ali-writes-a-book · 3 years
Upload Schedule
I want to reiterate that I am starting from scratch for this book. Therefore, I want to challenge myself to post at least 3 times a week. I’ve decided on the following:
Tuesday: basic idea for me to accomplish in the week.
Friday: first draft of whatever I am working on.
Sunday: finalized draft, or at least a better version.
Every week on Monday, I will update on what I will be working on that week, and what to expect by Sunday. This also gives me plenty of time to hear criticism from you guys! 
I can’t what to see what we will all build together! 
-Ali <3
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ali-writes-a-book · 3 years
Hi! I’m Ali. Here’s a Little About Me.
Hello! My name is Ali, and I’m here to write a book. I thought I’d share some facts about myself first, and let everyone know what I’m planning on doing!
First things first, my name is not actually Ali, nor Alicia. No, I won’t tell anyone my real name, and no I will not do any face reveal. This is for the sake of my privacy. I’m only here as a way of showing myself that I can make something that I can be proud of. I don’t want anything else from this. 
I mostly read fictional books, therefore this book will be fictional as well! I have a few ideas for the setting and so on, however nothing is finalized because I want to let you all join in on the creative process of creating this book! 
I am 19 and in college, therefore this will be spread out over many many months. This is a test for me, as I usually quit things when I get too bored. This time will be different. I’m positive! 
If you have any other questions, please send them to me! I’ve never used Tumblr before so I hope all of these things are working well! Thank you so much for reading, and let’s write a book! 
-Ali <3
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