conscious-love · 2 months
Happy Galentines Day!
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conscious-love · 4 months
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It’s that time of year. The holidays are coming up, and some of us are spending it with family. There are some fortunate people whose families are supportive and nonjudgmental, and some whose families bombard them with questions and criticisms.
I happen to have a wonderful, supportive family, and for that I’m deeply grateful.
I have friends, however, who do not have this luxury, and I see the anguish it can cause. And of course I’ve read countless stories online, and I’m sure many of you are in this boat as well.
This holiday season, remember that you are allowed to set boundaries, that you do not have to engage in conversations you don’t want to, and that you are not obligated to disclose details about your life.
If you’re single, that’s okay. If you’re recently divorced, that’s your business, not anyone else’s. If you’re still grieving or mourning, there is nothing wrong with that, and don’t let them shame you for being unhappy.
If your family isn’t the type to listen to your boundaries, maybe you don’t visit them this year, or don’t stay too long. If that’s not an option, maybe you can find ways to cope better than you did last year.
I hope you can find ways to make this season more joyful for yourself.
If holidays are just not a good time for you, I hope you get through them with as little stress as possible, and that they pass quickly for you. You do not have to be “in the Christmas spirit.” Just take care of yourself. Sending my love.
To those of you who are excited for the holidays, I wish you the best! Take care and enjoy yourselves 😊
~ Bella ✨🎄
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conscious-love · 4 months
Surrender to the grief, despair, fear, loneliness, or whatever form the suffering takes. Witness it without labeling it mentally. Embrace it. Then see how the miracle of surrender transmutes deep suffering into deep peace.
Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
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conscious-love · 4 months
And, now that you don’t have to be perfect you can be good.
John Steinbeck
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conscious-love · 5 months
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myexisanarcissistandimadeitout ~ Instagram
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conscious-love · 5 months
Every time you avoid manipulating/controlling others, sincerely apologize for your mistakes, make an effort to empathise with someone’s perspective, or restrain yourself from raising your voice/hands - you break the cycle of abuse.
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conscious-love · 5 months
Even at your absolute best, you still won't be right for the wrong person.
Karen Salmansohn
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conscious-love · 5 months
You can leave a toxic relationship but if you don’t heal what attracted you to them, you will meet them again — the same demon in a different person.
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conscious-love · 5 months
Should’ve, could’ve, would’ve, but you didn’t. So you move on.
Dominic Riccitello
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conscious-love · 5 months
Never be afraid to fall apart because it is an opportunity to rebuild yourself the way you wish you had been all along.
Rae Smith
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conscious-love · 5 months
It will hurt. And then one day it won’t. And until then, I will allow this pain to let me grow.
One day, lesbellesmarguerites
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conscious-love · 5 months
I know this will bother unhealed adults, but the real world, more often than not, does give you second chances and do overs. Very rarely are things set in stone. And people, especially young people, deserve to know that. Because lording the idea that they can never mess up, even once, does a lot more damage than good.
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conscious-love · 5 months
Today is a new day and it brings with it a new set of opportunities for me to act on. I am attentive to the opportunities and I seize them as they arise. I have full confidence in myself and my abilities. No obstacle is too big or too difficult for me to handle because what lies inside me is greater than what lies ahead of me. I am committed to improving myself and I am getting better daily. I am not held back by regret or mistakes from the past. I am moving forward daily.
Idowu Koyenikan, Wealth for All: Living a Life of Success at the Edge of Your Ability
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conscious-love · 5 months
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thrive_withmeg ~ Instagram
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conscious-love · 5 months
maybe the purpose of life is to fill it with as many positive things as you can. regardless of how bad life gets, don’t let it steal your personality, your hobbies, your style. after coming home from a bad day at work maybe you need to sit down and read a nice book. after studying non-stop for so long, maybe you should finish that crochet project you’ve been putting off because you’re so busy. maybe we should prioritize the things we love, the things that make us happy, and not just the things we’re forced to do to survive. in this society, a little peace from the outside world is important. don’t give up on the things that make you happy. don’t forget about yourself.
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conscious-love · 5 months
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conscious-love · 5 months
One of the most common traits in a survivor is self-doubt. Especially after psychological abuse, survivors may spend months analyzing themselves and worrying that they might have actually been at fault. They may even suspect themselves of being a narcissist or a sociopath. A lot of this has to do with the sense of defectiveness that abusers instill in their targets. When someone you love betrays you, criticizes you, ignores you, or cheats on you, the default message absorbed is, “something must be wrong with me.” But the truth is, when someone does those things, they are showing you what’s wrong with them–not you. They are revealing their own psychological damage and attachment issues. As you begin to accept this, you will stop worrying so much about yourself and instead learn how to offer yourself love. When we judge or distrust ourselves, we are only strengthening the message left behind by the abuser. Far too many survivors get diagnosed with disorders they don’t even have, when really it’s just unresolved trauma that needs your love and care.
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