camullia · 2 years
“Art, literature, and philosophy are attempts to found the world anew on a human freedom: that of the creator; to foster such an aim, one must first unequivocally posit oneself as a freedom.”
— Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex
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camullia · 2 years
kalo lg anxious suka buka safe spaceku: pinterest.
pinterest jadi aplikasi paling nenangin sejak 2017. semua estetik yg ku suka ku kurasi ulang cuma buat diliat2 lagi dan biar gak lupa (sekaligus berlatih humbling myself biar ngayal gak ketinggian wkwk) tapi gapapa, puas banget sama apa yang kulihat di sana. pinterest dan tumblr nyenengin banget karena jauh dari overstimulating contents kayak yg terjadi di ig dan twitter. i made my pinterest and tumblr page very personal.
I'm the type that won't take pseudoscience seriously but won't deny that it IS fun? look what i found on pinterest, a tumblr post:
Tumblr media
lucu banget relatable asf. poin ke 4 woy, galak tp enggak galak, lemah + softie + penakut? ga pernah merasa dipahami lebih baik dari tulisan diatas. i think i already found myself and feel content with it (alias isfp) but please don't forget the part that makes me a human: will still make mistakes and learn something new in the future. yup yup, that's my conscience speaking again, bear with us🙌
itu konten dari tumblr tp aku nemu di pinterest trs dikontenin di tumblr lagi awkowkwo dasar seenaknya saja! entah meski sudah pake tumblr dari lama tetap ga sefamiliar interface-nya pinterest. menurutku tumblr dan pinterest adalah tempat yang berbeda dan dua-duanya menyenangkan uu sayang. terus menjadi tempat yang baik yaaaa sayang-sayangku.
will do things my way in both media 🔶🔶🔶
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camullia · 2 years
“If we revert to history, we shall find that the women who have distinguished themselves have neither been the most beautiful nor the most gentle of their sex.”
— Mary Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
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camullia · 2 years
“To be human is to confuse a satisfying story with a meaningful one, and to mistake life for something huge with two legs. No: life is mobilized on a vastly larger scale, and the world is failing precisely because no novel can make the contest for the world seem as compelling as the struggles between a few lost people.”
— Richard Powers, The Overstory (via quotespile)
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camullia · 2 years
“In a dream one person enjoys one hundred years of happiness and then awakes, while another awakes after being happy for just a moment. Surely the happiness of both ceases once they have awakened. That is what it is like at the time of death for the one who lives long and for the one whose life is short.”
— Śāntideva, Bodhicaryāvatāra, Crosby & Skilton tr. (6:57-58)
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camullia · 2 years
sekai no himitsu
i always did something that'll make me regret doing it. but i got less disappointed as i already knew I'd regret it, so i did it even more.. is this a good thing or not?🤔
let my future self answer this.
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camullia · 2 years
“Whatever can happen at any time can happen today.”
— Seneca, On the Shortness of Life
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camullia · 2 years
“The only truth is that I live. Sincerely, I live. Who am I? Well, that’s a bit much.”
— Clarice Lispector, Near to the Wild Heart (via quotespile)
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camullia · 2 years
“When you want to know how things really work, study them when they’re coming apart.”
— William Gibson, Zero History (via quotespile)
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camullia · 2 years
“Because the ignorant do not know themselves, they never know for what they are lacking. Some would be sages if they did not believe they were so already.”
— Baltasar Gracián, The Art of Worldly Wisdom
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camullia · 2 years
“Sloth comes from idleness, indulging in pleasures, sleep, the longing to lean on others, and from apathy for the sufferings of cyclic existence.”
— Śāntideva, Bodhicaryāvatāra, Crosby & Skilton tr. (7:3)
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camullia · 2 years
“Hoping to escape suffering, it is to suffering that they run. In the desire for happiness, out of delusion, they destroy their own happiness, like an enemy.”
— Śāntideva, Bodhicaryāvatāra, Crosby & Skilton tr. (1:28)
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camullia · 2 years
“Tidak semua yang kamu rasakan saat ini harus kamu kabarkan pada semua atau sebagian orang, ada saatnya gemuruh hati itu kamu simpan sendiri untuk disampaikan pada Allah. Iya, berdua saja, hanya kamu dan Dia yang tahu. Dan itu lebih menenangkan.”
Sebaik-baik cara untuk menyembuhkan luka adalah menceritakan luka dan sakit itu pada yang tepat, yang akan memberi obat sesuai kadar sakitnya, yang akan memberikan jawaban pada persoalan yang semua manusia tidak bisa menjawabnya.
Hanya berdua saja, entah dalam doamu sebelum beranjak tidur, atau kala sujud dengan air mata yang jatuh tanpa kamu diminta, seakan tubuh enggan bangun sampai tersampaikan semua gemuruh dan ketakutan hati soal dunia. Tanpa terasa lisanmu berkata “Ya Allah, peluklah doa-doaku”
Berdua saja, antara kamu dan Allah saja yang tahu.
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camullia · 2 years
“Writing poems is my way of celebrating with the world that I have not committed suicide the evening before.”
— Alice Walker, In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens (via quotespile)
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camullia · 2 years
“Hatred can never be good.”
— Baruch Spinoza, Ethics
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camullia · 3 years
“The human mind is so constructed as that, when left free from the blinding and hardening power of selfishness, it bows reverently to the mandates of truth and justice.”
— Frederick Douglass, “The American Apocalypse (1861)”
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camullia · 3 years
“Stretching his hand up to reach the stars, too often man forgets the flowers at his feet.”
— Jeremy Bentham, Deontology or, The Science of Morality
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