. You could always revise the outcome. Whatever turns out remember that you're always in control, so there's technically no risk here. You always get to win in the end.
"If our time of revision be well spent, we need not worry about results — our fondest hopes will be realized." - Neville Goddard, The Law and the Promise Chapter 3: Turn the Wheel Backward
You're gonna be okay. This is your reality and your word is final.
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desiprincess111 · 2 years
heey sorry to bother but i can't find ur success story about the void... 😂 I've been scrolling for god knows how many minutes now lol
Hahahah that's cuz I never posted about it....I just replied to people asking me stuff about the void.
STOP SCROLLING! and start applying...who cares with what method I entered the void? The point is you can enter the void instantly, will someone scroll for void sucess stories if they are a pro at entering the void???
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desiprincess111 · 2 years
I Started To Live In The 4D And My Life Instantly Changed Forever 💗💭💗
Thanks to this video by Electrasoul I have a completely new life and mind !!!! 🧠🧠💗💗 I started to FINALLY live in the 4D and I’m getting EVERYTHING I WANT SO FAST AND THEY’RE ALL THINGS I NEVER SUCCESSFULLY GOT BEFORE !!!
Electrasoul taught me that you need to live in the 4D because that’s the true reality, the second you affirm you’re 6’3 you instantly become 6’3 in the 4D so LIVE in the 4D because that’s the true reality 💜 If you say you’re 6’3 THAN YOU ARE 6’3 in the 4D so now all you have to do is just chill and persist until it shows up in the 3D WHICH IT WILL without you lifting a finger 💗 💗 💗 💗 💗 💗
Now let’s pretend we live in the 3D instead of the 4D 🫣 If you constantly affirm you’re 6’3 but keep living in the 3D and noticing you’re 5’5 and asking yourself what you’re doing wrong and why it hasn’t shown up yet, guess what .. 🥶🥶🥶 Congratulations 🎉 Now you’re no longer 6’3 in the 4D because the 4D is instant, now in the 4D you’re 5’5 and still haven’t gotten what you want because you said you’re 5’5 and ‘doing something wrong’ .. is THAT what you want for your reality? NO, SO LIVE in the 4D because THAT’S THE REAL REALITY and the second you affirm you’re 6’3 you are in the 4D so all you literally have to do is is just chill and persist !! Persist in the fact you’re 6’3 and it WILL show up in the 3D, if you’re living in the 3D it’s probably going to take a lot longer to change because you’re affirming for one thing while thinking about another ☹️☹️☹️
After seeing Electrasouls video everything changed and ever since I completely immersed myself in my 4D reality 💗 I talk like my dream self, I act like my dream self, I THINK like my dream self and I’m literally becoming her AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT ‼️
In less than a day of living in my 4D I got 75% closer to my dream face and body, I became a living siren 🖤⚓️🧜🏻‍♀️🖤 I became a different person, I’m so powerful I feel like a god and manifest so instantly, not only that but my entire life, mind and world changed .. this is how I did it 💭💭💗💗🦋🦋☁️☁️
To live in the 4D I would saturate my mind with the thoughts I would have as my dream self and every time I woke up I would saturate my mind for 15 minutes with thoughts and compliments about how I’m a powerful goddess, the vampire version of Jessica Rabbit, Megan Fox 2.0, I would go on and on in my mind about how I’m a vampire supermodel, a living barbie, the world’s most powerful manifestor, resemble a mermaid, how I have powers, and how regardless of everything I have everything I want
I became my dream self by saturating my mind with the thoughts I would have if I was my dream self and I’m becoming her at the speed of light 😭😭 In less than 24 hours my hair became JET BLACK, it’s the blackest black I’ve ever seen and my hair reminds me of a goth mermaid which is exactly what I wanted, it’s so glossy and silky it looks like a wig and has a blue tint to it that reminds me of the ocean at night time, my skin is beyond CGI, flawless, and it even became sparkly, my skin glimmers like a pale pearl in the ocean and I only affirmed ONCE that it was sparkly and it came true ten minutes later because I’ve finally become that powerful 🐚 I look a little like Megan Fox in 2009 because I love how she looked in Jennifer’s Body and wanted to emit that beauty and now my eyes look like bedroom eyes, my jawline and face are so much more sculpted, I EVEN GOT cheekbones and it makes me look like a supermodel, my facial expressions became 1000 times more gorgeous and my waist shrunk even more dramatically because I flooded my mind with thoughts about how I’m the vampire version of Jessica Rabbit and have my dream body 🥹🥹🖤🖤 My life has also been going BEAUTIFULLY 💗💗💗 It’s like my life is a movie I’m getting stuff for free literally EVERYWHERE I even went to the movies and got to see a movie and get my candy 100% for free because the movie I was supposed to see (and didn’t want to see) got canceled so the manager gave us FREE CANDY AND free tickets to see the movie I secretly wanted to see and it was playing five minutes later so everything moved in my favor ?? 💗
Another huge milestone is I finally stopped working out 40 minutes a day to maintain a perfect figure (I’ve been working out 40 minutes a day everyday FOR LITERALLY 10 YEARS) but after discovering the law of assumption I wanted to manifest not having to workout and still being just as fit, it never worked and I always went back to exercising because I assumed I’d lose my body and I couldn’t get rid of the limiting belief that I had to work out to stay fit, NOW WITH MY NEW MIND I know that I HAVE THE POWER and if I say I’m fit without working out I WILL BE, so I FINALLY successfully manifested not having to workout to stay fit and completely stopped exercising after 10 years of exercising, and my abs are ten times more sculpted than they were when I tortured myself everyday with running mountain climbers ??? Now I know that I’M GOD, and that logic doesn’t matter, and there are infinite realities so there’s a reality where I don’t have to work out to be fit, and I fucking went there, I also completely changed my skeleton and customized it to my dream self, I shrunk my ribs and gave them a V shape, I widened my pelvis to get Jessica Rabbit’s hips, I shrunk my shoulders to look like a doll and I even grew my leg bones because I grew taller, I was 5’4 and now I’m officially 5’8 💜 I “manifested” being tall for months and always affirmed I was 5’8 and I grew gradually, but after embodying my dream self and living in my 4D, I became 5’8 instantly 🚀💥💗
My point of this post it to PLEASE WATCH this video by ElectraSoul, I’m a completely different person and I’m getting things instantly that I was trying to get for months ‼️ Also, when you live in the 4D you stop ‘trying’ to get things because you know and decide you already have them, once I started doing this I starting getting stuff instantly 🥹🥹🥹
Saturate your mind with the thoughts you would have as your dream self, if you were Maddy Perez or Jennifer Check do you think you’d be lying in bed thinking you’re ugly all day? Jennifer LITERALLY TELLS HERSELF “I am a God” That’s how YOU should be talking to YOURSELF ‼️ Go on rants in your head about how powerful you are, flood yourself with compliments, go on and on about how beautiful and perfect your face and body is, BE LIKE JENNIFER CHECK AND TALK LIKE YOU’RE GOD AND GORGEOUS AND YOU WILL BECOME THAT
I BECAME my dream self by getting into her mind, how would a powerful goddess who looks like Jessica Rabbit and a vampire supermodel talk, think and act ? How would a powerful manifestor with a limitless mind think and act? I flooded my mind with thoughts about how powerful I am and how I manifest instantly and can change the color of houses with my mind and lift people up with my pinky because I’m so psychically strong, LOGIC DOESN’T MATTER NOTHING IS UNREALISTIC !! Tell me why now I have powers and can move things and spawn things with my mind? Tell me why now I manifest so instantly I affirmed my skin is sparkly and 10 minutes later my legs had real glitter in them? BECAUSE I SAID I CAN, BECAUSE I SAID I HAVE IT, and knew that because I have it in the 4D, I HAVE IT in the 3D, and now everything I want comes in seconds, THINK, TALK AND ACT LIKE WHO YOU WANT TO BE AND YOU WILL BECOME HER 💭🖤
And watch this video by ElectraSoul, after I watched this video my life and mind changed forever 🙏🏻💗💗
Important Note: Living in the 4D also meant not giving a fuck about the 3D, every time I saw a cockroach in the bathroom the size of my fist (I’m dead serious, they’re so huge they’re the size of a bird and have wings and spiked legs it’s fucking scary) (I’m also a clean freak and a germaphobe so my unsanitary living situation took a huge mental toll on me, I cried hundreds of times about it) But with my new mind and living in the 4D I became my dream self with my dream life, I lived in my mansion with my barbie body, every single time I saw a scary gigantic cockroach in the bathroom I thought in my head “Isn’t my mansion bathroom so clean, big and pretty?” “Don’t I look so gorgeous in it’s giant light up mirror?” Every time I saw what I didn’t want to see in the mirror I’d think “I am the vampire version of Jessica Rabbit, oh my god I literally have my dream body, I’m so gorgeous, hot and beautiful” Every time my friends were toxic and mean to me I’d say in my head “I just love how everyone worships me and the ground I walk on, all my friends treat me like a princess and wish they could be half as angelic as me. I have the celebrity effect on people, I’m literally a living doll in the flesh” AND NOW I’M 100 TIMES PRETTIER and they’re all flooding me with compliments, Starbucks and gifts ??? 🧋🎁🧋Before they were mean to me and made fun of me a lot, especially my voice which I affirmed is hauntingly beautiful every single time they mocked it 🖤⚓️🧜🏻‍♀️
I became SO DELUSIONAL, I ignored bird sized cockroaches in the shower, I ignored every unwanted reflection in the mirror, a certain someone even showed me a HIDEOUS PICTURE OF ME that usually would’ve triggered me so bad I’d cry for hours but NOPE. I lived in the 4D and told myself how I looked like a vampire supermodel, I’m so gorgeous the picture belonged on magazine covers, that I was sculpted by angels and a gothic vampire dream, I KNEW I HAD TO LIVE IN THE 4D OR STAY IN MY UNWANTED REALITY AND CIRCUMSTANCES
Now my appearance has changed dramatically, I’m receiving $4,000 a month for doing literally nothing and I’m moving out of the place I hated and made me want to die 🥹🥹🥹🖤🖤🖤 It took TWO DAYS
Living in the 4D is the best thing I’ve ever done, THANK YOU ELECTRASOUL 🥹🥹🥹🥹💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 You changed my mind and life forever
I’m begging you all to watch her video and live in the 4D !! I know if you watch it and live in the 4D you’ll be unstoppable 💜🖤💜 I recommend these too 💕💕
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desiprincess111 · 2 years
Thanks for 444 followers!💜
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