#the answer was no both times but go off Caine i guess
Omega Adam x Alpha Lucifer
What if:
What if Adam made his mask to help surpassed his heat cycles. It worked up until the fight when Lucifer broke it which caused his heat to start up.
I guess you could say someones fucked lol
Smut under the cut
Adam crawled out of the skylight, grunting from the pain he felt from the impact. "Okay, how many more of you freaks do I have to fight!?" He paused when he noticed his mask was broken, half of it missing from his face.
Oh no.
Maybe it would be okay? The half that was still there seemed to be working, the LEDs still glowing.
But the beginning of a cramp in his lower abdomen told him that no, it was not going to work. Adam wore his mask all of the time and hadn't had a heat cycle in years.
No, no, no, no, no, no, NO! NOT NOW! Not with HIM here, this fucking close!
"Oh I'm the only one that matters. You see, you mess with my daughter and now..." The wind blew a gust in Lucifer's direction and a sweet smell filled his nostrils. A smell he hadn't known for a very long time. "I'm going to fuck you!"
Everyone was silent as they looked at him confused and in horror.
"It's fuck you up, dad."
Another wave of that beautiful scent assaulted Lucifer's senses and yeah, he knew. "No sweetie, I mean that literally." Lucifer admitted his own power scent, as an alpha it was sure to make Adam stand down.
Adam could smell it and had to swallow a whimper. He forgot how good the devil smelled. "Stay away from me asshole!" He backed up when Lucifer got closer, another cramp hitting him. Adam knew he didn't have much time before basic instinct would take him over, it has been way too long since he's slept with an alpha.
Since earth with Eve.
Adam nearly moaned when Lucifer grabbed his wrist. They were gone in a flash of magic.
Charlie couldn't believe her eyes. "What the fuck just happened?"
Angel smirked. "Someone's getting a baby sibling!"
Adam was pinned to the bed, his mask fully gone now. All he could smell or feel was Lucifer on top of him, the devil licked at his neck over his sensitive scent glands making him shiver. "Fuck off!"
"Sweetheart, your mouth says one thing but your body..." Lucifer pressed his erection against the wetness of Adams clothed opening. "Says it missed me. I can make it good for you like I did in Eden." He rolled his hips making Adam squirm.
Fuck, Eden. The last time they fucked was right before Adam and Eve got kicked out of the garden.
"Do you want me to knot you again, darling? I could pump you so full of my seed I give you another baby. Would you like that? To have another child of mine?" He was referring to Cain, Cain was Adam and Lucifer's son.
Too far gone in his need and natural instinct, Adam's mind blanked out. That was all he heard.
Baby, baby, baby, he wants to give me a baby!
"Yes! Knot me Luci.~" He was practically vibrating and drooling with need.
Lucifer growled, liking the answer. Under a normal circumstance he'd tease Adam more, but it's been a long time since he himself got laid and he really wants to be inside of him again after all these fucking years.
He removed the tights that Adam wore under his robe and unzipped his own pants shoving them down. Lucifer didn't waste any time sinking himself into the awaiting wet heat.
They both moaned at the long awaited feeling. "How long has it been since you've been properly fucked through a heat, darling? Long time I'm betting."
"Ahhh! L-long time!" Adam withered and moaned like the bitch in heat he was, his senses getting overloaded with pleasure that only his alpha could give him.
"Did you ever try? Did you ever want to seek me out? I bet you would have fantasies about me." Because Lucifer certainly had fantasies about Adam.
Adam couldn't even think straight enough to answer, the cramps having died down all he could say was 'yes' wanting the knot that was so close to filling him. He'd say anything to get it in that moment.
"This time I get to keep you." Was all Lucifer said before he came deeply inside of Adam, knotting him. He placed a hand on Adam's lower belly, oh how he hoped he got pregnant. He'd never let him go this time.
Adam felt the relief that came with his own orgasm and the feeling of being filled with the king's release. Oh how he missed it.
They could deal with the consequences of their actions in the morning.
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
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The TADC cast with a reader who’s a fluffy droopy eared bunny like the picture above.
Those eyes have absolutely no thoughts behind them just vibes (that may or may not include various types of cake)
Readers just a little fella,an absolute pal.they give soft plush hugs but the catch is that their like 7’5 tall.their super kind and patient and somehow always know what to say or do to help the cast.
(Also…JAX FIDGET HC!! He totally flops their ears about)
TADC cast x big soft silly plushie bunny!reader!!!!!
uueueueue the macarons i made earlier ended up so good!! easily some of the nicest and prettiest ones i made recently; not like bakery level pretty but none of them collapsed or cracked! main issue is that some of them kind of have a tip or bump on the top from the piping!! otherwise theyre solid!! gonna answer some stuff then i might go draw then hit the sack
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i like to think that he took one of your ears in each of his hands and lifted them up, messing with them a bit before letting them flop down to your sides. has probably tried to blow you away with spectacles and grand gestures only for you to blink dully at him... oh... was he saying something..? you werent really paying attention... always reties your bow/bowtie when it comes undone, he cant have you not being ... not presentable..! very much endeared by your sweet demeanor and very loudly asks for hugs every now and then
has probably waved her hand in front of your face to see if you were awake and/or alive, genuinely thought that you were a real normal plushie the first time she saw you. got jumpscared when you slowly moved your head to look at her. oh dear! please reassure her that everything is fine!
since shes new you have taken to hovering around her during IHAs to make sure shes safe.. you have probably picked her up to your chest and made a run for it. like literally just pomni held flat to you and you just running with her. silly, i think
one of my favorite ragatha headcannons that lowkey becoming a given and my go to; she makes you accessories to go on your ears! bows and ribbons and the like! she thinks you look so so cute; vaguely reminds her of a bunny doll she used to have in her childhood, at least thats her guess judging by the warped and murky memories of her old life in the real world. has accidentally left you behind because you were spacing out and thinking about whatever it is that goes on in your head... thinks youre as sweet as can be, probably calls you "carrot cake" or something along the lines
"sweetie bell"
messes with your long droopy ears. not uncommon for him to just grab one and run his thumb over you false fur and fabric. he thinks youre too soft; literally and metaphorically. you make a great cuddle buddy and give great hugs, but youre just too nice for your own good. and on the off chance that youre actually paying attention when hes setting up a prank for someone, you put a stop to it. pulling pranks is mean, especially jax's style of pranks! you cant have that!
jax definitely pouts off to the side when you sabotage him.. youd think the two bunny folk would get along with one another!
well its not like you guys dont get along, youre too nice for that and sometimes i feel like jax's conscious would step in at least once and he would try to be nicer to you, at least for a day
sometimes he likes snuggling into you within the pillow fort, your body is just so soft and warm and comforting, youre literally just a giant teddy bear- er... bunny! stuffed bunny! honestly he probably hangs around you more than he would hang around a normal reader simply because youre just so sweet and soft, as well as inviting. you both tend to space out together.. do you think he accidentally put you in the walls of his pillow fort, before he realized you were a whole person ? like do i think kinger is that dense? no, but i do think that the thought it really really funny and silly and i can definitely see it as a gag
tries to pretend that theyre not into how soft and comfy you are.... but they find themselves subtly leaning into you when youre nearby. i would say that they would be blunt with wanting to be held or wanting a hug like they are with everything else.. but i think when it comes to affection, zooble can be a little... eh... like theyre bad at saying what they want when they want it, at least verbally.. your softness makes up for the fact that they feel like those hard plastic kids toys
sometimes get a little annoyed by your... empty eyed look... because sometimes its really hard to tell when youre paying attention or not
love love loves snuggling into you after a rough day, bonus if youre fixing up her comedy mask while she presses her other masked-face into your fluff and venting about her day. oh that jax is so so mean! please rub her back... her.. ribbons, actually. honestly hugs from you are s tier and the very best because as said several times before, youre really soft and comfortable. you guys tend to lock yourselves up in gangles room and hang out when a IHA isnt going on; and thats just fine with the both of you because you have one anothers company
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gatobobarchive · 3 months
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Oh my, yes. Especially in Derek’s route. There are ways to be quite evil in that one.
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Warehouse, packing boxes on and off of trucks. Grunt labour basically.
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Nope, he inherited what I do: low grunt followed by awkward angry laugh
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1) No U
2) Noted! I agree I was hard to hear- the next video will have no music and I’ll put the microphone closer to my noise hole.
3) He saw Raja’s tattoo and wanted to be cool and badass too.
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Sorry hun, the first BTD is just too old and broken for us to work with any more. I can’t even open my programming copy.
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You’re much much too kind… and for your question, yes, absolutely. I don’t have a pic of exactly that but I do have a cigar burn pic somewhere… lemme just.. there it is
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I feel like murdering people or fun and profit kinda bunches them all in the bottom right area X’D not much of a chart
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I guess it depends on your definition of yandere, but I would say almost all of them have at least one yandere ending. Not Rire… I think not Cain either really. And Vincent’s high love meter endings are honestly more genuine love. Shit… okay maybe it’s mostly my guys who go yandere. uhhhhhhh…. especially Ren I mean that’s like his whole route tbh. Strade and Lawrence’s ‘keeping’ endings are both pretty yandere. I’d say Sano has some yandere moments but I think we should all wait and see what Dollmaker brings to the table :)
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He’d probably flip out and punch the wall again and eventually give up but be an angry tense ball of freaking out for like a week. God help that MC if he finds them again.
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Free food [ Sano’s the cook ] and also one of the few who tolerate his presence for a long period of time without trying to shoot him or light him on fire.
Sadly this is the end because 10 photo limit:( part two soon!
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tngrace · 1 year
Coming Home
I’ve been sitting on this way too long. So thanks to wifey @bayisdying for getting me over the medical block to finish this. Hope yall enjoy!
🏷ing: @dragon-kazansky @mrsjaderogers​ @askmarinaandothers​
TG/TGM Masterlist
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Mav knows the minute he hears Admiral Cain wants to can the Darkstar project that he’s going to do something to piss his husband off, even if Ice would agree that he’s right about the project. He debates giving him a heads up, but he also doesn’t want a lecture yet. He sends Ice a text to check in on how he’s feeling, knowing he still has good and bad days, before he decides to write one last letter. 
He’d been debating a final letter for weeks. He used to write one every month, and then would write one summary one in December before Christmas that would be the one that was mailed. He’s determined Bradley isn’t even reading them, or if he is, he’s not responding to either of them, but he can’t seem to stop writing them. If it wasn’t for Ice’s pull as Commander of the Pacific Fleet (COMPACFLT), they wouldn’t even know where he was stationed, so he guesses he can be thankful for small blessings. But he’s decided this will be the last one; he doesn’t want to keep reminding the kid of what he doesn’t want. And while it hurts, he’s not sure he’ll ever regret doing what he could to keep him safe. 
He quickly scrawls out a couple of pages and seals it, before passing it and Ice’s letter to Hondo. Ice’s letter never changes, always prepared in case Mav does something he can’t get out of and leaves him behind. But thankfully, Ice has never had to read that letter. He hopes today goes the same. He knows Hondo will mail Bradley’s letter regardless of what happens and for that he is thankful. 
Mach 10 came easier than he expected, and he can hear both Ice and Hondo in his head telling him not to do it. But he wouldn’t be Maverick if he didn’t try. He knows when all the warning lights go off, he’s in big trouble, but he’s able to pull the ejection handle just in time. Ice is going to kill me is his last thought before landing on Earth, somewhere. 
It’s not until after his conversation with Cain, and then his conversation at TOPGUN with Cyclone and Warlock, is he able to even see his husband. He heads straight home, spoiling for a fight after all he’s just learned. If Ice thinks he can just railroad him like this, throwing Bradley in his face for a mission that’s impossible, well he doesn’t know his husband at all. 
“Tom,” he shouts, slamming the front door. 
Ice is waiting in the living room already prepared for him. 
“Just what do you think you are doing?!” 
“Well, I was waiting for you to get home so we could decide what to do for dinner tonight, since you’re home and all.” 
“God damnit you know what I meant!!”
“Oh, you mean the meeting at TOPGUN that didn’t go so well?” His eyebrow arches up, infuriating Mav even more. 
“Don’t even start with me! You blindsided me! And for what?! You know this is going to end badly. Cyclone hates me, and you’ve tried how many different times over the years to throw me and Bradley together? Huh? I know you, Tom! I know you’ve tried to do this before now.” 
“And yet, one or both of you manage to screw it up every time.” 
“Don’t even start with that. You know railroading me never works!” 
“Seems to be working this time. You’re home. Our kid is coming home. What more could I ask for? Oh wait… I know. A conversation between you two. Putting all this to rest finally. But that’s right… you two are too much alike for that to happen.”
“I don't have enough middle fingers to let you know how I feel," Mav growls. 
Ice just smirked back, "Is that right, wingman?" 
Maverick just growled and stomped off, Ice silently counting in his head to ten before Mav reappeared like always. “The kid never answers any of our letters. We haven’t seen him in years, and you think throwing us together for a suicide mission is going to work? One, I might add, that I’m not even getting to fly!!!! I’m grounded Ice, fucking grounded to just teach because you know Cyclone will never let me fly.”  
"If you would stop pissing off other admirals, I wouldn't have to keep doing things that piss you off. Just be thankful you're not getting reassigned around the world this time; be thankful you're the one that's going to be bringing him home."
Maverick growled again but deflated when Ice didn’t even flinch. After thirty years together, they knew each other like the back of their own hands. Ice reached out once Mav deflated and pulled him into his arms. “I know you’re mad, and I know you hate it, but it was the best solution I had. I couldn’t not include him - he was top of his TOPGUN class for crying out loud, and well, you are the only one I know that can prepare them. You were always coming back… before you pissed off Cain.” 
Mav grunts, but melts into his embrace. “He’s not going to be happy about this.” 
“Don’t I know it.” Ice sighs deeply, wishing more than anything that his husband and his son were back on better terms. It’d been too long since their boy had been home. Ice had tried over the years, secretly of course, to get them back on the same track, but one or the other always found a way to screw up his plans without even knowing it. “He’ll be here in an hour, so you my dear have to go see Penny.” 
“What?! Why? And how did you get him to agree to come here?” 
Ice smirks and shakes his head fondly. It’s as if Mav doesn’t know him. “Well, the perks of being COMPACFLT is that I can make anything an order.” 
Mav snorts as he pushes off to go get his jacket once more. “And you thought he was pissed at me. That’s just cold.” 
Ice laughs at that. “It’s like you forget what my name is, Maverick.” 
Mav gives him a genuine laugh then. “Fine, I’ll go see Penny while you railroad our kid. But you forget who he takes after the most. Let's just hope your plan works.” 
“I’ve kept you around and out of trouble this long, haven’t I? Surely the kid I half raised will at least have some of my traits too.” 
“Keep telling yourself that Ice. Remember he hasn’t spoken to us in years.” 
“I know,” he sighs. Mav feels bad for throwing that back in Ice’s face again. He knows it bothers his husband just as much as it does him. Losing Bradley will be one of his biggest regrets in life, especially since it made Ice lose him too, but he doesn’t regret protecting him for those extra four years. Mav pulls Ice close for another hug and kiss. “It’ll be ok. You’ll get through to him, I’m sure. You’re good at that.” 
He gets a genuine Ice smile, before his husband is pushing him out the door to his bike. He barely makes his escape before he sees the blue Bronco pulling onto their road. He can’t believe Bradley kept it, even though it makes him happy he did. Mav races off before Bradley can register it’s him on the bike and he prays Ice’s plan works.
Bradley knocks on the door to his childhood home. He almost just walks in, but he knows he lost that privilege with all the unanswered letters and calls he collected over the years. The door swings open revealing Iceman giving him a fond look. “Lose your key?” 
Bradley shakes his head. “No sir. Just… wasn’t sure I should use it.” 
Ice gives Bradley a sad look before he steps back motioning him in. He isn’t Iceman right now, his facade dropped, hoping it will get Bradley to be a little more open and receptive to him. “As long as you have that key, it is yours to use Bradley. No matter what.” 
Bradley gives him a nod and his shoulders drop just a touch. “You can relax. Maverick isn’t here. It’s just me and you right now. And while I’d love nothing more than to talk about all the years between then and now, I know that’s not why you’re here. Shall we,” he gestures towards his office. 
He can see Bradley let out a breath that Ice is sticking to business. It breaks his heart a little, but he calls on all his years in the Navy, of being the “Iceman,” to get through this without letting the kid see him break. Bradley sits in the chair across from his desk, so Ice settles behind it.  
Bradley stares at the picture behind Ice’s desk of him and Maverick. He knows the kid has every detail of it memorized, with as much as he saw it growing up, so he’s not sure why he’s fixated on it now. He lets Bradley look though and after a few minutes the kid seems to snap out of it. “If I’m not here to play catch up, then what am I doing here?” After a minute he tacks on a quiet “sir,” which makes Ice snort. 
“Even though it came through as an order, which I only did because I wasn’t sure you would come at a request, you can drop the formalities, Bradley. You know that was never a big thing here in this house.” At Bradley’s nod, Ice sits back into his chair and just watches him a moment before he continues. The kid looks so much like Goose it takes his breath, but he steels himself. “I’m sure you’ve seen your orders to return to TOPGUN for a special detachment.” 
“Yes sir.” 
Ice gives him another nod before he himself looks at the picture over his shoulder. He spins back to Bradley after just a moment. “What I’m fixing to tell you doesn’t leave this room. I know you’ll go to the Hard Deck tonight to see who else has been recalled, and you’ll have your official briefing in the morning. But I’m not going to totally blindside you kid.” 
At Bradley’s confused stare, Ice takes another deep breath and continues. 
“You and eleven other TOPGUN graduates are being recalled for a special detachment from the Pentagon. You will train for four weeks before flying the mission. It’s dangerous, deadly, more than likely a suicide run. I’ve looked it over every which way possible, and it just… I don’t know that everyone is coming back. Six of the twelve will be chosen to fly the mission; the other six will remain in reserve on the carrier. You’ll learn mission details in the morning; that’s not why I brought you here.” 
He can see Bradley’s brain working; can see when it clicks. His face hardens in anger and he’s up pacing Ice’s office before Ice can stop him. “No,” he growls. “No! You can’t do this!” 
“I have no choice, Bradley. The twelve of you were recalled because you are the best of the best, and you proved that at TOPGUN. I had to select the instructor, and there’s no one better. Deep down you know that too.” 
Ice stood up and walked towards him. Bradley was staring out the large windows that overlooked into the backyard where he’d spent many days playing. He didn’t touch him; he knew better with the anger simmering just under the surface. “You may not want to believe it, but you know he is the best. You know he will do his damned best to get everyone on that mission back home.”
“It doesn’t matter. He’ll wash me out.” 
Ice snorts and holds his hands up in surrender at Bradley’s glare. “I can assure you that won’t happen, Lieutenant.” 
“So much for no formalities,” Bradley snorts. 
Ice tentatively lays his hand on Bradley’s shoulder. When the kid doesn’t shrug him off, he takes it as a good sign. “Bradley, I know you are still angry; you’re going to stay angry until you talk to him.” 
“I have nothing to say!” 
“I know,” Ice sighs. He thinks hard about his next words. “You’ve made that clear and we’ve tried to respect that. But just because you don’t have anything to say doesn’t mean there isn’t a lot you still don’t understand. I don’t know if you ever read any of the letters, but if you didn’t maybe you should. At least mine. I don’t think he would’ve put anything of importance in his – he might’ve but I’m not sure, but some of mine might be enlightening. Just a suggestion.” 
He takes his hand off Bradley’s shoulder. “It’s not going to be easy, but Bradley, I won’t tolerate blatant disrespect of him in front of the others, let me make that clear. You might not want to hear what he has to say, you might not want to listen to his instructions, but you will pretend if nothing else. He’ll make you an even better aviator than you already are, and if you want to come home from this mission, you should probably listen to at least some of his knowledge. Because I believe deep down that he is going to be the reason everyone comes home.” 
Bradley gives him a stare that could rival his own icy glare. “I’m not Maverick. I know how to not piss off people in power. If you haven’t been following, which I feel sure you have based on the letters you mentioned, you know I’ve been compared to you more times than not. I won’t like it, I’ll probably even hate it, but you don’t have to worry about me.” 
“I’ll always worry about you Bradley. Like it or not, you are our kid in everything but blood. You are the only kid we ever had or will have. Nothing will change that, especially not your anger. But Bradley, I want you to think about something. You lost your mom and dad way too young. You worshiped the ground your uncle walked on while growing up. You loved like there was no tomorrow, and you got that from your mom and dad. It’s been years, and had they not caught my cancer early, you would only be left with the one person you can’t stand as family. Is it worth it kiddo?” 
Bradley swallows deep and Ice just prays he got through to him. “Is it worth the decades long silence? Is it worth being alone in the world? Is the anger worth it?” The silence stretches between them. “Think about it. And Bradley, just know we love you, more than anything. Nothing will ever change that.” 
Bradley gives him a nod, and then he’s walking out the door. Ice lets out a deep sigh, doing his best to hold back tears before he sends Mav a text. He lets him know he’s done with the kid, and he will more than likely be arriving soon if he wants to make an escape. He just hopes this was the right decision and it doesn’t blow up like Mav seems to think it will.  
Training goes about as expected. The kids are cocky, think they know it all. Bradley won’t even speak, much less wants to hear what he’s trying to teach them. Their hops are a mixture of disasters waiting to happen, and Mav feels like he’s at the end of the rope. He tries to force Bradley’s hand in the air, tries to get him to say everything he won’t, tries to get him to take the shot, but it doesn’t work. He’s too cautious, thinking too much, and Mav isn’t sure he’s going to be able to get through to him. The thought of not being able to bring Bradley home from this mission scares him more than anything. 
Ice keeps assuring him that deep down Bradley is more than likely listening. But Mav just doesn’t see it. The day Hangman decides to be an ass, Mav almost loses it, but he’s too shocked at the brazenness of the man and his statements. He can’t keep control of Bradley though, so Mav dismisses them all knowing they all need a break after that blow-up. He knew Goose would more than likely be a touchy subject with the kid, but he didn’t realize it would be that much of one. 
What Mav doesn’t realize is that Bradley was more pissed that Hangman was insinuating Mav was in the wrong. He was defending the dad he knew and loved for the first time in years. It was a startling realization for Bradley and he’s not sure what to do with it. The next day Mav gives them the morning off, which is odd considering their timeframe, and tells them to meet on the beach at lunch. Bradley uses the morning to stew, unable to help it. He debates pulling out the letters and reading them then, but he can’t do it. Deep down he knows he still loves his Dad and Pops, but this anger has been burning for too many years to let it go so easily. 
The dogfight football game feels like a bridge to letting go though. Especially when he watches Mav get tackled and he can’t help but help him up, knowing Ice is watching from the deck with Penny. He sees the look of bewilderment on Mav’s face, and he chances a glance at Ice behind his aviators, seeing a look of happiness and approval. He doesn’t address either and just jumps back into the game. Maybe things can start to mend.
Those thoughts fall apart though when Coyote goes into G-Lock and Phoenix and Bob eject from a bird strike. It puts him on edge and why he stays in the ready room feeling like he can’t go home yet. Deep down he knew Mav would come check on him, even though Bradley would be looking for an outlet for his emotions. The conversation spirals faster than he was expecting, and he regrets the words as soon as they leave his mouth. He just wanted Mav to hurt like he did. He can see he accomplished that by looking at his face. Just as he’s fixing to apologize and take them back, Warlock interrupts them. 
“Mav. It’s Iceman.” 
The look on Warlock’s face has them both freezing; Bradley had just seen him a few days ago on the beach and he looked fine. He can feel Mav start to tremble beside him as Warlock tells them that Ice has been taken to the hospital and Mav needs to get over there. He offers to drive him, but Bradley is grabbing Mav’s arm before he can stop himself. 
“I’ll take him, sir.” Warlock looks them over, but Mav gives a barely there nod and Warlock lets them go. He drags Mav to the Bronco, not sure how he is the steady one. He gets them there in record time, and follows Mav in. A nurse directs them to a waiting room, and Mav just collapses into a chair while Bradley paces. He’s not been good with hospitals since his mom got sick, so he can’t sit still. 
Thankfully they don’t have to wait long before a doctor is getting Mav and explaining what happened: that they were running some test, but they were hopeful that he was still in remission. They told Mav that Ice wasn’t talking, but that didn’t seem to rattle Mav like it rattled Bradley. All his regrets slam into him hard; he should’ve come back when Ice was sick. He’d know more about what was going on right now instead of feeling like he’s missing whole sections of a puzzle. 
The doctor leaves them after just a few minutes and Mav turns back to a pacing Bradley. He wants to pull him close and reassure him that everything is going to be ok, but he doesn’t. He’s not sure how Bradley would respond, not after their fight less than an hour ago, nor does he know that everything is going to be ok. The doctor returns after another ten minutes and informs Mav that they can see Ice. He’s in a room now, but they won’t have test results for a few more hours. He turns to Bradley to see if he wants to come with him, but Bradley just freezes. 
“No… It’s… You go. I’ll… I’ll bring the Jeep tomorrow.” 
“You sure?” He wants to reach out and pull his kid into his arms, but he doesn’t. 
“Yea. Just... Just text me, please.” He knows he doesn’t really have a right to ask, but he doesn’t think he’ll be ok with not knowing.
“Of course. I’ll keep you posted. Go get some rest.” 
Bradley gives him a nod before watching Mav walk away. He wants to go with him, wants the comfort of one of Mav’s hugs, but he doesn’t think he deserves it, not after what he’d said to Mav tonight. Once Mav is out of sight, he heads towards his house. Once home, he paces some more feeling too keyed up to sleep. He wasn’t surprised when the email came through at 2100 from Mav saying that they were grounded with the day off tomorrow. He stripped out of his flight stuff, slipping into some sweats, before he dug out the box he carried everywhere. It had all the letters and cards over the years from Ice and Mav along with other things from his childhood. He’d never opened them; he’d come close several times, but never gave into the desire. Now he did. 
He started with the envelopes in Ice’s handwriting, remembering his words from his first day back stateside about his letters having important information. He already had them sorted by years, so it wasn’t hard to read them in order. It took almost six years before Ice started trying to get him to come home. It was at year ten that he found the information he’d longed to know. 
I don’t even know if you’re reading these, but I hope that maybe you are reading our words. That you know how much we love you, how much we miss you, how proud of you we are. I know by your silence you’re not ready to talk, and that is fine, I get it. But kiddo, we miss you. Something terrible. And I pray that one day soon you’ll be back home. 
I don’t know if it’s too little too late, but I know Mav is never going to tell you. I love him dearly, but he’s stubborn as fuck, and no matter how much I’ve tried, he’s not going to listen.
Bradley there is one thing you know about your uncle, and that is that he always keeps a promise. Always. No matter what. This isn’t mine to tell, but I’m going to tell you anyway because I’m hoping it’ll bring you home. Mav made a promise to your mom to protect you no matter what. Bradley, she loved you more than anything, you were her whole world and even more so after your dad died. She would’ve done anything for you, and she did. She gave you the chance to have the most wonderful life ever. She made Mav promise to give you that, to keep you safe, and he did. Mav promised he would keep you alive longer than your dad, and even though I tried to get him to just talk to you, he did what he thought was best. 
I don’t know if you’ll ever understand, or forgive us, but I hope this gives you some answers. You always have a home with us, and honestly, we can’t wait for you to be home. 
Love, Ice
Bradley felt tears running as he pushed the rest of Ice’s letters aside to dive into Mav’s. He had to know if Mav ever explained, or if he just let him keep hating him all these years for no reason. The letters during Ice’s cancer treatments were hard to read, and Bradley found himself crying harder as he read Mav’s words and felt his pain. His regret of not being there during that time might never go away. He’s not even sure if he can apologize enough.  
Around 0130, he got a text from Mav that Ice was going to be ok. It was just a case of bronchitis, and they were just going to keep him the next day to keep him on some oxygen and monitor everything. His voice was going to be rough for a while, but he would be ok. He didn’t open the message just yet; he didn’t want to leave Mav on read, so he waited as he kept reading through the letters. The last one Mav sent caught his attention. It came two days before he got his recall for the special detachment. 
I’ve gathered you’re more than likely not reading these, and I’m sure you’re tired of getting these, so I’ll say this is more than likely going to be my last one.  If this training op doesn’t kill me, your Pops probably will. You know I can’t tell you much, and hopefully one day you’ll know all about it, but I was supposed to go Mach 9 today. The good Admiral over this testing has changed his mind, so you know me. The threshold for the project is Mach 10, and I will be reaching that today. What happens after that is anyone's guess. 
Bradley, I want you to know how much I love you. From the moment I held you when you were a day old, I knew you were going to be an important part of me. I didn’t know how important then, but I knew. I loved you from that moment, and that has never changed. No matter how old you get, no matter where you go, no matter what you do, I’m always going to love you. You’re my son in everything but blood, and I love you, Bradley.
Since this is my last letter, and I don’t think I’m ever going to get to see you again, I guess it’s time I tell you some truths. First, your parents loved you more than anything, and I wish upon every wish possible that they’d gotten to see what an amazing man you’ve grown into. The fact that neither were here long enough with you is a pain I carry forever - I know I was a poor substitute, but I hope that they and you can at least see I tried. If nothing else, I loved you like they wished. Second, you’re not going to want to hear this, but I don’t regret pulling your papers. I hate how things went down after, but Bradley, I gave you the chance to grow up, to make sure this is what you wanted, to make sure you’d matured enough to understand what you were doing. I told you that you weren’t ready, but that was a lie. Ice and I made sure you were always ready. Truthfully, I wasn’t ready - I wasn’t ready to watch you risk your life like I did, like your dad did; I didn’t want to lose you the same way.  I promised your mom I’d keep you safe, and I did that the best way I knew how. 
If you hear that I didn’t make it on this training mission, check in on Ice for me sometime. He might have backed me, like a good wingman and husband, but kid, he was not happy about the whole thing. He tried to get me to tell you the truth that night (and every year since), but I couldn’t. I didn’t want to taint the memory of how much your mom loved you, and I knew all you would hear that night was that she didn’t want you to fly, that we weren’t letting you fly. He’s missed you so much Bradley, and I will forever regret that my actions cost him you - the closest thing to a son he was ever going to get. 
I have to go get suited up, but just know I love you Baby Goose. Always. 
Bradley was sobbing by the time he was done reading it. He didn’t even bother flipping through anything else in the box. He just wanted his dads. He grabbed his phone and keys, still clutching that last letter from Mav, and headed back to the hospital. He sent Mav a quick text before he pulled out telling him he’d be there soon. 
His phone started ringing as he raced down the highway back towards the hospital. He answered it without thinking, his voice rough from the tears. “Bradley what are you doing? You don’t have to come back. You should be asleep.” 
“I…” he hiccupped on another sob. “I read the letters. I… I’ll be back in ten. Please just…” 
Mav does his best to hide his reaction to Bradley saying he’d read the letters. “Bradley. Hey, breathe. I need you to focus on driving if you’ve already left.” 
“Yea... Yea.” He sniffed, wiping at his eyes, putting the phone on speaker. “You’re on speaker. I’ll be there in ten.” 
“Ok. You got my text with the room number?”
“Yea. Just… be there please,” he begged. 
“Not going anywhere ki— Bradley. But I’m going to stay on the phone, make sure you get here.” 
“Yea… yea that’s fine.” 
Mav talked about Ice and what the doctor said, assuring Bradley he was going to be fine and would be home in a day or two. Bradley asked about the voice thing, and Mav explained how some days his voice is rougher than others from the cancer and treatments. It comes and goes, some days he doesn’t speak at all. He tells Bradley about learning ASL, and how that’s how they communicate on the hard days. He’s at the hospital before he knows it, and he tells Mav he’ll be right in. 
He’s not surprised to find Mav standing out in the hall waiting on him. His hand still clutches the letter, and he can’t stop from running straight into Mav’s arms hugging him tight. He feels Mav squeeze back, and it breaks him, the sobs coming hard. 
“It’s ok Bradley, it’s ok,” he murmurs over and over. Bradley shakes his head no repeatedly even though he keeps his face buried in Mav’s neck. 
“It’s not. I was awful, to you both, but especially to you. Just a few hours ago…  I didn’t mean it Mav, I didn’t. I wanted to take it all back as soon as I said it. I was going to but Warlock-”
“Bradley, breathe.” Mav’s hand ran up and down his back. “Just breathe.” 
Bradley took a deep breath as he shuddered in Mav’s arms. “You can go back to nicknames,” he whispers because it feels weird to have Mav constantly calling him Bradley. Almost as an afterthought he whispers “dad.” 
He feels Mav’s sharp inhale, and he just buries his face deeper in his neck. “Ok kiddo,” Mav whispers and Bradley smiles against his neck. 
Bradley slowly pulls back and leans up against the wall next to the door to Ice’s room. The letter is clutched in his hand, and he won’t meet Mav’s eyes. “Wanna tell me what happened?” Mav asks, standing in front of Bradley. 
Bradley runs his hands over his face before holding up the letter. “I finally read them. I was… I was too restless to try and sleep, and Ice’s words from my first day back kept running through my head. He told me there might be important things in the letters, especially his. So, I started reading through them, but I didn't finish his though. Mav… why? Why didn’t you tell me? Why have you let me…” 
Mav chuckles softly before propping up on the wall beside Bradley. “Kid I love you to death, but you just had to pick up my temper. It was too much to ask for you to get Ice’s.” He sighs as he runs a hand down his face. “I remember what it was like to be your age and be told you couldn’t fly… yet. And I knew you would lash out, and I didn’t want it to be at your mom. She meant well, but she was scared. And I got it. Looking at you, knowing I could lose you the same way. I just… I couldn’t do it. It was easier to know you were still out there, to know you were ok and still breathing, to chance it. The only thing I regret is you losing your Pops.” 
“I lost you both,” Bradley whispers. “I lost you both because I was a fucking idiot. If I’d just thought…” 
“No. Bradley this isn’t on you. You hear me?” Mav asks, grabbing his face and making him look at him. “You were a kid. It’s on me. I should’ve just let you cool down and then explain but I didn’t. I should’ve listened to Ice, but I didn’t. This is not on you.” 
Bradley gives him a shaky nod. “I’m sorry I didn’t come home. I’m sorry I wasn’t here when Pops was sick. I’m sorry I’ve been nothing but a jerk since getting back. And I’m especially sorry for the words I said in the ready room a few hours ago. None of them were true.” 
Mav pulls him close and places a kiss on his forehead. “I know, kid. I know. It was a ‘textbook Mitchell fit’ as your Pops would say.” 
Bradley snorts but nods, pulling Mav in for a tight hug. “You’re forgiven B. And I don’t want you to let it sit in your mind. None of it. You hear me? It’s all forgiven and we’re moving on. I need you totally focused on this mission.” 
“I hear ya.” Mav pulls back cradling his face once more. “Your parents would be proud of you. We’re proud of you. And I know you don’t think so, but you’re a hell of a pilot. I just need you to think less up there, ok? Just fly like you know how.” Bradley swallows deep but nods. “We’ve got time, we’ll make this mission a success,” Mav promises. He gets another nod from Bradley. “Come on, you need to rest,” Mav says, leading Bradley into Ice’s room.
Bradley freezes inside the doorway. “Hey, he’s ok. I promise.” 
Bradley feels tears in his eyes once more. “I know kiddo. I know. It’s not easy, but I promise, he’s ok.” Bradley let’s Mav push him into the chair beside the bed before he can protest. Mav just grabs another chair and pulls it beside Bradley. He lays his hand on Bradley’s back as Bradley grabs Ice’s hand and drops his head to the bed. “I’m sorry Pops, so sorry,” he cries softly. 
Before Mav can reassure him, Bradley’s head shoots up as Ice squeezes his hand. Blue eyes are staring back at him, and Bradley just cries harder. Ice reaches out and cradles Bradley’s head trying to pull him closer. Bradley resists for half a heartbeat not wanting to hurt him, until he sees Ice trying to talk. “No, no, no. Dad said you can’t talk yet. Don’t, please don’t try.” 
Ice turns to give Mav an exasperated look, and Mav just shrugs. “You’re the one who didn’t tell me you were having a bad day nor that you weren’t feeling good. The doc seems to think all the coughing has irritated your throat and it would be better not to talk yet.” 
Ice takes his hand off Bradley’s face and holds his hand out to Maverick. Mav sighs but hands over his phone. “I’m assuming telling you to rest right now is pointless.” 
Ice just gives him a dry stare and Mav rolls his eyes. Ice expertly unlocks the phone and starts typing quickly. Bradley watches him and Ice turns the phone towards him before putting his hand back on Bradley’s face. 
You have nothing to be sorry for Bradley. It’s just good to see you here, even though none of us want to be here. A hug would be nice though. 
Bradley drops the phone and leans closer, burying his face in Ice’s neck like he’d done Mav earlier as Ice wraps his arm around him hugging him tight. “I’m so sorry. I read the letters. Well not all of yours. I’m going to though I swear. I just... I read the important one and then I had to read Dad’s and I just…” 
Bradley stops his rambling when Ice squeezes the back of his neck, and he hears Mav whisper to breathe again. He takes a deep breath before meeting Ice’s eyes. “I’m going to finish reading them, but I just had to get back. I needed to be here, needed you both.” 
Ice rubs the back of his head before reaching for the phone once more. I’m glad you’re here kiddo. That’s all that matters. It’s forgiven. I’m sure Dad has already told you that.
“He has. I just…”
Mav leaned forward and laid his hand over Ice’s on Bradley’s. “I know it’s going to take some time. It doesn’t feel real. But Roo, everything is forgiven. Has been.” Bradley wrinkles his nose a little at that new nickname, but at the same time he doesn’t mind it coming from Mav.
For a change I’m going to agree with Mav. Bradley snorts hard as he reads it, and Mav rolls his eyes affectionately at his husband. Everything was forgiven right after it happened. We never stopped loving you, never will. You’re our kid and that means we love you regardless. 
Bradley lets the words soak in, figuring out how to say what he wants because he’s not sure if Mav knows about his conversation with Ice before their first day, but he knows he owes Ice another apology. “Pops I…” he swallows deep as he studies the bed. Ice cards a hand through his hair as he watches him. 
“I owe you another apology. I told you that you wouldn’t have to worry about me… and I did the one thing you were worried about. Just… Just a few hours ago. It wasn’t in front of anyone but I… I still did it.” 
Ice just watches him; he’s never lost that ice cold stare even after all these years and it falls into place as Bradley stumbles through what he’s trying to admit. Bradley does his best not to shrink in front of it because while he’s seen it before, it’s never been directed at him like this and he knows in this instance he deserves it. Mav is bouncing his eyes between them like a tennis match unsure of what is really happening. 
“What are you talking about?” Mav finally asks. 
Neither answer him as Ice picks up the phone once more and starts typing. Bradley knows if he could talk, he’d be getting an icy lecture right about now. 
Want to tell me what happened? 
Bradley reads it and shakes his head no, even though he knows the story will spill out. Ice's eyes turn to Mav who just stares right back. He signs something to Mav knowing Bradley won't understand. Mav signs something back just as hastily, before rolling his eyes. “The icy stare lost its effect on me in ’86, dear husband." 
Ice snorts but picks the phone up once more. Mav says it's nothing for me to worry about and to tell you you're forgiven. I get the feeling you want to tell me even though you say no. 
Mav groans as he reads the words over Bradley's shoulder. "Stop railroading our kid," he growls. 
Bradley gives Mav the most self-deprecating smile either of them have ever seen from him. "It's ok Dad. I brought it up; I can tell him. Besides, if you think I haven't learned when I'm being railroaded, you're wrong. I knew the original order to come to the house was just that. I didn't expect him to send you away, but I can handle it." 
Mav cackles as Ice just rolls his eyes at them before he breaks into a cough that has both his boys jumping up before he can wave them off. Mav gets him a drink as Bradley sinks back into his chair. "However, I think I'm going to insist on postponing this conversation until you're better."
Ice passes Mav the cup back before turning his eyes on Bradley. Bradley does shrink a little this time and sighs. "Fine. Today was stressful. Coyote went into G-Lock and Phoenix and Bob had to eject because of a bird strike." Ice turns his eyes to Mav before Bradley can continue. 
"Later," he sighs. Ice turns his attention back to Bradley as a sign to continue. 
"I was on edge. I was looking for a fight. I think Dad knew that too." He swallows as he takes a breath, and Mav won't give either of them the satisfaction of saying he did know. The kid has been spoiling for a fight since day one. 
"Anyway, I knew he would find me after something like that and I couldn't get myself to leave the ready room; not til I knew Phoenix would be ok. I knew the right words to say to push the right buttons," he shrugs. 
Ice pinches his nose knowing exactly where this was going. "I said things I didn't mean because I knew it would hurt." Bradley won't meet his eyes anymore. "It was stupid. And I'm so sorry," he says looking between them both. "So sorry for everything. If I'd just used my brain, thought like everyone says I do too much of, all of this…. None of this…. I could've." 
"Bradley. Hey." Mav gently squeezes the back of his neck calming him like he used to. "It's ok. I told you it's ok. And I meant it. I didn't just say it to make you feel better. It's the truth. Everything is ok, and most importantly it's not your fault." 
Bradley nods as he chews on his lip still not meeting Ice's eyes. If there’s one thing Bradley knows for certain, it’s that Ice doesn’t take too kindly to people mistreating Mav. Ice made sure to remind him of that even, and Bradley did it anyways because he was stupid and let his misplaced anger control him.  "Ice," Maverick growls when Ice won't sign or type anything just watching them. He hates seeing his kid in pain, thinks it's right up there with watching Ice struggle with his health. 
"No Dad, it's fine, it's… I get it," Bradley says softly with a shrug. He moves to stand up and Maverick shoves him back down in the chair, keeping a hand on his shoulder so he doesn't move. Bradley looks between them, at the stare down they’re having - a silent conversation they don’t want him to hear - and sighs. At least some things never change, he thinks as he drops his head.
Ice picks up the phone once more and starts furiously typing away, making Bradley seem to shrink into himself even more than Mav thought possible; Bradley mistaking the furious typing for what it really is - a desperate need to get the words out as fast as possible. It's times like this where Mav hates that Ice can't use that beautiful voice of his. He squeezes Bradley’s shoulder in what he hopes will be reassurance until Ice turns the phone towards them.
Your dad is right once again kiddo. God I'm never going to hear the end of it agreeing with him this much. But when it comes to you, we agree more than not. We love you. Nothing will change that. And because we love you so much, everything is forgiven. I appreciate you telling me - you didn't have to. Mav is not going to hold it against you. If anyone understands what you were doing, it would be him. You might’ve said you've been compared to me more than him, but kiddo, you act just like him - especially when you're mad. We love you. And you need to put all this behind you today so you can focus on the mission, you hear me? I know Mav has done his best to prepare all twelve of you, but Baby Goose. You must be focused if you go. You can't be thinking about anything else, not us, not this. Nothing. But coming home. We just got you back. I refuse to lose you again, son. 
Bradley feels tears as he reads the phone. Mav gives Ice a smile before Ice is being pulled into a tight hug. If the kid wasn't so big now, he knows Bradley would've climbed in the bed with him like he used to do when Mav would get injured. "Love you too Pops," he whispers through his tears. 
Doctors’ orders be damned, Ice thinks. "Love you too kiddo," he whispers, and Bradley just squeezes him tighter as more tears leak out. He stays in Ice’s hold until he feels himself relax all the tension away and he sinks back into the chair. 
“You should go home and get some sleep,” Mav tells Bradley when he sees the exhaustion on his son’s face now that the anxiety is gone. 
“Not leaving. I saw your email that we’re grounded today. I have nowhere to be but here.” 
Ice snorts from the bed as he rearranges to go back to sleep. Told you. Just like your dad.
“Would you stop it. He flies just like you and last time I checked you’re just as much a stubborn bastard. The kid was doomed with stubbornness.” 
Ice would laugh out loud if he could as Bradley groans around them like he did when he was a teenager. “I’m still right here. And don’t think I didn’t figure out what this is,” he says with a shudder pointing between the two of them. "Stop it until you’re home, please,” he begs. 
Ice snorts again as Mav laughs, neither embarrassed as Bradley would like them to be for flirting (or more like foreplay his unhelpful mind supplies) in front of their kid. “Just for you Baby Goose.” Bradley rolls his eyes as he gets comfy in the chair. 
“Now it’s 0300, get some sleep,” Bradley tells them both. Mav settles back into the chair beside him and leans over grabbing Ice’s hand. Bradley watches them with a fond smile before getting up to dim the lights. He does his best to get comfy, his head ending up on the bed beside Ice and Mav’s joined hands. He smiles a little when he feels fingers running through his hair like when he was a kid and promptly falls asleep. 
Bradley manages to sleep through nurses coming in every couple of hours to check on them and the doctors’ rounds the next morning at 0800. No one has the heart to move him off the bed, and Mav honestly thinks Ice would flay whoever tried. They’re going to keep him through at least lunch, but they’re hoping to discharge him that afternoon. 
Mav goes to get coffee and breakfast after the doctor leaves and Ice just watches Bradley sleep. He hates that he’s sick and can’t talk right now, but it accomplished what they haven’t been able to do in years. His fingers gently run through Bradley’s hair, and he can’t help but smile a little. Their family is whole once more. Mav sneaks back in, smiling himself as he sees Ice watching Bradley sleep. He knows how much they’ve both missed the kid, and he can’t help but feel elation knowing they have him back. 
Bradley stirs at the smell of coffee and food, jerking upright when he remembers where he is. “Morning Roo.” 
“Ugh, Morning,” he grunts, stretching out his back until it pops. 
“Breakfast burritos and coffee,” he says, laying out his finds on the tray. “Tea for you Admiral,” he smirks at Ice’s scowl. He drinks tea on the days his throat gives him trouble, but some days - today - it’s not what he wants. He hands Bradley his coffee, “Iced with oat milk, mocha, and sugar. Hopefully your weird coffee habits haven’t changed since you were a teen?” 
He knows Mav is a little anxious to get it right, so Bradley grins as he takes the largest sip possible to get his brain fully back online. “Still the same,” he grins, inhaling some more. 
He digs into the burritos as Mav tells him what he missed when the doctors came around. “Would… I mean… Could I come home today?” he asks them quietly once Mav is done explaining. 
“You’re always welcome home,” Ice whispers. Drinking the tea has helped along with not talking since being there, so he just rolls his eyes at Mav’s glare. He just wants to talk to his kid damnit. 
Bradley looks on the verge of scolding him too, so he just reaches for Mav’s phone once more because he has no clue where his is at the moment. Fine I won’t talk … yet! You’re always welcome home Bradley. We would love nothing more. 
“Mav?” Bradley asks tentatively. He’s not sure how comfortable they are with his slip ups of “Dad and Pops” from the middle of the night terror, so he’s trying to tread carefully. 
“Pops is right. You’re always welcome home Baby Goose.” 
The smile they get in return could light up the whole room. “K well I think I’ll go pack then, and then come pick ya up once you’re free?” 
He gets a nod from them both and a promise from Mav to let him know when they’re discharged so he can be back to get them since he drove Mav there in the middle of the night. He hugs them both tight, especially his Pops, before he cleans up their breakfast trash and heads to his on-base housing. It’ll be nice to be back in a bed that is comfortable. 
While Bradley is packing, Cyclone stops by the hospital to check on the Admiral and talk to Maverick. Ice can’t hear the conversation in the hallway, but when Mav returns, he knows something is up. What was that about?
Mav sighs as he sinks into the chair. He runs his fingers through his hair before meeting his husband’s eyes. “He grounded me - permanently. Said my focus needs to be here, and that he is taking over training because even if I was to come back tomorrow, I’d be too worried about you. You know he never wanted me to begin with so not surprised.” 
Mav can feel the temperature drop as Ice’s facade drops into place as he starts typing. Where is my phone?!
“What are you going to do?” Mav asks skeptically. 
Phone. Hand it over Maverick!
“It’s fine Tom, really. I should be focused on you. I should’ve given this up a long time ago to better take care of you. These kids don’t want to listen, hell Bradley didn’t want to listen. I’m not a teacher Ice, I’m a pilot. And even if I could’ve taught that, it’s not what they want. It’s not what the Navy wants. That’s why they canned me the last time. You’re the only reason I was pulled for this mission, and you know it. It’s probably better this way.” 
The Navy needs Maverick. The kids need Maverick - Bradley needs you. That’s why I fought for you and why I’ll continue to fight for you. If you lost your wingman in the air, you’d keep fighting; you wouldn't give up. You��re already attached to the kids; you’re not going to let anything happen to them, especially Bradley. You’ve not lost your wingman on the ground either so hand me my phone Pete. 
He digs through the bag the nurse gave him of all the stuff Tom had on him when he came in. He pulls out the phone and stares Ice down before reluctantly handing it over. “Don’t give me that look,” Ice rasps before dialing. 
A nurse returns with their discharge paperwork, and Mav listens to all the instructions while Ice schedules a meeting for in the morning. He texts Bradley that they will be ready when he gets back. As soon as Ice hangs up, Mav helps him redress. “What time is your meeting?”
“0800. And while I’m in the meeting, you’re going to show the kids this mission is possible.” 
Maverick just stares at him as Ice smirks. “Admiral, are you suggesting I steal a plane while you’re on base?” 
“I never said those words. What you do while Cyclone is tied up is up to you dear.” 
Maverick snorts as a plan forms in his head. “Not a word of this to Bradley.” Ice gives him a nod of agreement. 
Bradley returns and they get settled at home. The night is nice and peaceful, catching up on things Bradley wants to share - deployment and missions, friends and partners. It’s of no surprise to either of them when Bradley admits he and Jake are exes. “You owe me a steak dinner,” Maverick tells Ice, tipping his glass at him. 
“Seriously?! You bet on my love life?!” Bradley acts so scandalized; his dads can’t help but laugh. 
“Kiddo if you only knew the amount of betting that went on at TOPGUN throughout the years. Betting is just habit at this point. Besides, Pops here didn’t believe me when I said you two acted just like we did back in the day.” 
They finish out the night with more stories before Ice gets tired and Maverick and Bradley both insist he go rest. Bradley sleeps like the dead for the first time in years, and the next morning when he gets up to report back to base, he’s surprised to see Ice in uniform. 
“What’s going on?” he mumbles as Mav passes him some coffee. 
“Nothing for you to worry about Baby Goose,” Ice rasps. Bradley shoots Mav a look, but Mav won’t meet his eyes. 
“Uh huh. I don’t buy that. You just got released yesterday. You’re not seriously going back to work already?!” 
“Just for a meeting this morning. Then I’ll be back home.” 
“They couldn’t reschedule?” 
Mav snorts before he can stop himself, and Ice and Bradley both shoot him looks. “Oh for the love! Just tell the kid already,” Mav sighs, throwing up his hands and going to get his keys to Ice’s Jeep. 
“Nothing for you to worry about. We’ll discuss tonight.”
Bradley shoots looks between them, but neither will cave. “You know we only have like two days left right? Whatever it is just tell me now.” 
“Tonight,” Ice repeats. He joins Mav at the door leaving Bradley to follow. 
“Fine. See you on base,” he calls to Mav before jumping in the Bronco and heading off. 
“He’s going to be pissed you didn’t tell him,” Mav singsongs as he gets in the driver’s seat much to Ice’s displeasure. 
“I didn’t need him storming in Cyclone’s office in a Mitchell fit. Besides, he'll be too distracted by you.” 
As planned, Mav takes an F-18 up and runs the course while Ice has Cyclone cornered in his office. They hear everything from the control tower, and Ice knows if he wasn’t standing there, Cyclone would be livid. As it is, the Air Boss doesn’t know what to say as Ice rips him a new one over trying to ground Mav. He meticulously lists all the reasons why Mav needs to be the one to finish the last two days teaching, and then informs Cyclone, when they hear confirmation from the control tower that Mav hit the target, that Mav will be team leader now. He doesn’t like the idea of sending his husband on this mission, but he knows it’s the best plan. 
After Maverick is back on the ground and rejoined the team in the ready room, Cyclone joins them and informs them that Mav will be team leader and that they will be running more training ops with him in the air for the rest of the afternoon. All twelve are impressed and eager to get in the air with Maverick; Ice gives his husband a soft smile and sneaks out before the kids see him. 
Bradley wasn’t as pissed as Maverick predicted, since everything worked out. But he has to agree with Ice that grounding Mav was the wrong call. He knows things shifted for not just himself, but the team as well and he’s starting to believe that maybe, just maybe they’ll be able to pull this off. 
Training is intense for the next two days, and reality doesn’t set in until he’s packing for the carrier, listening to Mav and Ice talk down the hall. They’re having a mini argument about whether Ice should come along or not. Bradley wants to agree with Mav on this one that Ice needs to stay here and look after himself, but Iceman is not going for it. In the end Bradley knows Pops will more than likely get his way so he stays out of it. Once he’s packed, he pulls the letters out to read again. He’d finished reading Ice’s the second night of being back in his old bedroom. But tonight, he feels like reading over some of them again to make sure he hasn’t missed anything and to be reminded that their love never changed. 
“You ok kiddo?” Mav asks from the doorway, startling him a bit. 
“Yea… yea all packed and ready.” He puts the letters back in the box and back on the desk. 
Mav points to the bed beside him and Bradley nods making room for Mav to sit down. “You sure you’re ok?” 
“Yea… it’s just… I think it’s finally sinking in. You convince Pops to stay?” 
“What do you think?” Bradley snorts and shakes his head no. “You’d be correct then kiddo.” 
“Do you know what you’re going to do tomorrow?” 
Mav sighs, dropping his head a bit before meeting Bradley’s eyes once more. “I know the two-man teams. And I think I know what I’m going to do for my wingman. I know what Pops wants me to do.” 
“And what’s that?” 
“He wants me to let go.” 
“Huh? Let go of what?” 
“You… Wants me to let go of you, Bradley.” 
“What… What does that even mean?” 
Mav gives him a sad smile before releasing a sigh. “I have a problem letting go of people and things. Until I met your dad at my first deployment, they called me a lone wolf. Hell even after your dad determined to stick to me, they still considered my flying to be lone wolfish. I didn’t trust people, but once I trusted them, I kinda hung on to them tight.” 
“And that’s why you always talk to Goose,” Bradley whispered. Ever since Mav became “dad,” he always referred to Nick by his callsign. He knows that’s really his dad, but he barely remembers him. The only dads he knows are Mav and Ice. 
“Yea… I can’t let go.” Mav takes a deep breath to recenter. “So, in retrospect, you could say I’ve held on to you too.”
“And Pops thinks it’s time to let go, to let me protect myself.” 
“In a sense. I know he’s right… I know you can do this. I’ve never doubted your abilities, Bradley. I know that’s what you’ve thought all these years since I pulled your papers, but that wasn’t why. You can do this, and I know you can make it back home. That need to protect you though, to keep you safe…” 
“I get it Dad. I don’t know that I’m going to like watching you go on this. I know in the back of my mind you’ve done all kinds of crazy missions over the years, but it’s different seeing it happen right in front of you. I’m… I’m not going to hold it against you if you pick someone else. I know you probably think I will, but I won’t.”
Mav gives him another sad smile before he pulls Bradley into a side hug. He places a kiss on his forehead before letting him go. “I love you kid. And no matter what happens tomorrow, know I’m proud of you and love you so much.” 
“Love you too Dad.” 
They both barely sleep that night, but the next morning all three of them are off to the port to fly to the carrier. The Lincoln crew is scrambling at the appearance of the COMPACFLT once they land since no one was prepared for him to join them. They get settled in their rooms before Maverick meets the team in the ready room. His eyes scan over all twelve aviators, his kids as Ice would say, and tries to give them the words to believe in themselves before he picks his team. Even after their conversation the night before, he can see Bradley’s surprise and confusion when he calls his name. He’s not sure he’ll ever get over the fact he caused his kid to have self-confidence issues, but he’s hoping by letting go like Ice suggested, that Bradley will start to believe in himself more. 
The next day they launch with no problem, and Mav knows that Bradley will have a problem with flying so close to the ocean. Ever since he learned how Goose died, how Mav had to hold him in the ocean for however long it took for the Coast Guard to find them - Mav honestly has no clue how long it really was despite Ice giving them a vague idea one year - Bradley doesn’t do well with the ocean. He can hear his kid’s heavy breathing and just prays that Bradley won’t overthink and will just fly. He keeps an eye out his canopy on him as they fly until they’re in attack formation and he can no longer see him. 
He can tell that the SAMs freak Bradley out even more; he’s not sure if Bradley’s had to experience them before or not, but he’s just praying his kid will stop thinking. He speeds up on instinct knowing the bandits will move to defend as soon as the tomahawks hit. He hears over control tower coms that Bradley is falling behind. Shit Roo. Stop thinking. He doesn’t say anything until he gets confirmation that the bandits have changed course, but Bradley doesn’t answer. 
He hears Payback try as they navigate the course, and then command gives another update. Fanboy tries next hearing how close the bandits are to intercept, and Payback chimes in again. Come on kid, Mav thinks before he hears it whispered across the coms. “Talk to me dad.” He knows Bradley’s not talking to Goose, even though that’s what everyone else probably thinks, so he answers, knowing Bradley needs it to come home. 
“Come on kid, you can do it. Don’t think, just do!” He whispers it back in the same voice and prays it works. It’s a half a second before he hears Payback telling Roo not to go that fast and it makes him proud. “That’s it kid, that’s it.” He prays it’s the encouragement he needs to keep going. He needs Bradley to come home. 
The mission is a success in the Navy’s eyes; they pulled off both miracles despite one deadeye laser. Ice however feels like his world ended the minute Maverick was shot down. He knew despite Cyclone ordering the other three back that Bradley wouldn’t listen. He knew there was no way his kid was leaving his dad behind. Ice was pissed when Cyclone wouldn’t let Jake launch to cover them though, so to keep from taking over the mission, knowing he was too close to it, he stepped out of the control tower. 
He has no idea how long he’s standing out at the railing – Daggers three and four both landing and both pilots trying to get Jake out of his plane to no avail - before Warlock calls him back in. When he enters, he feels his heart restart hearing that Bradley is supersonic in an F-14. The only way that was possible is if his husband was with him. He doesn’t know what condition they’re in, but he knows with certainty that they are coming home. 
This time he doesn’t wait for Cyclone to decide to launch Jake; he orders it himself. Jake is the only one ready to go up, all the others having disembarked when Phoenix and Payback landed. He sends Hondo out to ready the crew and he steps out to the railing once more. Hondo points in his general direction, and Jake’s eyes meet his. He gives him a nod and a salute, Jake returning them before he is off. If Mav is right about him, Jake will do anything possible to get Bradley home. 
Ice returns to the tower to listen and watch. Bradley manages to connect the radio at the worst possible time. Hearing Mav tell Bradley to eject, hearing the fear in his kid’s voice, hearing that they can’t eject – Ice doesn’t think there’s another pain imaginable. All eyes are on him as they listen though, so he relies on all his Navy years to keep his ice-cold exterior in place. Jake’s voice coming through, telling them he’ll see them on deck, almost brings Ice to his knees. He gives everyone in the control tower a nod before he is out and heading down to the deck. He’ll be damned if he’s not greeting his boys as soon as they’re free of the cockpit. 
Luckily for him, no one pays him any attention as they’re too busy preparing for a crash landing once Jake is out of the way. Ice sees him practically scrambling from his plane and it makes him smile knowing he would be the same way if the roles were reversed. He watches Mav land the F-14, albeit roughly, and the crew races around putting out flames. He sees medical rushing towards them along with all the Daggers. He takes his time, watching Bradley and Mav climb out, but he does push his way through. He makes it to his husband first, who is just stepping away from Hondo. 
“Admiral,” he smirks. 
“Get over here,” Ice rasps, pulling Maverick into his arms tight. “Don’t ever scare me like that again.” 
“You don’t have to worry about that. Retirement, remember?” 
Ice pulls back in surprise and Mav just smiles at him. They’d talked about it some the other night after they got home, but Ice wasn’t sure Mav was serious. Before he can question him any further, Bradley is pushing through the crowd yelling “Dad.” 
Ice steps to the side and Bradley launches at Maverick hugging him tight despite the grunts they both let out. Ice knows they have at minimum harness bruises, so he makes a note to get them down to the med bay as soon as they disentangle from each other. Mav pulls back first cupping Bradley’s cheeks whispering a quiet “thank you,” that Bradley murmurs back before they’re hugging again. He sees Jake standing off to the side watching them, and Ice makes a note to check on him later. 
He eventually separates his husband and son and marches them both to med bay, Jake trailing behind. “Seresin, you stay with Bradley. Make sure he doesn’t escape doctor’s orders.” 
“Pops,” Bradley whines, causing Jake to whip his eyes up between them. 
“Don’t start with me Bradley. Again, you’re too much like your dad and I can only babysit one of you at the moment.” 
“Rude,” Maverick grunts from his side, causing Ice to just scoff at him and push him further into the room. He’ll get a full report on Bradley later, but Maverick is his concern at the moment, especially with it being his second ejection in a month. He proceeds to inform the nurses of that, causing Mav to roll his eyes, before he strips the flight suit free. 
Bradley spends six hours in med bay, Jake making sure he’s stay in bed. Mav was just in the bed beside him, so Ice could’ve kept an eye on them both, but Bradley was secretly glad Jake had stayed. Bradley had a mild concussion, had broken his collarbone in two places and had severe bruising across his ribs and chest. Mav also had a concussion, had cracked a few ribs, had severe bruising on top of the bruises that hadn’t healed from his last ejection, along with a slight case of hypothermia from laying in the snow for an undetermined amount of time. 
He ended up staying in med bay overnight. If Ice hadn’t practically ordered Bradley to go shower, eat and rest, he would’ve stayed with them. The next morning though, Bradley was back by their side, with all of their bags ready to catch the transport home. Ice was already working on leave papers for the entire squad, knowing they all needed some time to heal, even the ones who hadn’t flown the mission. He was able to grant them all six weeks, and he was only slightly surprised when Mav followed through and submitted his retirement papers once home. 
It might’ve taken a suicide mission and a health scare to get them where they were, but their family was complete once more. They might’ve had a whole lot more of talking to do, but Bradley was home; Mav was home, and Ice couldn’t be more grateful. 
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obsolescent · 11 months
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All Are of The Dust - Part One
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Pairing: Leon Kennedy x GN!Reader
Summary: A decision to be made. What will your answer be? Two endings.
Content Warnings: Angst, mentions of abuse, gender neutral reader/no gender specified in this part, protective Leon.
Author’s Note: Who knew all I needed to get out of my block was to listen to Ethel Cain while writing. This has a lot of angst, my apologies. I hope you enjoy.
Words: 2,384
Read on Ao3
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“All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again.” —Ecclesiastes 3:20
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He finds you under the magnolia tree. The scent of the flowers lazily sweeping through the humid air. You’re staring up through the branches into the muted sky. Arms crossed over your chest, you would think he was attending your funeral with the blank expression paired with said pose. A thought he hastily dismisses, he sits at your side, not willing to break the silence, waiting for your words. “He said somethin’ ‘bout you today,” you start, not moving or breaking your gaze with the heavens. “Let me guess, low-down bastard? Not worth two cents?” Leon replies, taking his Stetson off and laying down, turning onto his side to face you. “...Accusin’ me of sleeping with you. Said I was a whore. I’m ‘fraternizin’ with you’.”
His eyes widen, a scoff leaving his mouth. “The hell’s he on about now? Always pointing a damn finger at one of us, we’ve been friends for ages now, since we were kids! God, I wish he would keel over already. Honestly, shouldn’t be too long now, he’s got one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel,” he bites, anger flaring. That gets movement from you, a rush of air leaves your body. “If only. Man’s probably going to surpass Methuselah in age,” you jest, finally glancing in his direction. Leon guffawed at the remark, freeing a smile from the restraints of your mouth. 
He understands the need of equanimity, due to the wretch that is your uncle. But, oh how he loves your smiles, with their rarity. Your laughter when it escapes you, also not something he hears much of anymore. He wished the accusations were true, but also so much more. To take you away from this God forsaken place to something you could both find solace in. A place the two of you forge together, a refuge from your short, yet dismal lives. From his time in the orphanage to yours under the weight of a miscreant relative. It’s time you two find lives worth living, serenity you've always longed for, to be free of the scrutiny from this abysmal town.
And he has their opportunity.
Leon gathered his breath and courage. “Hey. Got some excitin’ news…I got a real nice job offer, about a couple hours away from here. Was wanting to see if, y’know, you’d possibly…Come with me? You ain’t gotta give me an answer now, just…Pretty soon, alright?” Leon asked, his voice wavering. The small smile disappeared from your features, replaced by the widening of your eyes, mouth slightly agape. “You’re goin’?” You ask, turning onto your side to face him. “Well, I don’t wanna go without you…This would be yours–our–chance to get away from here. Doesn’t that sound good? Me and you, away from this hellhole,” He starts, reaching out but falling short of grabbing your hand. “Leon…” You whisper, voice faltering. “Hey, it’s alright! I know it’ll be a lot…But that’s why we’ll have each other for! I’ll be there with you every step of the way.” He says, trying to ease your nerves. “There’s also people like you there…People who feel like you. They’ve got lots of stuff they do there for people like yourself. Celebrations and whatnot. I’m sure you would make lots of friends…” He trails off, watching your face for a reaction, any reaction. “Please…Just think about it,” He whispers, heart stuttering in his chest.
He can practically hear the gears turning in your head. “Even if I did end up saying yes and coming with you, how would we–” “Night time would be best. No one in town’s prowlin’ around beyond 9 o’clock anyways. We could wait for sure, until we know everyone’s in, say, until midnight?” He cuts you off, seeming to already have this all worked out. You pause and stare at his face, glancing over his features, until fixating onto his cerulean eyes. Prettiest you’ve ever seen. “There’s something else, ain’t there?” He asked, furrowing his brows as he looked back into your own eyes. You snap back, starting, “I just…You’re doing real good for yourself, Leon, I don’t wanna trouble you.” You admit, laying back in your original position, returning your gaze to the evergreen again. “You won’t be a burden on me!” He rushes out, sitting up and leaning closer to you, making you jump at his sudden movement. “Sorry, sorry…” He mutters, moving back to his original spot, sighing. “I’m not asking for anything in return…Just your company,” he says, looking down at you. “That’s all…Honest. If there was something you wanted to do for me, well, that’s up to you to figure out, but I ain’t making you do anything.” He adds, hunching over to pick up and fiddle with a fallen leaf.
You’re quiet for a while, taking it all in. Weighing the options. Though, of course, Leon’s choice has the most appeal, regardless of the terrifying concept of having to settle into a new place, with new people, new…Everything. When you haven’t stepped foot out of your podunk town your whole life, it’s quite an unnerving thought. But it would be a whole lot better with Leon at your side. He makes you feel brave, even courageous enough to start standing up to your uncle. Though you won’t tell him that, lest you tell him about the retaliation that’s resulted in cleaning up the beer that’s run down the walls and broken glass shattered around your feet. It shouldn’t have to be this way. You wish, yearn, for things to be better. For this town to improve. No more alcoholic kin or hardened lives. To not have to flee in the night and hope it’s something better. It’s something else to pray about, you reckon. Pray to God that it’ll be what you both hope it is. Hoping His plan for you two is something that has a happy ending. Your stomach turns at the thoughts of the worst of the outcomes.
“Can hear the gears grinding in that head o’ yours, whaddya thinkin’?” Leon asks, glancing at you through his shaggy blond locks, hoping his phrasing makes the situation lighter. “A lot.” You answer, causing him to snort. He smirks, turning his head completely to watch you now, a faint smile on your face again. It seems to be working, thankfully. Now there’s no use in letting a good joke go to waste. “Well, don’t hold back now, you know I’m like a cornfield.” He replies, grin getting wider. “Huh?” You ask, furrowing your brows. “I’m all ears.” “God above,” you groan, throwing your arm over your face to hide your grin. He guffaws, slapping his knee. “That one was good and you know it!” He says, still chuckling. “It was…But it’s always good to hear your jokes, Leon, or anything you say, really.” You respond genuinely, giving him a sincere look. His laughter turns bashful, red slowly rising up his neck to his ears and cheeks. “Wow, uh, you sure do know how to flatter someone,” he says your name while grabbing his hat, paying special attention to the stitching. Glad to have gotten him off the subject of your thoughts, you sit up.
“It’s getting late. Gotta start heading back before the old man gets too suspicious,” you stand, brushing yourself off. Leon grunts, standing up himself, adjusting his hat unto his head. “I’ll be back in a few days, ‘m going to get stuff settled at the new place. That enough time for you to have an answer for me?” He watches you fix your clothing and hair back into place, his fingers twitching. “That should be enough,” You answer, nodding your head. “Alright, I’ll see you then. Take care of yourself, you hear?” Leon asks, walking closer. “Of course, Leon. You do the same, don’t get into any trouble while you’re gone,” you say, patting his arm. He hesitates, clenching his jaw. He’s grabbing your wrist before you step away. Pulling you into an embrace, his nose burying itself into your hair. “I meant it. Whatever you need, whatever I can do to make you the most comfortable, feel the most safe, I’ll do it. I care for you…I only want what’s best for you. Now that I’m old enough to, I want to make that promise. I promise to be there for you, always. To never let harm come to you, even if you say no to coming with me. I’ll be back each week to check in. I won’t…Forget you–” starting to choke up, he takes a deep inhale before continuing, “You’ll always be on my mind, you always have been. Since the day we met, from the school’s playground to us sitting under these trees. You never leave my thoughts. I just want you to know how much you mean to me.” 
You’re clenching your hands into his flannel. There’s so much you wish you could say. It’s begun to build up over the years. Unspoken words teeming at the surface, your affection almost suffocating you. Listening to his continued spilling of words, you release one hand from the fabric, feeling its way up his chest, his thudding heartbeat briefly felt under your hand before making its way further up to its destination. Finding its mark, his tanned cheek. You feel he’s also began to weep. He stops, shuddering at the feel of your skin on his. His own hand coming away from your back to cup over your own you’ve lain on his face. You two stay like that, for what seems like eons, both wishing it could be that long. Your own eternal peace with one another. You eventually lift your head up to meet his gaze. His eyes slowly open to see your own tearful stare. “Oh,” He whispers, his other hand not holding your own coming up, brushing away the wetness. His thumb drying the tears away, while feeling your features. So soft and warm underneath his calluses from his job out in the fields, tearing up the earth. ‘God, what I would do to wake up to this everyday’ he thinks to himself.
This close to him, you can see the sun kissed skin so distinctly now. The freckles and scars that dust his face. One mark in particular you’re familiar with, above his right brow. The one he got while climbing up that Crepe Myrtle, trying to get a certain bushel of flowers for you, barring you from climbing it yourself. Wise on his part, since he ended up falling out of it, earning that scar. It’s made more prominent from his tan. You brush over it and feel him shiver. He’s so sensitive to your touch…Do you have this much effect on him, like he does on you? It makes yourself shiver at the thought. With a faint touch, your hand travels down over his nose. Broken a few times in some scuffles, some in play, others in your honor. It occurs to you then, seeing that mark, the slightly crooked nose that those were because of you. You altered his body. You know he would gladly do it again and again for you, without question, and that scares you. You snatch yourself away, stumbling back into the tree’s trunk. Leon is staring at your withering form, wide eyed. “D-did I do something wrong? Did I hurt you, touch you somewhere you didn’t like? I’m so sorry–” “NO– God no. You didn’t,” You whisper. “What is it? Are you worried about touching me? Because you can touch me wherever, I don’t mind–""Leon.” You get out, wrapping your arms around yourself. “It ain’t any of that…It’s me. I’m no good for you.”
“What are you talking about?” He asks, walking closer to you. You try to take more steps back, the tree preventing you from doing so. You suck in air, trying to stifle the rising tears. “The scar above your eyebrow…Your nose…Broken a few times, all because of me. You’ve been hurt because of me. I can’t let you do that anymore.” Who knows what else will happen, especially in a new place, how much more harm would come to him. You’re staring at the ground, knowing if you meet his eyes, you’ll crumble. “I did all that because I wanted to, for you. I’d do it all over again too, without question. I promised you that I would protect you, keep you safe, no matter what. I Intend to keep all my promises to you. But don’t go cold on me, don’t push me away, please.” He begs, bracing himself against the tree with one hand, the other laying lightly on your forearm. “You don’t know the depths I’d reach for you,” he whispers, leaning in, brushing his head against yours. “Why?” You ask. He remains silent, his touch wavering on your arm, jaw clenched. “If I told you, it would probably change your answer…So, you think about it for a few days, and let me know what you decide. Then I’ll tell you.” He finally replies, voice wavering as he pulls away. He takes a few steps back, allowing you space.
“...Alright.” You answer, standing upright, lowering your arms back down to your sides. You keep your eyes firmly on the ground. You have quite a few questions for him, but you feel like you won’t be getting much else from him. “Hey, look at me,” he whispers. Finally allowing yourself to wash your gaze over his features once again, seeing his sad eyes, sad smile. “Three days, and I’ll be back. Now you think long and hard about it, and you get back to me with that answer, you hear?” You nod. “Okay,” he confirms, before turning and starting to walk away. “Leon!” You shout, walking forward a few steps. He turns his head, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “You be careful, you hear?” You tell him. He closes his eyes for a second, opens them, and smiles. “Okay.” Turning back around, his form slowly being swallowed by the trees.
You stand there until he’s no longer distinguishable from the foliage.
Straightening your clothing and hair once again, you start in the opposite direction of Leon, making the trudge back home.
Three days.
You hope you have an answer for him by then.
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cainluvr69 · 6 months
Surely, We Can Make Miracles Chapter 16
Previous Chapter
Shino: Heath. Has Vespa told you anything?
Heath: Yeah. I think I…sort of have an idea of what happened at the bottom of the sea now. Vespa, this is the dragon, right?
Vespa: …! …!
Heath: And these are the mermaids… And this is Balthazar, the tyrant that trapped the mermaids?
Vespa: …! …!
Shino: I get it. So this Balthazar guy locked up half of the mermaids. The sea dragon was originally your friend, but when Balthazar showed up, he allied himself with that guy instead.
Vespa: …! …!
Shino: (So we gotta exterminate a Northern wizard and a dragon. Time for me to make a name for myself. I can't wait to get out there.) (…is what I'd like to say, but our teacher isn't acting like himself, and none of the Northern wizards are around.) (Which means our firepower amounts to me, Arthur, and Nero…and Cain, I guess?) (If things don't go well, I've got a feeling the battle is going to end up hinging on me…) (I'll go to the wizards' market in a bit to make sure I've got everything in order first… What will we need to take on the ocean?) (Lennox… His magic is weak, but he's still strong. He's probably fine, but…) (There's also Shylock and the twins to think about…)
Heathcliff: Is there a particular reason you only drew Balthazar's face and nothing else about him?
Shino: Isn't she just slacking off? I'll draw the body.
Vespa: …! …!
Shino: Ow, hey! What are you getting mad about? I'm not just gonna scribble something.
Faust: Has Vespa told you what happened?
Heathcliff: Mr. Faust! Yes, I've got all the important parts.
Faust: Good. Summarize the highlights for me. We're going to go consult with Figaro.
Heathcliff: Alright. Shino, Vespa, I'm going to be leaving for a bit.
Shino: Gotcha.
Vespa: …
Shino: …Hey. You've been staring at Heath this whole time.
Vespa: …
Shino: You can't do that.
Vespa: …?
Shino: Heath's nice, and he's beautiful. I completely understand falling for him… But he's the son of a big-name noble. One day, he's gonna be the lord of a castle even bigger than this one. Weirdos like us can't be traipsing along after him.
Vespa: …
Shino: … …Yeah, I didn't think you were gonna say anything. It's fine if you like Heath. I'll be cheering for you.
Vespa: …! …!
Shino: Now what are you drawing. This is…me?
Vespa: …!
Shino: And this is you?
Vespa: …!
Shino: And this is… Ahaha. What's this supposed to say? Both you…and I… Aren't weird…
Vespa: …!
Shino: Both you and I…and Heath… Are you trying to say he doesn't think we are, either…?
Vespa: …! …!
Shino: …You're right, Vespa. Thank you…
Nero: The people in the castle are all in a tizzy, too…
Borda Castle Servant: Princess… I mean, my lord! The island residents are approaching the castle. The area around the gate is in chaos. Are we to receive them or turn them away?
Dianne: I know! Give me some time!
Borda Castle Servant: You said that earlier as well… Lady Dianne…! …Ahh…
Nero: What's up? She's the current lord of the castle, ain't she?
Borda Castle Servant: Th…this is, well… You see, Lord Sage's Wizard, the Merchants' Guild and the island residents are frightened by the ongoing incidents, and have come to call upon the castle for aid… They are awaiting the lord's answer, but she has yet to decide what to do…
Nero: …The residents are worried, too. Make 'em wait too long and that worry is gonna turn into panic.
Borda Castle Servant: As you say, sir… Perhaps the role of lord is too much for the princess who used to be called cry-baby Dianne…
Nero: Cry-baby Dianne?
Borda Castle Servant: My apologies. There's no need for me to be regaling our guests with stories like this. Sigh…
Claudia: I'm sorry she's causing you so much trouble. I'll speak with Dianne.
Nero: Good plan. Ask her about these mysterious disappearances, too.
Faust: Figaro.
Figaro: Faust…
Faust: We know the person controlling Lennox's body. The Northern wizard, Balthazar. It's probable that he appeared in the waters here around the same time as <the Great Calamity> started drawing closer. He's taken over the mermaid society here and kidnapped residents of the island. He's using a sea dragon for his purposes, too. It seems like he's also got an unhappy past with Shylock, and… Figaro?
Figaro: …Yeah, I'm listening.
Faust: You are aware that he's taken over Lennox, right? Your friend. I plan on heading to the bottom of the ocean. I have no illusions about being able to defeat a dragon, but I'm not just going to let Leno's head get taken.
Figaro: Yeah, true…
Faust: …"Yeah, true"?
Figaro: Ah, no! I'm really listening to what you're saying. I'm just thinking about things…
Faust: … …No, I'm sorry. I know that what's happened to Snow is weighing on you, too.
Figaro: Faust… I'm sure you're just as upset about your dear servant being taken.
Faust: Of course I am. I plan on tearing the culprit limb from limb. Not that Lennox is my servant anymore… But there's still no one with as pure a soul as his. Aren't you angry about what's being done to him?
Figaro: …
Faust: Figaro?
Figaro: Well…
Faust: Lord Figaro.
Figaro: Yes.
Faust: Look me in the eyes.
Figaro: Okay…
Faust: Why aren't you looking at me? What aren't you telling me?
Figaro: …
Faust: (…He always possessed such a sense of dignity in the past, but now, it's possible for him to look this weak…) (I wonder if I just never noticed before.)
Figaro: …It's my fault.
Faust: Your fault…?
Figaro: Well, it's my and Oz's fault. We stole Balthazar's territory and drove him West. That was when he turned into a thorn in Shylock's side. And now, he's causing problems for Lennox…
Faust: …
Figaro: I'm sorry he got wrapped up in all of this.
Faust: Then you do know Balthazar. Like what kinds of magic he can use?
Figaro: Only what he used centuries ago.
Faust: Then tell me. You can't leave Snow's side until morning, right?
Figaro: Hold on… This is a Northern wizard we're talking about. One that's got a dragon in tow. Are you planning on fighting a dragon?
Faust: Lennox and Shylock are in danger. I'd be happier if we had the Northern wizards backing us up on this, but…
Figaro: …What to do… This is because I crossed the line with Mithra…
Faust: Crossed the line? About what?
Figaro: …
Faust: …Why aren't you saying anything? Why didn't you immediately tell us everything you know about Balthazar? Do you not want to save Leno? Is there more you're keeping quiet about?
Figaro: I do want to help him! It's just… I've been…running away from something I should've been facing. From who I used to be.
Faust: … I'm still running. Thank you for speaking with me.
Figaro: …You're not going to keep yelling at me?
Faust: The Northern way of living is different from my own. As someone who's never lived that prideful way of life, I have no place to blame you for how you lived. But…
Figaro: But?
Faust: I also spoke with Rutile and Mitile. They're beside themselves over Lennox. If you're going to apologize to anyone, apologize to them.
Figaro: You're right…
Faust: I will bring back Lennox… I'll bring back your friend. No matter what methods I have to use to do so.
Figaro: Faust, wait. If you're planning on going alone, I'm going to stop you. You need to cool down and go with the others.
Faust: …I'm perfectly calm.
Figaro: You absolutely are not. Ever since we reunited you've been willing to mouth off and tell me you'll kill me or curse me…
Faust: I… I'm deeply sorry about that.
Figaro: But you really meant it when you said you want to rip him apart. The blood's rushed to your head.
Faust: …
Figaro: Lennox isn't only yours anymore. He's everyone's comrade. Everyone wants to save him, no matter how dangerous it is. Rely on your comrades and students. I'll talk to Mitile and Rutile, too. I'll tell them I'm sorry for being why all of this is happening. And I'll ask them to help me, too.
Faust: … …Alright. Thank you for the advice.
Figaro: I'm the one who should be thanking you. Faust… I don't have a very good impression of the ocean. Be sure to keep your guard up.
Faust: I will. But, Lord Figaro. Have you ever looked at the ocean after a storm has passed? The moonlight makes a path on the water. I'm sure that path will guide us to victory.
Riquet: What's wrong, Oz? Why are you gathering the Central wizards? Do you have a plan for rescuing Shylock and Lennox?
Oz: … I have something I wish to tell you all.
Arthur: …
Oz: There was once a Northern wizard who held quarrel with me, named Balthazar. I had thought I had turned him to stone, but I failed to finish the job. Balthazar has used Lennox's body to spirit Shylock away, to the ocean floor. I have heard there are a dragon and many mermaids also under Balthazar's command. I should have been able to bring this to an end by my own hand. But as it stands, I presently cannot use magic.
Cain: Even with the Sage around?
Oz: …The Sage called the dragon their friend.
Riquet: The one that was flying in the sky? So it really wasn't a bad dragon after all.
Arthur: A bad dragon?
Riquet: The townspeople were afraid that the dragon was going to attack the island. But if it's a friend of Master Sage, then it's a good dragon, yes?
Oz: This is not a matter of good or evil. The dragon very nearly killed Snow. Snow and White killed the dragon's brother.
Riquet: …Oh, no…
Oz: But the Sage called the dragon their friend. I will not force them to harm their friend.
Arthur: Lord Oz…
Oz: You also called the rabbits I caught for your dinner your friends, and wept for them…
Arthur: I didn't think you'd want to talk about…the past, Lord Oz…
Oz: …I never said I wanted to. There are many things that I wish I could forget, or that I had never known in the first place. However… I cannot feign ignorance if all of you are to be caught up in it. Arthur, Cain, Riquet. I am sorry for involving you.
Arthur: Lord Oz…
Oz: Arthur, Cain. I intend to free Lennox and Shylock from Balthazar's control. Will you aid me in this?
Arthur: Yes!
Cain: Of course. Let's all work hard together! Oz… I never imagined that you of all people would ask us to help you. It's an honor. Thank you.
Oz: You are a person I can rely on. Riquet. You will stay here, in the castle.
Riquet: But…
Oz: Figaro and Snow will be remaining here. I believe Mitile will do the same. Are you aware of the events that have been occurring on Borda Island?
Riquet: Yes… A pillar of fire rose up from the edge of a mountain at the southernmost part of the island. Mitile, Rutile, and I all saw it. The townspeople were trembling with fear.
Oz: It is possible that Borda Island will become a target while we are at the bottom of the sea. As Figaro needs to continue Snow's treatment, he alone remaining behind will not be enough.
Riquet: …I understand. So we need to protect the townspeople if anything happens, right?
Oz: Will you?
Riquet: Yes.
Oz: Ordinarily, I would not be asking such a thing of a wizard as young as you. But I have faith in you. Are you nervous, Riquet?
Riquet: A bit… But it's fine. I will help you. Thank you for talking properly with us. If you are willing to speak so openly and need my strength… Then I will always, always give it to you. If you can say "I'm sorry" and "thank you" properly… Then I will accomplish any task you place before me, no matter how difficult.
Oz: Riquet…
Riquet: After all, that's what I'm here for.
Oz: …I'm sorry.
Riquet: You're supposed to say "thank you" here. Come on, say it.
Oz: Thank you.
Riquet: Ehehe. Prince Arthur, Cain, please do your very best and save Lennox and Shylock. I'll be cheering you on from here!
Arthur: Yeah!
Cain: Just leave it to us!
Mitile: …Leno was captured by an evil wizard…?
Figaro: Yes… His body has been taken over. Shylock was spirited away by the same person, and we don't know where he is right now.
Rutile: Oh no… How could this happen to him…
Figaro: I kind of…well, some stuff went on between me and the wizard in question back in the day. He hates me for it. And Leno and Shylock got caught up in all of this because of it, too.
Mitile: How could anyone hate you, Dr. Figaro… He must be a really terrible wizard. You only do good things, Dr. Figaro, unlike those Northern wizards. Even if your jokes go a little too far sometimes…
Figaro: Yeah… …No… I was in the wrong this time. I'm pretty sure I was. It's no wonder he hates me, really.
Mitile: Really…?
Figaro: Yeah…
Mitile: …
Rutile: …Is it not possible to apologize and try to make up with him? A relationship crumbling because of arguments is always a tragedy, so if it's possible…
Figaro: Yeah… I feel like it might just piss him off even more, but the next time I see him, I'll try to apologize…
Rutile: …I'm sorry. I don't even know the details of what happened between the two of you, and yet I still tried to butt in…
Figaro: It's fine. Thank you for trying to come up with a solution instead of getting mad at me. Mitile, I want you to stay here. Rutile, do you think you could go with the Eastern wizards? I think Faust is going to be looking for Leno. I'd like for you to help him out.
Rutile: Of course. I'll do my best to make sure we get Leno back safe and sound.
Figaro: Thanks. …I'm sorry. I'm causing problems not only for Lennox, but for you two, too.
Mitile: No… It's fine.
Figaro: Mitile…
Mitile: It's like, how can I put it… You've never really let us do much for you…
Rutile: Now that you mention it…
Mitile: So getting to actually do something for you is making me a little happy.
Figaro: …
Mitile: If I meet this wizard, I'll be sure to tell him all about all your good parts, Dr. Figaro. Maybe he'll get angry about it, but… I want to tell him about how kind you are, about how many patients you've saved… That's how I feel, at least.
Figaro: …Mitile… …Goodness, really… Really, why did I do those things before we ever met…
Rustica: Murr.
Murr: Rustica, Chloe.
Chloe: Are you still mad?
Murr: Huh? Me, mad? Was I angry?
Rustica: Yes, you were. In fact, I was quite startled to see you angry, Murr. And so I fell for you even more.
Murr: Ahaha! I love the two of you, too.
Chloe: I love all of you, too! I don't know if we can beat that Northern wizard and a dragon, but we're still always going to be Western wizards. That's what Shylock taught me. Passion is what's most important for Western wizards. And my heart has been repeating something to me, over and over, as passionately as it can. "There's no way we're letting Shylock get taken like that." So, we've just gotta go and get him. I'm scared… And I might try to run away, but…
Rustica: That's just fine.
Chloe: Yeah…! I believe in everyone.
Rustica: If you've got that settled, then it's time for us to talk strategy with Master Sage.
Heathcliff: How did the strategy meeting go, Mr. Faust?
Faust: We're going to save Lennox and Shylock. We're also going to look for the cintamani stone of medicine to neutralize the poison in Snow. The stone in question was given to Melissa, the Western witch who wanted to find the end of the ocean, though…
Shino: Hey, Heath, isn't that…
Heathcliff: Yeah, it's pretty similar to what Vespa told us, I think…
Nero: What d'ya mean? Lemme see what she drew.
Heathcliff: Here… I'm pretty sure this is a drawing of a sunken ship… Balthazar is making the mermaids search for somewhere similar to this drawing.
Shino: Isn't that backwards? One of the mermaids must have found this place, and Balthazar wants to know where it is, too.
Faust: Which means their side is also looking for the cintamani stone…?
Nero: Hey, miss mermaid. Do you know where this is?
Vespa: …! …!
Heathcliff: Her right hand!
Faust: You know where it is?!
Shino: I wonder. She seems so confident that maybe she doesn't. Earlier she said she could draw a crab, but it didn't look like one at all… Ow, hey, don't bite me!
Heathcliff: (She reminds me so much of Shino…)
Nero: (She's super Shino-like…)
Faust: (How very Shino of her…) Can you lead us to this location?
Vespa: …? …!
Shino: She's tilting her head while raising her hand.
Faust: Nero does the same thing when he's making a guess during lessons.
Nero: Then you really don't know where it is?
Heathcliff: What she does know will make our search a lot easier than trying to comb the entire sea when we don't have any landmarks to guide us. Can you lead us anyways, Vespa?
Vespa: …! …!
Heathcliff: Thank you.
Faust: Nero, what's the status update on Claudia and Dianne?
Nero: Well, I wanted to talk to Dianne, but she shut herself up in her office.
Faust: I see…
Nero: As for Claudia, she's helpin' out with whatever she can. She says it's 'cause she's Dianne's aunt.
Faust: Nero. Do you think you could stay in the castle, too?
Nero: With Riquet and Mitile?
Faust: Yeah. To be honest, losing you as part of our firepower will hurt, but… According to Rutile, things are pretty on edge on the island. There's also the chance that Balthazar might attack the island. Snow and Figaro will both still be on the island, but they're not going to be able to do anything if something happens.
Nero: … Sure. I getcha. I have stuff I wanna ask Claudia anyways.
Faust: Thank you. Look after Riquet and Mitile.
Nero: Yeah.
Heathcliff: …I'd feel a lot better if we had the Northern wizards here too, given the state of things…
Shino: They're so impulsive. I heard they got in an argument…
Nero: … No… They'll come. They know when they're needed.
Mithra: …
Owen: …
Bradley: …
Next Chapter
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tadcccallmyocs · 3 months
Bring back Tether part 2
Tether and Ashrani were still sitting together when the Portland opened again, and an orange furball rocketed through the portal and slid across the floor into the opposite wall. Ashrani hid behind her interdimensional sister as Tether stood to confront the strange presence.
Tether "wh--Who are you?"
Totes "Urk, that was worse than Caine's teleporting-- I'm Totes. And you must be Tether."
The ferret-person stood up slowly, looming taller than anyone Tether or Ashrani had ever seen. Needless to say, they were both intimidated. In spite of the newcomer's goofy smile.
Tether "h-how do you know my name?"
Totes "Well, it's a long story... one we don't really have time for right now."
Totes then reached for the zipper at the base of their neck, unzipping it to reveal a mostly empty pocket in their chest. It looked big enough to fit a person inside-- which, to Tether's horror, was the plan.
Totes "Alright kid, get in! I'm taking you home marsupial-style!"
Tether: "n-No way!"
Tether backed away from the strange animal, remembering her parents warning about going off with strangers. Besides the general bad vibes, this person reminded them just a bit of Jax between their toothy grin and mammalian appearance. She put on her brave face-- the one that was color-inverted-- and further confronted Totes.
Tether "Why should I trust you-- I've never met you before! Why would my parents send you, of all people?!"
Totes took a moment, smile falling away as they came up with an answer that would prove their intentions.
Totes "Well in truth it wasn't your parents that sent me... it was your best friend, Harley."
Tether "Then I don't-- did you say Harley?"
Tether's expression turned, and in doing so they notices that Tote's had also changed-- their serious expression had a touch of sadness to it.
Totes "Yeah, she's real worried about you. Every one in your server is, by the looks of it. Zooble was a bit too busy beating the [#$ಠ⁠益⁠ಠ!%] out of Caine for porting me in instead of you, so I went ahead and sent myself here. Which sure, maybe not the best idea, but how many servers have people with names that start with T? I have no idea what that chatterbox was thinking--"
Tether "Ok fine-- I believe you."
Tether gave Ashrani a quick goodbye hug and then climbed into the ferret's pouch. Once they were fully inside, Totes zipped the hole closed.
Totes "Ok, get comfortable-- oh, and if you find any chocolate bars in there, don't eat them. It's uh... mushroom-flavored."
Tether "Eww! Why would you have mushroom-flavored chocolate?!"
Totes "Well the flavor isn't really the selling point-- oh, here we go, portals activating! Hold on Tether!"
There was another lurch of teleportation, and once again Totes was standing in front of the same mix of half and full strangers. Kinger's finger was still pressing the recall button.
Kinger "Ah--! Sorry, wanted to see if it worked. Guess I pressed it too soon..."
Cathin "well at least you bring the guy back... but not the child"
Zooble "Where's my child, weasel?"
Gangle "Oh no, did you not find her in time?" Gangle asked, tears welling up from her eyes.
Totes "Relax, your timing was perfect-- and I'm a weasel of my word!"
Totes unzipped their pocket, and inside was Tether-- dazed from the teleportation, but fine.
Tether "h-Hi everyone. I'm really sorry about disappearing like that--"
Harley "TE-TE!"
Totes "Whoa!"
Harley didn't wait for Tether to get out of Totes, tackling both to the ground to hug her friend. Soon Zooble and Gangle joined in, and it became a group hug.
Harley "I'm so, so, SO glad you're ok! We were so worried when you started to abstract!"
Tether "y-You were?"
Gangle "Of course we were-- we love you Tether."
Zooble "You're still grounded... but, I'll count the days you were gone."
The hug may have went on forever, but then Caine hovered over.
Caine "Harley darling, your enthusiasm is delightful-- but it seems to have been a bit much for our new friend!"
They glanced over to Totes who-- between the disorientation of being recalled and the fall-- was out cold.
Harley "Oops... sorry."
Jax "Great, we're stuck with the weasel for a while.”
(totes and this writing is made by @enby-denby, this Collab has come to an end thanks to @spookykittyzzz to be so awesome to made this arc possible and I hope some of you have questions like Harley and Tether know what abstraction is or more things let me know have a nice day)
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hopeaterart · 2 years
Samus & Zero Suit Samus (I don't know if they separate codecs between the two)
(They are separate calls, but I'll do both here anyway. If someone asks for Pyra and Mythra, I'll do something similar. But otherwise, please only ask for one character at the time)
Ku: I seem to be fighting an orange android with an arm canon. Sending a visual, footage and analysis.
Toffee: The canon is your main threat here, obviously, as it seems able to fire numerous types of projectiles, but it shouldn't be too hard to... I'm detecting a heartbeat. This is probably a cyborg of some kind.
Ku: Uh. Pretty extreme mods, then.
Wizard: The database says this is Samus, a bounty hunter from space. What you see here is her in her power suit, that's all.
Ku: Is she an extra-terrestrial?
Wizard: No, but she was raised by them! The Chozo, more precisely, a race of bird-like warriors and sages. They raised her from toddlerhood, after the space colony she lived on was razed by Space Pirates.
Toffee: Culturally, wouldn't that make her a Chozo anyway?
Wizard: I don't know enough about Chozo culture to answer that. Point is, there's a human under that armor, so don't be too rough on her!
Ku: Will do.
Ku: I seem to be fighting a very strong gymnast. Sending a visual, footage and analysis.
Toffee: Avoid her whip pistol, that thing is at least partially magnetic and your insides are mostly lethal. This said, she should be easy to take down considering the lack of any real protection, and... those readings are familiar... Samus!?
Ku: I though Samus had an armor.
Wizard: This is Samus without the armor.
Toffee: Why would she take off her armor!? This would be like Ku intentionally going into a dangerous missions with only their electric pulse equipped!
Ku: I mean, I could do it. If I wanted to challenge myself.
Wizard: Well, maybe Samus wants to challenge herself by taking Ku down without her power armor? Or maybe she just forgot to put it on before coming here. I mean, it's not like I don't forget stuff, sometimes. And it does say in the file that her pistol is an emergency one.
Ku: It's a pretty good emergency pistol. Reminds me of Cain's whip.
Toffee: Well then, you know not to get hit by it. Still, you should be able to beat her easy, considering she put herself at a disadvantage.
Ku: I guess? I'm gonna need to catch her first.
Wizard: Good luck!
Ku: Thanks.
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benefits1986 · 5 months
YE Countdown 2023: Lessons from Gen Alpha and Gen Z Goslings
Let's try giving "Lessons from Geese" an update it deserves, shall we?
One of the first things I vividly remember back in Leon Guinto days is the session in Marketing 101 staged by my second dad. Back then, I'd nonchalantly listen to his mentions about Katips, his alma mater. Honestly, I found it trivial because he's housed in Taft Likod or Taft Tabi-tabi. He's fond of using terms like Jesuits and angling it toward his dry humor about Benedictines.
However, his deep dive about "Lessons from Geese" caught my usually bored self. It was rather long and a bit too poetic and unapologetically philosophical for a class that's right after lunch time. Though I knew I wanted to ace this class since it's my major, this particular session turned my grade-focused existence to my yearning to be under his wing. I guess it's the pivotal moment when I wanted and needed him to mentor me. Check the full document here --JICYMI, this may give you more context about what I'm talking about. ;)
You see, I am fully aware that schools and any social spaces are not just about grades. Mother Dragon said that it's always important to get to know how any situation, any person, any conversation and all things in between should enable me to bring a lesson I can use as I go through life. She didn't mention anything about getting a 1UP based on status or title. All she wanted me to do is to go beyond the medium to masticate the message as I come up with a derivative that would allow me to learn from other's mistakes and milestones. She reminded me passionately about this a little too much, but, I knew that the wild child in me had to whacked in the head a little too much to let her message rise from the noise and the clutter.
This holiday, I spent a whole lot of time with my Gen Z 4th anak-anakan and her three Gen Alpha siblings. I wasn't expecting anything from this long holiday leave as I planned a very detailed Iloilo & beyond trip. This "coming home to ina's house" is easily the longest time I've stayed here. This time around though, this stay is the most intentional that's not too focused on averting a family matter that matters most. This time around, it's my homecoming to heal the wounded healer in me.
I actually paused as I plugged in the previous sentence. This statement made my insides swell with nostalgia that's like a really deep, dark chocolate with Level 5 matcha laced with vanilla.
I've shared that I love interacting with Gen Z and have been wondering how Gen Alpha would come in the picture. And then, poof. Here we are! I'd like to list down some lessons that aim to marry a classic and an upcoming school of thought, because we're weird that way, yes?
(I'm kind of excited because postmodernism is a staple in my book, however, I seem to have too little time to indulge in it. Perhaps, this is a good start as I fine-tune my slants, writing-wise.)
#1 Before the "V" formation comes the battle of the egos and the "lost in translation" phase.
I used to be so irritated when I see Gen Alpha get too physical and too graphic when they have sibling rivalry. While I know so well that sibling rivalry dates back to Cain and Abel, this generation is off the roof. They don't murder each other literally, however, they indulge in really cutting words tripled with bloody punches, bites and the like and are teeming with hate that makes my empath aura bleed so badly.
However, I've tried using lines like "You hate your sister? Did you know that love and hate are the same? Love and hate are both energies and you just choose one each time you talk to your sister."
Gen Alpha and Gen Z are already loaded with biases based on their algorithm, their digital and analog selves along with the influence of millennials, Gen X and boomers as the supporting characters in their avatar-filled his/herstory.
Their comments, questions and answers are too personal and at times, unforgiving. However, it's their way of asking for help about managing their one too many biases that they're yet to test out and figure out.
#2 Flying alone is a choice and shouldn't be antagonized. However, choosing to fly with a group is also a moral obligation.
Speaking of the avatar-filled digital and analog selves of Gen Alpha and Gen Z, I strongly feel and think that this generation's silent pandemic is the managing being alone, feeling alone and thinking alone.
I really can't imagine how the lockdown mutated their genes and impacted their spheres mentally, physically, emotionally and the list goes on and on and on.
Social awkwardness in these two generations is more pronounced; however, these generations ache for connections that are both digital and analog --no in between, no but's, no if's.
I've seen how my Virgo Baby Girl (VBG) cousin indulged in really, really bad tantrums that made my boomer dad unleash his boomer parenting without the belt slash or hanger flyer. LOL.
I've come across this random parent who shared that moody kids like hers are usually overstimulated, overwhelmed and yes, may well be overreacting. She also recommended giving hugs and words of affirmation a good try. Her comment section exploded and when I scanned, the netizens are both hating and loving her content piece.
And so, since I'm a fan of social experiments, I tested this hypothesis on my VBG in the light of trying to up my ante as a progressive millennial Tita. The reason is that VBG is too similar with my Virgo Baby Brother (VBB). LOL. It's me trying to see a quantum jump of some sort, too. Back then, I was too tough love on my VBB, and this time around, I'd like to be a bit better to him through my VBG interactions which are still calculated risks because I'm not always out of Manila. :p
Most importantly, hugs and words of affirmation combo is my waterloo. I'd want to try making it a waterWOO this 2024, because, late is better than never ever, right?
The first time I hugged and affirmed my VBG was when she's about to burst. As a recovering overthinker, I cling to my people watching skills to detect when's the best time to jump off the cliff. LOL. Akala mo naman napaka hirap, but, that's how I egg roll. CHOZ. It felt weird then wonderful. Kaya ko naman pala e. She didn't reject me vehemently, but she pushed back, obviously. There goes, my ugh vibe when it comes to being rejected. But, mature roles era na tayo, so, I hugged her again. This time around, she didn't bulldoze me. Instead she rested her head on my chest. Chest pa talaga, mhie. She just stayed there and I tried super tiny words of affirmation na gentle and no bashing. HAHAHAHAHA. Again, bloody baby steps po kasi nga, I'm not exactly in my element as an ember girl.
Milestone ko when she didn't clench her body and hugged me back. OPAK. Real quick naman din pala e. WOOT. WOOT. Tacca. Kaya naman pala e. You know what's even better? When she was dressing for our luwas to Manila yesterday, she asked me to tie her hair using the pink big bow I gifted her. She even told me that she'd use the water bottle I gave her even when she has one too many Aquaflasks na. HUHUHUHUHU. Ang babaw ko talagang tao. But wait, there's more, she showed her wrist to me and proudly said: "Ate, we have gold and silver bracelets. Look." LUH. Syempre, wala akong comment kasi caught off guard ako, so I just said OK. Did you know? OK is my word of affirmation, believe it or not. Ang lala ko 'di ba? I'm the type kasi who's always saying no and I don't care, literally and figuratively.
Happy to share that she had ZERO tantrums kahapon so we managed our super duper limited time in Manila very wisely. Hihihi.
#3 Rest is not for the weak, but rest if meant to strengthen your flying performance and stamina.
Gen Alpha and Gen Z have sleeping problems that may be worse than the previous generations. I think this is anchored on synchronous and asynchronous communication.
The gift and curse of being the multi-hyphenated generation is off the roof. Again, millennials are trying to live vicariously through these generations. I've seen Kumon top tier kiddos sleep and snore like adults hustling and working so deeply. I've seen the defeated cries of kids losing a super "wala lang" game in spite being Top 1 in class across all subjects. I've seen kids fear rivers because they don't look like pristine chlorine-filled pools. I've seen kids try posing as grown ups even when their drips don't fit their vibe and mood.
NKKLK. And so, when I interface with my Gen Z med student cousin, I try my best to be gentle and firm. Bashing and crashing and limited time love language namin, pero when she shared, "Ate, ang gusto ko lang naman in life, 'yung kalmado naman. Ayoko na nga sigawan na walang tigil. Bingi na nga ako e." It felt so graphic and true. Kaya, 'di man ako kalmado, eto na tayo sa ultra femme era natin. I don't know if I can wing it, pero OK. OK. Hahahaha.
Rest is something that ALL generations lack. Choosing not to rest seems like a mortal sin to this population. However, as a recovering burnout bitch running on adrenaline addiction x anhedonia mash up, rest is integrated in all my flows. Hindi siya madali. Hindi siya part ng sistema ko. Hindi siya nakakakalma, however, rewiring your totality is integral in all spaces and places you go to.
Huminga. Kumalma. Magpahinga. Then, saka ka balik-sabak na. GAH. I miss my home buddy tuloy sa work RN. HUHUHU. Alam mo 'yung sobrang simpleng feedback niya na kahit ang kalat ko talaga nitong Q4 2023, he tells me na 'yung tip ko na huminga siya in between his lines sa reporting, gamit na gamit niya. Not always pero a good number of times. This Gen Z is teaching me na it's OK to be gentle and firm. HUHUHUHU. OK. OK. Shemay, kamusta na ba sila? But, wait, kalma. Magpahinga. Huminga.
#4 Encouragement is both a blessing to the healing ones; and may be a loud senseless honk or curse for those who are yet to see and feel that they're badly wounded.
Another lesson I'd like to overhaul about the geese is the HONKING to keep the "V" formation pop and fly high. LOL. Eto na po tayo sa highly polarizing bit ng piece na 'to na napaka haba. Gawin ko na ba 'tong thesis proposal? Hahahahahaha. Gusto comm-focused e. CHOZ.
There's encouragement that's called for and uncalled for. Gen Z and Gen Alpha don't like to be scolded and honked at. LOL. That's the other thing that seems crass about these new generations; however, honking is kinda outdated when I revisited these geese lessons.
How so? Honking may be intrusive and kinda condescending. A honk is usually loud and triggering. A honk is typically making you jump, like that of a bike or car honk, right? So, what?
Instead of honking, I picked encouragement as a better alternative so it's more empathic and inclusive. Encouragement is something that should be used and not misused or abused. Gen Z and Gen Alpha already are in deep pain points that have not existed since The Land Before Time Era. (OA ko na naman, pero I want that graphic reference right here and right now e.)
I am trying to be more encouraging and taming my wild horse while at it. Gen Z and Gen Alpha are generally not afraid to ask for help, however, the manner they ask for help is something that I'm learning as it is not the same as the older generation. They usually lambing to say they are in trouble. They usually go offline when there's something bothersome. They usually mask their depression with fancy and fluffy stuff. It's kind of the same with millennials, but not quite.
#5 A damaged geese either dies or lives. It's all about how the perspective of the geese who help the wounded PLUS how the damaged geese perceives it.
Lastly, the circle of geese and the depth and stamina of that circle defines the life and death of any damaged goose. I view asking for help as a demerit. Ang lala natin talaga. But, what I'm painstakingly learning is that asking for help is a choice. People who help are also making choices. It's not about wala na lang silang maggawa kasi kawawa ako. LOL. Milestone achieved. Akala mo again kung anong napaka profound learning, ano po? I won't say sorry kasi akala ko talaga tama 'yun e noon e.
The quality of your circle of control is also impacted by the quality of the people you cling to as you try your best to control your circle of control. Read that again and again. When you're in a chaotic space and state, it really is a plus to have people who believe in you no matter what. 'Yung tipong won't baby you pero medyo delulu levels ng tiwala sa'yo kasi kaya mo naman talaga... sabaw or traumatized ka lang talaga. Or puwede rin namang wala sa mood. LOL.
Help is a two-way thing and multi-faceted as well. Hindi siya one-sided lang featuring nangaabala 'yung kabila so walang choice 'yung naabala. I guess, this is my first time to ask for help na taos-puso tulo ang uhog at dugo era ko. HAHAHAHA. As a recovering wone wolf, this is always a coliseum for the mere mortal me. However, OK OK OK na, I am giving this a really good try and nag-start na ako.
Gah. I started this at around 430 AM and I just finished. Daming hugot-lagot niyan? LOL. Maybe, I just love the sound of my suking electric fan on a balmy Thursday morning with the pitter-patter of soft rain coupled with soft glowing ambient lights na walang maingay. Add queen sized bed and the chirping birds, too. Ah, provincial life. Sa Year 41 na tayo mag-tuos sa araw-araw. Piliin ko muna 'yung good fight sa araw-araw din, because, the best things take time and sanay naman ako maghintay kahit impatient ako.
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bobwess · 2 years
All my SPN art/fic prompts in one place:
Updated whenever I add a new art prompt on twitter.
-Sam "accidentally" gets Dean a matching tan trench coat to wear with his fed outfit on a case with the three of them.
-Cas is hiding a cat in the bunker, and incorrectly thinks he's being sneaky enough Dean doesn't know.
-Cas in casual flannel hunter attire.
-Sam teaching Jack (And a reluctant Cas) how to ride a bike while Dean helps (heckles) from the sidelines.
-Charlie dressing up Cas with the intent of dragging him to comic con.
-Dean asleep on Cas’ lap on Baby’s hood under the stars.
-Cas burning breakfast while Dean hovers despairingly.
-Cas, Eileen, Dean, Jack and Sam go bowling for a case, but end up really enjoying themselves.
-Dean working under the hood of the impala, explaining shit, while Cas just looks more confused than he ever has in his life.
-Jack got hurt doing something with Dean they for sure shouldn't have been doing, and Dean is trying to help him patch up before Sam or Cas can see them and find out.
-Dean laughing his ass off while Cas is struggling/stressed stuck in one of those paper finger traps. (Bonus: Sam in background like "You could literally just break out of that...")
-Dean curled up on his bed watching Jeopardy and guessing all the answers, unaware of Cas just watching him in awe as their arms lightly touch.
-Eileen and Cas excitedly comparing knife fighting styles.
-Sam gives Cas a guinea pig.
-Cas and Dean back again on that dream dock from season 4, just chillin'.
-Cas rescues and relocates all the poor abandoned beehives Cain left behind when he died.
-Cas washed his tan coat with a red towel and now is stuck with a pink coat. (Bonus: Dean thinks this is the funniest thing that has happened in recorded history. Cas is confused/alarmed by his reaction.)
-Dean using a reluctant Cas in place of an engine hoist.
-It's Chuck's season 15 "The Trap" predicted future, but Cas shares the mark with Dean and they both get buried in that Ma'lak box together.
-Dean napping in a hammock in the sun. Cas is in an Adirondack chair reading a book.
-Dean teaching Cas how to tie a tie for the first time.
-Dean and Cas in the back seat of the impala, huddled together for warmth as a snowstorm that stranded them rages outside.
-Dean going alone to bury Benny's body in his old grave after Benny decided to stay in Purgatory.
-Cas putting his coat around Dean's shoulders when it is freezing cold. (Bonus: Eileen offering Sam her coat when he is freezing cold on a hunt.)
-Dean struggling inside with groceries, pizzas, AND rare magic relics because he refuses to make 2 trips.
-Charlie giving Cas advice on how to woo Dean based on the flirting techniques Dean taught her when they first met.
-Dean collecting different blue ties whenever he finds one that catches his eye and sneaking them into Cas' drawer when he isn't looking. -Sam finds the bloody handprint jacket and tries to be helpful by washing it and has to comfort Dean through one of the worst panic attacks of his life.
-Dean looking at a string of unanswered texts to Cas after he told Mary to leave during the BMoL drama, trying to convince himself he's not desperate enough to use prayer.
-Bobby gives six year old Dean a stuffed animal, and he cries because he hasn't had one since they burned in the fire. (Even though he tries to insist he's too old for one.)
-Random SPN art/fic prompt: Dean packing up the like five personal items Cas had in his bunker room after "Despair" and finding the picture of him (both of them?) in a cowboy hat.
-Dean takes Cas to buy winter gear so he blends in during a case at a ski resort. "Dean... I don't feel the cold." "You're going to look like a lunatic. Put on the damn hat."
-Newly human Cas frustrated that he consistently loses one sock in the dryer EVERY time, but it's just Dean stealing his socks to fuck with him.
-It's the episode Moriah, but Dean actually DOES use "The Equalizer" on Jack. (Right in front of Cas and Sam.)
-Jack is going on a date. Sam, Cas, and Dean each give him some advice one on one. The advice is progressively worse from each of them.
-Dean quietly struggling but doing his best to learn ASL using youtube videos after Eileen is back.
-Sam walks in to find Dean two feet away, staring into Cas' eyes, tears streaming down his face, hands clenched in agony. Jack is watching.
Sam: "Staring contest?" Jack: "Yes." Sam: "Dean... you know he doesn't have to blink-" Dean: "SHUT UP I'M GONNA WIN."
-John gives Dean the impala and he is so excited for like .03 seconds before he realizes his dad is leaving him too.
-Dean goads Cas into helping him move everything in the bunker two inches to the left while Sam and Jack are gone. Sam is annoyed but Jack is wildly disoriented and concerned.
-French Mistake universe Jensen/Jared return to their lives to find most of the crew dead and their credit cards maxed out.
-During the weeks Dean spent looking for Cas in purgatory, Dean prays to Cas every night. Until one night he decides it's not worth it.
And Cas spends all night worried Dean died, until Dean resigns to starting up again the next night.
-It's "Carry On". Cas slips away from heaven and cuts out his grace, planning on living out his life with Sam and Dean. He's fully human. He gets there just in time to meet Sam. On his way back from the barn. Too late. Dean's gone.
-Jack moves back into the bunker and adopts another snake. It escapes and Cas and him look for it for hours.
They find the snake on the kitchen floor with Dean standing on the table trying/failing to look casual about it.
-Sam watches Cas make and slide Dean a cup of coffee in the morning. "Cas, why do you always make Dean a cup of coffee in the mornings?" "I like the taste of coffee." "You never make yourself a mug-" And realizes and Dean is just dying.
-After his wings are restored, Dean has Cas fly him back in time just so he can purchase a replacement of that wine colored carhartt shirt his loves, because it's discontinued.
-They're not together yet. Dean comes home to find a single rose in his room, like Cas was going to give the manager from Heaven Can't Wait. Only Cas could have left it. Bonus: This idiot can't figure out what it means.
-Post Despair, Sam walks by room 7b one evening and overhears Dean inside. He sneaks a peek and Dean is just sitting against the wall, eyes closed, bottle in his hands, "telling Cas" about his day.
-It's not that Cas CAN'T fly, it's that it'll burn him out with the rest of his grace and he won't survive it. They're surrounded. Cas grabs his hand and it's over before Dean even knows what happened.
-It's Tombstone, but it's not Cas. It's just a shapeshifter or leviathan. Dean doesn't test him and gets himself killed, from his brief perspective, by Cas' hands.
-Jack starts flying Cas around as often as he can because he notices Cas misses being able to fly badly.
-Dean never wears sunscreen because Cas always just heals him at the end a long day outdoors. The first outing after Cas is human Dean gets the worst sunburn of his life. Bonus: Sam made sure Cas wore his sunscreen, so he's fine.
-Cas returns to the bunker s15 after Mrs. Butter's leaves. Jack is distressed that Cas missed it all. The first night when everyone is asleep Cas finds Jack in the map room with an un-carved pumpkin, a poorly wrapped Christmas gift, and a smile for him.
-After Cas is taken by the empty and Chuck is defeated, Dean can't bring himself to talk to Sam about it. He ends up going to Jody and breaking down, telling her everything and letting her comfort him.
-Charlie dresses up Cas as the 10th Doctor for Halloween ("You basically already dress up as him anyway!") and afterwards Cas won't wear anything BUT converse.
-Cas comes back to the motel room to find Kaia with a salt filled shotgun aimed at Dean. Claire is painting his nails while Dean looks ready to murder everyone in a five mile radius.
-Sam, Dean, and Cas trying to walk on a frozen pond and none of them even halfway have their footing.
-Season 8. Dean for some reason ends up hunting, like ACTUALLY hunting deer. Things go wrong and then worse. Dean ends up disarmed and running from an angry territorial buck. Cas straight up has to fly in and smite a deer for him. (Prompt by Matt)
-"Goodbye Stranger" but Cas doesn't break out of it in time. He just stands there after it's done, expecting it to reset like it always does in the warehouse. Another death. A new Dean. Except it never does. He comes back to himself and it's too late.
-Cas' bunker closet consists of one tan coat, a suit, three blue ties, a single pair of shoes, a sentimental cowboy had and thirty seven old band shirts he's stolen from the back of Dean's closet when he's not looking.
-Dean keeps putting "kick me" post-it notes on Sam's back and Jack and Cas keep just obeying them because they don't know not to. Bonus: Eileen figured it out a long time ago, but thinks it's even funnier than Dean does.
-Cas starts entering Dean's dreams like he did with the dock in season 4. He helps Dean fight back the nightmares every night while he sleeps.
-Dean burns both of their cowboy hats when he can't have a proper pyre because The Empty didn't leave him a body.
-Set in the episode "Carry On". Sam having to pull his brother's boneless cooling body up off that nail. Having to drag him out and cover it. He's never built a pyre alone. He's never been the one to wrap the shroud. And he's never burnt Dean before.
-Sam drags Cas and Dean out to investigate a case at a resort, but there is no case, Sam is just forcing Dean to take a god damn vacation the only way he knows how.
-Human Cas, established Destiel. 
Dean notices Cas buys this fruity strawberry shampoo, and he hates it. But seeing it's what Cas likes, he buys it next time they’re out. 
Cas notices Dean buys this fruity strawberry shampoo, and he isn't a fan. But seeing it's what Dean likes, he buys it when they run out again.
Sam snuck the shampoo in there to fuck with them.
-Months after the empty took Cas, Dean has to move Cas' truck. When he turns it on, THE MIX TAPE™ is playing. Dean barely keeps it together.
He needs a distraction, maybe something with Sam. He opens his computer and searches. A pie festival. Perfect.
-Claire calls Dean and prays to Cas individually for backup on a case. When they get there she locks them both in a warded closet and tells them they can't come out of the closet until they 'come out of the closet'.
-Dean's Birthday: Cas surprises him with a Betta fish and Dean has literally no idea what to make of it.
-Dean's birthday: They host a surprise party for him, but he has the reflex reaction like being woken up in Tombstone.
-Dean's birthday: He's turning 12 and they're at Bobby's and he's making sure it's the best he can manage.
-Dean's birthday: It's the year Sam is away at college. His dad is hunting separately. He is alone.
-Dean's birthday: Dean walks into an utterly destroyed bunker kitchen and is presented a plate of cookies by an excited and flour covered Jack. (Bonus, Cas helped and is somehow more of a mess.)
-Dean's birthday: Cas/Sam/Eileen/Jack are all celebrating with him at a diner.
-Dean's birthday: Cas gives him a mixtape.
-Dean's birthday: Crowley sends some sort of clearly thoughtful but wildly demonic present to his doorstep.
-Dean's birthday: He's choppin off vamp heads, blood flying, wearing a blood splattered birthday hat.
-Dean's birthday: Dean comes home to find one of every type of pie that can be bought laid out across the map table with like 30 cans of whipped cream.
-Dean's birthday: Cas and him sitting, watching the sun set. "Was it a good birthday?" "It was."
UPDATE: As the number of prompts has now exceeded 300, they can be found in this google doc list instead.
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
Hear me out on this please
TADC crew x itward like reader
If you want to ignore this request you can I totally understand lol
TADC cast x itward type! Reader
Imma be so real with you anon originally I was gonna save this request for later since I have ZERO ideas (funny since fran bow as a game has had a choke hold on me since it released) but then I realized I can be evil and introduce people to the game
Anyways guys go play fran bow! Or better yet theres a full fandub, as well as several lets plays on YouTube!! I also recommend little misfortune as it's made by the same creators and takes place in the same universe!
Kind of wrote this as their general thoughts and dynamic with you since I struggled a lot with thinking of romantic stuff with them, especially with characters that I dont think would like. Be interested in characters like itward
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You guys. Can talk up a storm, I think. Literally it's just you two "interrogating" one another and learning more about each other. As scared as you are of the current situation at hand, you can't help but be intrigued by everything, including the self proclaimed ring master!
Curiosity is damned, damn you curiosity/ref
Your curiosity ends up with you learning as nearly as much caine is willing to let on about the digital world...
Two well dressed fellows, as well.. bonus if you have a red suit like itward so you kinda match with Caine
Caine loves watching you build your little machines, too, usually hovers over your shoulder
Sure you might not be able to fly away in a flying ship and return to the real world, but who's to say you cant make your own exit..? Possibly manipulate the code or something...! Sure you're main thing is machinery and technology, but theres usually some level of coding in there... so you and pomni team up to try to come up with a plan... honestly you probably lightly scold her when you find out she tried to leave, knowing ragatha needed help. On one hand you cant bring yourself to fully blame her, but on the other you would rather try to escape with everyone, you know? Pomni is sometimes put off by your odd nature, though... not enough to push her away from working with you though!!
You guys bond over your shared interested in sewing! You both make plushes! For you it's more so for gift giving, and for ragatha she does it to pass time! I like to think you guys both have nights where you just hang out, either in her room or yours, and just. Chat and sew! Probably finds your weirdness a little endearing in it's own way; afterall never once were you malicious, in fact you're quite kind to everyone around you and are more than willing to offer second chances even to those who dont deserve it. You and ragatha would be really good friends, I think!
Finds your weirdness a little annoying and he probably asks you a ton of stupid questions on purpose. Probably asks a stream of dumb ones before asking one he knows will peak your interest, but insist he needs to go do something when you start answering. That aside he has probably asked if you could build him a funky little gadget (that he totally wont use for mischief).. probably tries to get all buddybuddy with you because he knows you wont give it to him for the...actual reason he wants
You personally dont hate him, but theres no real solid friendship there I think
Ah, the two strange father figures! Both with funky interests; kingers is bugs and yours is forks! ....okay well it's hard to combine those two interest so I guess we can use a different one, mechanics! You've definitely made kinger wind up robotic bugs before, and the fact it made him happy makes you happy! You guys both have a habit of spacing out, though on different levels and for different reasons...you both mutually keep an eye on one another, though!
You've probably dreamed of building a flying machine and escaping this place at least once, leaving with kinger. Too bad the reality isnt going to be that simple.. besides you'd bring everyone with you anyways
honestly they get annoyed how sometimes you dont give direct answers and be vague when you're asked for a solution. It's not that you're trying to be malicious or incompetent, youre just trying to push for everyone to get creative and explore the world around them themselves, you know? Finds it a little off how you sometimes zone out, as if youre thinking about a dozen things at once... but nonetheless, zooble cant bring themselves to hate you. In fact you have this weird comforting aura around you.
Youre so so nice with her and always trying to build her up. And honestly I think that's so sweet. Hugs. Give hugs! Side note I bet itward gives the most comforting hugs so by extension the reader gives the most comforting hugs!! You're always there to stand up for her, too, when people *cough cough jax* are mean to her. You probably also try to helo her make a new mask... not like "oh you help her fix her masks" no I mean like you try to make her a mask that's made of a stronger material so it's harder to break
Honestly I cant see a romantic relationship between a reader like this and gangle, I personally see it more as close friends or even found family
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supercap2319 · 3 years
Tricks and Treats
A/N: I was inspired by @davidlikesboys02’s story, Sweet Tooth, that I wanted to create one too.
Pairing: Parker Caine x Male reader
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“I’m telling you, Mags, this look isn’t for me,” Y/N says, frowning at his reflection in the mirror. He was dressed like a firefighter, only he didn't have a shirt on leaving his bare chest exposed. The stupid costume only came with suspenders, pants, and a hat.
His sister was hosting a Kappa Halloween party here at the house tonight and Y/N opted on staying in his room until it was all over, but Maggie wouldn't hear of it. She wanted to push her brother outside of his comfort zone and what better way than to mingle with people at a party? She was dressed in a purple ball gown, a star tiara on her head.
“Will you stop fussing? You look fine, and every guy and girl tonight is gonna think you look like a snack in that getup,” she smiles. Y/N rolls his eyes. “Like Ava Max says, ‘“I'm not a bite, I'm a five-course meal.’” Maggie scoffs. “You have got to stop listening to her music. She is so not.”
“Yes, she is.”
“Fine, whatever. I'm not letting go downstairs dressed as Pikachu, that practically screams “‘virgin.’” Y/N frowned. “But I am a virgin.”
“I know that, and you know that, but the people at this party don't need to know that. Okay?” Maggie says. “Besides, it's your chance to look sexy and show off your body.” Y/N shook his head, “I don't want to show off my body, I want to keep it hidden,” Y/N tells her.
Maggie sighs in defeat. “Just try it out and if you're uncomfortable later on, then you can change, alright?”
Y/N nods his head in agreement. “If anyone tries touching my chest I'm kicking their ass.”
Macy, Mel, and Harry walk through the front door, as Y/N and Maggie come downstairs. “You guys,” she says with a grin. “I’m pretty sure Martha Stewart is a witch.” She twirls in her gown and smiles as they stare at her in shock. “Y/N what the hell are you wearing?” Mel asks, taking in her brother’s appearance. He blushes and before he can answer; Maggie interrupts him. “He’s a sexy fireman, who’s gonna get laid tonight.”
“That wasn’t the plan,” Y/N said.
“You invited Gavin behind my back,” Macy says, looking at both Y/N and Maggie. Y/N shook his head. “It was Mag’s idea.”
“What? I wanted to surprise you.”
“Do I look like someone who enjoys surprises?” Macy asks.
“Okay, I know. Boundaries. But hear me out,” Maggie starts. “I was thinking about this whole Harbinger thing and-“
“-No, you weren’t,” Mel says
“I so was.”
“And I thought to myself, "Maggie, why walk around campus handing out one cookie at a time when you could invite 200 people here and test them out all at once?" Maggie rants.
“So this has nothing to do with your sorority?” Mel asks her.
Maggie bites her lips, “Well, I mean, coincidentally, it might keep me from getting kicked out of Kappa, but that's just the icing.”
“The cake is totally for you guys. Because I so want to help save the world.”
“As much as I hate to say it, it's not a bad idea,” Y/N says. “We could rule out most of the Greek system in a matter of hours.”
“And I'm guessing your precious Elders haven't come up with anything better?” Mel asks Harry, a smug look on her face.
Harry looks at all four Charmed ones and sighs in defeat. “Very well…”
“As long as we stay on task, and remain vigilant. There's no telling when the Harbinger might strike.”
The party is in full swing after just a few hours. People are dancing to the music, drinking skinny margaritas and eating the cookies Macy made. Y/N can feel both guys and girls looking at him as he walks by with a tray of cookies. He's really glad that he can levitate instead of reading minds like Maggie. At one point he sees Macy dressed like Judge Judy, a few minutes later, she's dressed like a Greek Goddess. Later on, the four witches find out the Harbinger is hunting virgins to strengthen its vessel. Y/N feels a bit nervous as he goes to get ingredients for a protection spell.
Y/N goes to the cabinet and uses a step stool to reach the ingredients. He searches for dried sage, which is a little high for him to reach. He tippy-toes, trying to reach the ingredient, but the stool tips over, and Y/N falls. He probably would have hit his head, but strong arms caught him. Y/N looks up to see a guy wearing sunglasses staring at him. “Woah, talk about falling for a guy,” Y/N chuckles nervously.
The guy chuckles too. “You okay there, Mr. Firefighter?” The guy takes off his sunglasses and Y/N recognizes him as the guy who helped him at the diner this morning. “Uh, thanks to you, again.”
“Right place, right time,” the guy smiles. Y/N blushes a bit. The guy is really handsome. “I'm Parker, by the way. Parker, Caine,” Parker says, holding out his hand for Y/N to shake. “Y/N Vera.” Parker grins. Y/N looks down at his boots, then back up. “I was just grabbing a drink. Can I pour you one?”
“I'm actually kind of busy with something right now. But catch you later, Officer?”
“Yes, sir,” Parker salutes. Y/N smiles before walking away.
Parker watches him leave, a smile on his face.
The protection spell doesn't work since the Harbinger is already inside the house. “What are we supposed to do?” Mel asks. “When you want to lure a shark, you don't use live bait,” Macy says. “You chum the water.” She takes a needle from hair. “Great. But where are we gonna get our hands on virgin blood?”
“Right here,” both Y/N and Macy say at the same time. They both prick their hands before smearing the blood on a nearby tree. “Y/N you're a virgin?” Mel asks. “Yeah, so?” Mel holds her hands up. “Nothing. I just thought that you and Chris had gone all the way before he cheated on you.” Y/N shook his head. “I told him that I wasn't ready yet, and I'm pretty sure that's why he cheated on me. Because I wouldn't put out.”
“I'm sorry, honey,” Mel says.
“It's alright, that's the past,” Y/N tells her. They lure the demon to a binding circle, and they discover that the vessel is Angela Wu. During the spell Maggie's powers act up. The demon turns to Y/N and Macy. “Y/N, Macy, run!” Harry says. Y/N and Macy take off into the forest as Angela chases after them. “Macy, hide. I'll distract her,” Y/N says. “What? Y/N she's too powerful. She'll kill you.”
“No, she won't,” Y/N says as Angela charges towards him, her pale white face glowing red. At the last second, Y/N levitates into the air and kicks her in the head. She stumbles back a bit but looks more angry than hurt. She charges again, but Macy telekinetically moves a tree branch to distract her. The two hide behind a tree as Angela comes around the other side, but Maggie hits her with a tree branch.
The demon quickly gets up to attack the three witches, but Mel utters a dangerous spell, “Solaris incantatio!” The spell works but knocks everyone off their feet and Y/N stops breathing. “Y/N!”
“Harry, please do something! He's not breathing!” Mel says. “Oh, God.”
“Y/N?” Maggie whispers, seeing her brother unconscious.
“Let's just hope it's shock,” Harry said, holding out his hand to heal Y/N.
“Please, this is not happening,” Mel begs.
“Y/N, come on,” Macy says.
Y/N wakes up gasping for air. He looks around wildly. “What happened?” he asks. “You almost died,” Harry says. “Yeah, well what else is new?” Y/N jokes.
“I am so, so sorry. Will you ever forgive me?” Mel asks.
“You did save mine and Macy's, life, so I think I'll let it slide,” Y/N grins as his sisters hug him.
Maggie, Y/N, and Macy did damage control since Maggie reversed her glamour spell. People were leaving the house, and Macy ran into Gavin, before kissing him. Y/N smiled happily. Maybe he should try that with Parker. He just needed to find him first. Good thing Y/N’s costume was store-bought, so he still had it on.
He saw Maggie talking to Lucy. Y/N rolled his eyes, she was so annoying. He caught the last bit of their conversation about Maggie becoming a Kappa. Both girls squealed and hugged each other. Y/N smiled. His sister had wanted this for so long, and now she had it. His smile widened even further as Parker walked towards them.
“Oh, Parker!” Lucy said, as he handed her a drink. “Baby. Uh, this is the girl I was telling you about.” She said, taking a sip of her drink. Y/N's smile faded as he realized what was happening. Parker wasn't single. He had a girlfriend.
“Parker, meet my favorite pledge, Maggie, and her baby brother, Y/N. Maggie, Y/N, meet my boyfriend, Parker.” Parker glanced guiltily at Y/N, who looked absolutely crestfallen. “Hey, Mags, I'm gonna go to bed, already,” he said, trying to keep his voice from cracking.
“Y/N are you alright?”
“I'm fine,” even though he wasn't. Y/N walked up the stairs and to his room with his head hanging low and his heart crushed. He cried a good five minutes before he heard a knock at his door. He tried to dry his eyes, as he answered the door. He expected Maggie to be at the door. She probably knew something was wrong with him and wanted to check on him, but it wasn't her. It was the last person Y/N expected. It was Parker.
Y/N immediately tried to close the door, but Parker stuck out his foot, blocking the door from closing. “Go away, Parker, I don't want to see you,” Y/N told him. “Y/N, please just let me explain,” Parker pleads.
“No! And I never wanna see you again!” Y/N tries again to close the door, but Parker is a lot stronger. Y/N sighs. “Parker, what do you want from me?” Y/N is so confused. Why was he being so insistent? “A chance to explain, please?” Parker says. “After that you can kick my ass out if you want.”
“You’ve got two minutes.” Y/N told him.
“Y/N I know we only just met, but I haven’t been able to get you out of my head,” Parker says. “There’s something about you that I can’t explain, but I like it.” That normally would've made Y/N blush, but he was too upset to feel embarrassed. “Is that before or after you realized you had a girlfriend?”
“I know it looks bad, but I mean it when I say that I like you. I’ve never felt like this about anyone before,” Parker said. “Is that what you tell all the suckers who fall for you?” Y/N asks him. “Is that what this is Parker? A stupid joke on a poor guy that you and Lucy can laugh at later after breaking his heart?” Y/N feels tears threatening to spill. It was stupid. They had only just met and Y/N feels like he’s liked Parker for a long time.
“No, Y/N, it’s not like that at all,” Parker protests. “What can I do to convince you my feelings for you are genuine?”
“I’m not sure there’s anything you can do, Parker,” Y/N says. “Maybe you should just-“
Y/N is cut off by soft lips being pressed against his own. At first, he’s too shocked to do anything, but let it happen, a few seconds later Parker pulls away. He looks at Y/N’s shocked face, a shy smile on his lips. “Did that convince you?” He asked. Y/N licks his lips, tasting Parker on them. Only later would Y/N realize that a demon’s kiss was addictive.
Against his better judgment; Y/N leans up to kiss Parker, and the taller boy leans down to meet his lips with his own. Parker cups Y/N’s face with one hand and snakes his other around Y/N’s waist. His bare chest touching Parker's clothed one. Y/N tugs on Parker's shirt, as the other boy parts his lips with his tongue and kisses him deeply. Y/N moans against his mouth as the two part away, slowly.
“What about Lucy?” Y/N says, a blush on his face, but his eyes are shining. “We're over,” Parker says. “I’ve found someone even more amazing.” Y/N smiles a bit, as they kiss once again. Looks like this Halloween party was a good thing after all.
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thanksjro · 3 years
More Than Meets the Eye #33: In Which I Write the Word ‘Quantum‘ 19 Times
Dang, I forgot what happened at the end of the last issue. It was pretty important, too, but I don’t have time to reread. Maybe the establishing shot can help me out?
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Oh, that’s right, Rewind happened!
Everyone’s pretty jazzed that Rewind is here, non-exploded, and supposedly alive. Megatron carries this ridiculously small man over to a table, while Skids is busy admonishing Nightbeat for trying to put the pieces of this mystery together.
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That’s one of the two first canonically, openly gay Transformers, Megatron. You bet your ass he’s important.
Nightbeat’s dragged Nautica over to look at that poster for Crosscut’s play they saw last issue. Together, they discover something interesting, and it’s not that Nightbeat’s chin has elongated to the point of absurdity. On this future ship, the play was completed and produced a mere few weeks after the initial launch of the Lost Light.
While this is going on, Rewind wakes up and asks Skids what the hell is going on. Skids, likely not wanting to poke at farm-fresh trauma, glosses over the fact that everyone on this ship was violently murdered, and that they found Rewind blacked out inside the hollowed torso of his brother-in-law.
…This is a dark story line.
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You see, the joke here is that “Dark Cybertron” sucked major chrome.
Megatron reminds everyone that they’re still in grave danger every moment they stay aboard this ship, but Skids is more concerned with Rewind’s mental health. Which is sweet, but maybe not the thing to prioritize in such a precarious situation.
Rewind takes the fact that Megatron is an Autobot now pretty friggin’ well, as well as the introduction of gender into his species. That is, until Nightbeat, the king of social graces, saunters up to the scene to ask Rewind what the hell happened to the ship. He does get his answers, despite Rewind being horrified to the point of speechlessness.
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Over at the hole in the wall, Nautica and Riptide are taking a gander at the quantum drums, which house the quantum foam for the quantum engines so quantum jumps can happen.
As Nautica explains the process by which quantum travel works, she realizes that the answer to what happened to everyone who disappeared was right in front of them this whole time.
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Quantum, quantum, quantum- doesn’t even sound like a word anymore, does it?
The data slug Rewind made corroborates this theory, showing a series of events that definitely didn’t happen to the Lost Light we’ve been following throughout this story so far. The data slug contains this Rewind’s version of dead Rewind’s “Little Victories”, the travelogue that was never completed, where the question “are you happy?” revealed just how emotionally unhealthy most of the crew is. I’d like to imagine this Rewind’s film is called “Small Achievements”, or perhaps “Dear Fucking Lord, We’ve Been on this Trip for Three Hours and the Captain Has Been Killed by a Goddamned Soul-Vampire”, or maybe even “Where the FUCK is Our Therapist”.
The DJD came into the equation by way of someone having led them to the Lost Light. We get a flashback panel of the gorefest, in which Tarn appears to have learned how to fly, given the angle he’s coming from.
Because Rewind’s big thing in this series is being the guy who records stuff, the DJD take the opportunity to make some movies of their visit to the space yacht.
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James, why do you keep getting Rewind involved with snuff films? I’m starting to get concerned.
Now, the thing about Rewind is that he’s almost always accompanied by his other half. Where is Chromedome, anyway?
He’s dead, that’s where.
Turns out, when you tell the DJD that you won’t do the thing they want you to do, they have a habit of doing nasty things in retaliation. Chromedome got stabbed in the friggin’ visor with his own finger needles, because Vos enjoys ironic deaths, I suppose. There’s some other stuff that’s implied to have happened, but we’ll get to that once we learn a little more about the DJD themselves.
While Rewind recounts the grisly tale of his husband’s demise, Riptide notes that the quantum foam has begun to spread at a remarkable rate. This is a bad thing, because that shit can and will explode, given half the chance, and this wreck is floating right above a potentially-inhabited planet.
Though I could have sworn we established that this planet was a Smartplanet, and therefore very much populated by students and staff. I don’t know. Maybe we conveniently forgot that, so we could make this a learning moment for Megatron.
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Jiminy Christmas, Megs, do you even listen to yourself?
Skids, who has had a very long day of finding corpses and learning about quantum theory, snaps at Megatron, telling him that in order to actually be an Autobot, you have to have a little frickin’ compassion for those outside of your peer group.
Which is sort of contradictory to the Aequitas trials, the Killswitch debacle, the POW situation back on Cybertron, and whatever the fuck Prowl’s whole deal is, but maybe Skids is speaking about his own, personal relationship with being an Autobot. Hopefully so, otherwise he needs a class on critical thinking, STAT.
Never mind all of that though, because the problem just got a lot worse- the quantum foam has expanded to a point where any holes in the stuff are too small for the Rod Pod to get through. We’re going to have to get creative if we want to save the day.
Luckily, we’ve got a quantum duplicate of just about the tiniest little dude in the franchise here to do the job. Now we just need another, equally tiny little man, so the quantum drums can be shut off at the same time. Nautica commits more microaggressions, and this gives Getaway inspiration for a witty quip, which in turn gives Skids a brilliant idea.
The gang heads down to Brainstorm’s lab, to look for the mass displacement gun that was used for treating Ultra Magnus’s nanocon infestation back in the 2012 Annual. While they search, Nautica explains just why the hell the Lost Light disappeared in the first place. You see, quantum duplication acts on the Cain Instinct— it’s fine, as long as the duplicates don’t perceive each other. However, the moment contact is made, it says “oh man, guess I’m gonna have to end you” to one of the duplicates. The contact in this case happened when the Coffin Rodimus was brought aboard the ship.
Anything that wasn’t aboard the Lost Light at the point of the takeoff/explosion was never duplicated, and thus wasn’t erased from reality once shit started going to hell. This is why the Rod Pod is still around, and why the remaining cast are— well, the remaining cast.
While this conversation is going on, Nautica and Nightbeat uncover yet another dead body; it’s Brainstorm, and he’s a little underdressed.
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…Someone run a paternity test, I think Cyclonus might be the father.
Also, Brainstorm’s a double agent.
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Fucked up.
Getaway is furious that a Decepticon has been living on the same ship as him for the last six months, right under his proverbial nose. Even Megatron’s surprised, stating that Brainstorm isn’t usually who the recruiters aim for.
So, no mass displacement gun, and now they’re aware of the fact that there’s a traitor on the ship who’s had access to a LOT of weapon tech. It’s at this point that Megatron decides to stop lying by omission and tells everyone that he can mass-displace, since he used to turn into a handgun.
Smashcut to Megatron and Rewind floating out in space, the former now not much taller than the latter, as they traverse the web of quantum foam to get to the drums. Nautica instructs them from the Rod Pod. If this works, anything produced or connected to the quantum engine will be neutralized, and maybe we’ll even get the other Lost Light back! YAAAAAY!!!
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Y’all really let this man go out there to fuckin’ kill himself for the greater good, didn’t you?
Rewind is honestly pretty chill with ceasing to be, seeing as he watched 200/+ people die today, including his long-time spouse.
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Jesus. I’d say get him a therapist, but in order to do that, we’re going to have to wipe him off the map anyway.
Rewind asks Megatron if the Chromedome that isn’t his and his duplicate are still together. And I mean…
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Luckily, Megatron has the good sense to lie.
With that, they flip the switches, and deactivate the drums.
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And that’s a series wrap on Rewind! Congrats to Mr. James Roberts for the esteemed honor of burying the same gay twice!
Later on, everyone is back inside the Rod Pod, as their disappeared shipmates return from being nonexistent. Chromedome pops back in, and Skids is on him like a shark, telling him to go on the roof. Skids doesn’t even try to explain why. Which, fair. How the hell do you explain to someone that their dead husband’s quantum duplicate survived both a terrorist splinter cell attack, and the laws of quantum sci-fi bullshit crashing down on his tiny, tiny body, and that he’s right there on the roof waiting for them?
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Welp, there goes the Chromedome/Dominus endgame. Shame, that.
Looks like Chromedome finally hit the threshold for having earned Roberts’ pity, and won’t be directly targeted by the plot for a little while. This isn’t something you see very often, so let’s really soak this in.
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…Someone had to have told Rewind what happened to the other Rewind, right? I wonder what that conversation was like.
Back inside the ship, Blaster gets word that the Lost Light has reappeared. As they navigate towards it, Megatron requests that an encrypted call be made to Rodimus, to discuss the Brainstorm problem.
In the interim, Ravage is offered the opportunity to be a part of the crew, so he doesn’t have to keep skulking around in the shadows. We don’t get an answer from him, as our focus shifts over to Nightbeat and Nautica.
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Nightbeaaaaaaaaaat, stop stating the themes of the comic verbatim! People are going to start thinking you’re a shonen anime protagonist!
Nightbeat’s somehow managed to keep ahold of the briefcase that they found on the other Lost Light. Unless Brainstorm’s boyfriend is in there, I don’t think this one was the work of Huey Lewis and the News’ hit single from the Back to the Future soundtrack.
Over on the Lost Light, specifically in Swerve’s, Brainstorm’s making his way through the crowd, briefcase held gentle like hamburger as he goes. He makes it to the bar, where Atomizer tells him he can’t have his briefcase in here. Brainstorm has what most would accept to be a healthy response to being told “no.”
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It’s what I would do.
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What if hallucifer stayed with Sam throughout the whole show? What if cass didn't really fix the problem, but only took the pain away?
Sam walks out of that hospital knowing he's not alright. Knowing he's never gonna be alright. He gets into shotgun, dean smiling next to him warmly, Lucifer smiling at him from the back seat. Cold dead eyes.
Lucifer is there with him when dean and cass get blasted to who knows where. Crowley tells him he's all on his own, Lucifer laughs next to him.
He meets Amelia, but eventually she leaves him. He doesn't blame her, who would want to be with a guy who talks to air and barely sleeps? He starts drinking a lot after that.
Dean comes back, from purgatory apparently. He doesn't know about lucifer, Sam never told him, didn't want to make himself a bigger burden for his brother. So he lies, tells him he was with Amelia this whole time. Dean gets angry. Sam knew he would, but it's easier this way.
Lucifer is with him when they find the bunker, commenting on the ugly lamps. Sam snickers, dean looks at him weird, but doesn't say anything.
Lucifer is with him when he completes the first trial. He looks down to Sam who is covered in blood. He points to the dead hellhound. "I knew that one." He says. "Her name was Ashley."
Lucifer is with him when he goes to hell to rescue bobbys soul. "I did not miss this place." Lucifer whispers next to him. A shiver goes down Sam's spine.
Lucifer is with him when he's just about to finish the last trial. Lucifer always keeps quiet when Sam is completing trials, something about "purification." Sam doesn't really know, he mostly blocks him out.
He's there when dean comes and stops him. He's yelling at Dean, telling him to go, leave them. But dean cant hear him, he knows he cant hear him. Sam doesnt know why Lucifer even tries.
Lucifer is in the back seat of the impala when Sam wakes up. He doesn't remember getting into the impala. He remembers passing out in the mud in front of the church. His clothes are clean now though. Lucifer is quiet.
Lucifer has stopped talking to him, he just hovers now. It's driving Sam mad. He's not used to the strange silence, but he doesn't suspect anything weird until he starts losing fragments of his day.
He starts noting down time frames that he loses. He started when he was researching in the library at 2:45pm, blacked out, and came to in the kitchen at 3:14pm. Lucifer stays out of his way. Sam sometimes thinks he has a look of pity on his face, but that can't be right, can it?
Sam eventually asks dean about this. His brother just brushes him off. Lucifer continues to hover.
Crowley comes and saves him. Sam kicks the angel out. He opens his eyes to see Lucifer staring at his brother. "I guess sammy has a thing for kicking angles out."
Deans starting to get suspicious. Sam's zoning out more and more. Eyes glazing over as he just listens to Lucifer ramble on about nothing. About everything.
"You good Sammy?" Dean asks him one day while they're eating breakfast. Sam answers too fast. Dean only gets more suspicious.
Dean eventually finds out, Sam knew he would sooner or later. He finds dean with alcohol more often now. A look of guilt is permanently stuck on Sam's face.
"Its not your fault Sammy." Dean always tells him. Sam is finding it harder to believe him.
Sam zones out more often. The only thing that can bring him back is deans touch. Deans heavy hand on his shoulder bringing him back down to earth, grounding him. Deans always looking at him with this sad smile. Sam feels like he's failed him.
Lucifer is with him when he finds out dean got the mark of Cain. "Oh that's a nasty little thing." Lucifer comments next to him. Sam has taken to ignoring him, it eases deans mind.
Dean is getting worse and worse. And so is Sam. Dean is slowly losing care for Sam and he's not there for him anymore. He's not there to ground him, to pull him back.
Sam starts zoning out for longer periods of time. Dean doesn't seem to care, only rolls his eyes. Lucifer watches perched on a chair next to him. "Does big bro not love you anymore?" Sam flinches.
Lucifer is there when dean dies.
Lucifer is there when Sam finds the note. "Aww big brother left you." Lucifer laughs.
Sam is spiralling. Lucifer talks to him more and more as Sam searches for his brother. No-one is there to ground him anymore. No-one is there to help him. One day Sam accidently talks back to Lucifer. Lucifer looks shocked for half a second before that cold smirk comes back to his face.
"Its been years since you talked to me Sammy." Lucifer says one day as Sam is reading a book on demons. "I missed our little talks." Sam slams the book shut. "Shut up." He hisses.
Lucifer is right there as Sam ducks down to avoid the hammer. "I never knew why Alastair liked this one." Cass appears. Thank god. Sam falls back against the wall and helplessly covers his ears. He knows it won't block him out. "Sure he ripped apart a lot of souls in hell, but a hammer?" Sam hits his head against the wall. "Shut up shut up shut up." Lucifer laughs at him. Cass pays him no mind.
Lucifer is there when the darkness is unleashed. "Ooh aunty." He says next to Sam. Sam flinches, dean places a hand on his arm. All three stand there and watch.
"You know, I find it really uncomfortable that your brother has a thing for my aunt." Lucifer says one day. Sam looks him right in the eye. "Shut up, Lucifer." Sam hasn't looked directly at Lucifer for at least 3 years. Lucifer smiles coldly at him as dean walks up to Sam, worry and fear etched into his face. Palms out towards him like he's trying not to scare off a frightened animal. Sam doesn't feel too far off from that.
Lucifer is with Sam when he goes to see real Lucifer. Sam thinks he's going crazy.
"So, you're still seeing me huh?" Real Lucifer asks him. Sam sucks in a breath as Lucifer stands to the side of the cage. "Oh c'mon Sam. I've been inside that head of yours. There's nothing I don't know about you." Real Lucifer smiles down at him. Or is it fake Lucifer? Sam doesn't know anymore.
Lucifer is with him as he gets tourted by the British men of letters. Always sending words of encouragement, towards Toni.
Lucifer is sitting on the steps. "Ah remember our lovely time down under?" He asks, titling his head to get a better view of what the lady was doing. "Ooh blowtorch. You never did like fire huh?" Sam screams. He can bearly hear Lucifers laughter over his own screams of pain.
Dean comes and saves him. Hands all over him as soon as they're out. Lucifer rolls his eyes at them. "Mother hen." Sam tenses up.
Lucifer is there when their mother leaves them. "I guess everyone hates ya huh Sammy?" Lucifer smiles at him. Dean doesn't react, doesn't even look at him.
"Never did like the brits." Lucifer says one day. Sam smiles. Deans hands are on him straight away.
Lucifer is there when Jack is born. Lucifer is there when cass is killed. Sam thinks he's seeing double, two Lucifers talking to him at the same time.
One Lucifer stays with him, one goes with his mother. He's not sure which is which. So he asks. Lucifer laughs at him. Dean doesn't put a hand on him.
Dean always stands closer to him after that, he's always making sure that they're touching, that they're shoulders are brushing. Lucifer gets annoyed at dean. Tries to hurt him. Sam sleeps less and less, just in case, just in case one day Lucifer succeeds.
Lucifer sits right next to Sam one day, getting all up in his personal space. Dean isn't in the room. Sam silently sobs.
Lucifer is always hovering around Jack, making terrible remarks about the kid. Sam snaps one day. "Leave him alone!" Lucifer smiles at him, Jack looks up at him like a confused puppy, and dean is dragging him out of the room, his fingers digging into his shoulder blade.
Jack has started to avoid him after that. Dean tells him not to worry about it, but it breaks Sam's heart. Lucifer laughing at him for it all the time is not helping.
Lucifer is there when the vampires get him. Cheering to the side of the cave. And Lucifer is there when he wakes up. He didn't know that it was the real Lucifer.
Lucifer is with him when he makes it back to Dean, both of them. Sam only knows which one is real beacuse everyone is looking at that one. Sam feels like he's failed Dean, again.
Dean hugs Sam, but it doesn't feel real, it doesn't feel right. Lucifer pokes his blood caked neck, Sam jerks away from dean. Dean looks at him with heart broken eyes.
Deans hand is on him all the time now. Holding his arm, brushing their shoulders together. It makes Sam feel jumpy.
Sam makes sure Lucifer stays in this world. He doesn't know which one he trapped, but he hopes it was fake Lucifer. Real Lucifer is easier to deal with.
Lucifer is there when real Lucifer is killed. Sam smiles at him.
"So much for your win Sammy." Lucifer says one day while Sam is sitting in the darkness of his room. "Sure you killed me, but you lost your big brother." Sam wishes he could punch him.
Lucifer is there when Sam gets dean back.
Dean makes a comment on his beard. "Don't listen to him Sammy." Lucifer says as dean walks off. "I think you look good." Sam shaves his beard off after that.
Lucifer is there when Michael possesses dean again. He's laughing the whole time. Dean won't help him, can't help him. Dean is gone.
"Let him in the box Sam!" Lucifer suddenly snaps at him one day, making Sam jump. "Get rid of Michael!" Sam starts to cry. It's too much, not even deans touch is helping him anymore. It feels wrong, alien.
Nick attacks him, Lucifer is cheering him on. "Ah I wish he was my true vessel!" Lucifer exclaims as Sam's vision darkens.
Mary is dead, Jack is gone. "Bye bye mother Mary." Lucifer sings. Sam flinches, dean doesn't care.
"Oh so you can't put your brother in that box, but you sure as hell can put my son in?" Lucifer is yelling in his ear. Sam punches the air. Deans hands on him don't help.
Chuck comes back. Lucifer snarls at him, never stops yelling at him. It's hard for Sam to pay attention to anything, he can't hear anything over Lucifers yelling. Deans hand is on his shoulder the whole time, but he seems out of it.
Lucifer was quiet for a while after God killed Jack. Sam counts his blessings.
Lucifer is there when they rendered chuck powerless. He seems to have a grateful look on his face.
Lucifer isn't there when dean dies.
Lucifer isn't there when miracle dies.
Lucifer is there when Sam's on his death bed. He's standing in the corner of the room, arms crossed over his chest. He waves, and Sam's vision fades.
Sam's free.
Sam's finally free.
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astermacguffin · 3 years
Generally, I think there are three major interpretations of "Evil Deancas"—it's a term that we use interchangeably when we usually mean different things. (Although to be fair, these categories often overlap and are not mutually exclusive.) We can summarize these interpretations as:
1. Evil as in "These are bad people"
2. Evil as in "These people are bad for each other"
3. Evil as in "How bad can these people be?"
The First Interpretation
This is perhaps the easiest interpretation to pull off in fics because all you need to do is make one (or both of them), in a sense, a bad person. Arguably, they're already bad people in canon, but what I mean here is the "evil in a theatrical way" kinda thing.
Within this category, there are even more specific interpretations. They can just be fun and stupid ("haha we're murder husbands") or dark and sexy ("Dean and Cas become rulers of the Pit and they erotically torture others and each other"—and yes, this is a spinoff series for DTA, made by THEE author of DTA), or some combination of the two.
A version of this interpretation that I'm 50/50 about is when the writer makes one or both of them SO EVIL to the point that the only commonality between the canon and fic version of the characters is their name. Yes, it's fun to do, but it's also so easy to do because you can just do this to any other character. Like, what makes these characters Dean or Cas aside from name alone? It's not as compelling to me. (NOTE: This is NOT a value judgment and I'm not saying people should stop writing how they want. I personally enjoy these kinds of fics from time to time.)
This is personally where I would categorize most of the Demon!Dean/Mark of Cain fics I've read so far. What's interesting about this is that the First Interpretation often entails the Second Interpretation (e.g. due to Dean being Like That, he ends up being bad for Cas as well), but not necessarily. Let me elaborate on this in the next part.
The Second Interpretation
This interpretation is the one that I personally think yields the most Destiel content. (Yes, they can be bad for each other even as friends, but if you're reading/writing deancas fics then chances are that you don't read them as a platonic relationship. Just a guess.)
I think this interpretation is at its most powerful when it's aiming to tease out and address the toxic aspects of Cas and Dean's relationship in canon. What's fascinating about this is that you don't even need to put them in canon world to do this; I have read many AU fics that meaningfully tackle their issues just as well as (and sometimes even better than) fics in the canon world. (Yes, I know they can be toxic. I've seen it; I enjoy it.)
Depending on how well the writer understands these characters, this interpretation can either go very well or very badly. There are three versions of this: 1) Dean is bad for Cas; 2) Cas is bad for Dean, and; 3) They are bad for each other. Which of these three you will focus on will ultimately depend on what you are trying to achieve in your fic. Often, I find that fics like this function as in-depth character studies as well. This makes a lot of sense, considering how the conflict in these fics are often internal more than external.
There are generally two paths that you can take with this. You can either take the angsty path where they just end up not being together, or you can take the Angst With A Happy Ending route and make them work their way into having a happy and functional relationship. (I'm personally a big fan of the second one.)
The Third Interpretation
This one is very unique because it often draws power from either of the first or second interpretations. Notice how this interpretation is phrased as a question and not a declaration. This is because fics like this often deal with answering questions.
The point of these fics is to explore not how bad they already are, but how bad they can be, given the right circumstances. This interpretation is a two-pronged process that asks you to answer these two questions:
* What circumstances would break them?
* How far would they go once they break?
A famous example of this is in With Understanding, where the answer goes:
* Dean breaks in grief after Sam dies in the Heaven Trials.
* Dean kidnaps FBI agent Castiel Novak.
Fics like this also function well as character studies, because they often use the already existing issues and neuroses of the characters and takes them to their most extreme conclusions (e.g. how Dean's control issues manifests in the kidnapping in WU).
This is a flexible category system for us to grasp what exactly do we mean when we use the term "evil deancas" and how these interpretations overlap. Not all fics would fit neatly into these categories, of course, but it is fun to think of which fics fit in which interpretations. For example, I think the godstiel arc in canon starts as a Type 3 for both of them (Dean and Cas both break from each other's perceived betrayals and enacts drastic measures) that then devolves into a Type 1 Cas and a Type 2 Dean. I'm not sure if this makes sense to any of you lol
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nitrateglow · 3 years
Favorite films discovered in 2020
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Well, this year sucked. I did see some good movies though. Some even made after I was born!
Perfect Blue (dir. Satoshi Kon, 1997)
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I watch a lot of thrillers and horror movies, but precious few actually unsettle me in any lasting way. This cannot be said of Perfect Blue, which gave me one of the most visceral cinematic experiences of my life. Beyond the brief flashes of bloodletting (you will never look at a screwdriver the same way again), the scariest thing about Perfect Blue might be how the protagonist has both her life and her sense of self threatened by the villains. The movie’s prescience regarding public persona is also incredibly eerie, especially in our age of social media. While anime is seen as a very niche interest (albeit one that has become more mainstream in recent years), I would highly recommend this movie to thriller fans, whether they typically watch anime or not. It’s right up there with the best of Hitchcock or De Palma.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (dir. Sergio Leone, 1966)
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Nothing is better than when an iconic movie lives up to the hype. Clint Eastwood, Eli Wallach, and Lee Van Cleef play off of one another perfectly. I was impressed by Wallach as Tuco in particular: his character initially seems like a one-dimensional greedy criminal, but the performance is packed with wonderful moments of humanity. Do I really need to say anything about the direction? Or about the wonderful storyline, which takes on an almost mythic feel in its grandeur? Or that soundtrack?
Die Niebelungen (both movies) (dir. Fritz Lang, 1924)
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I did NOT expect to love these movies as much as I did. That they would be dazzlingly gorgeous I never doubted: the medieval world of the story is brought to vivid life through the geometrical mise en scene and detailed costuming. However, the plot itself is so, so riveting, never losing steam over the course of the four hours it takes to watch both movies. The first half is heroic fantasy; the second half involves a revenge plot of almost Shakespearean proportions. This might actually be my favorite silent Fritz Lang movie now.
Muppet Treasure Island (dir. Brian Henson, 1996)
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I understand that people have different tastes and all, but how does this movie have such a mixed reception? It’s absolutely hilarious. How could anybody get through the scene with “THA BLACK SPOT AGGHHHHHHH” and not declare this a masterpiece of comedy? And I risk being excommunicated from the Muppet fandom for saying it, but I like this one more than The Great Muppet Caper. It’s probably now my second favorite Muppet movie.
Belle de Jour (dir. Luis Bunuel, 1967)
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I confess I’m not terribly fond of “but was it real???” movies. They tend to feel gimmicky more often than not. Belle de Jour is an exception. This is about more than a repressed housewife getting her kicks working as a daytime prostitute. The film delves into victim blaming, trauma, class, and identity-- sure, this sounds academic and dry when I put it that way, but what I’m trying to say is that these are very complicated characters and the blurring of fantasy and reality becomes thought-provoking rather than trite due to that complexity.
Secondhand Lions (dir. Tim McCanlies, 2003)
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The term “family movie” is often used as a synonym for “children’s movie.” However, there is an important distinction: children’s movies only appeal to kids, while family movies retain their appeal as one grows up. Secondhand Lions is perhaps a perfect family movie, with a great deal more nuance than one might expect regarding the need for storytelling and its purpose in creating meaning for one’s life. It’s also amazingly cast: Haley Joel Osment is excellent as the juvenile lead, and Michael Caine and Robert Duvall steal the show as Osment’s eccentric uncles.
The Pawnbroker (dir. Sidney Lumet, 1964)
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Controversial in its day for depicting frontal nudity, The Pawnbroker shocks today for different reasons. As the top review of the film on IMDB says, we’re used to victims of great atrocities being presented as sympathetic, good people in fiction. Here, Rod Steiger’s Sol Nazerman subverts such a trope: his suffering at the hands of the Nazis has made him a hard, closed-off person, dismissive of his second wife (herself also a survivor of the Holocaust), cold to his friendly assistant, and bitter towards himself. The movie follows Nazerman’s postwar life, vividly presenting his inner pain in a way that is almost too much to bear. Gotta say, Steiger gives one of the best performances I have ever seen in a movie here: he’s so three-dimensional and complex. The emotions on his face are registered with Falconetti-level brilliance.
The Apartment (dir. Billy Wilder, 1960)
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While not the most depressing Christmas movie ever, The Apartment certainly puts a good injection of cynicism into the season. I have rarely seen a movie so adept at blending comedy, romance, and satire without feeling tone-deaf. There are a lot of things to praise about The Apartment, but I want to give a special shoutout to the dialogue. “Witty” dialogue that sounds natural is hard to come by-- so often, it just feels smart-assy and strained. Not here.
Anatomy of a Murder (dir. Otto Preminger, 1959)
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I’m not big into courtroom dramas, but Anatomy of a Murder is a big exception. Its morally ambiguous characters elevate it from being a mere “whodunit” (or I guess in the case of this movie, “whydunit”), because if there’s something you’re not going to get with this movie, it’s a clear answer as to what happened on the night of the crime. Jimmy Stewart gives one of his least characteristic performances as the cynical lawyer, and is absolutely brilliant. 
Oldboy (dir. Park Chan-Wook, 2003)
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Oldboy reminded me a great deal of John Webster’s 17th century tragedy The Duchess of Malfi. Both are gruesome, frightening, and heartbreaking works of art, straddling the line between sensationalism and intelligence, proving the two are not mutually exclusive. It’s both entertaining and difficult to watch. The thought of revisiting it terrifies me but I feel there is so much more to appreciate about the sheer craft on display.
Family Plot (dir. Alfred Hitchcock, 1976)
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Family Plot is an enjoyable comedy; you guys are just mean. I know in an ideal world, Hitchcock’s swan song would be a great thriller masterpiece in the vein of Vertigo or Psycho. Family Plot is instead a silly send-up of Hitchcock’s favorite tropes, lampooning everything from the dangerous blonde archetype (with not one but two characters) to complicated MacGuffin plots. You’ll probably demand my film buff card be revoked for my opinion, but to hell with it-- this is my favorite of Hitchcock’s post-Psycho movies.
My Best Girl (dir. Sam Taylor, 1927)
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Mary Pickford’s farewell to silent film also happens to be among her best movies. It’s a simple, charming romantic comedy starring her future husband, Charles “Buddy” Rogers. Pickford also gets to play an adult character here, rather than the little girl parts her public demanded she essay even well into her thirties. She and Rogers are sweet together without being diabetes-inducing, and the comedy is often laugh out loud funny. It even mocks a few tropes that anyone who watches enough old movies will recognize and probably dislike-- such as “break his heart to save him!!” (my personal most loathed 1920s/1930s trope).
Parasite (dir. Bong Joon-ho, 2019)
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This feels like such a zeitgeist movie. It’s about the gap between the rich and the poor, it’s ironic,  it’s depressing, it’s unpredictable as hell. I don’t like terms like “modern classic,” because by its very definition, a classic can only be deemed as such after a long passage of time, but I have a good feeling Parasite will be considered one of the definitive films of the 2010s in the years to come.
Indiscreet (dir. Stanley Donen, 1958)
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Indiscreet often gets criticized for not being Notorious more or less, which is a shame. It’s not SUPPOSED to be-- it’s cinematic souffle and both Ingrid Bergman and Cary Grant elevate that light material with their perfect chemistry and comedic timing. It’s also refreshing to see a rom-com with characters over 40 as the leads-- and the movie does not try to make them seem younger or less mature, making the zany moments all the more hilarious. It’s worth seeing for Cary Grant’s jig (picture above) alone.
The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (dir. Joseph Sargent, 1974)
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This movie embodies so much of what I love about 70s cinema: it’s gritty, irreverent, and hard-hitting. It’s both hilarious and suspenseful-- I was tense all throughout the run time. I heard there was a remake and it just seems... so, so pointless when you already have this gem perfect as it is.
They All Laughed (dir. Peter Bogdonavich, 1981)
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Bogdonavich’s lesser known homage to 1930s screwball comedy is also a weirdly autumnal movie. Among the last gasps of the New Hollywood movement, it is also marks the final time Audrey Hepburn would star in a theatrical release. The gentle comedy, excellent ensemble cast (John Ritter is the standout), and the mature but short-lived romance between Hepburn and Ben Gazarra’s characters make this a memorably bittersweet gem.
The Palm Beach Story (dir. Preston Sturges, 1942)
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Absolutely hilarious. I was watching this with my parents in the room. My mom tends to like old movies while my dad doesn’t, but both of them were laughing aloud at this one. Not much else to say about it, other than I love Joel McCrea the more movies I see him in-- though it’s weird seeing him in comedies since I’m so used to him as a back-breaking man on the edge in The Most Dangerous Game!
Nothing Sacred (dir. William Wellman, 1937)
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I tend to associate William Wellman with the pre-code era, so I’ve tried delving more into his post-code work. Nothing Sacred is easily my favorite of those films thus far, mainly for Carole Lombard but also because the story still feels pretty fresh due to the jabs it takes at celebrity worship and moral hypocrisy. For a satire, it’s still very warm towards its characters, even when they’re misbehaving or deluding themselves, so it’s oddly a feel-good film too.
Applause (dir. Rouben Mamoulian, 1929)
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I love watching early sound movies, but my inner history nerd tends to enjoy them more than the part of me that, well, craves good, well-made movies. Most early sound films are pure awkward, but there’s always an exception and Applause is one of them. While the plot’s backstage melodrama is nothing special, the way the story is told is super sophisticated and expressive for this period of cinema history, and Helen Morgan makes the figure of the discarded burlesque queen seem truly human and tragic rather than merely sentimental.
Topaz (dir. Alfred Hitchcock, 1969)
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Another late Hitchcock everyone but me seems to hate. After suffering through Torn Curtain, I expected Hitchcock’s other cold war thriller was going to be dull as dishwater, but instead I found an understated espionage movie standing in stark contrast to the more popular spy movies of the period. It’ll never be top Hitchcock, of course-- still it was stylish and enjoyable, with some truly haunting moments. I think it deserves more appreciation than it’s been given.
What were your favorite cinematic discoveries in 2020?
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