#the voice acting on Vaggie's scream jesus
petitprincess1 · 4 months
Vaggie's backstory, aka:
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chaifootsteps · 4 months
Can we talk about how it's a bit concerning how much violence against women there is in this show?
Vaggie's eye getting graphically torn out, Lute vs Vaggie is pretty fucking vicious (stabs Vaggie through the hand (which fuck you Viv I have that in one my own fics) and Lute's arm getting torn off...
And Jesus christ, I love great voice acting, but those screams, man... knowing Viv, it just disturbs me. I wouldn't be surprised if gets off on women straight up getting hurt.
Even Charlie gets her ass beat by Adam (but not too badly because she's Viv's self insert) till her precious daddy (also Viv's dad insert- c'mon you can't tell me thats not there) comes in and saves her. For "women led stories" you sure do have the men coming in a lot.
Even Alastor didn't get as fucked up as Charlie and Vaggie did. And they're much higher up on the power scale than he is.
And Viv didn't give a fuck about Pentious. Just *blip* gone.
Also, nice to see her stealing "Do it For Her" with Vaggie and Carmilla.
I don't think she specifically gets off to women being hurt, but between the stuff with Raph and those YouTube favorites, I think she does get off to bondage and noncon. She seems to really like it when guys are hurt sexually, and to enjoy inflicting violence on female characters in general.
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ilytangy · 1 day
Lucifer x Fem!Reader Pt.2
Refer to part 1 for warnings!!
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“HI! I’M CHARLIE MORNINGSTAR! WHAT’S YOUR NAME? I’M SO HAPPY TO MEET YOU,” Charlie rapidly said. “My name is (Y/n). Nice to meet you, too, Charlie.” “Would you like to stay in a room?” “Oh, I can’t pay, so-“ “It’s free!” “OH! Ok, I’ll stay.” “Perfect! Let me get you your room key!” She hands me a key. “Follow me to your room!” I follow her to my room. Perfect, it’s in the same floor as the “Radio Demon.” “You can decorate your room and door however you want! Come down soon so I can introduce you to everyone!” “Okay, Charlie. Thank you.” I close the door and lay on my bed. Its red sheets envelope me as I examine the room. Red wallpaper with a bathroom near the door and a window. Just a basic hotel room. Time to go down to meet everyone else.
*A week later* (ah yes, inaccurate time skips)
“Ummm, Charlie, are you okay?” Charlie looked as if she had been up all night. Vaggie suggested that she call her dad. Sometimes, I forget that Charlie is the PRINCESS of HELL, meaning her dad is the KING OF HELL! Imagine me meeting LUCIFER! “Angel, stop making sex jokes about Charlie’s dad. Please 🙏🏼.” “No.” “…”
*An hour later*
“Hi dad-“ “CHARLIE!” Lucifer hugs Charlie tightly. Wtf? Why is Alastor acting like that? “Hmm, no! I guess that’s why Charlie called it the HAZBIN Hotel! Hahaha!” “Ahaha! It was actually my idea!” “Hahaha! Well it’s not very clever!” “Hahaha! Fuck you.” NO HE DID NOT! Charlie split them up. “Charlie, how about you introduce me to your other friends!” He was introduced to Sir Pentious, Angel Dust, Nifty, Husk, and Vaggie. It was when Charlie showed me to Lucifer that surprised me. He reddened up just a bit. “Hello, (Y/N),” he said as he lowered and KISSED MY HAND!!! He’s so charming. The devil himself is kissing my hand. Never expected it. I feel heat rise up my cheeks as his head raises from my hand. I see his face a little heated up, too. “Hello to you as well, Lucifer.” He caught himself about to stare, so he looked away.
Lucifer POV
Oh wow… She looks heavenly. And she’s so kind. My cheeks heat up when my eyes land on her. “Hello, (Y/N).” I lowered myself to kiss her knuckles. I lift my gaze to see her cheeks redder. “Hello to you as well, Lucifer.” Oh Jesus Christ! My name coming out of her lips is so hot. I catch myself staring so I look the other way.
Your POV
Damn he has a good singing voice. Screw Mimzy, though! She ruined the whole fucking song! But then again, if she didn’t, Alastor would probably be dead. “Who?” Lucifer asked. Alastor, Charlie, and Vaggie show Lucifer around the hotel. I sit at the bar and order a drink. That stupid Mimzy walks up to the bar and sits right next to me. Perfect I force a smile as she starts up a conversation. “Heya, Husky! How’ve ya been?” “Good until 5 minutes ago.” “Geez, I’m not THAT bad. I’m guessing Al has got ya working here.” “What’s it to you?” “Nothin’. And what about you, darling? What’s your name?” Mimzy asked me, as Husk let the bar in the direction the group had went. “Oh, uh, I’m (Y/n).” “Pretty nam-“ Mimzy gets cut off by an explosion in the wall. As it happens, Alastor, Charlie, Vaggie, Lucifer, and Husk walk in from the hallway. “What the hell is going on?” We look as the smoke clears to see loan sharks. “WHERE IS THAT BITCH, MIMZY?!” I hear one scream. Even better! I wonder what she has to say now. Mimzy goes on to explain that she had borrowed 50 THOUSAND dollars from them and then ran over his girlfriend with a car. “… but that bitch had it coming!” Alastor ended up dealing with it. I overheard Lucifer saying to Charlie how cruel these sinners are. “Dad, Alastor is protecting this hotel! It may be a bit more sadistic than I hoped, but he’s doing it for me. How come he can have faith in me, but my own father can’t?” Charlie said. Ouch. Lucifer’s smile fell into a frown, and I could feel his heart dropping. “Ooooo, drama!” Angel says while pulling out popcorn. “Angel, don’t say that, that’s disrespectful!” Alastor finished up and kicks Mimzy out of the hotel for bringing trouble to the hotel. Everyone walks into the lobby.
Chapter 2 soon!
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snarkybluechristian · 4 years
Hazbin Hotel: Yandere Alastor x Vaggie Chapter 20
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Later, back at the mansion, Vaggie was laying still mummified in ribbons on her bed while Alastor and Rosie had a talk about her behavior.  
Vaggie’s mind was in a state of panic.  There was no way she could help Angel right now.  There was nothing she could do.  She couldn’t even warn him.
Knock!  Knock!  Knock!
Vaggie turned her head over to hear knocking on the other side of her bathroom wall followed by “Vaggie, Vaggie, are you there?!  What’s going on?!”
“Mmmmmmmph!” Vaggie yelled from behind her gag.  
“Oh, I know that noise,” Angel replied sadly.  “You’ve been gagged again, huh?  Well, it sounds like you’re in trouble from what I’ve heard our wardens say outside.  How ever they punish you, don’t let them see you cry, babe.  Stay strong until it’s over and I’ll be right here to comfort you when they’re done.”
“Mmmmmmmpppppppphhhhhhhhh!” Vaggie cried helplessly from behind her gag.  
There was nothing she could do but pray.
Suddenly, Vaggie and Angel heard the locks to Angel’s room being opened.  
Angel looked up in surprise and then anger as they opened the door to the bathroom to find him with crutches leaning against the bathroom wall.
“You bastards are sick.  You know that?” Angel snarled.
“What ever do you mean, my dear Angel?” Rosie asked with thinly-concealed malice as Alastor gestured for him to return to his bed.  
“Vaggie says something you don’t like and you punish her by hurting me,” Angel replied reluctantly using his crutches to hobble his way back to the bed.  “That’s sick and not in a good way.”
As soon as Angel made his way to the bed, Alastor tossed aside Angel’s crutches and said, “Oh, Angel, you’re quite rude considering I’ve made you a guest in my home.  I do believe some manners need to be taught to you as well.”
Angel scoffed and said seductively, “Oh, daddy!  Are you going to punish me again?”
Alastor chuckled and said, “Not exactly.  I can’t exactly damage my main auction prize.  Can I?”
“Oh, if I may make a suggestion, how about injecting his bloodstream with a non-fatal poison of my own invention?” Rosie suggested merrily.  “It’ll make him feel as though he’s on fire!”
“My dear Rosie, under any other circumstances, I would say yes, but this time, I must decline,” Alastor replied placing a hand on his friend’s shoulder.  “You see, as fun as that sounds, dear, that type of thing could significantly delay his healing process.  Poison like that might damage his nerves too badly.  Don’t you have anything that could make his healing process more painful?  Perhaps a serum that heals its patients in an unusual way?”
“I have just the thing!” Rosie said cheerfully.  “It’s a potion that heals bones in the most agonizing way imaginable.”
“Oh, Rosie, dear, that sounds just perfect!” Alastor replied jovially.  “Which bone should we heal?”
“How about his ribs?”
“I healed those already.”
“Oh, that’s right…Oh, I know!  How about his pelvis?  You injured that as well when you were playing with him.  Didn’t you?”
“That’s right!  But don’t give me all the credit, dear.  You did a number on it when you played with him, too.  We both damaged it.”
“Alrighty, then.  The pelvis, it is.  What do you think, Angel?”
Alastor and Rosie turned to Angel waiting for his response, but Angel only scoffed and said, “Whatever…”
“Mmmmmmmmpppppppphhhhhhh!” Vaggie screamed struggling desperately to escape from her ribbons.
Her struggling managed to get her to fall off the bed onto the ground.  
Vaggie sighed about ready to give in to her helpless situation until she saw her open bathroom on the other side of the room and came up with another plan.  
She wriggled her cocooned body inch by inch into the bathroom until she reached the wall separating her bathroom from Angel’s and kicked the door with all her might.
“Alastor, did you hear something?” Rosie asked as she finished sending her text message to her penguin familiar.  
“Oh, that’s just Vaggie trying to stop us,” Alastor replied nonchalantly.
“What should we do about it?” Rosie asked with a wicked smirk on her face.
“Why, let her hear the punishment, of course,” Alastor said merrily.
“All tied up on the floor like that?” Rosie asked raising an eyebrow.  “Oh, Alastor, you really are too cruel.”
“Jesus Christ, you two are annoying,” Angel finally said in annoyance.  “You talk a big talk while doin’ absolutely nothin’.  If you’re gonna do something, why don’t you do it already?  I’m so fuckin’ bored.  I could use the action.  Hey, Vaggie!  You don’t have to worry about me.  You know I love pain.”
Vaggie, however, continued thrashing around on the floor breaking free from the ribbons.  She didn’t care that Angel claimed to enjoy pain.  Vaggie knew that Alastor and Rosie’s “treatment” would go beyond whatever threshold of pain Angel could manage.
“Is the serum here yet?” Alastor asked.
“Just a moment,” Rosie said turning away and walking out of the room.
Once Rosie left the room, Angel sat himself upon the bed off the wall with the support of his one good arm and said, “Hey, Alastor.  Can I ask you something?”
Alastor chuckled out loud and replied, “And what shall you humor me with this time, Angel?”
Vaggie stopped struggling and listened in.
“It’s about Vaggie,” Angel said.  “You need to lay off her.”
“Hmm?” Alastor asked raising an eyebrow.
“You and I both know Vaggie’s a tough cookie, but she’s been alive longer than she’s been dead,” Angel began.  “She ain’t used to the kind of abuse we are.  At least, not yet.  You can’t keep being this cruel to her if you want her to love you back.  She’ll snap.  You need to let her go…”
“I know what you’re doing,” Alastor interrupted.  “And it’s not going to work.”
“What are you saying, handsome?” Angel asked with a flirtatious smile.
“I am trying to tame the shrew out of Vaggie, not coddle it,” Alastor replied.
Angel scoffed and said, “I know.  We’ve been reading your book.  Vaggie’s not Kate, and you’re no Petruchio.”
Alastor chuckled out loud and said, “So, you say…”
“Oh, Alastor!” Rosie called out merrily as she re-entered the room with a syringe in her hand.  “I’ve got the serum!”
“Oh, goodie,” Alastor said in an upbeat tone that was just as merry.  “Let’s get this treatment going.”
Angel’s eyes narrowed in a determined glare as Rosie uncovered the syringe and he continued his defiant tirade, “You need to read the book again because you seem to have missed the most important point.  Kate never changes.  She only learns how to act, but I doubt you’ll ever reach that point with Vaggie. You see, Kate was a spoiled brat. Vaggie’s an El Salvadoran woman who learned to fight her way through life’s…”
Just then, Rosie injected the serum into Angel’s pelvis.  The pain was almost instantaneous.
Angel didn’t show the pain he was in at first.  He only started moaning in pleasure.  Then, all of a sudden, the broken bits of his pelvis started moving, yanking and stretching his muscles.
Angel immediately grabbed his pillow and held it over his face so he could bite into the fluff and hide his tears.
Unfortunately, Rosie snatched the pillow out of Angel’s hand as Alastor snapped his fingers causing shackles to hold Angel’s arms above his head so that Vaggie could hear Angel’s screams of agony.
Vaggie squirmed around and moaned in a panic.
After a few moments of screaming and groaning at having his broken arms chained to the wall, Angel heard Vaggie’s muffled screams as she struggled on the other side of the bathroom wall.  
That made Angel all the more determined.  He shut his mouth and refused to keep screaming.  When Angel couldn’t hold it in, he lowered his head down and bit down on his fluff much to the chagrin of his captors.
On the other side of the bathroom wall, Vaggie was feeling distraught.
Alastor sighed in disappointment and said, “Oh, why isn’t Angel screaming?”
“He’s stopping himself from screaming,” Rosie replied.  “And we both know the reason why.”
“Well, obviously,” Alastor said nonchalantly noticing the blood trickling from Angel’s chest.  “Angel’s doing it for Vaggie.”
“Oh, how sweet,” Rosie said with a mockingly sweet tone in her voice.  “Angel must truly care about her.”
“Indeed,” Alastor said clenching his teeth in frustration.
“It’s so charming how strong he is trying to be,” Rosie noted.  “I think I might be in love…”
“Go fuck yourselves!” Angel suddenly cried out before going back to gnawing on his chest fur.  
“Well, that was not very nice, love,” Rosie said with a bemused chuckle.
“Angel, you are not cooperating,” Alastor said with a judgmental head shake.  “That is not good.”
Angel ignored the comment and only bit down harder before Rosie chimed in with, “Oh, Alastor, dear.  If I may make a suggestion, why don’t you go into the other room and comfort your bride-to -be?  I’ll make Angel cooperate.”
“How ever will you do that?” Alastor asked.  
“Oh, I’ll tell you after the fact,” Rosie said leering at Angel.  “I want it to be a surprise.”
“In that case, Rosie, my dear, have at him,” Alastor said as he turned away and walked to the door.  “I shall go see my darling bride.”
Vaggie panicked and began thrashing around more wildly in a desperate attempt to free herself.  Unfortunately, the ribbons wrapped around her didn’t budge or move.  
Vaggie sat there in dread as she heard Alastor enter her room and open the door to her bathroom.
“Oh, my darling wife!  What are you doing rolling around on the floor like that?” Alastor exclaimed scooping up Vaggie in his arms and sitting himself at her spot on the floor against the wall.  “I may have your room cleaned daily, but still…This is no place for any wife of mine.”
Vaggie struggled fiercely to escape Alastor’s hold only for him to hold her snuggly and whisper, “Calm down, dearest.  I’m here now.”
Vaggie only scowled at Alastor and continued to struggle harder.
Alastor wrapped his arms more tightly around Vaggie and said, “Lie still, my love, and listen to the show.”
All of a sudden, Angel let out a blood-curdling scream from the other side of the wall.
Vaggie was paralyzed with fear, but Alastor sighed in contentment and said, “There, we go.”
Vaggie’s shock wore off and she continued struggling against her restraints and her fiancé’s hold as Angel continued screaming in agony.
“Are you going to behave for Rosie now, beloved Kate?” Alastor abruptly asked ignoring Vaggie’s struggles.  
Vaggie quit struggling for a moment and laid there against Alastor’s torso submitting to his hold as she felt the tears roll from her eyes.
Alastor wiped them away, stroked the top of Vaggie’s head, and said, “That’s a good girl…”
“NO!  YOU AIN’T HIS FUCKING KATE, VAGGIE!  DON’T GIVE HIM WHAT HE WANTS…AHHHHHHH!” Angel suddenly cried out before the crack of a whip interrupted his outburst.
“Shut up!” Rosie yelled from the other side of the wall.
Angel continued screaming for another moment before everything went silent and the only noise that could be heard was Angel plopping back onto his bed free from his restraints.
Alastor, stood up, picked up Vaggie and said, “Now, Kate, I am a husband for your turn, For, by this light, whereby I see thy beauty- Thy beauty that doth make me like thee well - Thou must be married to no man but me...”
Vaggie’s frightened eyes settled into an angry glare as Alastor carried her out of the bathroom and continued his Shakespeare recital, “For I am he born to tame you, Kate, and bring you from a wild Kate to a Kate Conformable as other household Kate’s.”
“Mmmmmmmppphhhhh!” Vaggie cried out furiously behind her gag as she struggled more tremendously than ever to escape Alastor’s hold and her ribbons.
Without another word, Alastor laid Vaggie back on her bed and left the room.  
Vaggie continued her struggle to break free until she heard Alastor talking to Rosie in the hallway.
“The serum worked, Alastor,” Rosie said shutting and locking the door to Angel’s room.  “Angel’s pelvis is all healed.”
“Good work, Rosie, my dear,” Alastor said cheerfully.  “You may release Vaggie now.”
Rosie snapped her fingers causing the grey ribbons mummifying Vaggie’s body to unravel.  In an instant, the ribbons had released Vaggie from their hold, slithered down the bed and across the floor, and went under the door to return to the master who summoned them.
“Enjoy the rest of your evening, Vaggie,” Alastor called out from the hallway.  “Dinner will be sent to your room shortly.  Rosie and I will be dining downstairs.”
“Do be sure to rest, dear,” Rosie added in a merry tone.  “We’ll be continuing your etiquette classes tomorrow.”
“Goodnight!” Alastor called out as he and Rosie finally walked away.
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