chainsawn · 9 years
"Hello," the speaker purred back. "What're you wearing...?" A pause of silence for the other's reaction; then regardless of result, a fit of obnoxious laughter rang through the transmitter. Their shoulders shook greatly with every laugh. Truly the epitome of comedy, right here. Urotsuki's right index finger curled around the cord, playfully trying to tug Sabitsuki closer. "Hey now, just 'cause my moves're sick doesn't mean I gotta be ill, too! ..Well, even if I kinda am and you're right on your guess, but that's not the point!!
"Y'see, it's not all bad, my fellow sick puppy. Goes without saying that yer talkin' to someone who ain't too different from you, Ripley's believe-it-or-not! Now the shoulders shrugged, in a 'I don't believe it either!' kind of way. "Yeah, so I'm just as clueless to you as to how I dropped inta such a barren, boring-lookin' Nexus like this, but I'm here all the same! "And, heh, don't cry," They said as Sabitsuki rubbed her eyes, "'Cause I got a solution for us right here. The Wanderer gently reached for the【Pipe Effect】with his left hand as a few more words tumbled toward Sabitsuki's ear. Urotsuki summoned their most informercial salesman voice. "You put this silly li'l thing away, and I'll put this silly li'l effect away so you can see me proper! And that's! Not! All! I'll even throw in my name as a bonus, but you have to act now or you'll miss out! (Aaand there's the shift back to her normal voice.) "...Done deal, right? Right? We wouldn't want anyone to get hurt, y'know? ...Even if this a dream n'all. You know how it is." Urotsuki tried hard to say the last two sentences in a nonchalant air, hoping the casual tone would intrigue Sabitsuki rather than spurn on more frustration.
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chainsawn · 9 years
A pipe!? Only a totally hardcore dreamer would have their weapon effect be something blunt!! Well, it’s still not as hardcore as a chainsaw, but..
The Wanderer jerked her now-stained shoes back; the Invisible effect fluttered to its first form. Now a faint, black gossamer-esque outline of Urotsuki (and eyes!) became visible. Shoot. Darn traitor-toes! It was time... For plan B..!
【Equip: Telephone Effect】  
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Her head rang twice before Urotsuki’s hand picked up their transmitter and offered it to Sabitsuki. 
“Ring ring... Pheletone!” the voice faintly called out from the speaker.
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chainsawn · 9 years
"Phew! Alright, that should do it for this area," said the Wanderer to no one in particular. She dusted her shoulders off one by one, then mentally procured a list of the Effects. 【Equip: Eyeball Bomb Effect】   'S funny how this thing counts down exactly like when I fall sleep, she thought just before her head exploded. But this place of return wasn't her Nexus, not the familiar huge spanse of various teleportation-objects. This was another Dreamer's territory, something Urotsuki would consided sacred ground if another were to trespass upon his own. But before Urotsuki could get a proper look -- "Uh --Whoa!" Urotsuki feebly chirped in surprise. Their heavy bomb-head jerked backward, the sudden shift in weight causing her to stumble a step back. The other Dreamer was coming out of their home-door, the one that connects to their dream room! Urotsuki prepared to light her headfuse again, but hesitated. But -- What if they're OK people? ...What if the other Dreamer wasn't the type to take kindly to visitors? What if they had something far more dangerous than a Chainsaw effect? What if she could even find a new trick to exploration? Even as unlikely that'd seem, to someone who thinks themselves already a master at it.
And what if it was far more interesting to see how the other was like with their own dreamscape? The Wanderer quickly opted to change to her own【Invisible Effect】 twice over, holding her breath in anticipation -- and not yet realizing this would mean still leaving her feet visible.
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