attichaos · 10 months
My Social Media
(for more content)
Platforms: Threads, Tumblr, Instagram, Tiktok
I’ve been using threads most recently, check out my daily card pulls, recommendations, spells etc!
Hopefully will be posting more on Instagram and Tumblr!
Look forward to chatting with you <3
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attichaos · 1 year
P.1 Correspondences
Zodiac Correspondences
Just a few correspondences for zodiac signs, feel free to comment any other suggestions to add :)
- Element
- Planet
- Tarot Card
- Crystal
- Fire
- Mars
- The Emperor
- Carnelian
- Earth
- Venus
- The Hierophant
- Rose Quartz
- Air
- Mercury
- Lovers
- Citrine
- Water
- Moon
- The Chariot
- Moonstone
- Fire
- Sun
- Strength
- Tiger’s eye
- Earth
- Mercury
- The Hermit
- Red Jasper
- Air
- Venus
- Justice
- Lapis Lazuli
- Water
- Pluto
- Death
- Obsidian
- Fire
- Jupiter
- Temperance
- Turquoise
- Earth
- Saturn
- The Devil
- Jade
- Air
- Uranus
- The Star
- Aquamarine
- Water
- Neptune
- The Moon
- Amethyst
As always,
Merry meet <3
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attichaos · 1 year
Welcome to my new secondary blog filled with all the weird shit from my brain and reblogs of interesting things
Not all content will be witchy but hopefully you are happy to tolerate me and my *slight* eccentricities
Introduction to my secondary blog:
[About me]
Hi I'm Atti, I'm a neurodivergent, queer, enby leftist
my main blog @attichaos
them/them pronouns
chaotic witch
this is just my secondary blog for reposting/posting my thoughts
why not stick around for shits and giggles?
[safe space for people who are: lgbtq+, neurodivergent, disabled, poc, with mental illness, plus sized, witches, non religious + beginner]
As always, merry meet <3
porn blog
religious/spiritual belief pushers
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attichaos · 1 year
A Short Review: The Fifth Spirit Tarot Deck
Fifth Spirit Tarot by Charlie Claire Burgess
around £20
→ the most inclusive deck on the market (disabled, queer, poc) and hands down I have never felt more represented and respected in a tarot deck.
→ artwork is absolutely stunning, it has this power and its energy is really comforting - like what I can only describe as a big warm hug, the vibes are really cosy.
→ extremely easy for beginners to use, guide book is very thorough, symbolism and imagery is great for learning the meanings + very intuitive to use.
→ cardstock is not flimsy as to ruin it with usage, but not too hard so you can riffle shuffle etc
→ not gilded (for me i prefer ungilded when I use a deck a lot, so its not much of a con?)
→ I genuinley cannot think of anything else, this deck is excellent.
My opinion: 5/5 ⭐️
(photo: charlie claire burgess)
Merry meet,
Atti <3
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attichaos · 1 year
A Short Review: The Everyday Tarot Deck
Everyday Tarot Mini Tarot Deck by Bridget Esselmont
under £10
→ a good deck for a beginner on a budget
-> cheaper than the original Rider Waite deck
-> really easy to overhand shuffle for people with small hands such as myself (deck is playing card size)
→ easygoing and simple colour theme in purple and muted yellow gold
→ guided in muted yellow gold but not shiny gilded
→ cards are strong, not made in linen card stock so won’t tear easily and don’t fly all over the place if your a more messy shuffler
→ comes with a small pocket sized guidebook
→ travel friendly
→ I like to go back to this deck when I need a neutral opinion or learning refresher
→ pretty solid deck overall
→ pretty but perhaps a bit dull
→ difficult to riffle shuffle and bridge (if you’re into fancy shuffling) due to card stock being stiff and heavy
→ for me the deck feels quite neutral doesn’t give off a specific energy (could be pro or con I guess)
→ may have to rely on other sources for help with imagery and card meaning, guidebook is alright just not massively detailed
My opinion: 2/5 ⭐️
(old photograph of the deck)
Merry meet as always,
Atti <3
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attichaos · 1 year
Rune Meanings
These are a few keywords and themes for rune symbols along with their modern alphabet equivalents.
*longer read*
Ansuz - Message, A
God, Ancestors, Revelation, Signs, Visions, Insight, Message, Knowledge, Communication
Berkana - Birch, B
Earth Mother, Birth, Fertility, Growth, Renewal, New beginnings, Creation, New projects, Creativity
Kaunaz - Torch, C/K/Q
Fire, Knowledge, Enlightenment, Comprehension, Insight, Illumination, Calling, Purpose, Idea
Dagaz - Dawn, D
Intuition, Light Within, Day, Awakening, Consciousness, Clarity, Hope, Balance, Growth, New cycles
Ehwaz - Horse, E
Twin Gods, Relationships, Progress, Movement, Harmony, Trust, Loyalty, Friendship, Assistance, Duality, Animal instincts
Fehu - Wealth, F
Wealth, Mother Rune, Abundance, Luck, Hope, Prosperity, Fortune
Gebo - Gift, G
Divine Interaction, Generosity, Partnership, Gifts, Talents, Charity, Service, Assistance, Luck, Fortune
Hagalaz - Hail (as in the type of weather), H
Transformation, Egg of Life, Destruction, Natural wrath, Uncontrolled forces, Testing, Change, External input
Isa - Ice, I
Cosmic Coherence, Suspension, Delay, Stillness, Frustration, Blocks, Pause, Waiting
Jera - Harvest, J
Earth, Right Action, Year, conclusion, Life cycle, Endings and beginnings, Abundance, Learnings, Growth
Laguz - Lake, L
Fertilty, Living Renewal, Water, Intuition, Imagination, Healing, Dreams, Mysteries, Insight, Instinct, Knowing
Mannaz - Man, M
Divine Union Manifestation, Humanity, Collective, Mortality, Community, Relationships, Morals, Values
Nauthiz - Neccesity, N
Needs, Friction, Shadow, Restriction, Disagreements, Resistance, Survival, Lacking
Othila - Heritage, O
Genetics, Legacy, inheritance, Spiritual growth, Abundance, Values, Contribution
Peorth - Destiny, P
Divination, Luck, Primal law, Fate, Mysteries, Occult, Feminine fertility, Chance, Fortune, Mysticism, Unknown
Raido - Journey, R
Solar Chariot, Rhythm, Progress, Movement, Evolution, Perspective, Journey, Travel
Sowulo - Sun, S
Thunderbolt, Wheel of Power, Success, Vitality, Inspiration, Justice, Success, Joy, Happiness, Abundance
Teiwaz - Victory, T
Masculine Gods, Warrior Rune, Leadership, Rationality, Honour, Bravery, Courage, Strength, Perseverance, Endurance
Uruz - Power, U
Primal Creative Force, Gateway, Strength, Endurance, Health, Courage, Vigour, Vitality, Force, Perseverance
Wunjo - Joy, V/W
Kinship, Heritage, Joy, Pleasure, Feast, Celebration, Comfort, Belonging, Community, Success, Festivities
Thurisaz - Thor, X, th
Protection, Polarity, Regeneration, Defence, Challenge, Danger, Attack, Strength
Eiwaz - Yew, Y
Tree of Life, Dreaming, Magic, Connection, Inspiration, Endurance, Sacred knowledge, Protection, Life cycles, Divinity
Algiz - Elk, Z
Divine Protection, Sanctuary, Protection, Guardian, Awakening, Courage, Defence, Instincts
Inguz - Fertility, NG
True Love, Music, Harmony, Fertility, Virility, Inner growth, Virtue, Peace, Harmony
Merry meet,
Atti <3
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attichaos · 1 year
Attichaos Instagram & Tiktok
Hi all!
Just thought I’d come on here to say I’ve started an Instagram and Tiktok account to share more of my craft and adventures.
I’d be incredibly grateful for any support I receive and hope to share some good times, tips and everything in between with you!
Merry meet,
Atti <3
ps. for those who may ask I have not bought followers, I started reusing an old account :)
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attichaos · 1 year
Colour Magick Correspondences & Ideas
*longer read*
Pretty easily applied for both beginner, closet and experienced practitioners alike! Can be used in most areas of mundane and magickal life (with some ideas listed below).
→ Cleansing, clarity, blessing, healing, innocence, truth, connection to spirits or the spiritual world, divine connection, consecration, dream work, psychic connection, purity, rest, moon magic, angelic work, devotion, harmony, prayer, peace, purification, universal truths. White can also be used as an all-purpose color for your intention when the color you want is not available.
→ Banishing, transformation, uncrossing, endings, domination, protection, reversing, repulsion, freedom from evil, cursing, cloaking, sophistication, security, emotional safety, closure, breaking patterns, grief, mourning, absorbing, removing, trapping, encasing, the unconscious, mystery, shielding from the evil eye, *similarly to white - as black is an absence of colour it can be used for any colour if you don’t have them available* - personal opinion
→ Passionate love, energy, action, attraction, sexuality, magnetism, will, force, anger, fire within, courage, warmth, lust, drive, pleasure, vitality, vigor, excitement, desire.
→ New opportunities, new ventures, new beginnings, change of plans, encouragement, opening the way, removing blocks, physical comfort, warmth, security, ambition, creativity, courage, optimism.
-> Optimism, prosperity, happiness, good luck, attraction, success, confidence, visibility, fame, self-esteem, communication, concentration, focus, inspiration, intellect, logic, memory, knowledge, learning.
→ Prosperity, abundance, wealth, generosity, money luck, career, growth, fertility, gambling luck, business, a good job, harmony, balance, healing, self-love, altruism, universal love, contact with fae and nature spirits.
→ Reconciliation, harmony, peace, kindness, healing, ideas, intelligence, wisdom, loyalty, sleep, meditation, communication, creativity, dream work, trust, blessings, calm, forgiveness, truth, bliss, inspiration, fidelity, honesty.
→ Healing, calming, tranquility, spirituality, meditation, pacification, cooperation, sensitivity, compassion, empathy, selflessness, empowerment, controlling, commanding, mastery, power, ambition, achievement, charisma, luxury, expansion, psychic ability, spirituality, authenticity, truth, transformation, insight, justice, wisdom, politics, divination, ESP, intuition, wishes, influence.
→ Romantic love, friendship, soul mates, sweet feelings, emotional healing, heart connection, affection, family love, admiration, physical tranquility, nurturing, warmth, youthfulness, healing grief, compassion, forgiveness, beauty, unconditional love.
→ Justice, balance, grounding, court cases, legal matters, being down-to-earth, practical matters, seriousness, reliability, support, stability, safety, earth, nature, animals, home, nostalgia, basic needs being met, balance.
→ Neutrality, neutralizing, invisibility, working in “gray areas,” anonymity, hiding from others, working in-between worlds, secrets, occult and arcane wisdom, reversing, uncovering mysteries and secrets, lifting curses, undoing prior spell work.
→ Dreams, intuition, psychic work, courtesy, honor, moon magic, rhythm, cycles, divination, illusions, glamour spells, wisdom.
→ Prosperity, fame, luxury, generosity, optimism, wisdom, enlightenment, victory, sun magic, confidence, life force, power, attraction, magnetism, vigor, charisma.
*highly recommend Madame Pamita’s Book of Candle Magic - covers colour magic especially in relation to spell work with candles.
→ candle magick
→ glamour magick - also wearing/makeup using a colour which corresponds to the property you desire (good for closet witches)
→ sigil magick
→ craft magick
→ kitchen witchery - eg. Putting a specific colour food dye in a cake or drink etc
(Essentially anything you want!)
Merry meet,
Atti <3
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attichaos · 2 years
Closet Witch Tip No.1
Oracle Cards
I highly recommend the game cards Dixit
- comes in so many “expansion packs” with different themes, the idea of the original game is all about intuition which means cards are ideal for readings
- for the closet witches who can’t openly buy labelled Oracle Cards
- similar size to tarot cards
- gives ability to find different meanings
Dixit cards hold intuitive meanings and are amazing for story building readings! I use the Journey pack as someone who isn’t a closet witch for some oracle readings and it’s absolutely amazing for those who wish to improve their intuition!
- good game for non witches as well :)
A link to the pack I use
Let me know if this is helpful and I’ll make Closet Witch/Beginner Witch Tip series
As always merry meet,
Atti <3
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attichaos · 2 years
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🍁 What have I harvested from this last year?
eg. → what can I take away, what can I learn from
🍂 What seeds should I plant for this coming year?
eg. → what should my goals be, what should I try and learn/do etc
🕯️What can I rest on, in the present?
eg. → what can I be thankful for that is happening right now, what do I not have to worry about at this moment in time
Happy Mabon to you!
I’ve been trying to celebrate Mabon over the last couple of days since during the actual festivities I’ve had too few spoons (chronic illness shit) so here’s just a little spread that for me didn’t require much energy or thought :)
How I’ve been celebrating…
→ drinking spiced coffee (you can stir it with intentions if that’s your sort of thing)
→ listening to relaxing autumnal-y music
→ witchy reading!
→ small tarot spread to find out wtf is going on in my life
→ picking up a few pinecones and dying leaves from my garden and dumping them all over my altar
→ sleeping. A hell of a lot of sleeping
→ crocheting - for me it’s rather similar to knot magic
→ lighting up candles and incense and taking some quiet time to reflect on recent events
Just a reminder you don’t have to do anything big for these celebrations; I’d love to, I just don’t have any bloody energy
How’ve you been celebrating Mabon if anything?
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attichaos · 2 years
Sigil Commissions
I am opening up my Sigil design for commissions!
If you would like a commission, please DM me for payment options and then we can discuss what you would like for your sigil (eg meaning etc) and it’s style.
I will provide a waiting list to clients if I am working on more than 1 sigil at a time - I may take up to 3 at a time depending on my schedule :)
Single simple sigil: £3.50
Sigil chain: £7
Custom commission: DM to discuss :)
All commissions will include: name, a list of its correspondences as well as ways to activate and use :)
A Banishing Sigil - Style 1
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A Protection Sigil - Style 2
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Commissions are non-refundable.
*For legal reasons, these commissions are to be considered as artwork and entertainment. Commissions are not to be used for public domain, publishing, or in business without paying for their usage {£50} and my blog {@attichaos - tumblr} must be credited for its creation each time for its usage. Any replication, unsanctioned usage of my work pr breach of copyright will be met with a lawsuit unless the afore mentioned conditions are met. By requesting a commission, you are declaring your agreement to the disclaimers and conditions written above. These conditions apply to any Sigils published on this blog or given for free through competitions.
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attichaos · 2 years
Moon Phases
There are 12 Full and New Moons a year (13 every now and then due to calendar synchronisation - called a Blue Moon) this means there is no need to rush intentions and manifestations, spend time practicing, learning and getting things wrong.
New Moon
→ setting intentions and plans
Waxing Crescent Moon
→ relaxing into and accepting intention
First Quarter Moon
→ take action and push forward
Waxing Gibbous Moon
→ observe, align and trust your intention will form
Full Moon
→ harvest intention, reap rewards or accept intention was not the best for this time, take in the new energy
Waning Gibbous Moon
→ turn inwards and reflect on your intention, or be grateful for the outcome
Last Quarter Moon
→ release old or harmful energy holding you back and give back from your abundance
Waning Crescent Moon
→ reflect with thanks, rest mind body and soul, take peace in the emptiness
Merry meet,
Atti <3
(picture - christina morero)
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attichaos · 2 years
Im going to visit an old friend for a week, can you tell me about how its going to go?
Hi feraldustbunny!
I spent quite some time shuffling the cards and in the end I spoke to the cards and stated if they couldn’t make their mind up, I would make it up for them, however just as I was about to change up how I read tarot a cluster of 5 cards fell from the deck, with a sixth one falling in onto the table first. I would suggest with this pull that your friend (whom I get the idea you don’t see too often?) may be going through a difficult time and might need your support, whether this is mentally or financially I am unclear, however you will have an good time together, there may be some challenges but overall it will be well worth seeing your friend.
Merry meet,
Atti <3
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attichaos · 2 years
The Four Types of Hands
The Air Hand - Philosophical
→ chameleon personality
→ deep thinking 
→ methodical and tidy minds
→ research and detail oriented
→ spends time in reflection and deliberation
→ views communication as important
→ opinionated
→ calculating
Water Hand - Psychic
→ dreamy, mysterious, psychic
→ can be affected by phases of the moon
→ have good creative abilities
→ make wonderful friends and parents
→ can be incredibley romantic and vunerable
→ high standards for themselves and others
→ can be possessive, manipulative and revengful
→ rarely forget past hurts
Fire Hand - Artistic
→ good judge of character
→ live for the moment 
→ psychic abilities
→ enjoy action and exploring, enthsiastic
→ artistic and inventive
→ warm-hearted and loyal
→ relies on intuition
→ may move from project to project 
→ can be overbearing
→ can end up feeling lonely
The Earth Hand - Practical
→ dependable
→ stoic
→ hardworking
→ enjoys repetitiveness 
→ honest personality
→ enjoys the outdoors
→ may seek degrees of solitude
→ can be stubborn
→ may be shy
Mixed hands
→ Sometimes a hand may vary between shapes and lines, look to other factors + intuitution to help give readings
→ if the person is right handed, look to the left hand for the past character and the right for future development (reversed if left handed)
→ person can be multitalented
→ witty, quick thinking and astute
→ enjoy variation
→ can end up restless
→ can struggle to settle down in all aspects of life due to constant need for change
Merry meet,
Atti <3
(picture - sage aune)
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attichaos · 2 years
halo, wish you have a great day.
thank you for doing free reading and i hope i can get a chance.. 😃😃
i want to ask about my person, aquarius sign
about meet up face to face again,, how my person will act??? 💛🧡
my initial is L. virgo sign...
Thank you so much 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Hi L!
Not long since I started to shuffle the cards, the Two of Wands fell from my hand, I have a feeling your meeting will be direct and productive in some way, this person will be straightforward and honest, this may lead you to a crossroad of choices, you will have to trust yourself foremost to make the choice which is right for you.
Merry meet,
Atti <3
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attichaos · 2 years
List of recommendations *ongoing* 
Please feel free to add to this list in the comments, I will be adding to this list in the future as well <3
→ Spells For Change - Frankie Castanea
→ The Book of Candle Magic - Madame Pamita
-> The Witches Path - Thorn Mooney
→ Witchery - Juliet Diaz
→ The Book Of Spells - Ella Harrison
→ Weave the Liminal - Laura Tempest Zakroff
→ Mastering Magick - Matt Auryn
→ Plant Witchery - Juliet Diaz
→ Elixirs, Potions and Brews - Anaïs Alexandre
→ Elements of Witchcraft series (four parts) - Astrea Taylor
→ Wild Witchcraft - Rebecca Beyer
→ Of Blood and Bones - Kate Freuler
→ Honouring your Ancestors - Mallorie Vaudoise
→ Protection & Reversal Magick - Jason Miller
→ Hex Twisting - Diana Rajchel
→ The Crooked Path - Keldon
→ Walking the Twilight Path - Michelle Belanger
→ A Witch's Shadow Magick Compendium - Raven Digitalis
→ Psychic Witch - Mat Auryn
→ Treasury of Folklore, Woodlands & Forests - Dee Dee Chainey & Willow Winsham
→ A History of Magic, Witchcraft and The Occult - DK publishing
Folk Practice
→ Italian Folk Magic - Mary-Grace Fahrun
→ Baba Yaga’s Book of Witchcraft - Madame Pamita
→ Sister Karol's Book of Spells, Blessings, & Folk Magic - Karol Jackowski
→ Consorting with Spirits - Jason Miller
→ Encyclopaedia of Spirits - Judika Illes
→ Encyclopaedia of Mystics, Saints, and Sages - Judika Illes
→ The Book of Séances - Claire Goodchild
→ The Crystal Bible - Judy Hall
→ The Tarot Bible - Sarah Bartlett
→ Sigil Witchery - Laura Tempest Zakroff
→ Year of the Witch - Temperance Alden
→ Encyclopaedia of Spells - Judika Illes
→ Witchcraft Activism - David Salisbury
→ Queering Your Craft - Cassandra Snow
→ Revolutionary Witchcraft - Sarah Lyons
Multiple Platforms
→ @chaoticwitchaunt 
→ @thewitchofwonderlust 
→ @jaqswitchyways 
→ @craftingwitch 
→ @_hearth_witch_ 
→ @the_celestial_witch 
→ @thegreenwitch 
→ @terminallyhomosexual 
→ @thecrystalpatch 
→ @astralwitch 
→ @thathoneywitch 
→ @witchy_apothecary 
→ @king_clairvoyant 
→ @sourpatchtarot 
→ @ravensandcrow 
→ @witchycannamom 
→ @theglamourwitchla 
→ @highpriestsiah 
→ @lokiladdusaw 
→ @ofbatbones 
→ @curvyblackwitch 
→ @cautionmagik 
→ @astralarchangel 
→ @onyxsouls 
→ @fairytarotgoddess 
→ @lightwands 
→ @jewitches 
→ @youngblkwitch 
→ @sand.witchh 
→ @jasminesgarden23 
→ @innergymedgroup 
→ @dark.moon.witch
And as always, merry meet,
Atti <3
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attichaos · 2 years
Hello there, I want to make sure if I really managed to contact the deity Demeter in a recent meditation, so basically a yes or no question if that's alright. Thanks!
Hi Cheriri,
Very soon after asking your question, the Ten of Pentacles practically jumped out the pack, and with this I would say you did indeed contact Demeter in your recent meditation and it looks like you may have a very prosperous future should you continue to do so, things are looking up for you!
Merry meet,
Atti <3
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