carraweelo 8 years
OK OYSU you got my attention.聽
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carraweelo 8 years
#SomaliMusic, #SomaliSongs, #Somalis,
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carraweelo 9 years
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carraweelo 9 years
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carraweelo 9 years
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carraweelo 9 years
Did you say that you were my girlfriend to my girlfriend? That hurts, she believes you over me!
What you are doing is wrong. Please stop. I have nothing against you or your life choices. Please stop sending me messages and STOP sending me facebook friendship requests.聽
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carraweelo 10 years
"Marka aad nin hoogiyo ka hor tago dagaalkoo dabka hura bakhtiiyoo garta hubin yaqaanoo xaqa hoos u eegoo halistiyo colaadaha ku hagoogta dhiigoo dadka kale hagaajoo kala haga dhashaa baa hooyo lagu xasuustaa"
"dadka Soomaaliyeed cid ka digaal badan ma jirto"
Xaley Misaajid cusub oo Soomaali iyo Sawaaxil liigu sheegay baan aaday. Aad baa la ii soo dhaweeyay, habeen wanaagsan buuna ahaa. Gabar Soomaali ah oo aad ii soo dhaweysay oo dadka dhana isku xirtay meesha- shaax macaan badanna qof walboo rabey koob ka siisay baa markeey baxeysay kirligeedi weysay. Haween kale oo malaha eey dhib isku hayeen ayeey ku eedeysay ineey qaadatay. Sister R*** beey waxeey ku tiri: "Sister R* please talk to her before I get here tomorrow-" turning to an Eritrean sister who speaks Somali she says "Aniga Soomaaliyad baan ahay, bug iy bac baan ku bilaawi". Waxaan soo xasuustay macalimad tajweed na bareysay oo aad u jeclayd ineey dadka dacaayadeyso- maalinbaa waxeey tiri "Somalida waan ka baqaa sababtoo ah feerkaa ka sooo horeeya". Waxaan xasustaa hadalkaas inuu i dhibay- anigoo u arkaayo macalimad fekradaas xun ka qabta Soomaalida ineey caruur Soomaaliyeed wax barto ma aha. Soomaali digaalanta waan arki jiray, Hooyo Soomaali oo caruurteeda dartood deriska ula digaashayna waan maqlay balse maxaa keenay in Soomaaliyoo idil loo saariyo inuu digaalka ka so horeeyo? Waan digaalanaa balse xaq baan u digaalanaa qof gacanta ka soo horeyso wax lagu faano ma aha oo waaan isku caynaa.聽
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carraweelo 10 years
"Beertuu isticmaarka beerayBaqshiishkiyo baha-bahayskuQabiilkaan la buufinaayoAsaageen ku beegsan mayneeWaxbarta aan barwaaqo gaarnee."
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carraweelo 10 years
So much beauty and hope that the heart aches for an embrace. No need to ask; its mutual.聽
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carraweelo 10 years
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Happy independence Somalia! Soomaaliya hanoolaato (Long live Somalia).聽
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carraweelo 10 years
Happy 1da Luuliyo Compatriots
My translation of an awesome song from the Deegaan group from Djibouti dedicated to Buluugloow. May everyone of us stand be a soldier for it.聽
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Midabkaaga caanka ah Cirkoo caad lahayn baad Caynadiisa leedahoo Xiddigtii cadayd baa Shan gees kugu cabbiranoo Waa calaamadaadii (*2) 聽 聽 聽Your famed color 聽 聽 聽Similar to 聽 聽 聽A cloudless sky 聽 聽 聽That White Star 聽 聽 聽Measured in five sides 聽 聽 聽Is your mark
Sanadkii curtaba caawaad- Caawaad ku leedahay Calan quruxda kula mid ah Calan quruxda kula mid ah Caalamkoo dhan lama helo (*2) 聽 聽 聽In every year, tonight- 聽 聽 聽Tonight is yours 聽 聽 聽A flag to rival your beauty- 聽 聽 聽A flag to rival your beauty 聽 聽 聽Is not found in the whole world
Calooshoo fiyow iyo Casharkii Quraankaan Kugu caawineynaa Cimrigaa ha jiro Kugu caawineynaa Cimrigaa ha jiro! (*2) 聽 聽 聽We will support you- 聽 聽 聽With a clean Conscious [stomach] 聽 聽 聽And lessons from the Quraan 聽 聽 聽May you prosper!
Cirka sallim ayaa tahay Cadow jabiye baad tahay Dadka caawiyaa tahay Colaadii Sokeeyiyo Cudurkii ka guuroo Cudurkii ka guuroo! Caano iyo nabad (*2) 聽 聽 聽You are a peaceful sky 聽 聽 聽Breaker of the enemy you are 聽 聽 聽Helper of the people you are 聽 聽 聽Civil war and the disease 聽 聽 聽I have moved from 聽 聽 聽Peace and Milk
Carrabka dhadhan baad u tahay Indhaha carfi baad u tahay Dhegaha cod gob baad u tahay Nafta Cilmi baad u tahay Ciida dhereg baad u tahay (*2)
Ciyaaraha, Ciyaaraha la tumayana waa curashadaadii!!! 聽 聽 聽For the tongue you are taste 聽 聽 聽For the eyes: a sweet scent 聽 聽 聽For the ears: the sound of freedom 聽 聽 聽For the soul: knowledge 聽 聽 聽For the soil: fulfillment
聽 聽 聽And these celebrations are for your birth.
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carraweelo 10 years
Rahma Rose鈥檚 cover of Nimco Yasin鈥檚聽Digtoor聽makes me get up and move. This song made me tear-up. #SoomaaliHabulaalto
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carraweelo 10 years
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forget an imaginary scene in Paris I am going to Addis and finding me my Nimcaan ;) 聽
Much love to both artists.
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carraweelo 10 years
"Yet our best trained, best educated, best equipped, best prepared troops refuse to fight. Matter of fact, it's safe to say that they would ra...
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carraweelo 10 years
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GoogleTranslate told me that the page I was viewing was in Somali and offered to translate it- I agreed and here is the translation of Xassan Aadan Samatar's "Waan idiin Dhaliile"聽
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carraweelo 10 years
The following open letter was submitted by Kakuma News Reflector (KANERE), and is printed here with light editing. KANERE is an independent refugee free press operating from Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya. According to KANERE, 鈥業n exercising a refugee free press, we speak in respect of human...
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carraweelo 10 years
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He was born in 1946 and he still lives in the house where he was born in section 3 - Eastleigh.
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