ametrinedream · 2 years
Everyones healing journey will look different from start to finish. But I wanted to mention a couple things that would make it easier to begin.
>A part of healing is getting real acquainted with uncomfy emotions. The first unsettling emotion you should meet with is self compassion. It sounds ridiculous to think human beings would consider giving themselves grace as uncomfortable, but the sad fact of the matter is that it’s extremely common. As children we need our caretakers to model to us how to deal with stressful and negative emotions. If they don’t know how to either we get put into a cycle. As adults, if we had experienced high levels of criticism and not enough emotional validation we can become highly susceptible to negative self-talk. Practicing the art of self-reflection and accountability can be the hardest but most beneficial thing you can do. When you do this you’ll find a world of behaviors and beliefs about yourself and others that might fill you with shame. Behaviors you once had that don’t align with you anymore can make you cringe if you’re growing properly. But never overcome yourself with shame. Moving forward is the only way to contribute better into yourself and the world around you. If not taught properly how to process things, we repress them. Our subconscious mind controls more then 70% of our everyday behaviors. reaching into the subconscious and making the suppressed conscious can be a terrifying pursuit.
> learning how to meet those parts of us with compassion is essential for the process of alchemizing ingrained pain into ingrained knowledge.
> Lastly, people really underestimate not having anyone. & people unfortunately have opinions on things they don’t understand. If you are as aware as you can be and you’re trying your hardest but you simply do not have the support you need, you will not be showing progress as fast as you will like. But progress is progress and I’m here to tell you no matter how discouraging it gets, if you build a solid relationship with yourself it does not matter who leave or goes. understand that everyone isn’t for you & some people aren’t essential to this phase of your healing anyway. Rejection is protection. Please be compassion towards yourself even on your worst days.
- svannah.c111
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