debbiecolon · 2 days
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"If I become a god, will I be able to bring them back...?"
During Journey 2, Yhmir becomes obsessed with understanding the gods of the Lands Between, particularly the ones he deems harmful. Despite being stagnant and filled with sorrow, there is beauty in the world he wishes to save, people he longs to see again. It is a desire so strong that it comes to a head when confronting the Elden Beast.
Upon its defeat, Yhmir consumes the flesh of a god. Bathed in golden viscera he has only one desire: to will those lost back into existence, and to protect a vulnerable world by consuming all other deities.
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debbiecolon · 5 days
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debbiecolon · 8 days
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Rem as an NPC
Rem is an NPC in Elden Ring with a quest line that players can complete in order to gain some valuable items. Rem is a denizen of Caelid and former confidant of the Demigod, General Radahn, on a journey to say goodbye to the past and slay those responsible for the loss of his home. He wears a unique armor set and veil, has the silvery skin of a Nightfolk, silver hair and bright golden eyes. Progress through his quest line to unlock him as an NPC Summon Cooperator during specific boss battles.
Rem can also be encountered as an NPC Invader. He will invade the player near the Impassable Greatbridge in Caelid at any time of day. He wears light armor, wields a curved greatsword with a unique skill and uses the Staff of Loss to cast night sorceries.
Rem can first be found near the Rotview Balcony site of grace, just past the Smoldering Church.
He can be found by the Chair-Crypt of Sellia site of grace, after the Nox Swordstress & Nox Priest boss fight.
When Redmane Castle is in Festival mode, Rem can be found in the courtyard. He can be summoned for the boss fight against Starscourge Radahn.
He will show up to the festival regardless of being interacted with previously, wherein he will then introduce himself if you speak with him.
His dialogue here is different depending on how well he knows the Tarnished at this point.
After the battle with Radahn, Rem can be found in the Wailing Dunes, near the Starscourge Radahn site of grace. Exhaust his dialogue here to attain his summon sign in the War-Dead Catacombs.
At the completion of the dungeon, Rem will be found standing by the entrance.
He can be found in the underground Uhl Palace Ruins, near the Ainsel River Sluice site of grace.
Sellia, Town of Sorcery.  Standing by an illusory tree, near the Sellia Backstreets site of grace. He will be at this location upon defeating Astel, Naturalborn of the Void.
You do not have to summon him to proceed with his quest. He will have different dialogue for the player dependent on if he was summoned or not.
 Lastly, he can be found in Elphael, near the Roots of the Haligtree sight of grace.
This NPC moves.
This NPC can be fought.
If defeated as an NPC, drops: 6,000 runes & the Nox Descendant Set. You do not attain his great sword or special head gear if you fight him.
If defeated as an Invader, drops: Numen Rune, Preserving Bolous x3, & Redmane Earring Talisman.
Nox Swordstress & Nox Priest: Rem’s summon sign can be found in Sellia, Town of Sorcery, just before the fog wall to face this boss.
Starscourge Radahn: His summon sign can be found within the boss arena.
Putrid Tree Spirit: Rem can be summoned for this boss within the War-Dead Catacombs after the defeat of Starscourge Radahn.
 Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella: Rem’s summon sign becomes available after the defeat of Starscourge Radahn.
Astel, Naturalborn of the Void: Rem’s summon sign can be found beside the Stake of Marika before the fog wall.
Questline Objectives:
Rem can be found lingering by the Rotting Shack, near the Rotview Balcony site of grace in Caelid. Exhaust all his dialog and rest at a site of grace to proceed with his quest.
Proceed along the Caelid Highway and head for Sellia, Town of Sorcery to the north. Light all 3 braziers located throughout the ghost town to access the boss: Nox Swordstress & Nox Priest. Upon lighting the 3rd brazier, Rem’s summon sign will be available for the duo boss. After the battle, speak with him before proceeding.
Rem will next be encountered in Redmane Castle, right before the boss fight with Starscourge Radahn. Speaking to him, he will reminisce and even speak of the castellan, Jaren. His dialogue here will differ depending on if you have previously met. If not, he will simply introduce himself.
If the player previously met Rem, they will receive a consumable item from him as a gift. [Boiled Crab]
After the boss battle with Starscourge Radahn, Rem will be found lingering by the Wailing Dunes site of grace. Speak to him, exhausting all of his dialogue before next heading north through the Wailing Dunes to the War-Dead Catacombs.
Rem will be available as an NPC Summon cooperator for the fight against the Putrid Tree Spirit.
After completing the War-Dead Catacombs, warp back to the entrance where you will find Rem standing by the entrance. Speak with him and you will attain the Mourner’s Veil, a unique headpiece. He will no longer be wearing this veil after gifting it to the player. Upon resting at a site of grace Rem will have moved on to his next location.
You will next find Rem underground, near Nokstella at the Ainsel River Sluice site of grace. Talking to Rem allows him to be an NPC Summon in two battles: Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella, & Astel, Naturalborn of the Void.
Players can reach Nokstella by traveling through the Ainsel River Main, or by using the waygate in Renna’s Rise (through Ranni’s quest).
Upon beating Astel, Naturalborn of the Void fast travel to the Sellia Backstreets site of grace to progress Rem’s quest. He will be here regardless of if you summoned him for the battle against Astel or not. His dialogue here will differ depending on if you did or didn’t summon him.
Before he departs, Rem will gift the player with the Ash of War: Mist Dance.
Rem will then move to Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree. The player will encounter him in a room southeast of the Roots of the Haligtree site of grace. He will be found leaning against a wall, in poor shape. Exhaust all of his dialog. You will then be rewarded with Rem’s Greatsword & a Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone.
IMPORTANT: Should the player defeat Malenia before progressing Rem’s quest to the point of him reaching Elphael, his quest chain will stop at Sellia. It is important to progress Rem’s quest before facing Malenia if you wish to reach the end of his quest and receive the final rewards.
“Unusual. Most tarnished steer clear of this place. Watch your step; this land is sick with rot.”
“Call me Rem. Tarnished like you, though I no longer follow the guidance of grace. I’ve my own matters to resolve.”
“To the north lies a town called Sellia. A pair of Nox warriors are trapped in a hell of their own making, and I intend to put them to rest.”
Attacking Rem as an NPC
(Warning) “Ngh! Cease this.”
(Combat) “You want to die so badly? Fine then!”
(On Player Kill) “...Pathetic.”
(When killed by Player) “This is it. I hope to see you again soon, General…”
At Sellia, Town of Sorcery. After summoning him to fight against the Nox Swordstress & Nox Priest.
(unprompted after the battle, to the Nox duo) “Your watch is over. Go now, into the embrace of the Night.”
“I see this place has your interest. Long ago, this was once a town of scholars, with the two Nox acting as wardens of this place. To see the sorry state of this town with my own eyes, and what they had become... It sickens me.”
“Thanks, for helping me free them. I’ve nothing to give to you, though maybe some information will suffice: To the south is Redmane Castle. A festival is to be held there soon, in honor of General Radahn. If you are eager for an opportunity to test your strength, go there when the time comes.”
Before Fighting Radahn at Redmane Castle
“I’m ashamed to admit, but I didn’t think you’d come. I’m pleased to be wrong, for once. Together, we will surely grant General Radahn the warrior’s death he deserves.”
“You wish to know why I’m here? I had once served in the Red Mane army; Radahn’s finest lieutenant and constant confidant. I wish to keep a promise to my General; to ensure his death is a just one. It pains me to see him so, wasting away in the wilds.”
“I’m surprised to see Jarren still alive and kicking, caring for the castle after all this time. Once all this is over, I’ll have to say hello to him.”
“Here. It is no good for a warrior to go into battle on an empty stomach. Although, it’s not good to fight on a full stomach either. Take small bites, I suppose.”  [Boiled Crab]
Alternate Dialogue (Meeting him for the first time here):
“I’ve not seen you before. I’m Rem, a Tarnished like yourself. You’ve come to Redmane Castle to challenge General Radahn I take it? Well, let us see your measure when the fighting starts.”
After Fighting Radahn at Redmane Castle
“It is done. Radahn, finally…you are at peace.”
“You fought well today. General Radahn would have been pleased. I only wish I could have done more for him in the end.”
“No doubt you saw that falling star, same as I. When the opportunity arises I wish to investigate. For now, I will say my goodbyes. To my General. To my comrades.”
Encounter at War-Dead Catacombs.
“Yet again, I must thank you. You are a sight to behold in battle! I came here to say goodbye to comrades I once knew. Admittedly, I don’t know what I expected, but perhaps with the death of something so foul, the souls within will at last find peace. I feel some relief knowing that.”
“I would ask a favor of you. Take this. Not only is it a token of my gratitude, but it will be a reminder to myself. The time for mourning is over.” [Mourner’s Veil]
“I must go now. With the stars again on the move, the calamity held back by General Radahn has been unshackled. I shall honor his memory by finishing what he started. Ensuring I snuff out the life of a malformed star.”
At the Ainsel River Sluice
“Hm, all these tunnels look the same, but I am certain of it. The calamity of the stars is closer now more than ever…”
“Ah, I had a feeling we’d meet again. The malformed star I spoke of before lies in wait somewhere beyond these old ruins. A contemptible creature not of this plane. It cannot be shackled in the sky as it once was, so it must instead be eliminated. Should you find this creature, I ask that you call on me. It would be a shame to miss out on such a fight.”
“Under more cheery circumstances, I would’ve liked to savor the opportunity to explore the Eternal Cities. To see the home of my ancestors. Perhaps you would like to see that too? For now, duty calls.”
After fighting Astel, Naturalborn of the Void. In Sellia, Town of Sorcery
“Hello again. Once more, I must thank you. That malformed star was like nothing I could have ever imagined. I feel at peace, knowing that we could bring to an end something that my General had been holding back for so long.”
“I would like to offer you this. Another token of gratitude, and of friendship. It is a technique I honed long ago, in this very town. May it serve you well.” [Ash of War: Mist Dance]
“There is something else I must tell you. I learned from a source that the One-Armed Valkyrie, Malenia, still lives. That she continues to draw breath while all of Caelid rots into the ground is something that I cannot forgive. What she did to my home. To my General…!  I will see to it that she is killed. I will take her head as recompense, and I will do so even if I, too, rot away in retaliation! It will be done! I will not ask you to follow me into this fool’s errand, but should we meet again in the Haligtree, I hope it shall be with us standing proud in the end. For now, this is goodbye, my friend.”
[Note: final dialogue in this chain does not take place if the quest sequence is broken & Player has already killed Malenia.]
Alternate Dialogue (if Player didn’t summon Rem for the fight)
“I felt it. The death of a malformed star. I suppose I have you to thank, eh? And with the death of it, there’s one less creature for me to hunt. Sad, but I’ve got bigger quarry to chase now.”
At Elphael, The Brace of the Haligtree
“I-is that you? Seems you caught me in a pitiful moment. Still, I’m glad to see that you’ve made it this far unscathed. Heh, perhaps it was because I paved the way for you.”
“Just beyond the threshold is the one-armed valkyrie, but...I’ve no strength left in me. My legs fail me, and I can barely hold my sword. It was folly to think that I could do this alone against one who fought my own general to a standstill.”
“…You have been a true, stalwart companion. I wish to ask one final request: Kill Malenia. Do for me that which I could not.”  [Rem’s Greatsword]
“I’m glad that you could be here, at the very end. This is goodbye, my friend. I go now, to the embrace of the Night. I go…to be with Radahn again…”
Rem’s armor is called the Nox Descendant Set, which is comprised of: Armor, Bracelets & Greaves. It shares stats very similar to the Nox Swordstress Set, but with a much higher immunity (190 total).  This armor set cannot be attained through his quest, and can only be attained fighting him as an NPC.
Silk and leather armor worn by Redmane Lieutenant Remiah. It is proudly designed to resemble the garb worn by those of the Eternal Cities and has been altered to better withstand the dangers of the Caelid wilds. When Remiah witnessed the Red Lion’s defense at Sellia he swore that day to become as a Swordstress to their Priestess– a staunch and unwavering defender.
This piece of armor (head piece) is attained through Rem’s quest line, after completing the War-Dead Catacombs. It is a unique piece worn by Rem, and cannot be attained by fighting him as an NPC.
A headdress of thin silk adorned with an onyx visor that seems to obscure the wearer’s eyes. Worn by Redmane Lieutenant Remiah. “To shut out the horrors of my once beautiful home. May I remember it the way it once was. The way we once were…”  Raises Mind by 2.
This Ash of War is a reward attained by the player upon meeting and speaking to Rem after beating Astel, Naturalborn of the Void. Equipable on daggers, rapiers & longswords.
Defensive Ash of War invented by the Nox raised Remiah, which utilizes the flowing movement of the Nox Swordstresses to deftly avoid opponents while retaliating with a life-sapping mist that lingers for a short duration. 
Rem’s sword is a curved greatsword that cannot be attained by fighting him as an NPC. It has a unique weapon skill and is a reward attained at the end of his quest. Can be upgraded using Somber Smithing Stones. It deals split damage of physical & magic, and scales best with dexterity & intelligence.
Curved greatsword of a man from Sellia, who devoted himself to the Red Lion of the battlefield; an act of fathomless gratitude and love. The blade is a gift from General Radahn. It shares the onyx blade and golden lion motif seen on the colossal blades of the red haired demigod, but is crafted for finesse and grace. It hums with the energy of gravitational magic. 
Unique Skill: Gravity Flow
Plunge blade point into the ground, emitting a gravitational pull that draws nearby enemies towards you. Follow up with a flurry of flowing strikes that ends in a blast of gravity magic, sending most foes flying backward. This Weapon skill was created by Remiah in dedication to the Red Lion.
Boiled Crab X1: Offered by Rem at Redmane Castle.
This is not offered if you have not met Rem before going to Redmane Castle.
Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone x1: received at the end of his quest.
Redmane Earring: Talisman dropped by Rem upon defeating him as an NPC Invader. Greatly raises Immunity. Its ruby and gold hues match closely to a certain General.
The talisman, when combined with the Nox Mourner’s Veil & Nox Descendant Armor Set, makes this set a great contender for passing through the Lake of Rot, mitigating the number of times the status will proc. On par with the mushroom armor set.
Rem’s name is short for Remiah, though at no point does he mention this to the player. His name is displayed in full on his Summon Cooperator sign, mentioned in relevant item descriptions, and displayed as an NPC Invader.  
Rem is a curt speaker, but as the player progresses through his quest, he warms up to the player and is more free with his words. By the end, he sees the player Tarnished as a friend, his own confidant.
Rem’s Armor Set and Talisman granting high immunity is reference to his end goal of finding Malenia and killing her.
The RedMane Earring is an accessory visible on Rem’s model; an earring with a long strand of red hair at the end. This is hinted (though without words) to be Radahn’s hair.
In Elphael, Rem will be found in the room with a large scarlet bloom, its owner a mystery. For his quest it can be implied that he fought and killed an offshoot similar to Millicent and her Sisters, the fight having drained him of the last of his strength.
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debbiecolon · 14 days
I just wanna give ur 621 a hug. Very adorable. Must protect. But also they have a Mech so I don't think there's much extra protection needed.
I know exactly what you mean, anon! 621 looks very huggable indeed, though thanks to augmentation (and an AC) 621 probably doesn't need any of us to provide protection. However, what 621 can't get but always needs is head pats and being told they did a good job!
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debbiecolon · 19 days
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Finders keepers, Handler.
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debbiecolon · 22 days
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Fem! Raven again. I wanted to play with a slightly different render style.
I’m also planning to learn Spine in my spare time. so this will be the perfect baby step.
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debbiecolon · 27 days
The Fallout FROST server and it's community sends their love and appreciation <3
A whole server?! No way!! Oh my goodness thank you so, so much! I can't capture how kind a message this is with words alone, truly! Excuse me while I run off to squeal with joy.
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debbiecolon · 27 days
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Handler & Hound, Second Verse.
I just wanted the excuse to design a female C4-621. She’s so pretty and strong and probably carries her handler around bridal style 😌
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debbiecolon · 1 month
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My second tarnished oc, Rem. He usually wears the nightmaiden twin crown, but I wanted to draw his face unobstructed. His lore is super meaty and I'm quite happy with it!
Rem is a descendant of the Nox, people of the Eternal Cities. He was raised in Sellia, well versed in Night sorceries and taught melee combat by his 'sisters', Nightmaidens who warden over the town. His days are spent rigorously training his body and mind, honing himself into a warrior capable of subduing the most formidable of foes. Easily identified by both his silvery skin and hair, Rem appears more Silver Tear than anything, yet his golden eyes speak of his heritage, which he is incredibly proud of. And it is perhaps because of his heritage that Rem holds very little love for the Two Fingers and the Golden Order.
Rem had been fortunate enough to meet General Radahn in his youth, and had been privy to the demigod studying gravity sorceries. He grows to admire the flame haired demigod and leaves the Sellian territories for the first time when he offers his services to the General, as both sorcerer and swordsman. He stood among the Red Mane soldiers in battle, dressed in the silks of the Nox, looking elegant as a dancer yet fighting with all the ferocity of a beast. His end is met like many others in the Caelid wilds: witness to the scarlet flower bloom, particles of rot saturating the sky, clogging the beauty of the stars.
He wakes after centuries, called back from a peaceful void to return to the Lands Between. His memories are muddled, mostly lost, but through adventuring he remembers himself, for better or worse. He remembers that wretched flower, and he seeks a power strong enough to oppose it.
Rem is an extremely quiet and emotionally guarded tarnished who borders on selectively mute, speaking little more than he has to. He makes very few connections but is not unwilling to cooperate with his fellows, seeing such actions as a great way to garner much needed knowledge. He gauges everything like a threat but closely safeguards those who win his trust and affection, albeit from the shadows.
Beneath his guarded exterior is a deep longing to return to a home no longer there. Caelid is a fetid wasteland and nightmarish shadow of what it once was, and it is the only time that he openly expresses deep pain upon seeing the remains of a land he once loved so dearly. It hurts more than he can bear to know that Radahn lives as Caelid does--as a shell of his former self. He does not hesitate to participate in the Festival, seeing it as a final act of kindness for his beloved General. It is a hard fought battle, but Rem leaves with Radahn's blades as his trophy, swearing to wield the colossal weapons in battle.
Though Rem was raised in a town of sorcery and has proficiency with night magics, his greatest strength comes from physical prowess. He wields all manner of great swords and colossal blades, overwhelming his foes with sheer strength and relentlessness. He embodies duality, using stealth, life sapping mist and poison to turn the tide of what could have been a heavily skewed battle. He does not see underhanded tactics as something to frown upon. After all, combat (and life) does not play fair. Aside from sorceries, Rem has studied incantations on a surface level, enough to know hos to cast a poisonous mist or mend his injuries.
Rem's loyalty to the red haired demigod is akin to a love that is all consuming. It was a love that felt unrequited, but his unwavering belief and devotion to honing himself into the perfect weapon caught the interest of the towering Radahn. They seemed an unconventional pair, but they both bonded quite easily through combat and a shared love of animals. Leonard, Radahn's steed, received many a rowa berry and nose pats from Rem.
He felt as though he lost Radahn twice over. Once, against the one-armed valkyrie and her scarlet rot, and a second time at his own hand. Though it was a mercy, to grant his beloved demigod a warrior's end, a part of him died again with the General. The loss is an ever present ache that leads to the nihilistic belief that nothing in the Lands is worth salvaging.
The pain of loss and his keen awareness of the loss of many others drives Rem down the path of becoming the Lord of the Frenzied Flame. He does so, not to spare Melina from a fiery end, but to bring an end to it all, to be the Lord of the lost and the broken. To put to rest all that distinguishes and divides, hoping that perhaps the flames will consume him too.
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debbiecolon · 1 month
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My Tarnished oc, Yhmir. I finally took the time to write some lore up for him!
An astrologer came to The Lands Between, a tarnished of no renown with an unknown past. He was a kindly soul whose destiny writ in the stars foretold of a meeting with a Lunar princess. Through his journeys in a stagnant world he experiences many trials, his path to lordship paved by the lives he tried so hard to save. Though he specialized in lunar and frost magic, both types having blanched his hair and sapped the color from his eyes, he could never master the icy facade needed to weather the emotional and mental toll his adventure asked of him. So he died.
Swallowing a larval tear, he is reborn from the amber egg of Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon, leaving his dreams to his new self: Yhmir. Yhmir takes up seal and sword in place of sorceries, to be the blade that punishes those harming the Lands, and to be the shield for those who yet live. He carries the will and hopes of those lost, often to a detriment as he is always at risk of losing sight of himself.
Yhmir is a very earnest tarnished, having never lost the kindly soul he used to be despite his much harder and more determined exterior. He can be likened to a storybook knight with his desire to carry the burdens and dreams of others, but he is far from naive. He knows that sometimes difficult decisions must be made on the road to achieving his goals. Yhmir is as quick to laugh and smile as much as he is quick to put on his stern facade, but more often than not he is an ear for his fellow tarnished, a shoulder to lean on and a fierce comrade whose convictions are unyielding and whose passion is relentless. He looks like snow and ice, but burns with all the intensity of the Flame of Ruin.
Yhmir is incredibly proficient in Incantations of all sorts, striking foes from all manner of distances, often picking them off before they can even reach him. He is also skilled with a blade, but prefers to bludgeon his enemies with a massive golden longhorn. He often finds the humor in slaying his foes with a shower of bubbles. He favors incantations of flame and lightning, and he carries with him the technique of the Goddess of Rot herself, harnessing it in hopes of understanding how to be rid of it for good.
Though consort to Lady Ranni, theirs is a partnership of convenience and a willingness to work together towards similar goals. His heart, however, belongs to Millicent; a doomed friendship and romance from the start. The ache of loss hurts more than the encroaching rot, but still he stands tall, for if he crumbles so too does the hopes and dreams of many others.
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debbiecolon · 2 months
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Overseer’s Hound
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debbiecolon · 2 months
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debbiecolon · 2 months
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“I’ll support you, Raven!”
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debbiecolon · 3 months
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I hear Bluesky social is finally open to join without invitation. Are you planning to join or are you already there? I’m looking for more people to follow and interact with on that app! 👀
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debbiecolon · 3 months
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“I’ll give you a reason to exist.”
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debbiecolon · 3 months
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✨ Fashion ✨
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debbiecolon · 4 months
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Wrapping up 2023 with a cute little Ayre!
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