Damien turns out all the lights, flips the sign to closed, and leaves, locking the door behind him for the final time.
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I’ll take the rats mom,,
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Entity damn it. @adirisatampm your rats keep getting in my restaurant.
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📓 - If your character keeps a journal, what is the most secret thought they keep in it?
The youngest Damien has a journal, and in it he writes about things he does wrong, like when he accidentally killed a bird
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“Oh...that’s not very good! But you’re better now, right?”
Hey uncle Johnny, can i ask a question?
“Sure, Damien. What is it?”
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⌚ - Is your character punctual or procrastinator?
Absolutely a procrastinator! I can never keep up!
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Get to know my character through an ask!
🍰 - What is their favorite type of dessert or sweet? 🐢 - What type of animal would they keep for a pet? 🐙 - They are crossing the ocean. What are the circumstances and how did they get there? 🌎 - If money were no object, where would they live and what would they do with their life? (Ex: entrepreneur, playboy, philanthropist, etc) 🎂 - Do they celebrate their birthday? 🎓 - Are they well-educated? 📬 - A mysterious letter has just been found in their mailbox.  How does your character react?  Who would it be from? ⌚ - Is your character punctual or procrastinator? 💰 - Your character just found a fat sack of gold on a bench. What do they do with it? 👙 - Is your character trendy or do they just not give a damn? 🎠 - Your character is at the carnival.  What kinds of rides or games do they check out to entertain themselves? 🔮 - Your character is having their future told by someone pretty shady. Do they call the fortune teller out or just roll with it? 🎃 - What is your character’s favorite holiday? 🎶 - What would your character say about your personal taste in music? 💒 - Does your character want marriage or a lifelong commitment? ♓ - Hey baby, what’s your sign? What would your character’s zodiac sign be and what qualities do they carry to make them fall under that sign? 🚼 - Does your character have or want kids? �� - What has your character almost done that made someone talk them out of or convince them not to do it? ♿ - Is your character in some way handicapped? (This includes physical, emotional, and mental.) 💊 - Is your character on medication?  If so, why? 🌞🌜 - Is your character an early bird or night owl? What makes them that way? 📚 - Does your character read? 📓 - If your character keeps a journal, what is the most secret thought they keep in it? 📰 - An obituary for your character was found in the local paper this morning. What did it say? 💢 - What frustrates your character more than anything? ✌ - Your character just made a trespass against someone else, how would they go about righting it given the chance?  Or would they at all? 🍴 - What is the absolute worst meal your character has ever eaten? Were they verbal about it or did they just not say anything? 🍜 - Carnivore/Pescatarian/Vegetarian/Vegan/Other? What kind of diet does your character have? 💋 - Your character was just kissed by someone they can’t stand. Why and how did it happen? 😇 - What was your character’s last good deed? 😁 - Someone just tripped and fell in front of your character.  Do they laugh or help the person up? 😨 - Your character just broke wind in public. Do they try to hide it or own up to it? 😍 - Your character’s lust object just passed right by them. How awkward do they get as they try to make conversation? 😒 - “Ugh!  Not him/her/them/it again.” How does your character react to annoying people? 😂 - Your character is moved to tears. What’s a kindness that another showed to them? 😄 - What has ever made your character laugh so hard that they almost passed out? 😈 - What’s your character’s favorite cuss word? 😏 - Is your character having a dirty thought right now? 🍺 - Cheers! What is your character’s favorite alcoholic beverage?  What was the last thing they got smashed off of? 💫 - Your character is suffering memory loss after being knocked unconscious.  What happens afterwards and how did it happen? 💡 - What is the best idea your character ever had? 💍 - Does your character wear any type of jewelry? ⛪ - Is your character religious or spiritual in anyway? 🎱 - Your character and a talking raccoon walk into a bar… 📼 - An interrogation tape emerges regarding a recent interview with your character.  What are they being questioned for? 👟 - Is your character into personal fitness?  If so, what’s their exercise routine? 📺 - What would your character’s favorite TV show be?  What’s their favorite genre?
🍀 - Does your character carry a good luck charm? Do they believe in luck?
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The one responsible for Cloochie is still alive!
((The community is almost a desert now,anyone else still active?)
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Send me “Restrained” + a number for a starter in which one or both of our characters are:
Or send “Restrained?” for a randomly generated number.
1. Locked in the trunk of a car 2. Tied to a chair 3. Chained up to the wall 4. In a cage 5. Behind prison bars 6. In a room with a locked door and barred windows 7. Hand-cuffed to an object of their choice 8. Hand-cuffed to one other person (or each other) 9. Stuck in a hole underground 10. Trapped in an attic 11. Trapped in a tomb or mausoleum 12. Stuck in the back of a police car 13. Stuck in an elevator 14. Locked in a vault 15. Strapped to a table
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Try to anger my muse!
Only rule: You can’t get physical!
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 ((me and alanah are still kicking, and so is mist,,,, ben is somewhere 
Uhhhh- everyone is dead, Ash died, Slappy died, Alien dude died, your basically the only one left.
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I’m so glad look-see!!!
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How are you today?
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“Okay...” he frowns “she seems nice though.”
Hey uncle Johnny, can i ask a question?
“Sure, Damien. What is it?”
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“Why don’t you talk to aunt Devi?”
Hey uncle Johnny, can i ask a question?
“Sure, Damien. What is it?”
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Cat is good!
Beenm Mader Awar Thant I Taelk Like Cat Twiter. Perhamps I Will See Whamt “cat” Is
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Tim Wright from Marble Hornets loves you unconditionally !
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