char-lotta · 5 months
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char-lotta · 2 years
Hi luvs!
I know I'm late on part three of After the End, but I got tangled with my thesis and had to focus on that for a while! I promise that I have not forgotten it, and will try posting the final part in next few days.
Meanwhile, I want to thank every single of you who have read and enjoyed the first two chapters, I am overwhelmed with all your lovely and amazing feedback!
Thank you for your patience, I am working very hard to reward you for it! 💕
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char-lotta · 2 years
I have 100% of pure admiration for these guys who are able to text me and do things at the same time.
Sincerely me,
Who have hard time chewing a gum and texting simultaneously
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char-lotta · 2 years
Jake: MC kissed me!
Lilly: Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!
Jake: It was unbelievable!
Lilly: Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!
Jessy: Okay, we wanna hear everything. Lilly, get the wine and unplug the phone. Jake, does this end well or do we need tissues?
Jake: Oh, it ended very well.
Lilly: Do not start without me! Do not start without me!
Thomas: Okay, alright, let’s hear about the kiss. Was it a soft brush against your lips or was it like a, you know, “I gotta have you now” kind of thing?
Jake: Well, at first it was really intense, you know? And then, oh God, and then we just sort of sunk into it.
Jessy: Ohh... So, okay, were they holding you? Or were their hands on your back?
Jake: First, they started out on my waist and then they slid up and then they were in my hair.
Lilly and Thomas: Ohhh.
MC eating pizza in their house: And, uh, and then I kissed him.
Richy: Tongue?
MC: Yeah.
Dan: Cool.
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char-lotta · 2 years
After the End (part two)
Pairing: Jake x MC
Warnings: major spoilers for episode 10, this chapter contains smut 🔥🔥
Author notes: see the end of the chapter
(You should first read the part one here)
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After the End (part two)
“MC! It’s me, stop screaming!”
She gasped for air, causing a pause of her screaming. She couldn’t still see him properly, but the in the shadows she could see his dark hoodie.
“Jake?” she whispered and swallowed. Her saliva tasted like blood. She had probably bitten her lip again.
“Yes, it’s me”, he answered in a low voice, and she could hear worry in his tone. “You need to breathe. It’s alright, you’re alright.”
She did as she was told and tried to get a glimpse from his face. She could see his chin, covered in short stubble, and smelled his natural fragrance; musk and hint of green forest after the rain. She grasped his hoodie and tried to calm down. Her draws of breath were rattling, but even with their pace. The dizziness started to ease, and she felt her feet become steadier. When she finally managed to look up to his face, she saw pair of brown eyes, looking at her back.
“This was definitely not my plan”, she managed to say with a cackle. “I was coming to rescue you and not be rescued.”
She saw that the emotions in his face were changing fast, there was a glimpse of something she didn’t recognize and then he just looked angry.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” he asked and couldn’t hide his annoyance. “This is too stupid and reckless, even from you.”
“I know you’re mad, but could this wait? We need to get out of here”, she pleaded to him stubbornly. He hated when she pulled up plans like this, which put her in danger and had expected this kind of reaction from him. And he definitely hadn’t missed her tone of sassiness.
“You’re going to be the death of me”, he said furiously. “I told you that I’d contact you after I get out!”
She held his gaze and saw the glint of emotion again in his eyes. It wasn’t anger, but something else. She put her hand gently at his cheek and brushed it lightly with her thumb. His skin was so warm under her hand, and she felt like she had touched electric heater.
“You can yell at me later as much as you want”, she told him in a kind tone. “But now I am going to get you out of here first. Or you get me out, I don’t care, as long we both do get out. I have created a distraction and we should have enough time to get going without being noticed.”
He opened his mouth and she saw that he was going to interrogate her about her plan. She moved her thumb to his lips, shushing him. They didn’t have time for this.
“You have said many times, that you trust me. You need to do so now.”
He stayed quiet and after a while, he nodded. She suddenly realized that her finger was on his lips. They were soft and warm, and she felt her cheeks reddening. She withdrew her finger and grabbed his hand.
“Follow me.”
They walked in silence, following the stone piles where she had built them. She saw Jake looking at the marks approvingly, proving that she actually did had given some thought about her plan. She made sure that he wasn’t looking on her when they walked and stared at his back and face with every opportunity she had. His dark hair was short, he was tall, and she could see that he had muscular back. And when she lowered her gaze, she could see that he had firm bottom. When she realized that she was staring his butt, she blushed again heavily. Eyes up, she reminded herself and was just about to open a conversation, when Jake stopped. She was confused, why weren’t they moving?
“Ja- “she started but shut her mouth quickly when she saw his face. He looked alarmed and they listened the darkness together. She couldn’t hear anything. Suddenly he pulled her behind the corner of the tunnel before the crossroad and pressed her back against his chest, his hands around her waist. Jake switched the flashlight off and they stood in the darkness, leaning on the wall together. She swore she felt his heart pounding against her back, within the same rhythm than her heart. What was going on?
“There is someone in there”, the words were whispered so quietly that she thought she might had imagined them, but then she felt his breath behind her ear. The hairs in her neck rose instantly and she couldn’t help but shiver. She felt his arms on her waist tighten as a response. His fingers brushed her bare skin in between the shirt and jeans, and she shivered again, this time violently. The sensation of his fingers flashed through her whole body. She could hear his breathing getting tighter, mirroring her own, but he didn’t let go.
She kept her eyes looking at the darkness and finally she picked up the quiet tone of someone’s footsteps, and by the sound of them, it was a man. The voice was coming closer, starting to echo at the walls. She could see another light, illuminating the way behind the crossroad. They stayed in the dark, not to be seen and waited. She was on the verge of losing it, the man was so close, it would require him to just turn behind the corner and he would see them, there was nowhere to hide. She had been so loud while trying to bring herself down from her panic attack. Had the man heard her? The fingers in her waist started circling soothingly, getting her attention. She looked up and saw Jake's eyes looking directly at hers. They were assuring and steady, trying to tell her that she needed to calm down and he would take care of the man if needed. She opened her lips and tried to inhale more air quietly. He looked approvingly on what she was doing and set the rhythm for breathing with his fingers, drawing circles for every inhale and exhale. Breathe in, out, in and out…
The quietness was disturbed with a loud beeping, static and rattled voice, which was coming from a radiophone. She stopped breathing and heard rumbling voice, with couple of curse words in a grumpy tone.
“This is Stevenson, repeat the message, over”, she heard him say. There was again static noise and she heard him cursing again: “this fucking mine”. There was a sound of adjustments on the radiophone and then the voices cleared, apparently there haven’t been proper connection through the phones from where the man was coming from. He hadn’t had connection for the outside world and that’s why he was still in the tunnels when everyone else had left.
“Get out there, Stevenson. He isn’t in the tunnels, he left us a message. Return to starting point. Over”.
“Copy that. Over.”
She saw the light fading away and the footsteps got quieter with each step the man took away from them. She didn’t realize that she had been holding her breath for a minute now and tried to gasp air without making a noise. She felt the hands on her waist loosing up and soon they stepped out from the shadows.
“That was close”, she whispered, Jake nodded, and she continued. “I thought I had managed to lure them all out.” “What kind of message I have left?” Jake asked with a hint of laughter in his question. “I don’t recall leaving anything.” “There might or might not be a picture of man without a face with on every public screen in the city”, she stated carefully. “And some mocking text of “catch me if you can”, sent by the local electric company but signed from Ny-m0s to every phone in the area.”
“Every time I think you cannot surprise me anymore, you pull up something like this”, he laughed aloud now and nudged her gently. “Come on, lets go. We don’t want to run anyone else who also didn’t get the message of withdrawing the area.”
Soon they were at the bottom of the stairs towards the entrance. He didn’t let her go first but looked at her for confirmation.
“This is where I came in”, she told him and tried to peek at the top. “The area was emptied then.”
Jake took her hand and they started climbing the stairs cautiously. They had to move slowly, because she couldn’t see the steps properly from behind Jake, but he flashed the light for every step she took. When they finally felt the fresh air coming from top of them, they turned the light off and stumbled the stairs in dark. They tried to be as quiet they could, and soon she could see form of trees in front of her. They kept in low and crouched out from the entrance. The forest was silent, except for one owl which hooted in top of the trees somewhere.
She examined the area and saw the familiar hill where she had surveyed FBI agents before. “My car is around one kilometer that way.”
They started the walk towards the car, keeping their senses alert for every noise and movement. When she finally saw a glimpse of her car on top of the path, her heart was filled with joy. Jake had seen the car too and he glanced her with a smirk on his face.
“Am I allowed to ask now, what’s the plan?” he asked teasingly. “Or am I still just following you?” She blushed, again. Blushing had become a habit, what she didn’t want to have. But there was something about being with Jake, which made her anxious. Not in a bad way, she was more excited.
“Well, this part is something I left us to plan together. I have booked a cabin for two nights, which is located pretty close. We don’t have to go there, it was more like a plan B”, she explained and stumbled with her words. She was suddenly very nervous and being this close with Jake, didn’t help. She felt drawn to him, and while they had walked, she had unconsciously stayed close to him. She hadn’t given a much of thought about the afterwards of her plan. They had agreed on meeting in Duskwood after all of this, but the plan of that had been very vague from the beginning. She lowered her gaze, unsure what to say, and played with her car keys. She heard him stepping closer and kept staring at the ground.
She felt his hand below her chin, rising it slowly up, so she would have to look at him. She settled her eyes somewhere around his nose and didn’t realize that she had started to bite her lip again. They both were silent, and she mustered up all her courage and moved her eyes to look at him. He was also looking her, but not her eyes, but her lips.
She was so sure, that he was going to kiss her. She stopped biting her lip and opened her lips slightly and leaned forward. She saw Jake doing the same, still staring at her lips. She could feel her heart pounding fiercely, demanding to have this moment. There was something setting in her abdomen and fluttering.
Owl hooted again somewhere in the distance, and it broke their illusion. Jake let go of her chin with a small laugh and put his hands on his pockets and she took a step backwards. Her cheeks were hot again and she didn’t know what to say to him.
“Let’s go to the cabin, and think about our next move tomorrow”, he said, clearing his voice with a small cough. She nodded as a response and opened the car doors with her keys. They got seated and she started the engine. She told Jake that she didn’t see any roads closed on her way there, but they should be prepared for those now, since FBI thought he had escaped.
“Do they know what you look like?” she asked nervously, and Jake shook his head. “What if they need to see our ID’s?
“I have a spare ID for situations like this”, he assured. “This isn’t my first encounter with them.”
“What about me? Do they know my identity?” she was afraid to ask. Jake nodded.
“It is very likely that they do, since they have been trying to hack your phone before”, he reminded her. “But I have already gotten you a fake ID, so you’ll use that.”
“You what?” she was amazed. Jake seemed to realize that this was something that they had not discussed previously and started to look uncomfortable.
“I should have told you”, he muttered and scratched his back of head, looking very intimidated. “I just wanted to be prepared for everything.”
“So, you had been prepared me to be needing spare ID’s?” She asked amused, still wondering his motives.
“I have been thinking about some scenarios, where they would be necessary”, he stated and somehow sounded embarrassed as well. Then it drawn to her, he had gotten her fake ID’s because she would need them when they would be together. He had every intention to keep their deal.
“Thank you”, she replied quietly and felt very emotional.
“I promised to protect you”, he simply stated.
This statement calmed her nervousness and she started steering the car away back to the road. Jake told her to shut her phone and remove the battery before they would go, and she did as she was told.
“We should still practice, what we say if we encounter them”, she thought about the possible road patrols.
“Easy”, he smirked again and leaned back on his seat. “We are a couple who have come to visit Duskwood’s famous Pine Glade Festival. Perfect cover story.”
Jake's words hit her consciousness like a hammer, and she swallowed. Something warm pooled in her stomach and she smiled.
“Sounds convincing enough.”
They did manage to avoid all the road patrols and saw only one car during their drive to the cabin, driven by some old lady. During the drive she could feel him watching her and tried not to pay any attention to that. Once she was convinced that his eyes were looking somewhere else, she looked at him with corner of her eye. He was still watching her and met her gaze. She felt his gaze as intimidating and looked quickly back on the road. Her skin felt like it was on fire. When they finally saw the cabin in the end of the road, she finally let herself relax.
She had received a text message from the owner, who had told her where she could find the keys. There was a key box with a code hanging on the gate, and she got it open with the code easily. The cabins’ location was perfect, there was no neighbors, and it was in the lake area. Water carried all the noises easily, so they could hear a possible car arriving from kilometers away. The road was ending in the yard of the cabin, so they were sure that if there was car coming up, it was coming to them.
The cabin itself was simple, but cozy. There were two rooms, other one being combined living room and small kitchen area, and behind of it was the bedroom. Quick peek behind the bedroom’s door revealed to her that there was only one bed. She hadn’t paid too much attention on the pictures when booking, but rather on the location. She didn’t want to think about the situation with the bed just now, so she tried to think something else.
“You’re probably hungry”, she stated, and he nodded.
“Didn’t plan on getting stuck in the mines when I left”, he replied and gestured towards her backpack. “Did you bring something to eat?”
She opened her bag and pulled out the eggs, bread, and ramen noodles.
“Not a gourmet food, but should ease up your hunger”, she apologized. She also had some protein bars somewhere in her bag, if needed.
They cooked their food in silence and kept bumping each other’s in the small kitchen area, muttering “sorry” under their breaths. The situation had become so awkward, and she didn’t know what to do. This was their first time actually seeing each other’s and even though they had texted for weeks now, it was very different to be with him in the same room. But every time they touched, even by accident, the feel of his skin touching hers was giving her small jolts. She wondered if he felt them too.
They continued their silence when they ate and only noise in the room were their cutleries clinking against the plates. She kept looking at her plate, until she finished her food and then returned to the sink to wash her plate. She heard him moving behind her back and somewhere deep she hoped that he would come to her, take her in his arms and told her that everything would be alright. The sound of the door revealed to her that he had gone to bedroom and when he returned, he had pillow and a blanket in his arms.
“You’ll take the bed and I’ll sleep on the couch”, he said and didn’t look at her. Her emotions betrayed her and showed for a couple of seconds disappointment and sadness in her face, until she could control herself to put up a neutral face.
“Thank you”, she replied and finished drying up her plate. Jake told her that she was going to take a shower, and she nodded. The air in the cabin had become heavy and she felt the urge to go out. She didn’t put her shoes on when she slipped to the porch. It was a beautiful night; the sky was clear, and the stars were visible. She sat down on the porch’s step and looked the lake, which glimmered from the light of the moon. She was exhausted and all her limbs felt heavy. Her sight was blurry, and she blinked her eyes to get rid of the tears, which had started to water her eyes.
She wondered what would happen now. She had succeeded with her plan and had got Jake out from the mines, but what would come next? Would he continue his hiding alone and leave her in Duskwood? Would they keep their promise for a one day together and then he would disappear? He had promised to her that he wouldn’t leave her, but that was before the FBI had gotten into this mess. Would this be their only night together? But then he had gotten her new identity? Shouldn’t that imply that he meant to keep her close?
He had told her that he loved her, and she had returned the feelings. But now when they were together, the words didn’t come as easy when chatting, and she concluded that this was probably the moment when Jake would have gone offline. The situation of being together was new to them both, but she did know him, he wasn’t some mystery stranger. He had been the source of her feelings for a long time now, they had real connection. Even when everything was complicated as now, she was sure that she loved him, even if she wouldn’t find a courage to say those words aloud to him. She felt being at peace now when she knew that he was safe and even if their roads would separate tomorrow, he would still be safe, and she was glad that she had part of it.
She smelled him before she heard him, the fragrance of his was intoxicating. It was combination of the shower gel and familiar musk, with a hint of green forest. She inhaled deeply, trying to memorize his smell. He sat down next to her on the step and looked at the view with her.
“Are you going to yell me now?” she asked carefully, trying to keep her tone light. He turned to look at her, and probably saw the sadness in her face, which she was so keen on hiding. He sighed.
“No”, he replied and took her hand on his, laying them both in between them. She looked at their joined hands, her hand was smaller but a perfect fit with his. She brushed her thumb against his palm. He looked thoughtful, like he was contemplating what to say.
“It was still a reckless plan”, he continued. “I told you not to put yourself in danger, especially for me.”
“But you did put yourself in danger for me”, she argued quietly, giving him a stern look. “It wasn’t fair. You knew that I would have accepted his offer. And now we know that it was Richy, he wouldn’t had hurt me.”
“We didn’t know that then. I promised to you to keep you safe”, he responded and drew circles in her palm in return. “That no matter what, I would protect you.”
“You cannot keep sacrificing yourself for me, you know”, she stated and looked at him with hunger in her eyes, but she didn’t know that. Something shifted in the air and her mouth felt dry. He held her gaze and she could see the moon reflecting from his pupils, which were dilated. “Remember what you asked me?”
“I have asked from you a lot and you had filled all my requests without a hesitation”, he murmured back, not taking his eyes off her. The familiar flutter in her abdomen was there again, this time with heat. “You were so trusting from the beginning, and I have no idea why.”
“It felt right, it always felt right, even when others tried to convince me that I shouldn’t trust you”, she confessed, and her voice sounded fragile. The world had stopped around them and nothing else existed in it except them. “You asked me to see all of this with you till the end.”
“I did”, he answered and slowly, lifted her hand towards his face. “And now it is after end.” She followed her hand with her gaze, and all she could think about was his lips. He pressed them against her hand, and she thought her heart was going to explode. Small sigh escaped her lips and Jake's pupils seem to dilate even more. The heat from her lower abdomen was anxiously waiting, I need more, more and everything.
“So, what comes after end?” she whispered, her eyes were still fixed on her hand on his lips. The sight of it was mesmerizing. She felt her hand trembling slightly but brushed his lips with her thumb for a second time today. Jake pecked lightly her finger.
“Us.” He brushed her loose curl away from her face with his other hand. The only thing she could think that she wanted to Jake touch her forever. “If you still want me.” He tucked the curl behind her ear and touched the side of her face lightly. She thought that this might feel the same when you’re hit by the lightning. Every nerve she had was on fire and she gasped again, not realizing that it was vocal one.
Then his lips were crashing on hers and they were greedy from the start. Nothing was careful in their first kiss, it was demanding and overwhelming, she could feel the neurons transmitting messages of pleasure to every part of her body. Her brain was finally exploding, and all she could do was to return the kiss. Jake’s lips were eating her alive, sucking her lower lip and his tongue found a way in her mouth. It was exploring and evasive, he was claiming her and all she wanted to do was to give herself to him. Her hands were all over him, trying to grasp every inch of him, dragging her closer to him. Jake lifted her up from the stairs and pulled her to his lap, and her legs quickly found their place when she straddled in his lap, not interrupting the kiss even for a second. She moaned in his mouth, when his hands found her back, pulling her closer, closer, and closer to him. The anticipation had been building up for weeks now and all they could do, was to set it free. The fire burning inside of her was eager to be unleashed.
Their lips separated for a moment and they both gasped air. She was panting, her nipples were rock hard, and she hadn’t never been so aroused in her life than now. “Don’t you dare to leave me”, she told him and pressed her lips again to his. That was all it took, and if she had thought Jake was forceful before, her words had evaporated the very last drop of any resistance from him now. They crashed in each other’s again and again, their mouths were hot and when his lips latched on her neck, she heard a guttural sound coming from her own throat. He sucked and nibbled her neck and when he found again the very same spot where she had moaned, he gave it special attention with tongue. She vaguely realized she was constantly grinding him in his lap, but everything felt so good, that the thought got lost somewhere back in her brains. His cold hands were under her shirt, causing her to shiver and Jake continued his trail of kisses towards her cleavage. She didn’t know where her own hands were, but they were touching something warm and covered.
When his fingers found her bras, she was shaken with the touch and the pure need which felt consuming her. She pulled with his help her shirt away and the couple of seconds where his lips had been away from her, felt like hours and she demanded them back with hers. His hands were in her hair, pulling her head back, exposing her whole neck to him. She wanted him so much that it hurt, her cunt clenched with need and she grinded again in his lap against the hard bulge. Jake growled and his hands traveled to her breasts, which were still hidden inside of her bra. He pulled the cups of the bras down, exposing her hard nipples. He circled the areolas with his fingers and continued his trail of kisses from her neck down towards her breasts. He sucked his thumb and then flicked her right nipple with it, and she couldn’t help voices of pleasure escaping her lips, throwing her head back.
“You’re so fucking beautiful”, she heard him say before she noticed his lips back on her right breast. She focused his hard cock against her groin and rolled her hips, putting pressure on it. He responded with a muffled vibration around her nipple, and then he sucked it hard. His act jolted million bolts in her sex, and she was drenched. She heard herself moaning his name, which just kept fueling his actions more. He played her other breast with his left hand, changing hands when his focus with his mouth was changed.
“Please”, she pleaded, and her hands were rubbing his cock through his trousers. “I need – “
She didn’t have to finish her sentence, because he lifted them both up, she still in his lap. They stumbled back inside, and she let him carry her while she was sucking his earlobe. This caused him to misstep, and they crashed in a wall, she got pressed between the wall and Jake. She tried to unbutton his jeans while he was doing hers, they pulled his shirt off together and Jake continued his mission to get her trousers off. She quickly looked around and pulled them together in the couch, where he laid in top of her, finally getting rid of her jeans. She felt his hands on her bum and lifted her ass higher as a reflex. He grabbed her knickers waistline and she saw him to look at her for a reassurance. She responded by pulling him in a fierce kiss and made sure that he understood that she was all in.
She felt his finger finding their way between her wet folds and the sound which came out of her mouth was inhuman. The finger circled her clit, before flicking it gently and she lost it. She moaned his name again and again; her whole body was shaking, and she was drowned in a bliss. His finger was rubbing and circling her clit with steady pace, his mouth was again on her breasts and her hands were… inside of his trousers. She didn’t remember how her hands got in there (and when they did get his trousers off?), but she was stroking his cock and Jake pushed himself on her hand. The lips from her breast unlatched and her hands got moved away, when she realized in her blurry haze, that something was on her entrance. When he slipped a finger inside of her, she cried and clenched around his finger. His right-hand fingers were still focusing on her clit, while he inserted a second finger from his left hand inside of her. The fingers moved from inside out repeatedly, pumping and the pressure of rubbing of her clit was increasing. Something was building inside of her, and only she could do, was to make incoherent voices. “Oh, oh, Jake – “, she cried, and she felt his mouth on her stomach, peppering the sensitive area with kisses. She had never felt this good; everything was fireworks and exploding neurons.  
“Come for me”, he told her in a raspy voice and curled his fingers inside of her. And she did. Everything went white, she trashed and could hear herself screaming his name. She was so high, the sensation of bliss swallowed her as a whole and cherished her for a time which felt like hours. When she finally came back to her senses, she saw him looking at her with such an intense gaze filled with lust. She grabbed his face between her hands and kissed him.
“I love you”, she said against his lips. She meant it with every cell in her body. “I love you. I love you.”
“I love you”, he murmured back, nibbling her lip with his teeth.
She pushed him off from her and she managed to get a glimpse of his confused face, which soon vanished when she reversed their previous position. She straddled again his lap, and grinded once more on his cock. This time, there wasn’t fabric in between them, and her wetness was all over him. Now it was his turn to shiver, and she felt his hands pressing her bottom firmly while moving her body on his cock. “I didn’t pack condoms with me to my rescue mission-”, he confessed, “- didn’t seem necessary”. She told him that she had been on birth control pills for a couple of years now. With that settled in between them, she kissed him once again and slowly sank into him. They both moaned in unison and tried to get adjusted with the new feeling. She felt so full and stretched, and she repeated the movement of getting off and then sliding herself back to his cock couple of times, and it every time it kept feeling better and better. Then she tried rolling her hips. The sensation of the movement hit them gently like a knife in brain, it just felt so right and good. She rolled her hips again, this time faster and he groaned from somewhere deep in his guts. He supported her movements with her hands, and when she moved up and down with his cock, occasionally rolling her hips, fastening the pace with each movement. It was now his turn to form incoherent words, but she could pick up words like “amazing”, “fuck”, and “beautiful” repeatedly. He pulled her upper body closer to him and kissed her breasts again, occasionally giving the nipple gently tug with his teeth.
She felt another wave of orgasm coming up, her movements started to get irrational and all she could think about was how she wanted to do this with him forever. She got herself up too much and his cock slipped out of her, but before she could sink back in, he had lifted her and turned her on her back side on the couch. He grabbed her right leg and lifted it towards his chest and entered her again. She helped herself up from the couch with her elbows and watched him pumping into her where they connected. It was the most erotic sight she had never seen and when he rubbed her clit with his thumb while pressing his fingers against her lower abdomen, she exploded abruptly again, chanting his name.
She heard him grunting and his pumps were irrational, hitting her cervix relentlessly over and over again. She looked at his face when he came, the emotions of lust, pleasure and the final climax was the sight she wanted to burn on her retinas. They locked their eyes together and her expressions of love was mirrored from his face.
“I love you”, he told her again, panting with shortness of breath.
“And I love you”, she repeated with a smile, before she reached out to kiss him.  
Author Notes: Whew! I am so overwhelmed with all your comments and likes on part one! I am myself's worst criticizer, it's always terrifying to post my stories.
There is at least one more chapter on this story, but I'm supposed to work on my thesis and that unfortunately is taking lot of my time. I'd love to write longer stories, but I don't think that is possible in current situation of mine. I can still say with a good confidence that chapter three is posted in couple of days.
I hope you enjoy this chapter, and I would love to have comments, likes and reblogs, if you think this would be worth it. *3*
p.s. Birth control pills doesn't protect from STD's, so be good kids and use protection when necessary. Jake and MC were irresponsible, but let's forgive them. It has been so, so long. :D
633 notes · View notes
char-lotta · 2 years
After the End (part one)
Pairing: Jake x MC
Warnings: Heavy spoilers for episode 10. Contains later in the story explicit adult material (like seriously, can't emphasize this too much, basically smut). 🔥🔥
Author notes: see the ending
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After the End
The silence was hurting her ears, like it was almost deafening tone. The room was dark, sun had set ages ago and normally, she would have been sleeping for hours now. But not today. Only light in the room was coming from her phone, where she kept reading the last words of their conversation. Her hold on the phone was tight, as she was afraid of dropping it, losing connection with him.
I cannot go without telling you.
Without telling me what?
Something I’ve bene meaning to tell you for a long time.
What do you want to tell me?
I love you.
I love you too, Jake
He loved her and she loved him. She had known it for a while now, but with everything going on, she had actively pushed her thoughts back. They had to find Hannah, and her friends had been in constant danger. It was so odd, how they had known with Jake for a such a short time, but she felt like she had known him all her life. How naturally they trusted and respected each other’s, and how her heart always skipped a beat when he messaged him.
When Richy had revealed himself as being the man without a face, the initial shock had changed to anger. He was supposed to be their friend and she had thought Richy was also her friend too. How could he have done all of this? What kind of person treats others this way? Hannah had told the group what happened in the mine, how Richy had set up the fire and never came out… They all had found out that their friend had betrayed them and then they lost him all in 30 minutes span. Jessy was a mess, and she had tried to call her many times, but Dan had let her know that she couldn’t stop crying and was no condition to speak. Lilly had called her parents to pick them up and they all were going into the hospital to see Hannah. She tried to feel relief for them, but when she knew that her most important person was still in the mines somewhere and FBI was there… The only thought she had, that she couldn’t breathe until she knew he was alright and safe.
I love you
I love you too, Jake
The minutes and hours felt like years. The first rays of the sun peeked behind the curtains, and she still hadn’t heard from him. When she heard her next-door neighbor leaving to work, she snapped out of her trance. Something had gone wrong; she just knew it. He would have texted her soon as he was out of the mine, he knew that she was waiting. Panic started swell on her again, rising in intolerable levels. She had to do something, but what?
What could she do? How could she help from her couch? He was somewhere deep in the mines, alone in the dark, without aid. All their friends and his sisters were in the hospital, and all he got was her. She jumped from the couch, confused, and saw herself on the mirror. Dark circles under her eyes revealed that it was 30 hours since she last slept, but that wasn’t important now. She realized that there was only one thing which she could do.
She would go to Duskwood.
When the taxi finally drove in her driveway, she hopped in and stuffed her backpack in the backseat with her. Quick glance on her phone told her that she had no new messages, and she had only an hour before her flight would leave.
“To the airport, please. Take the fastest route.”
They passed the suburbs way too slowly in her opinion, but soon they were in the highway, speeding up. Within fifteen minutes, they arrived in the airport. Because she was travelling lightly and had done the check in within her phone on her way, she got through the security just in time to see that her gate for the flight had opened. When she finally sat down on her seat and looked outside of the window, she allowed herself to let one tear slip.
I love you.
I love you too, Jake.
Six hours later, she arrived at the small train station of Duskwood. She had managed to get some sleep during the flight and connecting train, but she still felt like she had been hit by a car. She picked her phone again for the thousandth time for that day and saw that she still hadn’t got new messages and Jake was still offline. The conductor whistled, and the train started moving again, leaving her alone in the platform.
She still hadn’t a plan and couldn’t form one without getting information about the current situation. She knew that only person she could contact to get some, was someone who Jake would not approve, but she didn’t have a choice. She opened her contacts on the messaging app and typed slowly. She had to play her cards right and not cause any additional issues.
I hope I have finally convinced you that I was not the person who you were looking for, and you can trust me.
She waited for a couple of minutes, when the familiar pen showed up, scribbling on the screen.
You haven’t been a suspect in this case in any point.
She contemplated her words. She couldn’t reveal too much, but Alan’s previous warning had indicated that he knew, that Jake was the one FBI was looking for. But he had given her a much-needed warning.
Oh, Alan. You and me both know, that is a lie. But I am not going to hold on a grudge. ps. Did FBI found what they were looking for?
She bit her lip, as always when she was nervous. She saw Alan typing something, deleting it and then he started typing again.
Duskwood police is grateful for FBI’s aid on this case and the gathering of the evidence is still ongoing and I am not going to give any additional information regarding this matter.
Shit, shit, shit. That had to mean that FBI was still in the mines, looking for Jake. She was relieved that he hadn’t been caught, but the task of saving him would be impossible task when FBI was still in the area. No, not impossible, she reminded herself, that’s why she had come her. There was a chance, but she just would have to take it.
She rented a car, not a too big, so it would not attract interest. They also gave her a map for the area, which she appreciated a lot. She trailed the route to the waterfall from the parking place with her finger but realized quickly that it was probably full of police and FBIs cars and staff. She covered her hair with the baseball cap and put sunglasses on her face, checking herself from the car sunscreen mirror. With a map on her hand, she looked just like a regular tourist. She doubted that anyone would recognize her, but better safe than sorry. She had booked a cabin during her way on the airport, and quick glance on the map revealed to her that it was in secluded are in farther south from Duskwood, where the mines were. Her hands trembled when she folded the map and put it in her pocket, she had never been this afraid in her life before. She took a long breath and held her head against the steering wheel.
I love you
I love you too, Jake.
She started the engine.
After 15 minutes of drive, she saw the parking place for the beginning of the trail. It was packed and she could spot the blue and red lights from afar. There was no way that she could pull the stupid tourist-impression with that crowd. Frustrated cry escaped from her lips, and she pressed the speed pedal. There had to be other way. She kept driving and glanced the policemen while passing them and soon she couldn’t see them anymore from her rear mirror. She tried to look up where to pull over, and finally spotted a place beside the main road, which looked like an abandoned bus stop. When she had turned off her engine, she looked at the map again.
According to Jake, the mines were 60 miles long, and he could be anywhere in those 60 miles. She googled the cave site archives, where Jake had retrieved his map from and looked at all the entrances. Jake had said that he didn’t know other exits than the main one and the one which Richy had used, and the latter one just had a fire. She knew that Jake wouldn’t go to the part of the tunnels he didn’t know of, that would just be guaranteed getting lost option. But if he had his map with him (which was very likely), he would have to choose one of the other exits. What would you do, what you would do in this situation, she kept asking herself and then she realized.
If there would be FBI waiting in all the exits, it wouldn’t make sense to try to get to them. They also couldn’t search all the 60 miles simultaneously, so they would have to look in sections. The mines were dark, maps weren’t reliable and offered multiple spots to take cover. It would make prefect sense to hide, until FBI would think that he had managed to escape before securing the exits. That she would do, trick them believing that she would have already left…
Suddenly, this realization caused her to get more anxious. How long could he hide in the dark? Did he have any food with him? Or water? Maybe that was the reason he didn’t answer her messages since he would have to turn his phone off to save battery. She zoomed in for the map again, trying to look out what kind of things mines had. She had seen a shaft from the picture, but she didn’t know what mines usually looked like. Was there more of shafts? Would he get deeper or closer towards the ground?
This was like looking for a needle in a haystack. He would have tried to get far as he could from where Richy had held Hannah, because that area would be the main focus for the police. The main entrance was also off limits, and that left only one route available. She followed the markings of the map, where the road would be halting into a crossroad and again later for another crossroad. How could she know which way he would choose? She looked farther from the map and saw that the rest of the exits would be along the long road in the end of the tunnels. It would make sense that he would keep in close of them if he would need quick way out.
She looked at her other map, where the landscape was drawn and looked where each exit was. It wouldn’t be reasonable to come out in area, where there was no possibility of hiding, so she could cross few of them over, like the one which was located near of the busy road. She managed to narrow the possible exits for two, both were in secluded place and there was lots of forest around of them, no traffic, or human habitats. The map from cave archives showed that the tunnels were collapsed around the first exit, but the second one appeared to be intact. It had to be this one, she thought. She didn’t want to consider the option she might be wrong in here, there was so much in stake here. She had to be right.
I love you
I love you too, Jake
The plan started to form in her head, but she would need one more thing before she could go.
A distraction.
Her sister answered her call with a groggy voice. The tone of her voice implied that there had been again sleepless nights for her too, but different reasons than hers. Her sister had a baby six months ago with her husband Doug, and her nephew wasn’t keen on sleeping. For a moment she felt sting of her conscious bugging her, but she pushed it away.
“Sarah, I need a favor from you.”
“No, you can’t borrow my car today, we have a doctor’s appointment –“, her sister started, but she quickly stopped her.
“I don’t need your car. I need you to listen to me very carefully now”, she told her, and something in her voice stopped her sister’s argument instantly. “Is Doug at home? Can you put him on the phone with me?”
“Are you in trouble? MC, what’s going on?” her sister sounded worried. “Why would you –“
“Sarah, please. This is very important, and I’ll explain everything to you later but now I really need to talk Doug”, she pleaded in a desperate tone. She knew that there was no way that she would actually explain her sister what was going on later, but that did calm her enough to put her husband on the phone.
Doug was engineer in multinational company and often reminisced his university years, where he and his roommate would do some hacking on local newspaper site, putting false news on the website and that kind of things. Nothing too serious which would have landed him in actual trouble, but he did have basic skills on hacking websites.
“MC? What’s up?” she heard him asking on the phone. She heard him being confused, she had never called directly on him.
“I need a huge favor from you, and I shouldn’t ask it for you. But I don’t have anyone else to ask and you’re my only hope”, she told him and couldn’t prevent the low sob.
“MC, everything is alright, don’t cry. What can I do for you?”
She then spent the next ten minutes convincing her sisters husband and ensuring that he would know how to do his task without getting in caught. He assured her that he had his ways and could protect himself, but she could hear that he was uncertain about this. It was literally poking a bear, she knew it, but it had to be a proper distraction, otherwise it wouldn’t work, and all this would be for nothing. When Doug finally agreed on her instructions, she started sobbing again on relief. She quickly said goodbyes and terminated the call, sending him the necessary files before switching her screen off.
She drove her car 15 kilometers in southbound and saw the gravel road she was supposed to turn. It wasn’t directly for the cave entrance (that would have risen suspicions too much), but close enough so she could hike there and keep her car hidden at the same time. When she was sure no one could see her, she turned to the gravel road and found a perfect spot for her car, where it wasn’t visible from the main road.
She pulled her hair on a bun and changed her t-shirt to a pullover. When she had gathered all her things and gotten off from the car, the fear set in her heart. This was it. If she would fail, her life would get harder, but not hard as near Jake's would get. She took a sip from her water and opened her phone. It was 7 pm, and the dark would set soon. She made sure that she knew which way she should go and played her plan again and again in her head.
In a half an hour, the sun had disappeared behind the trees, and she started her journey towards the entrance of the mine. She followed the blue spot which indicated her location on the map. When she was around 400 meters away in a creek, she opened her browser and saw that Doug had accomplished his task. There also was a text message from Alan.
I doubt this was a coincidence.
I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Now she had to hope that her plan would be enough to get those FBI agents lured from the mines. She slowed her steps and could hear car door slamming further down the creek. She crept behind a tree and peeked towards the entrance. She saw the agents packing their things up in a hurry and disappearing in their cars, the fastest one was already on the road. Within minutes, the last one left the parking area, and she was alone. She waited for extra ten minutes just to make sure that there would not be anyone left in the forest, and when she was finally convinced that there were no others, she started to ascend lower to the entrance.
The entrance was old and the air coming down the tunnels smelled murky. It was so, so dark. She had joked that she was happy that she didn’t had to be the one to go there and now… She bit her lip again and looked down with her flashlight. The light showed only the first steps of the stairs. She stepped on the first step, and it creaked under her foot. The noise was so loud that only then she realized that she had been holding her breath. Oh, come on, get a grip of yourself now and just go. You know why you are here.
The self-given pep-talk helped, and she started to ascend the steps down. The trip down felt like a lifetime, and she kept looking at her back, where the soft light from the last daylight kept getting smaller and smaller, until finally she couldn’t see it anymore. There was darkness behind her and in front of her. Great.
She arrived in the first tunnel, and she knew from her previous map researching that she should turn left and then right, to get to the area where she should start look for Jake. She hoped that the map would be correct on this part of the tunnels, and she wouldn’t have to wander too much blind. She grabbed some stones and piled them up, so she would know which way she should go when she got back.
If I get lost in here, I just banished all the possible rescue to other side of the city.
The thought wasn’t comforting, and she had to try and think of something else. The tunnels were darker than in Jake’s picture and the camera hadn’t captivate the moisture of the air. The air was damp and heavy, and it felt like pushing her down. She pointed at her flashlight in the direction she was supposed to go and started walking. The ceiling was low, and she could hear water dripping farther down in the tunnel. Some halls were covered in large rocks and the passages had become narrow.
She thought about Jake. What if she was wrong and he had managed to get out of the mines? What if she was alone in here and the mines would collapse and bury her body. No one knew she was here, and this was the last place anyone would look out her. Her hands started shaking again and the light bounced on the walls. She thought she saw some shapes deeper in the tunnel and swore she could hear whispers. She would die here alone, and no one would know.  The mine would claim human life again, first the cave workers and then Richy, and now her…
I love you
I love you too, Jake
She started to feel dizzy, her skin tingled, and she realized that her breathing had become troubled. Is this a panic attack? I’ve never had one before. She stopped and put her hand on the wall to support her. She focused on her breathing, trying to get air to her lungs which were screaming of need. She then remembered her first aid class from the school, which had been many years ago. The instructor had told them that if person is speaking, she is breathing normally. What the hell was that supposed to mean? Maybe she should try it.
“Hello?” Her voice sounded stranded and weird, not like her own at all. “Jake? Can you hear me? It’s me, MC. I’ve done something stupid which probably makes you very mad at me, but I have come here looking for you.”
The darkness didn’t respond, and she could hear her own voice echoing on the empty tunnel walls. She had walked maybe 15 minutes in the tunnels now and kept marking her way out during the way with the stone piles.
“I really hope that you’re here, I came up with this glorious plan and wouldn’t want it to go to waste. So, I would appreciate some kind of sign it you are and I’m not talking to the ghosts you mentioned. That kind of signs are not needed, thank you.”
She kept talking and when she formed the words with her mouth, her breathing got paced regular and it seemed to help, at least her breathing wasn’t sounding so… barking anymore.
“You’re probably wondering why on earth I’m talking aloud alone, but this was something Mrs. Blunt teach us in the first aid class when I was in college. I swear that I am not trying to worry you, but I’ve come to the realization that I don’t like darkness, I don’t like tight spaces and I sure don’t like underground tunnels deep in the ground. I didn’t know that I was claustrophobic. Not a great timing for this kind of realization, I know.”
There still wasn’t any sign of Jake. She felt wetness on her cheeks and realized that she was crying.
“This is bad. I shouldn’t be crying, but I am so, so afraid this moment and I shouldn’t be. Everything is alright, everything is alright, everything is alright”, she repeated this mantra and looked at her feet because her sight seemed to get worst within minutes. Her feet were trembling now too. The tunnel was spinning, or was she spinning? She didn’t know, all she could hear was her heartbeat in her ears, which drummed so hard that she was sure it would break out from her rib cage in any minute now.
Her mantra got slurred, something was wrong in her mouth. Why couldn’t she move her tongue?
This was mistake. She had failed.
I love you
I love you too, Jake
She felt her feet starting to give away. Her hands didn’t work, and she would soon hit the floor in her face first. She closed her eyes and waited for the impact, which never came. Instead, she felt pressure on her sides and her body standing up.
“MC?” her voice sounded so weird and low. Was that even her voice? Why was she saying her own name? She wasn’t, her mouth didn’t work, didn’t she remember? She opened her eyes and saw another pair of feet in front of her. The pressure on her sides was someone’s hands. She wasn’t alone.
She screamed.
XXXXX >> Part two.
Author notes:
Well this is odd, to be actually writing again. I want to thank every single one of you who have read my previous stories and stayed with me while waiting the last episode to arrive.
About this story; I think we deserved to know, what happened to Jake in the tunnels. I did cut some obstacles in this story, like I'm pretty sure that my distraction for FBI wouldn't work like that at all, but lets pretend it was a master plan.
I'm myself extremely claustrophobic especially if the closed spaces are underground and my worst nightmare would be cave exploring or cave diving (seriously, what the hell??), so therefore it was very logical to me write MC claustrophobic as well. I would have been super terrified to go down in some mines. :D
Again, English isn't my native language so there are mistakes, bear with me!
I would appreciate a lot if you would like to leave me a comment. *3*
Next chapter is >> UP!
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char-lotta · 2 years
Whoopsie daisy
I... May... Have... Started on writing up a new story which is set to happen after the episode 10. Currently have 11 pages of the story written now, should I post it later since not everyone had the same chance to play yesterday? Is it too soon?
I am nervous and it has been so long, since last time I wrote anything else than essays for my courses was around year ago.
Please be gentle with me. :D
The story is here!
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char-lotta · 2 years
Spoilers for episode 10 (major spoilers)
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I am breathless. I have no words.
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char-lotta · 2 years
There is two updates now, so if you updated it soon as it came out and it doesn't work now, there is another update available!
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char-lotta · 2 years
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Huh, here we go!
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char-lotta · 2 years
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char-lotta · 2 years
When you finally have something else to do outside of maniacally refreshing the next episode tracker 😅🙈
I am beyond thrilled and also kinda sad, the story is coming to an end. But we'll finally get to know what happened to Hannah!!
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I can't wait I'm so ecstatic to find out what happens! Also, I just want to say I'm so incredibly thankful for all the amazing people I've met because of this game! This is hands down the best community I've ever had the pleasure of being apart of, love you guys! 🥰
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char-lotta · 2 years
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I can't wait I'm so ecstatic to find out what happens! Also, I just want to say I'm so incredibly thankful for all the amazing people I've met because of this game! This is hands down the best community I've ever had the pleasure of being apart of, love you guys! 🥰
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char-lotta · 2 years
Hi, how are you? Your writing is wonderful, I love your fanfics, I would love to see a plot with the MC being jealous of a long time friend of Jake's 🥰, have a good day!
Oh, this melts my heart, thank you so much! I'll see what can I do for you! 💕
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char-lotta · 2 years
This is a Tumblr hug, pass it on to your ten favourite followers and mutuals! ❤️🤗
Thank you dear! ❤
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char-lotta · 2 years
♥️love train! Send this to all the blogs you love! Don’t forget to spread the love!♥️
❤❤❤ choo choo everyone! Thank you ❤❤❤
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char-lotta · 2 years
When will you write more jake and mc fic? They all are really good and I'm craving for more. 💕
Hey lovely!
I cannot promise anything, but I'll try publish something new in this month! 💕 Thank you for reaching out!
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