acowlorsomethng ¡ 5 years
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31 Days of Adam Driver ➳ Day 4 of 31: Favorite Character Adam Has Played.
“I know where you come from. Before you called yourself Kylo Ren.” Star Wars: The Force Awakens
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acowlorsomethng ¡ 5 years
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acowlorsomethng ¡ 5 years
Leap of Faith
Chapter One excerpt AO3 | FFNET
The trackless desert pans out before Rey in a vast expanse of crumbling sand. Panting hard, her mouth as dry as the grit beneath her feet, she scans the horizon. Something - a sandstorm - is coming. She can feel it in the wind.
A mechanical shriek suddenly punctures the air, sending an echoing shudder down Rey’s spine. She holds herself straight and calmly unclips the lightsaber from her belt as a dark speck appears on the horizon. A determined frown settles upon her brow as the speck hurtles towards her. It’s size growing and taking shape as it cuts across the desert floor.
Not a sandstorm.
Five, four, three…
Igniting the saber, Rey remains steady as the harsh desert sunlight glints off the unmistakably sharp lines of a TIE Silencer. Timing is everything.
Two, one.
Spinning on her heel, she drops into a 3-point stance, the hint of a smile touching her lips as she glances over her shoulder. Defying the pilot to do his worst. The whine of the machine shifts as it picks up speed. She’ll never be able to outrun it. But she’ll give it a damned good shot.
Adrenalin surging through her veins, Rey finally throws herself into a headlong sprint; the ignited saber whirling in her pumping arms as her long strides carry her across the open desert. The TIE is closing in. The pilot is reckless; steering the craft so close to the ground she can hear the desert floor tear asunder in its wake.
Soon the starfighter will be upon her. Soon, her thumping heart tells her, she too will be shredded beneath it. Still, Rey holds her course straight. Straight - even though her instincts beg her to bank left. Towards the nearest rock formations. Towards the chance of refuge.
Finally, with every hair on her body tingling with the warning that it's now or never, Rey feels the Force burst from within her as she vaults high into the air; her body jackknifing as the sleek black vessel cuts through space she just occupied.
Space she still occupies.
Because now she's dropping onto the transparent canopy of its cockpit. The hilt of her hastily extinguished lightsaber clenched awkwardly between her teeth - she cannot hope to wield it when she needs her fingers to fight for purchase upon the vessel’s frame. She underestimated just how much the sheer pressure of G-forces would threaten to send her careening over the back of the craft and into the furnace-hot path of its ion thrusters.
Force help me, this was a foolish gamble.
Gathering every reserve of determination, Rey clings to the cockpit frame as the pilot maintains his relentless speed; hurtling across the barren landscape as if his intruder’s presence is no more a threat than a bug on a windscreen.
Finally, after gaining enough hold to risk letting go of one hand, Rey clips her saber back to her belt and presses a one-fingered salute against the transparisteel pane below. Then she throws back her head and laughs into the searing wind - even as the effort snatches the breath from her lungs. She's no bug on a windscreen. She vaulted onto the back of a beast. Now she will tame it and claim it for her own.
Continue reading?  AO3 | FFNET
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acowlorsomethng ¡ 5 years
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Poor me. I can’t work, I can’t sleep - are they training, who is fixing the helmet, is Ben Solo rising, is it one of the Knights of Ren in the red forest. I need another teaser, I need more Kylo in the desert, I need… more!
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acowlorsomethng ¡ 5 years
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You can’t resist her. She’s in your bones. She is your marrow. ↳ reylo manip series 6/∞
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acowlorsomethng ¡ 5 years
Finn: welcome to the “Fuck Kylo Ren” support group, where we gather to say “Fuck You” to that pathetic lizard of a supreme leader.
Finn: but first, a few words from our newest member
Rey, sweating: so I may have misunderstood-
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acowlorsomethng ¡ 5 years
Airstrike Impossible
Chapter 4 snippet.  AO3 | FFNET
"Two chemlights. Six ration bars. Make that four, now. I suppose. And we’ll need to refill that flask before long."
Rey bit her lip as she buckled her satchel and slung it back over her shoulder. Swallowed the anxiety that pressed upon her at the thought of having to share what little food she had. By this time tomorrow, she reminded herself, she’d be back onboard the Falcon. Eating something more palatable than a ration bar.
Knowing this still didn’t quell the fear of being forced to go hungry. Perhaps nothing ever would.
Kylo met her inventory with careful silence and neutral expression. Nothing to indicate he could sense her concerns. Perhaps, she thought, her face wasn’t as easy to read as his. She wasn’t sure - had never much studied her own reflection. Or perhaps - and this option was the more likely one she was sure - he just didn’t care.
Snapping a chemlight to activate the phosphorescent within its clear tube, Rey threw a ration bar in his direction - before she could change her mind. The other, she tore open with her teeth. Ate half of the gritty, moist bar without tasting it. Shoved the rest back in its thin biodegradable packaging and buried it in the bottom of the satchel. Took a swig from the flask.
Stalled. Stalled. Stalled the inevitable conversation she could sense readying for another round.
"We can go no further until sunrise."
There it was, Rey sighed inwardly.
"Speak for yourself," she ignored the pull of aching muscles as she pushed herself to stand. "I’ve rested enough."
"You’re practically dead on your feet." Kylo rose to intercept her. "And you have no idea what’s out there in the darkness."
"You mean to tell me there’s something worse than you?"
"We’ll rest here," he continued tightly, ignoring her retort with clenched jaw. "A few hours at least - "
 "No. I’m leaving now." Rey moved to step past him. He moved to block.
"Why? Is it what I said before?" Kylo ducked his head slightly, catching Rey’s gaze with his own. "I didn’t mean it. I was just --"
“Behaving like an ass because you couldn’t get your own way?” Rey finished sweetly, “Yes. I noticed. And I must thank you for it, actually. I’d almost been at risk of finding you tolerable.”
"Come on. Rey." Her name slipped over his lips like a plea. "There’s no sense in stumbling off a cliff just for spite. I can take the first watch."
 "No." Obstinate, despite the logic of his argument, she sidestepped to her left.
He moved to his right.
 "Or you can, if you prefer." His hands rose to grip her by the shoulders. And fell away just as awkwardly.
Surprised, Rey studied Kylo’s face, searching for a clue of his motives. Beneath the chemlight’s steady glow, he was all shadows and sharp angles. Determination had set his soft eyes hard as flint. His full lips pressed into a thin, serious line.
It was easier, Rey decided, to see him reflected in torchlight. Easier to remember who he was - rather than who she may have wanted him to be.
"What I prefer," she began in a slow, tempered voice, "is for you to get out of my way."
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The darksider regarded her for several moments longer. Nothing but an eye-twitch to give away the array of emotions waging war beneath the surface of his poker-faced stare.
"Suit yourself." He snapped at last, stepping to one side. "You won’t find it alone. You’ll need me."
Rey snorted. Wondered if Kylo was trying to reassure her or himself. "I think you’ll find I won’t."
Stepping past him, Rey swept the chemlight before her to gauge her surroundings. To the left, a sheer tumbled cliff face formed a natural blockade. To the right, the thread of their path continued. Unhampered by Kylo’s protests, she stepped towards the path and continued her ascension of the rocky mountainside. Alone.
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acowlorsomethng ¡ 5 years
Reylo Fanfic:
Leap of Faith | AO3 | FFNET - Chapter 2 now up She is alone in the desert, searching for the means to defeat a new threat that has risen from The Beyond. Until the mechanical wail of a TIE cuts through the air and the familiar shape of a Silencer appears on the horizon… Inspired by THAT scene from the Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker teaser trailer.
Shells | AO3 | FFNET When Rey reaches out in the cave of reflections, something reaches back. Following Snoke's death, she embraces the dark and takes up the mantle of Supreme Leader. Kylo, on the other hand, turns back to the light.  A 'Last Jedi' AU.
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acowlorsomethng ¡ 5 years
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made this today. i kinda needed to get into the mood.
photo version [x]
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acowlorsomethng ¡ 5 years
Airstrike Impossible - Chapter 3
The Force has a way of bringing them together. Whether they like it or not.
- Inspired by Rey's TIE fighter leap.
Available at: AO3 | FFNET
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acowlorsomethng ¡ 5 years
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Incorrect SW quotes
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acowlorsomethng ¡ 5 years
He knows now, who pulled the strings of his once-Master, Snoke. A cowled creature. A once-mighty Dark Lord of the Sith. A life essence cast adrift without a host. Until she tumbled into a dark side cave, reached out, and touched it.
A (late entry) prompt fic inspired by Reyloweek2019: Day 2 - Role Reversal.
Check out the full story here: A03 | FFNET
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acowlorsomethng ¡ 5 years
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The Last Jedi, Expanded Edition.
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acowlorsomethng ¡ 5 years
The fact that from the moment Ben took his mask off he's been presented as tragically beautiful with his eyes that express too much and his full lips that quiver like he's seconds away from bawling should tell the audience everything they need to know. Vader was presented and maintained as a monstrous figure, even after his mask came off (horrifically scarred Anakin). Him dying was a kindness. Ben dying wouldn't be. This is why I think they also avoided seriously maiming him in any way.
Absolutely. His beauty and youth isn’t incidental, it’s very very significant.
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acowlorsomethng ¡ 5 years
Reylo Fanfics
Airstrike Impossible | AO3 | FFNET
The Force has a way of bringing them together. Whether they like it or not.
Set just after Rey's TIE fighter leap. Unlike my last fic inspired by this scene, this variant is not based on a training mission, but on an attempt made by one to run the other down - and the aftermath of that action.
Leap of Faith | AO3 | FFNET
She is alone in the desert, searching for the means to defeat a new threat that has risen from The Beyond. Until the mechanical wail of a TIE cuts through the air and the familiar shape of a Silencer appears on the horizon...
Inspired by THAT scene from teaser trailer for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.
Conversations | AO3 | FFNET
“I severed the bond.” She repeats. Words grinding like sand between her teeth. “No you didn’t,” he counters, “you just closed the door.”  - A series of Force Bond one-shots.
Rage Forth, the Machine | AO3 | FFNET
As Kylo Ren struggles to maintain his position as Supreme Leader, the rest of the galaxy plots to take him down. Hux, the Resistance (what remains of it), the damned ghost of Luke... Even the psychometric link he has with Vader's helmet has been tainted by the voice of a repentant Annikin. The icing on the cake? That cursed force bond with the scavenger Rey...
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acowlorsomethng ¡ 5 years
The future, she saw now, was a range of possibilities, which were constantly reshaped by the outcome of events that seemed minor and decisions that seemed small.
The Last Jedi Expanded Edition
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acowlorsomethng ¡ 6 years
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