#so he doesn't startle or scare you too much when the reveal happens
dragon-ascent · 17 days
ok so this isn’t really an ask more of a ramble sesh
thinking about finding chonkli sun bathing one day and taking him home
cut to reader leading a domestic life and zhongli (who has remained in chonkli form the whole time) being absolutely smitten with them and their way of life. He’s sitting there in chonkli form daydreaming about living with them, marrying them, cooking together, slow dancing in the living room, ect.
just thoughts
(also i’m gonna be here a lot so can i be 💫 anon)
You're cooking so hard anon!!
Imagine if reader gets him a comfy little pet-bed, but obviously he insists on sleeping with you, curling up on you stubbornly until you have no choice but to give in - which comes easily since he's downright adorable.
Oh and think of his little kissies!! :((( he'd take every chance to express his affection! Though I wonder how long he would wait until revealing his identity...
Thank you for sharing eeeeek! <333
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missveryvery · 8 months
what are your most recent fengqing headcanons 🥺
actually insane that this is a question i can answer instead of going "most recent, why do you think I've made more".
I think of these as more like "theories" or "this would be so cute ;0;" rather than "headcanons" because I like many different types of interpretations of them!! Like some of my thoughts are like "if you read it like this, you can get to here"and some of it is like "i think this is literally what mxtx means here". And some is "HEAR ME OUT, WHAT IF X? WOULDN'T THAT BE SO CUTE?!"
I don't mention it much, but Iike them being sworn brothers, too, and loving each other in a familial way. Which I think is the canon way they feel about one another. Because the big reveal is "they are friends and go on little adventures together all the time!" and there are a couple examples that refers to the three of them obliquely as brothers. I think that's just as sweet and satisfying as them making out and getting married forever
-I do think if one of them dated someone, the other would go insane, like be extremely protective and climbing in through the window in the middle of the date.
FX would lose his mind if MQ was seeing someone! Very loudly give his opinion, fucking FORBID it if it's someone he doesn't approve of (mq: wtf do you mean you "forbid it"?!!), freaking out like "mq has never been in a relationship, he'll get his heart broken" and very like "ARE YOU SURE??!! MQ YOUR CULTIVATION?! ;0;". 50000% mom mode.
MQ would also lose his shit if FX was seeing someone. Also "No. I forbid it." (fq: what do you mean you "forbid it"?!) and threatening the person like "if you break his heart I'll kill you. If you want to break up with him, you come to me and we'll do it in the least painful way possible. sign this contract in blood." mad dogging the person like:
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Both very "WHAT ARE YOUR INTENTIONS?!!" and doing background checks. Ready to throw down at a moments notice, both so in the other's business.
(i think xl would be very involved, too. he seems like he'd be chill but he has this zone of like 'actually, i care a lot and will not be chill about this' that I think this situation would fall into. like when he freaks out if QR says something mean to HC? I think he'd choke someone out for those two.)
-mu qing designed fu yao to be elegant and refined. but once he gets in the shell, he's incapable of not making the :3c face and looking like "fufufufu"
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i've never seen a more bitchass expression on a chibi before. he looks so smarmy, such a little shit. He thinks he looks aloof and refined and doesn't realize Fu Yao looks like a gremlin and supremely punchable.
-all that bullshit i said on that post about how they act when scared. I'm thinking about them hugging onto each other tightly when startled/scared a lot. I feel like in the donghua, we MIGHT see that happen during the chase scene...!!! pray for me.
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satancopilotsmytardis · 2 months
Chapter 3! Chapter 3!
Ohhh, Stain's message is interesting! He didn't call out the League by name, but he did give a reminder to make sure your goals align! (I wonder if that was also a warning to Tomura? To make his mind up about what he wants, really wants, instead of what AfO wants of him?)
Are Dabi's senses heightened in his human form too? Like, not by a lot, but a little bit?
Dabi last chapter: "surely this won't become a habit" Dabi this chapter: "oops?"
It's interesting that Shigaraki has to help out the Doctor and from it sounds like, he does so regularly. You'd think that as AfO's student he'd be over the Doctor in rank but no, the Doctor orders him around just like AfO does.
Dabi wants to be allowed to go out while Shigaraki is away and Tomura thinks Onigiri wants to leave again. I kind of understand the assumption, since Dabi hasn't asked for the window since he came back, but ouch. He's so scared that he will loose Onigiri again.
Dabi finally has a home where someone pays him attention and wants him around and worries that he might leave. They are so, so sweet together.
Dabi is patrolling because he wants to keep Shigaraki safe. That's so cute. On another note, imagine you're a squatter and suddenly there's this pretty cat, which immediately turns into a very naked man and burns you to death. What a way to go.
Toga smiling at the cat, trying not to startle him, to reassure him, despite clearly panicking herself is so sweet. I like how you write her a lot.
Dabi immediately adopts her, because he is much more stable than in canon. He has a home, and someone who loves him, and he lived on the street for the while. He worries for her and they're both shapeshifters (though in a different way) and I really like their interaction here. Him being an absolute menace to get her to follow him is nice, too.
Dabi is such a menace. He's trying to butter Shigaraki up to the reveal that he brought a kid home. Also, Shigaraki isn't even mad. Dabi is weird, he has come to accept that. It's still very funny (and shows a lot of character development. He's really really calm in handling it, despite the scare in the morning and spending all day with the Doctor for the third day in a row. That's a lot of stress and he's not letting it out on everyone around him!)
The way they annoy each other is so cute.
Dabi and Shigaraki's disagreement over Stain will never not be funny. Like, seriously. Imagine fighting with your cat cause he's a fanboy. Still, Dabi would choose Shigaraki over Stain again and again if given the chance. Ah, Dabi is such a smug bastard.
Toga joins the gang! Shigaraki has now adopted/accepted into his villain organization: a cat and a teenager
Dabi and Toga have so much sibling energy. Dabi is so chaotic, too. Immediately steals the drugs, lol.
"His human. The only person he has ever even considered letting own him." Oh my God. Dabi trusts Shigaraki so much!! Like, not enough to reveal what he is because of some underlying issues with being told to always hide, but enough to stay! I honestly can't wait for when Dabi hangs around as a human and just, accidentally rubs his head against Shigaraki by force of habit.
I never thought about the fact that this would be problem for Toga but you're right, she constantly changes forms and when she can't go shopping as herself, trying things on would be difficult. It would be better with Twice, since he knows everyone's measurements, but still. Good that Shigaraki's clothes are big on her.
Toga, too, knows more aboit cats than Shigaraki does. Not enough to recognize his smartness as suspicious, even thought it is strange, but still. Dabi hasn't died yet and seems quite lively, so surely there won't be any problems.
Ah, Keiro. Who very much knows that becoming a service animal is a very long process. Surely nothing bad could happen here. Lol.
Toga has the most people skills out of all of them and it shows so, so much. Shigaraki, on the other hand, doesn't like to talk to strangers outside of small-talk or work. Especially not when he is in disguise.
I did not expect Keiro to have a crush on Shigaraki! Not that anything would come out of it. Now that he's an established villain, he can't have random hook-ups with civillians, not outside of neutral ground.
Okay, but Shigaraki looking up training programs for Toga is really sweet. She wants to see change and he decides to keep her, even when she has no training so far. Ah, I love this.
Dabi training as soon as Toga starts training too is actually pretty sweet too. He wants to be able to help them (and also kill his father).
Shigaraki is a good trainer now that he has learned what to look out for in other people. He keeps their needs in mind and tries to adjust around that. I don't think canon Shigaraki would have been able to do that at this point.
Him thinking Spinner is gray is another time where Dabi's cat-induced colour-blindness is fun.
Spinner! Nice to meet you! It's a bit earlier than when he joined in in canon, I think? And Stain isn't in prison. I'm glad to see him.
Lol, he send Toga and Spinner bonding. Another one moves in! And they don't live in the bar this time, either. Nice.
Ah yes, an important addition: no cat allergies. Giran knows better than to question it once he sees Dabi.
Team building! It's nice that Shigaraki has a human friend now. Magne! Ohhh, it's nice to see that they train with different combat styles. Shigaraki needs to be quick and Toga does too, but Spinner is more strength focused. All of them living next to each other is really nice too. Ah, I'm enjoying this.
(also, the fact that Shigaraki immediately likes Magne based on the fact that she likes Onigiri is sweet)
Oh my god, if Dabi were a regular cat he would have died a houndred times over. But they're bonding so much quicker than they did in canon! Shigaraki is calmer and, thanks to Dabi, puts more effort into team building and morale, which is really cool.
They're complete! Nice!
God I hate AfO. Good on Shigaraki for defending the League and getting them more time, but interrupting AfO must have taken a lot of guts for him. He really is growing as a person now that he has so many other people around who trust him and are there because of him, not because of AfO, just Shigaraki.
Seeing how much Shigaraki has developed when compared with canon, as well as how their every-day life goes is really nice! It's great to see all of them together, training and studying and doing their best to make a good team. They don't have Dabi yet, but they do have Onigiri. I hope that means they won't lose Magne this time around.
On a different note, don't think I didn't see Dabi's thoughts during training. He's smart, he can recognize if people are useful or good to keep around early on, he's smart and resourceful and he doesn't think of any of these things. Sure, he apreciates how smart the others are, but when they train, he only thinks of his own shortcomings. He thinks about how his quirk hurts him and that he isn't as strong or fast as the others and he puts himself down for it. For all that Dabi isn't as angry as he was in canon, for all that he cares more and has more to live for than revenge, he doesn't see how much he can do, how much he already does despite being a cat.
Both Dabi and Shigaraki have made progress, and they will continue to heal together. But for all that Dabi is learning to trust, he was never told that his smarts are something to be proud of. Endeavour wanted strength, so when Dabi is lacking that, it's what he focuses on. Shigaraki is calming down and getting more confident, but he's still dependant on AfO and while he no longer lashes out, the thought of disappointing him scares him.
Both of them are desperate to be good, to be enough, for the people around them.
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Stain is definitely calling out Shig in that video alongside anyone else who thinks they want to do what he does
Dabi doesn't have any particularly heightened senses while he's a human, his two forms are pretty separate as far as abilities go, hence why he can't use his quirk as a cat
Shigaraki and Dabi being cute and domestic makes my heart explode and they're trying so hard to be the person (pet) they think the other deserves!!!!
Dabi sympathizing with and helping to guide Toga is so fun and sweet and they have sibling energy even when he's a cat! She also absolutely has the best social skills outside of Compress and is going to make these weirdos more tolerable to be around even if it kills them
Shigaraki is definitely looking at all the data and resources available to him and getting things put in order as efficiently as possible. He's not going to come up short again!
The whole gang gets here and gets to be happy for a little while!!
And Shig knows better now, he's seen his shortcomings, the failures his teacher said he could have as many of as he wanted and understands now those failures do still have consequences. He can't just rush into a job without being adequately prepared now. Not when Onigiri won't understand what happened to him if he doesn't come home.
They're both growing rapidly into being relatively mature adults because sometimes you just gotta be the person your friends believe you are
Thank you so much for commenting!!!
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aroacemisha · 11 months
Listen I'm trying to be supportive of RL Belos here, but if I was Evelyn and he tried to kill me I wouldn't be ten feet near that guy and I sure as hell wouldn't allow my children near him even if he was my BIL.
Did he try to kill her while she was pregnant? Did Caleb have to stop him? Did he ever apologise/make up for it? Because even though he's better in this au he still majorly annoys me like he does in canon and I cannot find it within myself to pity him much at all.
(Was gonna say this at the end, but I think it's kinda silly to follow an AU where a character you find annoying is one of the main characters and is thus heavily focused on. It's also a little rude to come and tell someone how much you dislike a character they really enjoy, it's better to keep that on your own blog. But I digress)
Anyways, I'd like to clarify some things here/give a more detailed timeline of the dynamic.
Evelyn has met Philip before. During her initial visits to the Human Realm, she (~18 years old) pretended to be human, and she befriended Caleb (17-18 years old) - and she was on friendly terms with Philip (13-14 years old) as well, although they weren't close. The relationship went on that way for a couple years, and over that time she started to visit more frequently (originally she started at once every few weeks).
When she finally revealed she was a witch, it was only to Caleb, and both were unaware that Philip was spying on them. Upon seeing her perform real magic, Philip didn't hate her at first, he was just scared. He didn't report either of them, and didn't tell either of them that he knew Evelyn's secret, but was becoming worried that she was dangerous to Caleb.
At one point Evelyn (~22) and Caleb (21-22) were found out and Caleb was about to go on trial, but Evelyn rescued him and they ran away to the Demon Realm. Philip (~18) later followed and found them a few months later, being convinced during his search that Caleb is in danger.
He tried to attack Evelyn in that initial encounter, and she was startled for a bit, before realizing that she can handle him if she just uses magic, since he's human and doesn't have magic of his own. That was also the only time he tried to attack her in that way.
After being calmed down by Caleb and, after a very long conversation, begrudgingly agreeing to give the Demon Realm a chance (for Caleb's sake), Philip remained hostile to Evelyn for a while, but that hostility was mostly bratty child behavior, feral cat behavior (growling, etc) and passive-aggressive prayers. She found some of it funny and once wondered if her beast keeping magic would work on him.
He'd get into some arguments with her, but wouldn't try to physically fight her, in part because he knew she'd just trap him in abomination slime, vines and/or stone if he tried. Caleb's presence was an additional mitigating/soothing factor.
She also figured that if Caleb could change his beliefs after coming from the same place, Philip likely could too, and if he isn't trying to murder or attack anyone, why not give him a chance.
She knew he was only hostile due to being indoctrinated as a child to believe that witches were evil, and only attacked her due to being convinced she was a danger to Caleb, so if that belief was to be dismantled, he would probably become friendly. And it did happen, and he gradually came to accept witchkind as a whole. Realizing his own queerness also contributed to his old beliefs falling apart.
The birth of Caleb and Evelyn's child also helped soften him. By the time the child started to say their first words and learned to call him uncle, it was really pulling on his heartstrings. At that point he was already on generally friendly terms with Evelyn and was allowed to hold the kid sometimes. He was already showing hints of his protective parental traits back then with how he treated the kid, although he would only become a parent himself many decades later.
And yeah, Philip apologized for everything at multiple points during his deradicalization. As for what he did to make up for it, given Evelyn's playful personality, she probably asked him to do something silly to entertain her as an apology. He'd also help her and Caleb fix stuff that broke in their house, and he was showing early signs of his interest in engineering, as he really liked fixing mechanical things.
They ultimately ended up becoming besties, and their personalities meshed well. They only drifted apart and eventually lost touch after Caleb's death, mainly through Philip drifting away, since he blamed himself for the accident in the mines and was particularly ashamed to be around the child.
Also the reason he continued trying to build the portal door even after he accepted the Isles wasn't because he wanted to go back (he felt safer and more accepted among witches), but because he wanted to spread the truth to other humans, and hoped he could change their minds too and end witch hunting, so no witch or human is harmed by them again (this later fed into his developing belief that the realms should be united). So he wanted to fix the systemic problem as well, although his expectations for how it would go and whether it would even work were too idealized.
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tht0nesimp · 5 months
Yandere VK headcanons P1
The core four take over auradon! tw: kidnapping, obsessive behaviors, ddlg themes, the VKs taking over auradon, manipulation, abuse
im going through a fase leave me alone
Mal: Manipulative to the point where you don’t know yourself anymore, she convinces you that your evil, if you get second thoughts or if your a royal then she happily reminds you how terrible you are. Shes content with breaking you down and then building you up to her expectation, on the bright side, you wont even notice. And soon enough you'll be living whatever life Mal wants you to even if it never appealed to you before. She wont kidnap you because she doesn't have to, she can fit every piece of the puzzle in even if she has to replace some pieces; You wont have to worry about friends or family when she replaces them with the VKs.
Jay: He's a sadist in a playful way, holding things above your head, scaring you with fake(or real) bugs, he acts a lot like an older brother before he shows romantic interest. Eventually the mocking becomes a bit much, and maybe you even resent him but he doesn't mind all too much; the world goes on along with the bullying, until it becomes lesser and you find yourself missing the occasional comment. Soon you feel better about yourself, and it catches you off guard when Jay asks you out you know better than to say no to him so you accept with a shy smile, hoping he would reveal it was all a prank. But it doesn't happen, and the days roll on with more toxic traits of his showing, its much too late by the time coronation hits, and he decides his pretty little damsel is much too soft to deal with the hardships auradon will face. He wont lock you up in a tower, he makes sure he keeps you hidden away in some castle on campus, boredom will be your best friend as he grows more and more scared of your gentleness being exploited, but you get pretty much anything you ask for (except to see your old friends, he doesn't like them so neither should you).
Carlos: Hes a softer guy, you wont even know he likes you until the day of the coronation. You wont have a chance to reject him once its over, but hes a little hurt at your hesitation, when you end up in a castle with all the other VKs darlings then youll understand why he just has to do this! You wouldnt last a day on the isle let alone in the new version of auradon, in all the panic nobody notices when Carlos slinks off with you in his arms, dropping you in a limo filled with the other darlings who are all handcuffed or tied with ropes on their legs and arms. The VKs pile in the limo with Carlos dropping them all off at the dorms in Auradon Prep, all of them being in the same room with all the exits locked and with corners of the room dedicated to each, eventually everyone loses hope and settles down in their corners while eating the food left for them. Soon enough the VKs enter and let everyone know that they succeeded in their plan with their parents wreaking havoc on innocent heroes outside, the cheerfulness they have won’t match the sobbing or fighting of the rest of the room, Some darlings who were likely picked for their feistier nature like Jays darling will fight and scratch at him while screaming all manners of insults. Carlos approaches you slowly with a smile on his face as you huddle in the corner trembling like a leaf in a storm even when he tries not to startle you, he grabs your arm and brings you over to a comfortable dorm which he quickly leaves in fear of making you become aggressive, he’s just so happy to have you and he knows one day you’ll be happy to have him too
Evie: She probably tugs on your heartstrings, making sure you want her even more than she wants you. But you really didn’t expect her to kiss you under the bleachers the day of the coronation let alone ask you to be her date to it, and it surprises you even more when chaos breaks out and she comes looking for you?! She's even more gentle than carlos, believing you are her true love, made just for her to enjoy after all she went through on the isle but her patience isnt an endless virtue even after all those years of seeming to wait for a prince to take advantage of, and when her patience does run out, there is nothing you will be able to do to calm the storm
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tsui-no-sora · 2 years
Hello hi how are you :))
I've been meaning to send this for a while but I'm too busy so you can take your time answering because oof.
Anyway I've been thinking about cDream who's been blind. All the time. From the begging and during the manhunts. Maybe he has a horrible scar across his face and that's why he has the mask, or maybe he just doesnt want people to see or know. But yea.
I've been thinking about him a lot I have a lot of ideas I'm buzzing like a microwave.
Also the fucking face reveal is happening and I'm still somehow alive so that's something
I got this exactly the day my teacher is checking notebooks so I literally don't have anything to do this whole hour so Hi Hey I'm well how are you I missed talking to you about this concepts is really so much fun
I been so busy as well but we are both surviving it and that's what matters
And dude we are officially in the final line before our lives Dream's and all of his friends too change forever you know how insane that is after two years that I been on this fandom we are finally gonna get to see them meet you don't know how excited I am as well for their friends to finally get to see him as well dream sounded so happy already and I bet he's only gonna be happier now :)))
Ohh c!Dream who doesn't lose his eyesight during the prison c!Dream who's simply blind I really love that headcanon
I like to think he would have a scar in his face post Techno Duel I can picture c!Techno seeing his mask break and Dream's eyes and just thinking well the more you know before striking him down
But before that he just doesn't wanna show it so much but in the smp where he feels safe and relaxed with all of his dfiends who already know who he is
He would take his mask off from time to time and just exist like that, he would also steak George's goggles all the time and hid them from him. I can picture him taking Sapnap's bandana and tying it around his eyes just to make a silly joke.
I can also picture him being so anxious because he doesn't see but he can hear he can sense things around him, and just listening in as there's random noises he doesn't know where they are coming from inside the prison.
Or being super alarmed when Ponk and Bad took CPK to visit Pandora's.
Plus Techno having to knock multiple times in the glass because Dream can't see him and he can hear the lava moving but he doesn't know who's coming up from behind it and honestly he can't tell when things are actually making noise around him and when he's starting to picture things that aren't there (BTW I'm still insane about the implication that Sam drugging him during prison to make him confess things was a possibility)
Quackity making it a sort of game trying to be as quiet as possible to keep Dream trying to guess where the strike is coming from and Dream can always guess but he can tell Quackity likes it more when he pretends to not get it, and he needs to do everything he can to keep him entertained to keep him coming here everyday because if he doesn't if Quackity gets bored if he deems him unworthy he's going to kill him.
Also him being so so scared when he enters the fake cell that Quackity and Sam put together outside for him, because it's wrong and he can't tell how or why but something is happening and all of a sudden hes caught again and was he even ever free then
I also imagine him completely lashing out at Wilbur afterwards when he sneaks behind him and whispers on his ear and then reprimanding himself for not listening in properly and almost dying again
The new people don't know that Dream is blind Punz does know and he makes sure to never startle him
Quackity only finds out he's blind after his first vivist when he breaks Dream's mask
I also like to think about blind c!Ranboo and c!Dream the concept makes me happy also blind c!Dream who trails his hands on c!Tubbo's face and scars to memorize them during his presidency to show he does want to meet him he does want to be friends the fact that it also aligns with his Plan does help tho.
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ray-ray-writings · 3 years
drabble idea: after Wilbur is killed by Phil, Fundy finds a smol arctic fox hybrid reader and cuz they're both foxes and the hybrid child looks abandoned, he adopts them. Then Ghostbur shows up and Fundy doesn't want him to have anything to do with his child. maybe some other relationships for fluff??? i'm just craving this rn -💍
So imagines won right? I sit down and go to write the imagine, and I just end up staring at a blank screen for what felt like forever. I know I said I would give you the option but I honestly couldn’t put anything in my brain for it. And because I spent so long staring at it, I lost a lot of time and so this is the only post for tonight…. I feel so bad. I’m sorry guys, I should have more stuff tomorrow. <3
TW: Parental abandonment.
This idea is so cute though. 
So we all know that Wilbur wasn’t the best father. He really messed Fundy up and gave him some of those good good daddy issues to where he has a hard time trusting people. But I think that he would be out on a walk, clearing his mind, trying to think of anything but his father. He’d be in a snowy biome when he hears footsteps. At first he thinks it’s a mob of some kind, so he draws his weapon and creeps toward the sound. He catches sight of something white and at first he thinks it’s a skeleton, but then the thing moves again and he can very clearly see it’s an ear, a white fluffy ear… That’s odd. “Hello?” he finally decides to call out. There is a small squeak and a lot of rustling. When he wasn’t attacked, he figured it safe to move forward. He carefully approached and as he pushed some of the bushes out of the way to reveal a small child. In one quick glance he could tell this was no ordinary child. It was an arctic fox hybrid, the fluffy white ears and tail a dead give away. In his glance, he could also tell this child was in rough shape. Their clothes were tattered and torn allowing him to see just how skinny they were. His heart ached for the poor child, “Hello little one,” he greets softly, “What are you doing out here?” 
You’d been on your own for a really really long time now. Your parents had brought you out here, told you to stay put, and left. You listened and so you waited for them to come back. But as the days went on, you began to understand what had happened. But nevertheless, you sat there and waited. Munching on the berries of the bushes, but it never quite fills your stomach. One day as you’re moving from bush to bush, a voice calls out. It startles you and you can’t help but let out a squeak as you fall to the ground in surprise. The bushes shuffle a bit and from over the top you find an orange headed man peering at you curiously. His eyes scan you quickly before he speaks, “Hello little one,” his voice soft and comforting as he speaks, “What are you doing out here?” You give him a little shrug and allow yourself to look him up and down. You’re heart thuds a little faster as you notice that he is also a fox hybrid with orange and black ears, an orange and white tail, and sharp canines poking out from his lips. “Where are you parents?” he tries again. Again, you give a little shrug and figuring you can trust this man, you speak, “Gone… Let me here.” His heart breaks at your sad and defeated tone. “They left you here? All by yourself? When did they leave?” Another shrug, “Two… three….. Weeks.” you mumble, looking down to the berry bushes, your fingers grazing them carefully. Fundy’s heart burns in anger as he thinks about how horrible your parents were for leaving their obviously amazing child to die in the woods. He’s about to speak when your stomach grumbles loudly causing you to flush in embarrassment. “Hungry?” Fundy asks, then mentally smacks himself. Of course you’re hungry your stomach just rumbled. But you nod sheepishly, still plucking at the leaves. “How would you like to come home with me. I can fix you up some fish. I have lots of fish at my house. You could eat as much as you’d like and you could stay as long as you want.” Not even caring if this guy was lying to you, you accept his offer, simply desperate to get out of the woods. Your head slowly rises from the bushes as you stare at Fundy who is smiling at you ever so softly with an outstretched hand. Carefully you raise your own arm and gently rest your hand in his, shivering at the warmth that spreads throughout your palm. “Let’s get going then kiddo.” 
Fundy leads you out of the forest and towards his house. As you two walk, you two talk… Well he does a lot of the talking and you give small answers here and there. You tell him your name and he tells you his. He talks about where you’re going and how it’s extremely safe there and how he thinks you’ll like it. He leads you inside his house, sits you at the table, before making up some fish for you and him. He places the plate down in front of you and before he can sit to eat his own meal, yours is finished. To say he’s shocked is an understatement, but he quickly remembers you were out in the forest all alone for two to three weeks, maybe longer with nothing but berries. You’re looking at him super embarrassed, like you want to ask for more but are too scared too. “Hey, it’s okay,” he soothes, walking back over to you, setting his own plate down in front of you, picking up the empty one, “You don’t have to feel bad. Like I said, I have plenty of fish, eat as much as you like.” And so you do. You eat until you’re so full you can barely move. Your eyes are sleepily closing and then jerking back open as you try to force yourself to stay awake. Fundy notices this and laughs quietly to himself. Your eyes close for a little while, giving Fundy enough time to put his plan into action. He quickly stands up, moves to you, picks you up, and carries you to his bed. He carefully lays you down, tucks you in, and presses a kiss to the top of your head. “Sleep well darling,” he mumbles, not thinking much of it. “Thanks dad” you mumble back, clearly out of it. But the simple word stops Fundy’s heart before a huge smile grows on his face. He decides that he wants you to be his child, if you want. He can feel a connection and a strong desire to care and love for you and he wants to be that strong father figure that he himself did not have. The next morning when you wake up, you don’t remember what you said obviously. You also plan to leave and go back to the forest. You would thank Fundy for feeding you but you already feel you've overstayed your welcome. You make your way down to the kitchen, ready to tell the man who saved you, who you don’t want to leave, goodbye. Fundy is standing over the stove and at the sound of your footsteps his head turns and he grins brightly at you, “Hey kiddo! Have a seat! Eggs are almost done! I hope you like them scrambled!” Not wanting him to feel bad, you do as you’re told and decide to tell him after breakfast. True to his word, the eggs don’t take that much longer and soon he’s served you some eggs. You two eat together, talking a bit about how you both slept and stuff. And after you’re done, you’re just about to tell him but then he begins to tell you about his plans for the day and asks if you want to tag along and you do. You really do. It is then you decide that you’ll stay until Fundy asks you to leave, and if that means you’re staying forever… So be it. 
Okay on to some more general headcanons and less plot type stuff haha
You two help each other in grooming your ears and tails all the time. I feel like they can be hard to get perfectly clean by yourself so you two do it together as a bonding activity. You would do Fundy’s first because it takes less time. Fundy does a lot of it and you just get the hard to reach spots and stuff, and makes sure there is no spot left unclean. However, when it’s your turn, Fundy takes complete control. He will make you just sit there and let him groom and take care of you. He is so careful as he does it. He cleans your ears and your tail carefully, making sure no dirt is left. And then he takes the time to carefully brush out the hair and make it very soft and very fluffy. It feels so nice. I would imagine you didn’t have the nicest parents, they literally left you in a forest to die, so you never got this special treatment or attention for your ears or tail. So the first time you two did this, you would be so confused. You didn’t understand what was happening or why you were being treated so kindly, which broke Fundy’s heart. I feel that’s also partly why he doesn’t let you help because he wants to make sure that you know that you will be loved and cared for as long as he’s in your life. 
So that being said, you two are so affectionate with each other. Like you curl up together and cuddle on the couch all the time. It has a lot to do with the fox side of both of you. It feels really nice to be pressed against family of your own ‘breed’ so to speak. A lot of the time it’s a lot of you sitting on his lap or laying on top him while he holds you tightly. Again, he wants to make sure that you feel loved and wanted. 
I feel like it wouldn’t take you long to call him dad. Like you accidentally did the first night, but you weren’t really awake for it. But I do feel like it would be a slip of the tongue on your part again. Just he does something for you and you give a quick “thanks dad” before you dead stop and stare at him. His eyes are also wide and filling with tears. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to call you that. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. It just that you have taken care of me from the moment I got here and I--” Fundy would cut you off by pulling you into a tight hug. “It’s okay Y/N. It really is. It would be an honor if you called me your father” he tells you. Your heart soars in your chest as you hug him back. “Okay… Thank you dad.” You two go to sleep that night with the biggest smiles on your faces that you’ve ever had.
…….. Speaking of dads….. Ghostbur comes back. One day there is a knock on the door. You’re both confused because no one should be coming over to your knowledge. But Fundy gets up and he opens the door and his confusion turns into anger. “What are you doing here?” He spits out. You slowly make your way to the front room, hiding behind a wall but peeking your head around the corner to see what was happening. There in front of your father stood an extremely pale man in a yellow sweater and a red beanie. “Hello Fundy!” the man greets, oblivious to Fundy’s harsh tone, “I came to visit you! I wanted to see my son!” A gasp catches in your throat, this was your dad’s dad. He hadn’t told you much about him, he just told you that he used to be close with his father but as he grew more obsessed with politics, that bond broke bit by bit until it was completely severed by his death. “Well that sucks because I don’t want to see you. Go away now” Fundy snaps back, waving him off. Ghostbur catches his harsh tone now and a frown settles on his face, “Fundy please. I want to talk. I want to mend what was broken. You’re my son and-” “And nothing. You should have thought about that before you went and blew up our nation and then got stabbed by grandpa… So goodbye now.” Fundy moves out of the doorway and goes to close the door. When he moved out of the doorway though, he accidentally gives Ghostbur a direct line of sight of you peeking around the corner. He lets out a gasp and points, “Fundy who’s that.” Fundy looks over his shoulder and pales a little but because oh fuck. This is the last thing he wanted to happen. He clears his throat and looks back to the ghost of his father. “That’s Y/N… My kid” “I have a grandchild?” “No you don’t because you are no father of mine. Now if you’ll excuse me” and before Ghostbur can respond, Fundy has slammed the door closed. You’re a little worried as to what he’s going to say to you so you speak first after you walk all the way in, “I’m sorry” you whisper. “No, no, no baby. It’s okay. It’s not your fault. Don’t worry about it.” The rest of the day, Fundy is a little off. He tries to act normal but you can tell something is off. You don’t call him out on it though, you just let him do him. 
But yeah. Fundy does everything in his power to keep you away from Ghostbur. He does not care a single bit if Ghostbur isn’t Wilbur, they were both still his father that practically abandoned him and so therefore he will not be around his child. His child will only be surrounded by those who love them unconditionally and will always love them. If you and him are out and public and Ghostbur appears, Fundy will take you back home. He doesn’t care if what he is doing is super important, he will leave and take you home. He also will not let Ghostbur in his home. Ghostbur does show up occasionally, hoping to catch another glance of you, but Fundy barely opens the door to the point where Ghostbur can hardly see him. Fundy will let Phil, Techno, and Tommy see you occasionally which hurts Ghostbur a lot, but there is nothing he can do about it. Fundy does not want his ghost father to be anywhere near his child. 
But Fundy would be an amazing father. He knows what it’s like to be/feel abandoned by a parent and to feel ignored in a world full of family. So he makes sure you never feel like that. He loves you so much and makes sure you know that. Fundy would do anything for you, give anything for you. He loves you so much. His precious baby child. 
Okay that ending sucked lololol. Again, I’m very sorry that this is the only post tonight. I got a much later start than I planned and it fucked everything. I’ll see you guys with more content tomorrow though (hopefully).
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scarlet2007 · 3 years
BTS reaction #1:- When they kidnapped you. Hyung line.
Warning:- Kidnapping, stalking, mental illness, hacking, yandere! bts, mafia, use of drug, guns.
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You sighed as you walk towards Seokjin's room. Working at an asylum is hard and exhausting, especially if your working for the most wanted serial killer who also runs a mafia and does killing as his 'hobby'. You don't understand why they gave you his case, you have just started your carrier, maybe cause you are the only person willing to put up with his disturbing shit.
"Why are you looking as if you are sick, princesses?" Ah, there he is sitting on his chair calling you by the nickname he gave you in your first week of attending him.
"Cause I am sick, Jin," I looked at him, you still wonder how he has not murdered you. You were sure that you were digging your own grave but somehow the mafia leader takes a liking to you, which you don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing. Maybe he was a bit too touchy but he never really made you uncomfortable, just some innocent hugs and kisses, nothing much or nothing less. You don't have a problem with it as long as he was taking his medicines and therapy.
"Then you shouldn't be here, Princess, and I told you not to come here today why didn't you listened to my warning?" He came closer as you closed the door, he was towering you as he was taller than you and more build-up then you can ever get, it's not like you were a sporty person. You are a lazy potato.
"Jin, it's not the first time you told me that. All those time you warned me not to come at work, nothing happened. Now-" Before you can finish your sentence the emergency alarm went off, warning you that something was wrong.
"What the-? Jin, stay right here! I am going out to check what's going on." You were about to go outside when you heard gunshots coming from outside followed by screaming. Your body froze from the fear you were feeling, seems like someone broke in or a patient got there hands on a gun.
"I told you not to come here today, princess. Now you have to watch these all, my poor innocent baby." Jin walked towards you as you back away from him, maybe this is how you will die, at the hands of a mafia leader who do killing as his 'hobby'.
"Don't come near me, Kim Seokjin, or else I will hurt you." You said in a fake confident voice but your legs gave you out, they were shaking from terror. The gunshots continued outside, the screaming of terror and pain followed by it. Maybe, just maybe, you should have listened to him this time.
"Don't be scared, Princess. I will protect you, don't worry my men will not hurt you as they have given strict instructions to not to just you." He pulled your cowering self in his arms and kissed your head.
"Please...Jin- Let me go, please..." You begged helplessly as your tears began to ruin his shirt, not that he minds it. The door opened and a guy came with a gun, he looked at Seokjin and hand him a bolt, you can't see it because Seokjin pressed your head against his chest.
"Shhh, Princess. Go to sleep." Seokjin pressed a cloth, which you didn't even notice he had, to you mouth as you struggle before the drug kick in your system and you start to lose consciousness.
"Now you are all mine, Princess, all mine and only mine." That was the last thing you heard as your world went black.
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Yoongi was leaning against the alley wall as he was outside the club he owns as he was smoking, his right hand was bleeding since he just beat someone to death. He has dumped the body on a dumpster, which was were that bastard belongs. He heard some light footsteps but he didn't look up assuming that it was one of his men but when a bandage came in his view he looked up because his men know better than to offer him a bandage. He looked at the person offering him a bandage, he was surprised to see a girl, probably in her early 20s, wearing pyjamas smiling to him.
"Here, you are bleeding Mr." She offered him the bandage which he ignored.
"What are you doing here? This place is not for girls like you, go away before something happens." She made an offended face.
"What do you mean by 'Girls like me?' Just cause I am wearing a pyjamas doesn't mean you can judge me! Here take this bandage." She hands him the bandage but stopped as she eyed the cancer stick on his none injured hand.
"Huh, seems like I have to patch you up since your other hand is busy with that cancer stick." She sighed as she starts to take care of his hand. Yoongi looked at her face silently, wondering why is she not running away from him.
"All done!" She proudly said as she looks at Yoongi's hand. Yoongi looks at his hand, the bandage was done nicely, it even has a cute little bear character. Her phone chimed loudly, startling her.
"Oh? Yeah, yeah, I am coming! Stay where you are! Don't go anywhere!" She starts to walk to the main entrance of the club.
She looks back at Yoongi and yelled," Don't smoke, Mister! It's bad for your health! Take care of your wound, bye!"
Yoongi's eyes followed her as she helps a drunken girl who looks to be her friend into a car. As the car drove away, Yoongi realised that he didn't even get her name. He cursed and kick the wall angrily. Maybe, he will bump into her again.
The next time Yoongi meet you was at a cafe, you were getting a smoothie when Yoongi thanked you for that night.
He asked where did she get the bandage from and you answered by saying that you always carry a mini first aid kit in your car. By the end of the conversation, Yoongi gets to know her name, her number and her.
After that, both of them start to hang out more until Yoongi decided that its time to carry out the plan he has planned. He knows that the instant she finds out that he runs a mafia she is going to run away, which he wouldn't allow. That is why here she is, now drugged, laying on his bed in his mansion. He knows that what he is doing is insane and she is going to hate him for that but in the end, she has to love him again, she has to.
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Hoseok first noticed you when you came with your best friend to his dance class, your best friend was looking after you as your mother was out of town.
You and your best friend entered the dance class, "Good evening, sir!" Your best friend exclaimed, making other students look at your way.
"Good evening! Oh? Whose that besides you?" Hoseok looks at you with curious eyes.
"This is my best friend, Y/N! I hope you don't mind her here since I have to look after her cause her mom is in another town."
"Oh, I thought she was your sister since both of you are wearing matching clothes and I don't mind her, why don't you join us, Y/N!"
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"Sure, I guess." Those were the first word you said to him.
The dance session went smoothly, you were a born dancer, picking choreography quickly and even help some other students with some complicated moves.
All the things went smoothly until your mother came back to town since your best friend no longer needs to look after you, you stop coming with her to the dance classes.
Hoseok was disappointed to know that but at least he has your number.
From that day onward you and Hoseok start talking to each other every day, each day Hoseok obsession with you increased little by little.
Until one day, he kidnapped, it was not that difficult since you trust him enough to come to an abandoned place without telling anyone where you were going.
"Ohh, little one. I have dreamed of this day from day one, to have you in my arms, protected by me. Now no one can see you or steal you away from me, you are all mine and only mine.
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All you ever wanted was a friend, was that too much to ask for? Well, it seems like it was since here you are hand and legs tied with a thick rope with a ducted tape on your mouth, preventing you from shouting for help.
You tried to make yourself as small as possible as the door opened, revealing you're so-called online best friend.
If only you never went on to message him in the first place, if only you stop talking to him after you told him that he got the wrong number. But you didn't, instead, you keep talking to him, ignoring all the red flags. You just wanted a friend but what you got? A hacker who used to stalk you through your webcam, who has now kidnapped you. You wouldn't be surprised if he turned out to be a psychopath- wait he already is since normal people don't kidnap people daily.
You could never agree to meet him at his house, you could at least told someone where you were going and with who you were meeting but you didn't since you knew that your parents will oppose the idea of you meeting a strange who you only know online.
"Aww, look at you, all curled up. It must be cold and lonely without me right?" No, it wasn't but now it's suffocating that you are here, you wanted to say that but you can't because of the tape and all you don't have a death wish, who knows what this psychopath can do to you if you angered him.
"Now that you are here, where you belong, why don't we get to know each other in person? Well, I know everything about you so it would be fair if you know everything about me too but let's not hurry since you are going to spend your whole life here. Aww, don't cry, I know that you are happy to hear it but don't cry, baby. It makes me feel like I have done something wrong."
Namjoon's reaction is a bit shorter than the other, sorry about that. This is my first ever reaction so please bear with me. I hope you guys like it!
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tsumusamu · 3 years
nice receive [miya atsumu x fem!reader]
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genre: fluff and (once again, a sad attempt at) humor
word count: 3.8k
summary: eight months into your relationship, atsumu takes you to meet his family. things don't go as planned, but of course, everything ends up alright in the end anyway. alternatively, miya atsumu adores you and his family thinks it's easy to see why.
warnings: uhhh implied sexual content at the end but it is like barely there ok
commission for @ muppetz (it wont let me tag for some reason ugh) thank you so much for commissioning me!
a/n: this ended up being way longer than the word count requested but that’s no one’s fault but my own because i dont know when to shut the FUCK up anyways i hope this one shot is enjoyable lol
content under the cut!
You literally never thought that you would ever end up in this situation.
"C'mon babe, why the long face? Ya nervous or somethin'?"
"No." You purse your lips, huffily averting your gaze from your boyfriend's smirking face.
"Ya don't needa be like that." Atsumu drapes an arm across your shoulder, pecking your forehead as a sort of reassurance. "No one could ever hate this cute face, after all." He accentuates his words by squishing your cheeks, drawing out a yelp of protest from you.
"If you keep talking like this, you're gonna jinx it, you know." Your words come out softer and more hesitant than intended, and you startled even yourself at how utterly anxious you sound.
"Yer gonna be fine. Trust me, I wouldn’t take just any random girl to meet my folks, and they’re well aware of that." Atsumu ruffles your hair.
"I just... I hope they're not..." You pause for a moment, trying to find the right word. "...Disappointed?" You grimace when your boyfriend suddenly throws his head back in such voracious laughter, that you swear you saw a few hysterical tears.
"Are ya jokin'?" he all but wheezes. "Yer the libero for the national volleyball team, for God's sake. If anythin', I'd be the disappointment here."
"'Tsumu — " you start, but he interrupts you by pulling you in for a comforting hug.
"Don't worry yer pretty head anymore, got it?" he murmurs into your ear. "Yer wonderful, and I couldn't be luckier to have ya. My parents are gonna love ya. Honest."
A small smile tugs at your lips as you reach around his back to hug him back. "I hope so."
A year ago, if someone had told you that you would end up having Miya Atsumu introduce you to his family as his girlfriend, you would've laughed until your ass fell off and your stomach ached like no tomorrow.
You had been absolutely overjoyed when you were chosen for the women's national volleyball team, and you were so eager to start playing with your new teammates that you had decided to attend the national team's training camp without hesitation despite your recent knee injury at the time. However, you completely overlooked the fact that you would be working with the men's team as well, which would've been completely fine... if not for Miya Atsumu.
When you first met Atsumu, he was the cocky, annoying little shit of a setter for the Japanese men's national volleyball team, someone who you were stuck training with for the next two weeks.
You still remember the first words he ever spoke to you.
"The hell are ya doin' there, lil libero? If yer not gonna be able to save the easiest ones, then ya might as well sub out."
You also remember the first thought you had about him.
And the first words you spoke to him.
"Can't you look at this — " You had gestured angrily to the knee brace supporting you. "And take a fucking hint, or what?"
He had sent some unapologetic, biting words right back at you and that marked the beginning of the time you have had the utmost pleasure of knowing Miya Atsumu. The two of you had bickered rather relentlessly (not too unlike literal children, despite the both of you being well into your twenties) throughout the rest of the camp, and by the end, for some unknown reason through some unknown method, he ended up with your number.
He started texting you constantly, and as much as you tried to convince your foolish self that he was just a nuisance, you found yourself responding to his messages like an idiot anyway. Throughout the next few months, you learned that Atsumu was far more than just his overly confident demeanor; he's genuinely kind-hearted, down-to-earth, and actually kinda hilarious. And eventually — neither of you quite knew how — the two of you were staring across a table at each other in a fancy restaurant as if daring the other to blink and lose an unspoken game, on a first date that neither of you thought would go as well as it did.
A little over eight months into your happy and committed relationship, Atsumu suggested that the two of you go to his hometown in Hyogo for a weekend to visit his family. You had immediately agreed with his idea, excited to meet his parents and twin brother in person, but now that he's leading you out of your shared hotel room to go do just that, your stomach's knotting uncomfortably.
Atsumu's been nothing but supportive and comforting ever since you started showing that you're nervous to meet his family. He was always happy to provide a never-ending flow of cheesy words and warm hugs, but you're genuinely afraid of embarrassing yourself. You want to impress his family and not have them see you as undeserving of their son, who you truly care for from the bottom of your heart. Atsumu is your first long-term boyfriend, and you would jump off your roof if you managed to mess anything up during the visit to his folks.
The taxi ride to Atsumu's childhood home doesn't do much to soothe your nerves either, with you fiddling with your fingers the entire way through while Atsumu makes small talk with the driver. As the cab pulls up to the address that your boyfriend had provided earlier, you instinctively clench your fists so hard that you think you might bleed.
A look of alarm crosses Atsumu's face as he notices that you're still just as anxious as you were when you left the hotel earlier. He thought that the ride to his parents' house would give you some time to cool down, but that had clearly not been the case. His eyebrows furrow in concern as he reaches over to grab one of your hands in his, giving you a comforting squeeze.
"Just breathe, darlin'." He runs his thumb over the shallow nail marks embedded in your skin. "If it means anything to ya, my mom's a huge fan of yers. For real. I didn't tell ya this before, but she's especially excited to meet ya. Keeps yappin' to me askin' how I pulled ya." You flush.
"R-Really?" you stammer, wide-eyed.
"Really. Who wouldn't be a fan yers?" Atsumu grins, pecking your nose. "See, ya got nothin' to be worried about. Just chill out and be yerself, 'kay?" You nod, some of the tension releasing from your shoulders as Atsumu leads you out of the cab, hand still clutching yours.
You're feeling a little better now, though your thoughts are still running through your head at the pace of a mile a minute as you watch Atsumu pay the taxi driver and thank him for the ride. Atsumu's mother is my fan? Your ears start to heat up. I hope I can somehow live up to her expectations of me…
“Ma! We’re here!” Atsumu shouts at the top of lungs approximately one second after simultaneously ringing the doorbell and obnoxiously pounding on the door.
“Comin’, comin’, ya brat!” A feminine, yet strong voice hollers in return. You freeze on the spot, your mind going blank once again. It’s happening. It’s finally happening.
The door aggressively swings open, revealing a middle-aged woman wearing a pink apron and carrying a wooden spatula in her hand. Her dark hair is pulled into a bun away from her face and her eyes, the same chocolate brown as Atsumu’s, are gleaming with annoyance. She briefly glares at Atsumu for his rowdy entrance before her gaze catches onto you, and her entire face lights up with excitement.
“(L/N) (Y/N)! It’s so nice to finally meet you!”
“M-Mrs. Miya,” you stammer out, trying your best to smile but you’re sure it looked more like a wince. “It’s good to m-meet you t-too.”
"Aw, hey now. What happened to my feisty girl? It's not like ya to be so lame.” Atsumu lays his forearm on your head, effectively using you as an armrest. You jerk away, scowling.
“Shut the hell up, asshat,” you snap without thinking. About half a second later, regret slams into your body like a truck. Oh, shit. I just called my boyfriend an asshat in front of his mother. You were about to run off into the streets in utter embarrassment if not for Mrs. Miya letting out a hearty laugh way too similar to her son’s and linking arms with you.
“No need to look so scared, dear. I don’t bite. And it’s good to see that yer willin’ to put this brat in his place.”
“Ma!” Atsumu whines, pouting petulantly.
“Yer really losin’ out with him though, y’know,” Mrs. Miya whispers to you as she leads you into the house by your arm. “I’ve got another son; Atsumu’s twin. Osamu’s quite well-behaved. If yer just likin’ the looks, he would be the better option.” You can tell she’s joking by the merry twinkle in her eyes, but instead of humoring her you end up shaking your head with a quiet chuckle.
“I think Atsumu’s perfectly good for me.” The two of you pause to watch Atsumu practically sprint into the kitchen, and a few moments later there’s an agitated yell as proof that he was on his way to annoy his brother. You smile. “He makes me really happy, Mrs. Miya. You raised him well.”
“Aren’t ya just the sweetest thing?” Mrs. Miya coos at you, pinching your left cheek. “And so pretty too. I swear ya could probably clobber my brat at volleyball as well. You and yer teammate… ah, Miss Amanai? The two of you always caught my eye while I watched yer matches. Make sure ya let her know.”
You blush a little and thank her, making a mental note to tell Kanoka that. She’d probably find it extremely amusing, especially since she was the one who had given Atsumu your number in the first place (which, as you had found out months later, was because he had practically groveled at her feet multiple times. Dumbass.)
“Come meet my husband, (Y/N).” Mrs. Miya leads you into the living room, where an older, balding man with rimmed glasses is quietly flipping through a book. He gives a start upon hearing your entrance, clearing his throat and sitting up straight.
“Ah, hello!” Mr. Miya greets you. “I’ve heard a lot about you! From both Atsumu and the missus.”
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Miya.” You nod once in a respectful manner.
“It’s about time that he settled down with a nice girl. Make sure ya keep him in line though, got it, missy?”
“Of course I w — “ you start, but Mrs. Miya is already dragging you towards the kitchen. You smile apologetically at Mr. Miya, and he just laughs and waves.
“Osamu’s makin’ dinner right now. He is such a hardworkin’ and dedicated boy. Both of them are, really,” she rambles. “But Osamu sure can cook a mean meal. He and his twin always used to fight over who’s the better cook. But I betcha Atsumu hasn’t touched the stove since he left for university years ago.”
You debate telling her that Atsumu had made quite a decent meal for the two of you just last week to celebrate your eight-month anniversary (which you hadn’t even known he remembered), but before you can formulate the right words in your head you’re suddenly shoved in the path of an unfamiliar man. Well, not really unfamiliar. He has the same face as the boyfriend who you see every day, after all.
Miya Osamu is (as expected) the literal carbon copy of Atsumu; same strong eyebrows, same hooded eyes, same angular jawline. The only thing that easily sets them apart is his black, ruffled mess of hair in stark contrast with your boyfriend’s bleached blonde.
Mrs. Miya pulls Atsumu away from the two of you, demanding that he help her with some mundane task, leaving you and Osamu by yourselves in the kitchen.
An easy smile graces his lips as he sticks out his hand. “Hey, I’m Osamu. Honored to finally meet the famous (L/N) (Y/N).” You smile back, gripping his hand firmly and shaking.
“And I’m honored to meet the famous ‘Samu.” At your words, Osamu bursts out laughing.
“Man, I don’t really let a lot of people call me that, y’know? But if yer gonna be part of the family, you could be an exception.”
“F-Family?” You pause, your sudden confidence dissipating as fast as it had come.
“Naw, no pressure. Just sayin’.” Osamu casually continues with his task of shaping onigiri. “I can tell he really likes ya.” You raise your eyebrows in curiosity without entirely meaning to. “I mean, we’re twins, it’s like a sixth sense. And also he never shuts up about ya when we text or call.”
“I hope you’re hearing all good things?” you quip jokingly.
“Oh, for sure. If I didn’t know who you were I’d think that he’s talkin’ about the reincarnation of a goddess with the way he talks.”
“Seriously?” You snort, and Osamu just laughs.
“So I’d like to ask ya the favor of continuin’ to take care of him. Guy’s just a huge ass baby. I can obviously see that yer good for him, though. He wouldn’t have stayed for so long if he wasn’t serious.”
The two of you briefly glance at Atsumu helping his mother set the table. They’re currently debating over whether Atsumu should go back to his natural hair color and “Stop makin’ yer hair look like fuckin’ straw!”
“He is a huge ass baby,” you start seriously, causing Osamu to smirk. “But he’s an honest and good person, so I’m not too bothered. I’ll take care of him, promise.”
“Thanks.” Osamu sighs, glancing rather fondly in his brother’s direction. “He’s an asshole, but at least he’s a redeemable asshole. I’m glad he’s finally got someone around to take care of him. Makes us all feel a little more relieved since he’s away from home.”
You suddenly feel warm inside.
Atsumu had been right; you truly didn’t have anything to be afraid of. The Miyas have been nothing but kind and welcoming so far, and they even seem to already have a positive opinion of you.
“Can ya help me carry these to the table?” Osamu holds out a plate of freshly-made onigiri.
“Ah, sure!” you accept hurriedly, taking the plate from him with careful hands. You take slow, calculated steps towards the dining room; the last thing you want is to accidentally drop any of the food.
Atsumu and his parents are already waiting in the dining room, and they all look up at you expectantly as you approach them with the onigiri plate in hand.
“Why, thank you, dear!” Mrs. Miya chirps. “Helpin’ Osamu out! How sweet of ya — “
She’s cut off as disaster strikes.
You trip on your last step to the table, causing a single onigiri to tumble off the plate and towards the floor. Your mouth drops open wide as you practically slam the plate down on the table and in practical slow-motion, watch the onigiri plummet down, down, down —
Then you dive.
You dive towards the floor, in the same manner as you do when you’re digging for a volleyball.
And you catch the rice ball in one hand, laying flat on your stomach. You have a moment of mental celebration; yes, you caught the onigiri! Then you realize that you look like a fucking idiot as you lay face down with one hand extended and clutching a rice ball like it’s your lifeline.
There’s a few seconds of agonizing silence.
You want the earth to swallow you whole.
There’s no way that you could ever show your face in front of Atsumu’s family or even Atsumu himself now; God you’ve never been more embarrassed in your life, and over an onigiri too —
“Nice receive!” Atsumu suddenly bellows, clapping his hands boisterously. “(L/N) does it again!”
His brother, who’s standing a few feet behind you with a platter of chicken skewers, pumps his free fist into the air and joins in with a “Hell yeah!”
Mr. Miya starts laughing the same loud Miya laugh that you’ve heard way too many times today, and his sons soon follow suit. Shame is still flooding your body, but now you’re realizing just how ridiculous the whole situation is and you resist the urge to smile at your own stupidity. As soon as Mrs. Miya recovers from her initial surprise, she comes to help you up, and you can tell that she’s doing her best not to laugh as well.
“Are ya okay, dear?” she briefly inspects you for any sign of injury.
“All good here, Mrs. Miya.” You smile, genuinely and comfortably, as Atsumu comes behind you to wrap his arms around you and peck your cheek, still chuckling with a small note of pride. “All good.”
“See?” Atsumu’s smug as hell as the two of you enter the hotel elevator on your way up to your room. Osamu had dropped you off so there would be no need for another cab. “I told ya that they’d fuckin’ love ya.”
“Why’re you rubbing in something like this?” You scoff, dodging when he tries to pull you into a crushing hug.
“Because I was right.” He smirks. You roll your eyes to heaven.
“Well, you can’t blame me for being nervous! I still can’t believe that none of them got upset at me for diving for a rice ball at the dinner table.” You groan, hiding your face in your hands.
“Nah, why the hell would they? It was cool. Yer cool, Miss National Team Libero.” He laughs, reaching for you again and this time you let him bring you close to him. “Besides, like I said before, who could ever resist yer pretty lil face?”
“You’re a hopeless asshole.” You sigh, and Atsumu of course just chuckles, his laughter vibrating against your ear as you press yourself into his chest.
“I’m yer hopeless asshole.” He pecks the top of your head. “C’mon, babe. It’s our floor.”
You hadn’t realized how tired you are until the two of you enter your hotel room and you see the large, inviting bed. You practically jump onto it, burying your face into a pillow. “Goodnight…” you mumble sleepily.
“Ya gotta go shower and brush yer teeth first, idiot.” A pillow smacks you in the side of the head, and you leap up with a cry of surprise. “Damn, don’t be so loud, sweetheart. It’s late, y’know. Don’t wanna get a noise complaint like last night.” You turn bright red at the reminder.
“Shut u-up,” you retort. “I told you that we shouldn’t have tried to do it on the balcony.”
“It was fun, though, y’know! An experience. And ya sounded like you were enjoyin’ it, anyway.” He chucks another pillow at you, and you yelp as it nails you in the face. “Now get yer cute ass over here, we’re gonna shower.”
“You can’t make me.” You stubbornly lay back down and close your eyes, and you had peace for all but ten seconds before Atsumu’s plucking you off the bed and settling you into his arms bridal-style. Your eyes shoot open in shock and you flail desperately. “Put me down!”
“No can do. I’m not sleepin’ next to yer stinky self tonight, darlin’.” Atsumu laughs as you scowl.
“The floor’s always open for you,” you snap.
“Aw, yer no fun.” He steals a kiss from you in the blink of an eye; the only evidence of there being contact at all is a tingling feeling on your lips. You feel your heart melt just a little more.
“Fine. After we shower, we go straight to bed. Got it?”
“ And brush our teeth. Yer mornin’ breath is bad enough.” He lets out quite an unpleasant squawk when you smack him lightly in the shoulder. “Alright, sorry, sorry.”
“Is this just your excuse to see me naked?” you tease him as he sets you down on the bathroom counter before immediately removing his shirt to reveal his muscled torso. He grins wolfishly at you and shrugs.
“And if it is?” Atsumu’s eyes are zeroed in on the small hickey he had left right below your collarbone last night, which is now visible thanks to the way your shirt had rumpled after he had practically manhandled you into the bathroom.
“Well, I won’t complain.” You follow his gaze down to your neck, before glancing back up to meet his eyes and raise an eyebrow at him. “If you’re going to make it worth my time.”
About an hour later, the two of you are lying in bed together, effectively tuckered out and finally ready to sleep. Atsumu’s strong arms are wrapped tightly around you like a protective cocoon as you snuggle your face against his chest. The slow, steady rhythm of his heartbeat rocks you towards dreamland, and all the worries from the past day are slipping away.
“Hey, ‘Tsumu,” you mumble against his chest. He grunts tiredly.
“Yeah, sweetheart?”
There’s a small silence.
“...Thanks,” you finally say after a beat.
“Huh? For what?” he quips.
“For being patient with me today, even though I was so nervous. And for taking me to meet your family.” You crane your head to look up at him, contentment adorning your features. “I had a good time. I hope they don’t hate the idea of me coming around again sometime.”
Atsumu smiles that familiar smile, the smile filled with affection that others rarely get to see. His eyes are almost half-mooned with joy, his lips are curved up in genuine adoration, and his cheeks are flushed with color. You saw this smile for the first time when he set an incredibly low ball at training camp, earning the awe of everyone in the room, including yourself. Never did you think that you would ever have this expression of pure love aimed at you, nor did you think it would fill you with so much happiness every time you had the blessing of seeing it. He says nothing for a while, suddenly resorting to trailing kisses all over your face. You let him, closing your eyes peacefully as he showers you with his love, ending with one final peck to your nose.
“I'm sure they'd like to have you around again.”
And if Atsumu continues playing his cards right, he thinks there might be a possibility that in the next five or so years, you could truly become part of the family with a glittering ring on your finger.
Only time will tell if that possibility will ever come to fruition, but as you tilt your head up to give him one last kiss on the lips and whisper those three words to him, he knows for sure that he wants to continue building towards that future with you.
“I love you too.” He lets his eyes fall shut as well, before resting his chin atop your head and savoring the warmth of your body against his.
Only time will tell.
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angellesword · 3 years
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Description: You and Jungkook were best friends who were in love with each other. What would happen when Soojin, your half sister who you’re trying to impress, told you she’s in love with Jungkook too?
“Would you believe me if I said that I was scared of everything too?”
Pairing: Architect!Jungkook x Architect!Reader
Genre: childhood best friends to lovers, family drama, angst, fluff, idiots to lovers, pining, slice of life au.
Warnings: mention of abuse and drug addiction.
Chapter’s OST: Clean by Taylor Swift
Word Count: 4.5k
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Hectic was the best way to describe how the past few weeks of Hoseok's life had been going. Not only did he have to deal with the tragic death of his father, but he also needed to convince you to help him make the Kims pay for their dues.
Fortunately, he was able to do this. He felt like there's a big progress in your relationship as well. His heart swelled with appreciation when you told him that you liked staying in his apartment. It's nice to feel like you were being taken care of. Hoseok was the only family member of yours (aside from Taehyung) who didn't make you feel like you were an outsider.
However, it looked like things were back to square one again. After the Board of Directors' Meeting, you became aloof. You still stayed in his home, yet he couldn't feel your presence.
You were like a ghost. You only left your room when you were sure he wasn't around.
Hoseok was rarely home these days because he was busy running a company. As expected, your brother got the position. He wasn't just the biggest shareholder of Castle Architectural Firm, he was also its newest chairperson.
Hoseok was responsible, obviously better than his father. Taemin practiced nepotism back when he was still alive, but your brother assured you and everyone in the company that he would never repeat the same mistake of his father. After all, nepotism was the sole reason why the accident in Myeong-deong happened.
Just because Soojin was his daughter, Taemin allowed her to lead a project which she clearly couldn't handle.
You thought all the Kims were the same, but you figured Namjoon wasn't like the rest of them. For the longest time, you believed that he would do anything to save his family, even if they're in the wrong. But your view of him changed the day he revealed to everyone that he knew about Hoseok being another one of Taemin's children.
Or were you wrong? Truthfully, you weren't sure. The only logical explanation you could think of as to why he would take the sibling DNA test with your eldest brother was because he wanted to help Hoseok too.
"Hey, I just got home." Your musing was abruptly cut-off when Hoseok tapped your shoulders. "My mom and I are heading out to lunch. Wanna join us?"
You cowered, too startled to see him standing inches away from you. Damn. Were you that lost in your thought to the point where you didn't hear him come in?
You were in the kitchen, preparing your own lunch before Hoseok arrived. You were planning on bringing your food inside your room because you didn't want to be around your brother.
"Next time. I already prepared my food. Thanks though." You moved away from him as you opened the microwave, taking out a slice of pizza.
Hoseok snorted. He didn't appreciate the way you're acting right now. He was tired even though he only worked half day today. All he wanted to do was to spend time with his family. His mother agreed to meet up with him because it's been a while since they last saw each other. Jiwoo was busy traveling the world. She made time for Hoseok today though. She also said she wanted to finally see you. Apparently, Hoseok always talked about you even when you still didn't know you two were siblings.
"Uh?" Your brows pinched when your brother snatched the plate of pizza away from you. "What do you think you're doing?"
You gasped and groaned as he shamelessly threw the pizza in the trash bin. You were ready to scold him, but Hoseok was already explaining his point before you could even open your mouth.
"You've been eating pizza for days now. Do you want to get sick?" His jaw clenched as he looked at you in disbelief, expressing his concern. "You can't act like this forever, sister. It's unhealthy. And for God's sake, if you have a problem with me just say it."
You scoffed at his audacity to say these things. Hoseok was acting like he didn't know why you're ignoring him.
It's impossible.
"Really?" You shook your head because of disappointment.
You never liked conflict. Fighting with the people you loved was the last thing you wanted, but Hoseok hurt your feelings.
"You lied to me." You inhaled sharply. You couldn't cry, definitely not when your brother was still acting like he was oblivious.
"I don't know what you're talking about." He even voiced out his confusion. Hoseok crossed his arms too, brows furrowed while looking at you as if you're cruel for accusing him of being untruthful.
"Please don't do this." You whined, causing him to cackle. Don't do what? You were the one being petty the past few days. Why were you acting like the problem was with him? And what's with the puppy eyes? Did you really hate misunderstanding that much?
"I haven't done anything, sister."
"Yeah you haven't—" You quickly agreed with a wince. And then you added: "—haven't told me that Namjoon-oppa knows you're our brother too."
You expected him to flinch, to look at you with soft eyes, or to say sorry for keeping it a secret, but Hoseok did none of these.
Admittedly, he barely reacted as he asked "that's it?"
You scoffed.
"Seriously?" You couldn't help it. You gawked at him too. "We're supposed to be a team here, oppa. How could you not say something about it? And...and not only that!"
You were panting because of how fast you were speaking. It's like you had suddenly exploded.
His casual reaction was what triggered you.
"You also didn't tell me that Jungkook sold his shares to you." It's not like you minded that he was now the biggest shareholder of the firm. You just couldn't accept the fact that you didn't know anything about this. Did he respect you at all?
"Yeah I didn't." He admitted so casually. Hoseok actually looked like the conversation was boring him. You didn't expect the confrontation to be like this.
Now you just felt silly.
And annoyed.
You were annoyed that he's acting like this was not a big deal.
It was.
It should be.
"You're unbelievable." You shook your head and walked out.
Hoseok caught your wrist though. He prevented you from leaving by tightening his grip on your skin.
The stare he was giving you was cold.
"I'm unbelievable?" Hoseok chuckled, low and expressionless.
You shivered, thinking that this wasn't right. You were the one who was supposed to be mad, not the other way around.
However Hoseok was determined to make you feel like this was all your fault—at least this was what you felt as he explained to you his reason.
"I'm unbelievable because I asked for help?" He threw his head back as he chuckled in a sarcastic way. "Tell me...Would you still push through with our plan if I told you Namjoon wants to help us?"
Namjoon found out about Hoseok on the day of the accident. Seokjin was tasked to look after Sin-ae and Soojin. Namjoon, on the other hand, tried to clean up the mess. He also found out that same day that Soojin was responsible for the accident.
Namjoon knew he couldn't let this go. Protecting Soojin and tolerating her wrongdoing were two different things. He was aware that correcting a mistake through another mistake would cause more harm than good.
Namjoon was clever. He knew he couldn't get rid of all evidence so he couldn't protect Soojin by sweeping the mess under the mat. It was proven to be true when he found out that Architect Jung had the original copy of the building's blueprint and other documents that were detrimental to Soojin's case.
Apparently Taemin gave Hoseok access to a safety deposit box containing important stuff related to the company. Hoseok was the only one who knew the passcode aside from his father.
Namjoon knew right there and then that the only option he had was to help Soojin surrender to the authorities. He also wouldn't want his sister to run a company when it's obvious she's not competent enough to do it.
He didn't tell Seokjin about this though. What's there to say? Namjoon didn't really ask Hoseok about his plan. He felt like he would feel less guilty if he knew less. Namjoon's only wish was fair treatment even though he knew Soojin fucked up so bad.
Hoseok agreed. He hated what Soojin had done but at the end of the day, he was still his sister. What he wanted was to simply hold Soojin accountable. It's up to the authorities to decide what to do with her. He was just a tool that would make sure she'd get what she deserved.
The litigation was still ongoing, but they had to detain Soojin. It's because all evidence pointed at her. Your sister had multiple civil and criminal cases, one being gross negligence resulting to injury and death.
"Would you allow Jungkook to sell his shares to me?" Hoseok added, his jaw setting irately.
The look you gave him was incredulous.
"Why wouldn't I allow that?"
Hoseok was offending you. There's no reason for you to stop Jungkook from doing that because if you were being honest, the act actually helped.
"You tell me." Hoseok challenged. He let go of your wrist so he could fold his arms over his chest. "You're stubborn. You hate asking people for help. I've seen you all these years, you know? I've seen you turn your back on the people who love you. Honestly I don't know what's with you and Jungkook but it doesn't take a genius to see how much you hate the idea of him offering his hand for you to grab."
There's a pregnant pause in the air. You felt attacked. Hoseok wasn't the only person who said this to you. Taehyung did too, and you hated how harsh and right they sounded.
Was this seriously your fault?
"You like to give and give and give." Hoseok wasn't done torturing you. "But you never take and then you wonder why you're miserable all the time."
He let out a deep breath.
"You know very well now why I didn't tell you the truth. This time I want you to answer my question honestly..."
He paused just to swallow thickly.
"Why do you always refuse the love Jungkook gives you? The love we give you?" Hoseok bit his lip to stop the other question from escaping his lips.
You understood it though. You knew what he wanted to ask even though he didn't voice it out: why do you accept such abuse? From Taemin? From Soojin? From your mother?
Because it's the only kind of love I know. This was the answer to his unspoken question.
"Because it's not the kind of love I know." And this was how you responded to the question he had managed to voice out.
It took you many years, decades even, to finally admit that.
You had been keeping this reason to yourself for many years because you were certain no one would understand. People longed for unconditional love and affection, meanwhile you couldn't associate these feelings to how you viewed 'love.'
What you thought love meant was pain and suffering. It's very different from the love Jungkook made you feel.
He gave you hope, sincerity, patience, and most importantly: kindness.
Jungkook was so kind that it scared you. Because what if you got used to this feeling and then suddenly it vanished?
Would you be able to handle it? Would you be able to find something like this again?
"You won't understand it, Hoseok-oppa. You won't understand that I don't want people to save me or to give me everything. I don't want anyone to fix me." You had been saying this for a while now. If you remembered it correctly, you even told this to Jungkook. You hated when he tried to get involved in your business. Love wasn't supposed to be like that for you. It's not your love language. You didn't want that heroic kind of love, the one where your partner would drop everything just to be with you.
Us against the world? It's a fairytale.
You didn't like fairy tales.
But Hoseok snickered at this.
"Why? Are you telling me you're so used to pain that you can't stomach the idea of people loving you right?"
You didn't answer.
You were pensive: was there really a standard way of loving someone right? Some people wanted this. Some people wanted that. You didn't even think you fully understood the meaning of love.
Sometimes it made you cackle when they said they loved people without any reason. But then you also furrowed your brow and let out a puff of air when people said they fell in love with the sound of someone's smile, or the way their eyes lit up.
"I know I don't have the right to interfere. It's your life but I care for you and I want you to find happiness. You don't have to be scared anymore, you know? It's over."
He was saying that the pain was over. Soojin and her family couldn't hurt you any longer. Your father had been absolved from the criminal responsibility too.
Justice was being served.
You could rest now. You could finally think about yourself without feeling guilty all the time.
None of these was your fault. You have done your best to help.
Hoseok pulled you into an embrace. You didn't squirm against him.
"Promise me you'll talk to him, okay?"
The right thing to do was to agree, so you did by nodding your head and hugging him back.
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Hoseok ended up convincing you to join him and his mother for lunch. Surprisingly, it went well. Jiwoo was sweet and soft. She's nothing like Sin-ae.
"You wanna join us for some ice cream, love?" Jiwoo asked you after lunch. She said she knew this certain ice cream parlor that sold the best mint chocolate ice cream. It's their family's go-to dessert shop ever since Hoseok was a little boy.
"Oh, I'd love to but I actually have somewhere else to be." You smiled apologetically.
Jiwoo said it's a shame but that she understood. Your brother wasn't buying your excuse though. He felt like you'd just go home and lock yourself in your room. You tended to do that after a really good day. It's a defense of yours. You were protecting your heart because every time something good happened to you, bad news would follow right after.
"Where?" Hoseok lifted an eyebrow.
"Uh..." You paused, contemplating whether to tell him the truth or not. In the end, you chose to give him a vague answer. Not a lie, but not the truth either.
"I'm just going to meet someone."
Your brother's face lit up, thinking that you were referring to Jungkook. You knew this, but didn't bother to correct him despite having zero intentions of meeting up with your best friend.
"Take care, sweetheart. Don't mind your brother, he’s just being protective. But be safe, okay?" Hoseok's mom engulfed you into a hug.
It warmed your heart. This was your first time seeing her and yet you already felt comfortable. You wished she's your mom, which to be honest, was a terrible thing to say, especially when you're on your way to visit your real mother.
It was an impulsive decision. Years ago, you swore to yourself that you would never contact your mother even if you missed her terribly. This was what your therapist recommended too, saying that you couldn't keep seeing those people who hurt you.
It's easier said than done. Having lunch with Hoseok and his mother caused a pang in your chest. The longing you felt was so intense you're convinced you'd end up having a heart attack if you didn't see your mother.
You promised yourself you'd just ‘see’ her. Just a glimpse was enough. You even wore the hoodie of your jacket. You didn't want her to recognize you. You'd just observe from afar.
You doubted she remembered you. It's been what? More than a decade? Since the last time you saw her? You grew up. You were no longer the teenager who cried and begged the grownups to let you be with your mother.
The tears had dried and the shaking had stopped.
Or so you thought.
It was a shiver at first, and then your body trembled when you saw her nodding her head as she listened to the stranger speaking.
Yunhae. This was the name of the stranger. She was an addict trying to get better. Your mother and the rest of the group listened to Yunhae's story, some of them looked at her with sympathy, some of them remained impassive—like they had heard this same story a thousand times before and watched it all go down the drain.
In the end, they'd relapse. Just one taste, one sniff, one feel...and then they'd fall down the rabbit hole.
Your mother's eyes made you release a breath though. She wasn't staring at Yunhae like she'd disappoint her.
Hope. This was what you could see in your mother's eyes, however you realized that she wasn't really looking at Yunhae.
She was looking at you.
You panicked as you instantly turned away from her. She wasn't supposed to see you. She wasn't supposed to remember your face.
You were a fool for thinking this way. No mother could ever forget their child's face.
She was certain it was you even though you didn't turn around when she called your name.
You walked faster, desperate to leave the room. Sadly your mother didn't have a plan to let you go.
She ran after you, grabbing your wrist which forced you to look at her.
She called your name again. This time, uncertain. She examined your face, as if she'd get a perfect mark by staring at your eyes. The same eyes that used to look at her with so much love.
Your eyes were still soft, but she couldn't feel the sparks.
"It's me..." You finally admitted the truth when she caressed your face with quivering hands. Tears filled her eyes.
It's you.
"You're here..." And you're really here.
Was she dreaming?
"Yeah, but I need—"
"Can we talk?" She cut you off, afraid to hear you say you couldn't stand to see her face anymore. She thought you hated her and frankly, she couldn't blame you.
Hate was a strong word, but if you felt this way, she was sure it's warranted.
"Please." She begged and just like before, you gave in.
You were still weak when it came to her.
"Thank you. C-Can you wait for a second? I...I just need to—"
"Go ahead." You interjected because it's obvious she's panicking. You realized she wasn't sure how to tell you what she had to do first.
"I'll be right back." She promised before going back to her circle. Yunhae was still talking. Your mother felt bad for leaving them and asking Yoon-sung, one of the members of the group, to take the lead, but they could manage without her.
This was probably the only chance she had with you. She couldn't mess this up.
"Let's go?" Your mother smiled at you. You didn't show any sign of displeasure so she started walking as you followed her out.
Your mother brought you to the garden of the church building. You still found it hard to believe that your mother spent most of her time inside the church, but oh well. It's not like she had a choice. CA meetings were usually held in this kind of place.
From what you had heard, your mother was actually leading the CA meeting. She went from being a junkie to a respected leader.
She had come a long way.
You could see she's proud of it too.
"I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I can't leave them without a substitute." She smiled apologetically at you.
You folded your arms over your chest.
"I know. That's why you entrusted the group to your boyfriend, right?" You refused to look at your mother. It wasn't because you didn't approve of her choice in men, but you couldn't help but be wary.
"You know about Yoon-sung?" She was flustered.
Your lips curled up. Who wouldn't have thought that you would see your mother like this? Back when you were a child, you thought she wasn't capable of feeling other emotions aside from anger and frustration.
"No, but it doesn't take a genius to know. He kissed your cheek and looked at you like—" You abruptly stopped upon realizing what you're about to spill:
He looked at you like the way Jungkook looked at me.
Your mother noticed the way you froze, but she knew better than to ask. You weren't comfortable around each other yet. She had no business teasing you or prying information out of you.
"I see. I thought Jungkook told you about Sung and I..."
You whipped your head back at her. What did she say? Did she just mention your best friend's name?
Your mother confirmed it.
"Jungkook knows about my relationship with Sung. He used to t—" But she stopped speaking when she saw confusion painting your face.
Realization hit her.
"You didn't know."
Damn right you didn't. Jungkook never told you he went to visit your mother.
"Since when?" Your jaw ticked. You weren't mad, just...baffled. Why didn't he tell you?
"S-Since you were sixteen." She gulped while you sucked in a deep breath. "He visited me while I was still in rehab...and then in prison...and then...here."
Your mother had been through a lot. Your best friend somewhat helped her through it all. But if Jungkook was being honest, he'd say that the only reason he visited your mom was because of you.
He knew how important your mother was to you. He simply wanted to make sure she was doing okay so as not to worry you. Jungkook also asked her how to help you. He was certain that some things were difficult for you.
You barely ate and slept the first few months you had been separated with your mother. Jungkook wanted to learn how to soothe you. He was aware that despite all the pain your mom had brought you, she was still the only one who knew you well.
She knew the right way to brush your hair when you're trying to go back to sleep after waking up from a nightmare, she knew the words to say to manipulate you into doing what she liked. Jungkook wanted to learn this, but not to manipulate you but to make you feel at ease.
It hurt seeing you cry. It hurt seeing you suffering. He wished he could take away your pain.
"He told me all about you. I know I don't deserve it but it's the only thing that kept me sane. Thinking that at least you're...living your life out there."
There was a lump in your throat. Had you really been living? What were the things Jungkook told her? You wouldn't know if he lied to make your mother feel better because when you were with Jungkook, you were the happiest. Maybe he saw it too. He saw how your world brightened because of his presence.
"He's a good kid. Jungkook..." Your mother wiped her tears you didn't even realize were falling. "He did the things I was supposed to do. He made you happy, he loved you, and he took care of you..."
You could see gratefulness dancing in her face. This was the first time you had seen your mother look this way. She looked happy and content. She glowed.
"I owe him one."
This information pained you. Jungkook helped you and you appreciated and hated that. How could he think about you when he was hurting too? His father died shortly after you were separated from your mom.
He offered you support and you didn’t even bother to ask him if he was okay.
Why was he like that? Why did he love you so much?
This very moment made you realize that just like your mother, you owed something to Jungkook as well.
"Yeah. Me too..." And so you found yourself saying it too. It's the truth. Jungkook had helped you in ways you couldn't even imagine.
You didn't know it but the only reason Jungkook sold his shares to Hoseok was because he didn't want to compete with you. Admittedly, he even sold the shares below the fair market value. He sold it at cost, but not because he was dumb.
He just told your brother this: "I didn't lose, sunbaenim. I won. That's just money, but what you're gonna give her is your support. Promise me you'll take care of her, that you will not betray her."
You said you didn't want him to help you so he did it indirectly. Hoseok helped him help you.
"Will I see you again?" Your mother asked after a few moments of silence. You two talked about small things for the past thirty minutes.
You already considered this a long time, especially because you still didn't trust her. You didn't have any more stories to share. You ran out of topics for small talk.
You told her your father died though, but apparently, she already knew. It's all over the news anyway.
"Uh, I'm not sure..." You winced.
You had been working home for the past weeks. You knew your boss only allowed this because you were still grieving, but it's time to go back to reality again.
"I'm thinking about flying back to New York next week." You didn't know why it hurt to say this. A part of you was begging you to stay.
"You're thinking about it..." She repeated thoughtfully, as if processing your words.
You could only nod.
"That means you're still undecided."
Were you?
Yes, you were. Because if you had made up your mind already, then why were you still here? You were finished with your job here. There's no reason for you to still stay.
"Listen, I know I'm pushing my luck here, but do you...want my advice?"
It's strange...to hear this coming from here. People who knew the real relationship you had with your mother would probably laugh if they hear her saying this.
Since when did she care about you? Since when did she care about the decision you're struggling to make?
Could it be that she really changed? Was the past decade really enough to change a person?
You guessed so—this was what you thought as you remained frozen, waiting for her to say something that might change your mind.
She did.
She said something that made your heart painfully twist in your chest, a harsh reminder of why you were alive and why you got hurt in the first place.
She did something she wasn't supposed to do, and now she wished you wouldn't make the same mistake too.
You had the advantage.
Your mother smiled—warm and gentle—as she said: "Don't throw away the love you can freely have. Some of us aren't given that choice."
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piscesparker · 3 years
Betraying the bond
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Masterlist | Taglist
Part 4
a/n: *in Loki's voice* Surpriseee
As his hand slid off my face, I left out a huff of breath, "What are you doing here Harrison?" I asked him, his hands not seeming to leave mine; my constant squirming gave away that I was uncomfortable.
"I could ask you the same." He retorted, letting go of my hands but still standing incredibly close, "Well I got hungry." I shrugged and walked past him across the room to my sandwich, "Now answer me, what are you doing here?" I asked taking a bite. I felt a bit embarrassed since I was in my nightgown just like dad joked about and he was still in the same clothes we had gone for the tour but just a little creased up now. 'It had been hours since we got back why hasn't he changed yet?'
"I was hungry too?" It was more of a question than a statement, he followed me and leaned on the table, standing adjacent from me. As he reached out his hand over to take my sandwich I slapped his hand. "Hey!" He furrowed his brows.
"Don't touch my food!" He rolled his eyes.
"It's the middle of the night what are you two doing here?" A sleepy voice came from behind, startling the two of us.
"Alex! Don't do that!" I yelled at him, placing my hand over my chest.
"So you attack me and not him?" Harrison quipped
"Attack?" Alex chimed in, "What happened here?"
"Nothing happened, just go back to bed." I told him, he simply rolled his eyes and went; I then turned to Harrison, "You too."
"But I'm still hungry." He fake pouted. "It's quite a big kitchen I'm sure you can make something." He didn't say anything, he simply stood up straight and began to walk towards me.
"What are you doing?" I stuttered, scared and taking back a few steps. It wasn't until I hit another table that I let out a soft gasp knowing that he had cornered me. There was something in his eyes that I couldn't read but a smirk I knew all to well, he was towering over me just like he did moments ago. His index finger was under my chin, lifting it up and looking into my eyes. His thumb swiped the corner of my lip, he then licked his thumb, apparently I had some jam from the sandwich there. "Strawberry," he hummed, "nice." That stupid smirk of his never left his lips but he did, as did I moments later.
Walking back to my room I passed the portraits of mom and dad which had me wondering, even if Harrison and I do get married would we have anything like they did? The love, the understanding, the two of us have nothing in common.
The next morning I hurried on down to the stables to see Spencer before dad would have any other work that would keep me occupied for the whole day again. "Hey boy." I cooed, running my hand over his well brushed hair as he neighed, "I'm so happy to see you too." I smiled, this smile was genuine, it wasn't forced because seeing and talking to Spencer actually gave me joy.
I opened his stall door and put his reins over his ears and taking him out of his stall, walking to the garden. As we strolled beside each other, I vented out everything that happened with Harrison and how I despise him, "What do I do Spence?" I asked him, looking into his big black eyes. "Maybe you should try not talking to a horse." I didn't have to turn around to see who said that, that voice was beginning to grow on me. But Spencer too was getting agitated, he began whining and huffing, I gripped on reins so he wouldn't get away and tried to calm him down.
After getting him to calm down, I turned to Harrison, "See, even Spencer doesn't like you." I informed him and started to walk back to the stables, taking him in his stall and taking off his reins and brushing his hair; surprisingly Harrison had followed us. "I'm sorry about your horse, didn't mean to spook him." He stood at a safe distance from us with his one hand shoved in his pocket as always and kicking around some of the hay with his foot. "It's alright, he's not used to meeting new people." I said, continuing to brush Spencer.
"So what were you doing talking to him? People are gonna think you're crazy."
"So? I don't care what people think. I love him, so that is why I talk to him." I smiled, remembering the day I met Spencer, he was just a foal who had been birthed by one of the royal horses.
"It seems as though you love him, maybe you should marry him at least you'll be happy and who knows maybe you might have some centaurs running around the castle." He joked as I sent him a disgusted look. "But to be honest," he continued after he finished laughing, "Spencer seems to a be a great horse for racing, have you ever tried to race him? I bet he would be amazing."
"No, as much great as he is, he never races, I don't want people betting on him or want him to lose the comfort of this stable." I shot back. Spencer wasn't a royal horse, he never went on battles or wars I didn't allow it. Just then I heard the clicking of heals approaching us, it was Leah in true fashion with her buttoned shirt, blazer and mini skirt. "Your highness's," she gave a curtsy and turned to me, "Queen Phil has asked to see you in her room for tea, and His Majesty has asked to see you Prince Harrison." She informed him.
"Are you sure it's not the other way around?" I interjected.
"No." She said confidently and walked away.
"Shall we?" He asked, ignoring his request I stepped out of the stable and walked back in the castle; him jogging and catching up to me and stopping when he saw dad approach us. "Your Majesty, you're looking rather chipper." He grinned.
"Seeing the two of you surely does make me happy, Y/n why don't you show him to my study I'll be with you in a minute." He asked me and walked past us.
"Well this is your stop," I sighed when we reached dad's study, before I walked away I turned to him, "You're such a kiss-ass you know that."
"Oh love, yours is the only ass I will be kissing." He winked as I had a feigned expression. How dare he?
This was the second time he left me stunned right in the middle of hallway, the thought of seeing his mother came to mind. Should I tell her? I took a deep breath and turned on my heels walking towards Queen Phil's room. I waited a few moments after my knuckles tapped her room door. "Y/n! Please do come in." She greeted, opening the door and revealing the trolley of tea cups, biscuits and assortments of sorts, I entered the room not before giving a polite curtsy and a fake smile plastered over my face no thanks her son. "Come." She patted on the cushion signalling me to sit beside her, I obliged. There was a sense of comfort I was finding in her, a same feeling a felt with my own mother at times, which made me wonder even more how did her son was the complete opposite of her.
I adjusted myself beside her, "Y/n," she began, "I just want to say thank you, for accepting to marry my son, and sacrificing your self for your people. I admire that in you and I'm sure you would make a great queen one day." I locked my eyes with hers at that compliment.
"You really think so?" She nodded solemnly. I was trying not burst into joy, the very woman I look up to, aside from my mom, thinks I would be a great monarch in the future? Maybe tolerating her son wouldn't be that hard.
Harrison Osterfield Taglist: @hollandbroz-n-haz @hjoficrecs @euphorichxlland @asshatgrace @anissalime @just-lost-inbetween-worlds
General Taglist: @petersasteria @peaches-parker @amberxskiess @hollanderfangirl @alinastarkrovs @parkerpeter24 @yourstrulyamour @felicityparkers @theonly1outof-a-billion @miraclesoflove @theglitterymess @osterfieldholland01 @spideyssunshine @zspideyy @chillingonlife @yousayironisayman @keithseabrook27
Betraying the bond taglist: @in-some-fandoms @frenchfrostpudding @sheranatic111 @kickingn-ames @tomhollander96 @minejungwoo @multific @emistrash @xuxinoir @angelsgrxzer @hellomadambutterfly @britishvamps @bicyhot1
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hwajin · 3 years
Morning Grumpiness
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Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 2K
Note: I got really carried away with this one lol. send hyunjin lots of love, and enjoy christmas time☃️
You were forced awake by the demanding sound of your alarm, ringing through the silence of the calm morning to make sure you and Hyunjin didn't sleep in. The alarm was unnecessary for you since you woke up at 10am naturally anyways, but for Hyunjin this hour was pure torture, way too early. He had to go to work today, otherwise you would have watched him sleep until noon, not feeling the urge to wake the sleeping beauty next to you. But on days like this, especially when Hyunjin didn't get much sleep the night before, the mornings were torture for you as well. Not because of the early hours, but because waking your boyfriend was a nearly impossible task.
You didn't quite understand how it was possible for this boy to keep sleeping tightly, as if nothing in the world bothered him, when simultaneously the alarm was basically screaming at him, the loud, annoying noises cutting sharply into your ears. Hyunjin’s ears didn't seem to notice anything though, his eyes still closed tightly, his chest heaving peacefully while he looked as careless as ever. You took just one second to admire the boy laying beside you, propping yourself on one elbow to get a better look at him. His blonde hair was covering his eyes slightly, so you brushed it aside, his face in its whole exposed now. His ethereal beauty was still able to catch you off guard after so many years. Even though his hair was a mess, his pink, plump lips and reddened cheeks puffy due to the sleep and his big eyes sleepy even while close he managed to look like a creation of God himself, unreal, angel - like. Hyunjin suddenly shifted a little, his long, elegant fingers coming up to his face, as if he could sense you staring at him, attempting to hide himself from you. You chuckled at his expression now, one hand over his eyes, mouth parted and little snores escaping from it.
You decided that you took in enough of him, realizing you needed to wake him up eventually. You let out a big sigh, not in the slightest looking forward to what was coming, while you placed your small hand on Hyunjin’s steady shoulder, shaking him slightly.
Of course, no reaction.
You tried again, this time harder while also calling out his name.
Still, no reaction, as if you weren't even there.
So you had to go in once again, taking both of Hyunjin shoulders into your hands now, shaking him strongly while repeating his name over and over again, demand lingering in your tone.
His eyes suddenly flew open, shocked and scared, not understanding what was happening to him. He immediately sat up which was not a welcomed move to his body since he automatically fell back into the mattress, eyes closed again. You let out a frustrated grunt, shaking him, almost violently so.
"Hyunjin, wake up, my god. You'll be late."
How could he not comprehend what was going on around him, he was awake just a second ago?
Hyunjin’s eyes suddenly opened again, looking at you intensely, but without any emotion. He was clearly confused and didn't know a bit of his surroundings. You would have laughed at his face if the clock didn't announce that if Hyunjin didn't get up now he'd definitely be late for work. You took his puffy cheeks into your hands, startled for only a second at the feeling of his fluffy face. You almost lost control and kissed him, which would have been a bad mistake in this situation. In such early hours your kisses were like a lullaby for Hyunjin, causing him to fall asleep as quickly as ever.
So you pulled yourself together, looking him straight in the eye and talking in a serious tone.
"Hyunjin! Wake up! You're gonna be late!"
Hyunjin’s eyes found yours, this time filled with clear annoyance. Oh god, here you go.
"Yah, Y/N, I told you not to wake me up like this. Why- let go of me, I'm awake. J- just wake me up like a normal human being, you're always so violent in the morning..."
Hyunjin babbled on while sitting up slowly, rubbing his eyes and running his hands through his messed up hair in the process. You didn't even fully understood his words since his morning speaking abilities were only limited, making you chuckle every time you heard him talking absolute nonsense. His tired, low morning voice went on ranting as he gave his whole body a good morning stretch, arching his back and bringing his long, slick arms behind his head, closing his eyes shut heavily. You sat behind him as you watched his actions, the way he sat on the corner of the bed, looking so impossibly cuddly even while talking grumpily about how he doesn't like anything or anyone in the morning. Hyunjin let out a deep grunt after the stretching, finally standing up and moving his body towards the bathroom, not paying any attention to you. You shook your head slightly at his cuteness.
In the beginning of your relationship you got quite offended anytime Hyunjin started accusing you of not waking him the way he wanted to be waken up. You often fought back the moment those words came out of his mouth, meaning that your mornings always started off with you fighting. At some point you realized that it was useless arguing with him over such thing. You understood that Hyunjin did never mean those words personally, he simply wasn't a morning person. So you let it be with time, letting him be grumpy and annoyed by you. You started to even like this about him, finding it adorable how he babbled on the whole time while finding his way to the bathroom with little, slow steps. The way he looked in the morning, bare faced, hair falling naturally and features puffed made you love him even more. The way his bare feet sounded against the linoleum floor, leaving taps behind, made your heart flutter for some reason. It were little things, but you loved them the most about Hyunjin.
After 30 minutes you finally heard the bathroom door open, soon revealing a freshly washed Hyunjin in his pyjamas in your bedroom again. His personality seemed like switched out as he suddenly came closer to you quickly and captured your lips in a short but sweet kiss, before pulling away to look at you.
"I was grumpy, right? I don't remember much, I just know I was grumpy. I'm sorry.", Hyunjin said softly, kissing your lips once again. You laughed at his words while he went over to your shared closet, opening it with a concentrated look on his face.
"How can you not remember, you were awake!", you told him, not believing his words.
"I was physically awake, but not mentally. You know that!", Hyunjin talked back jokingly as he looked for some clothes in the closet. His long arms reached for a white shirt and grey sweatpants, placing them on a stool that was standing next to him. He quickly pulled the shirt he slept in over his head, revealing his build back to you. God, it was definitely obvious that Hyunjin took swimming seriously in previous years. He unintentionally flexed his muscles as he reached for the new white shirt, making your mouth water at the sight of him. You have always had a weakness for his back muscles, and he took this as his advantage multiple times. You didn't know if it was his goal to tease you now or if he really was just dressing up for work, either way you enjoyed the show. He pulled down his pants after the shirt was covering his upper body, leaving him in only his boxers. You couldn't help but stare at his legs as well, steady and strong, while he put on the sweatpants he prepared prior. When he turned around he noticed you staring at him, causing him to shoot you a smirk.
"What are you staring at?", he said teasingly, grabbing a pair of socks and coming closer to you. You blushed at his question, startled and confused as to what to say to this.
This little tease, so he was doing it on purpose. You can't seem to figure out why he enjoyed riling you up for nothing, but you guessed he just liked playing around and leaving you speechless. Maybe it gave his ego some kind of a boost or something.
Since you didn't answer and just looked at Hyunjin stepping closer to you, reddening even more, your boyfriend let out a chuckle, sitting down at the sight of the bed to put on his socks.
"You're always so shy around me, I wonder why.", he said, faked curiosity dripping as he spoke. He was still looking at you, smirking.
You quickly shook your head, tuning into reality again.
"Yahh, stop teasing me Hyunjin.", you said annoyed as you gave his shoulder a light slap. He threw his head back in laughter, adoring your reaction to his flirty behavior. Hyunjin leaned in to peck your lips, way too sensually for your taste if it led to nothing anyways, before placing his forehead against yours.
"This is not teasing, baby, this is flirting. I can show you what teasing is after work though, so look forward to tonight, hmm?", Hyunjin said, voice and eyes dark all of a sudden, boring holes into your soul. His change in behavior caught you off guard harshly, almost scared you, but you knew that he could fake this stuff very well. You disconnected your head from his quickly, frowning your brows at him. You couldn't help the blush which crept up at his words though, making you - in fact - excited for tonight.
You acted cold though, giving his shoulder a playful slap once again.
"What are you talking about, stop it. Come on, get away from me, go to work.", you said, acting like you wanted to shove him away from the bed. His laugh sounded through your bedroom a second time. Hyunjin pecked your lips once more before standing up and grabbing his backpack.
"Alright, I really gotta go now.", Hyunjin said while leaving the room. You stood up quickly, your bare feet causing the same tapping sound you heard from Hyunjin before. You ran up to your boyfriend, cold air hitting your bare legs as the only thing you slept in was Hyunjin’s shirt. You stood there, watching your boyfriend put on his shoes before he looked at you, freezing in his motion. God, you looked so tiny in his big shirt, your bare legs not helping the situation at all. If Hyunjin could he definitely would toss all his stuff aside, would hug you tightly while carrying you back to bed and cuddling for the rest of the day, getting lost in each other while sharing lazy kisses. He just stood there, staring at you, letting his imagination take over all his other thoughts. It wasn't until you stepped from one foot to the other nervously, looking up at the boy, confusion and amusement mixed in your eyes. When he heard you calling his name questioning it was like he woke up from some kind of trance. He flashed you a smile, hugging you one last time. He felt you hugging him back tightly, and once again he almost lost control as he felt every single inch of your body pressed against his. He truly didn't want to leave the paradise called you.
But he nevertheless pulled away, walking towards the door.
"See you later, baby... as I said, look forward for tonight.", Hyunjin said teasingly one last time, causing you to scream out his name partly embarrassed, partly amused before he quickly closed the door shut behind him. He was mentally preparing for a long day of work before being able to return home, to return to you.
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Shadow From The Window (Leonardo)
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Imagine your scared of the dark and alone, but your sexy hero-in-the-half-shell comes to sleep at your side, after a long partol. Exausted, he forgets how easy you startle, and comforts you.
(SFW but blushy, leaning Fem!Reader/ but also gender-neutral, Bayverse Leo, no swearing, FLUFF, a lil spooky at the start but all sweet and completely handle-able. Its safe 💙)
(So, this is my first official post here and I'm so excited! First of all, HI EVERYONE! I'm so happy to have found my peoples and to be here uwu, I love you all. Hopefully, this brings you comfort to rest before bed, or in the middle of the night. Want me to do one for all the boys? Lemme know!💙)
I am writing this at 2-3 am, after imagining this scenario to comfort myself, settling down to rest. The thought of Leo hiding in the dark, makes the dark a lot less scary. (Tho I decided to write it instead of resting lol) LETS GET IT!
Its 3 am in your studio apartment.
You've been living in New York city for a while now, but its always been a hassle to fall asleep in your own place. That's been the hardest adjustment after leaving home... how scary it can be on your own. Truth be told, you're 'scared of the dark'. Not nescessarily scared of the darkness itself, but the shadows in the corner of the room... the random noises and things that go bump in the night... the mere thought in the back of your mind that something, as ridiculous as it sounds to others, will come and get you once your guard is down.
There you lied, stiff as a board on your back. The covers, pulled up to your neck, as you breathed in and out as silently as you could. Why did you still feel like you had to hide from monsters or bad guys in your own home? "Dang it, y/n..." you sighed, wiping the nervous cold sweat from your forehead, overheating internally from the anxiety.
"WHY... why did I have to watch that horror movie with Donnie?" You thought, internally shouting at yourself. "He said its not scary, that its 'too absurd to be plausible, and thus won't trigger a reaction of fear'. So much for a slow and steady introduction to the genre!"
You should have known when Raph said "Nope, I'm out." Donnie sat there the whole time, laughing at the movie at the scariest and most ill-timed moments... and you recall just glaring at him, teeth chattering, whispering to yourself:
"Yeah, he's cracked alright."
Just because something isn't scientifically proven, doesn't mean it can't happen... or hasn't happened, right?
"Ugh..." you groaned, curling your lips into a gremace, scared your groan was too loud amongst the unsettling silence. "I can't sleep with the lights on again..."
Glancing toward your phone, you noticed a blue light illuminate the screen, informing you that you got a new text. But that blue light... it instantly made you think of the blue-loving turtle you so dearly loved. The light of your life.
'Leo would protect me.'
Ah, that comforting reminder that you would feel so safe in your boyfriend's arms... if only he were here with you.
But... he wasn't. He was probably out on patrol, far away, and unable to come any time soon, even if he could.
"That's it." You said, taking and deep breath and mustering up all of your courage, throwing the covers off and dashing to the light switch.
*flick!* And... everything in the room was normal. It was comforting, but you scolded yourself for not accepting that everything was already secure, and nothing was lurking in the dark.
Everything was still, as you closed your curtains and lied back down in bed.
"Light on it is." You sighed, before the light suddenly flickered by itself.
"Oh crap-" you muttered, taking a gulp, as the power went out. "OH CRAP, ITS JUST LIKE THE MOVIE-"
Now, you felt screwed. You lied as still as possible, for what felt like forever, refusing to close your eyes. Dang it... DANG it!
Grabbing your phone light, you quickly tip-toed to the bathroom, trying to pee as fast as you could, so you could get back to your warm bed where it feels semi-safe.
As soon as you opened the bathroom door, you noticed your curtains flowing and twirling in the night wind. Street sounds from the never-sleeping city below echoed faintly through your widely-opened window.
"My window... is open?" You thought in horrified shock, examining your surroundings in the dark carefully.
You froze in your tracks, as your phone light turned itself off.
A chill went down your spine, as you stood there in the center of everything, slowly backing to a corner, where you planned to crouch in the fetal position, so you could see all angles of the room for the rest of the night.
You took another step back, and another, before you bumped into a large mass, standing behind you.
'Not the wall...' your brain registered, feeling the heat of whomever or whatever this tall thing was, radiating against your back.
"Hello, beautiful~" A deep voice chuckled, startling you.
Jolting around, you saw a dark, tall shadow, looming before you.
The fear disoriented you, quickly rushing adrenaline through your body, as your fight or flight reacted. You quickly let out a shriek, chucking your dying phone at the shadow and darting quickly toward the window.
The shadow caught the phone instantly, with lightning fast reflex, as a large hand suddenly wrapped around your wrist, gently yet firmly pulling you back into the room before you crawled out onto the fire escape.
"WHOA, hey hey! Y/N easy! Its okay." A gentle, farmiliar voice assured, gently pulling you around to face him. "Its just me!"
"L-let go!" You whimpered, still not realizing who it was. "P-please..."
"Hey, its me..." he softly whispered, as your breath began to steady, blinking a couple of times as his identity fully set in. "Shh, sh sh sh." He lulled.
"L-Leo?" You squeaked in disbelief.
The figure slowly leaned into the moonlight, casting over you from the open window, revealing his GORGEOUS, icy blue eyes. Those intense-yet-soft eyes... that you knew and loved more than anyone else's. That comforting, strong, lovingly soft gaze, that instantly reassured you that you were safe.
"Your aim is getting better," he softly chuckled, smirking with his adorable grin. Leo slowly slid your phone before you, onto the moonlit sheets, barely revealing his outstretched, chiseled, manly hands. "I'm so sorry I scared you, love. I didn't mean to... I would never on purpose..."
Leo's voice sounded composed, but also ashamed and regretful, as he became more serious to apologise. He always spoke so softly to you...
"Leo, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, I-" you desparately assured, bursting into tears. "I-"
"Hey hey, I should have knocked, or called. I'm sorry I scared you, sweetheart. I thought I would suprise you in a good way, not startle you." He murmured, reaching his large hands out to gently grasp you, holding you in his arms.
"Oh... I'm so happy to see you!" You sighed, falling against him.
"Donnie felt bad about that scary movie, he told me about how scared you were and begged me to check on you." He whispered, with that composed, reassuring voice.
"Oh Leo... you really came." You whispered, sniffling back your tears.
"Of course, my love... I came straight here after patrol. I would have come sooner, but Raph was getting his shell handed to him by this big..." he hesitated, biting his lip.
"Leo?" You asked, wondering why he stopped.
"-You know what? It doesn't matter." He gently corrected, changing the subject.
"What? What was it?" You innocently asked, curling up against his warm, sculpted chest.
You could feel Leo's skin grow warmer with a blush, as he slowly and sweetly welcomed your embrace, holding you close.
"I'll tell you during daylight. Just... sweetie, I'll never let anything bad happen to you, as long as I live. You're safe, whether I'm near or far. Okay, sweetheart?" Leo promised with his deep innocent voice, planting a soft kiss against your forehead.
Suddenly, you heard a generator power on through your front door, and the power flicked back on.
You could at last see him. See his muscled arms around you, and the tails of his worn out blue mask resting against his chest, along side you. His plastron... rising and falling as he took in slow breaths.
Leo was so careful holding you in his arms... like you were this precious, tiny thing, that he adored with his entire existance.
"Hey, you... you there?" He muttered, growing increasingly bashful in his tension.
"I'm here." You gently assured with a smile, before pulling away to examine his handsome face.
Leonardo. Sexy, handsome, justly-confident, fierce leader. This fearless, giant turtle mutant, who was unlike anyone else in the world. His jaw clenched from sudden bashful nervousness, as his gaze shyed away from your eyes. Your stare always overwhelmed him... it was such an intimate thing to meet his eyes.
Leo cleared his throat, as he slowly reached out to your face, ever-so-carefully wiping away a tear from your cheek, watching intently and focusing as he did so.
Over cautiously gentle so he wouldn't risk hurting you with his strength.
"There we go..." he softly whispered in satisfaction, sighing with a relieved smirk.
"Can you..." you began, with every ounce of security and confidence you could muster. "Can you... stay? With me, all of tonight?"
You felt your cheeks blush intensely, blooming red, as Leo bit on his bottom lip. His eyes widened, as he fully realized your question.
"Y-yeah, o-of course I can..." Leo answered, all of a sudden a thousand times more innocent and adorable, intensely flattered and touched that you wanted him to stay at your side. "Uh... I'll... uh-" he began, moving back from kneeling on your bed before you, aimlessly pacing into your tiny kitchen.
Leo usually was so bold and certain, organized and authoritative, when he was on the move.
You recalled how you had seen first-hand how he can lay out the strategy of attack for the boys. He could be flipping into action, or running through the rooftops as he did it, with perfect coordination in his speech and movements. But with you and only you, Leo wasn't able to get the words out when he was this nervous or bashful.
He had a tendancy to overthink things.
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Leo wandered into the cupboard, beginning to steep some tea on the stove as his tongue caught up with his brain.
"Do you want... tea?" He gently asked, clearing his throat.
Such husband material...
"Ah, sure." You grinned, sweetly answering.
You realized how safe and secure you felt now, with him in the studio. You weren't alone anymore.
Leo didn't say much while he prepared the tea. He hyper-focused to distract himself from the nervousness of staying at your place, ALONE with you for the night. He paced around without speaking... doing little thoughtful things, like closing the window and locking it for you, shutting the closet and bathroom door, and picking out the perfect cups for the two of you, from your DC glass cup collection.
(Leo liked the Nightwing one since it was blue, and he always gave you the batgirl one, because you loved purple. He loved it when you would geek out and tell him how those heroes were the perfect couple... it reminded him of the both of you, and hoped that you gushed about him like that when he wasn't around.)
Leo brought the cups over, moving carefully with his eyes on the glass, gently placing one in your hand, and his own at your bedside.
"I"ll sleep right here, beside you." He thought out loud, examining the hardwood floor panels.
"Ah, Leo, you're not sleeping on the ground." You ordered, taking a long drink from your cup.
"Its no trouble," he assured, unlatching and taking off his belt and sword straps, placing them on your countertop. Leo sat down across from your bed, and began taking off his customized traditional ninja footwear, so all that remained were his pants and mask.
Why did this make you blush and get so flustered, the way he lifted those muscular arms over his head? Its not like he's taking anything revealing off...
"Modest like Leo... modest like Leo..." you whispered under your breath, recomposing your wandering thoughts.
He slowly walked up to you, lying you back and pulling your covers over you. Leo gently placed his hand against your cheek, staring deep into your eyes, as a soft smile rested over his lips.
He slowly nuzzled his nose beside yours, cherishing every small movement, before planting a soft kiss on your forehead. Then, he pulled away.
You felt your arms involuntarily reach out to him, taking his face into your hands. You both stared innocently into one another's eyes, before you made a bold move, planting your lips against his. You gently kissed Leo's lips, and he kissed you back, in the most respectful, admirable, and sentimental way possible.
Kissing Leo always felt so intimate and special... even as soft and innocent as it was. Leo made the tiny gestures special to you again.
"Leo, would you please... hold me?" You whispered, tightly closing your eyes and resting your forehead against his. "Please, sleep with me tonight."
"S-sleep with-" he panicked, turning vibrant red. For the first time that night, he realized that you were wearing blue pj's... and you looked gorgeous in them. Suddenly his heart began to pound through his chest, as his posture stiffened. "Sleep... together? Like... m-make love together?"
"Ah not like that!" You bashfully assured, unable to hide your shy grin. "Just... sleep together, at least for tonight."
He took a deep breath in, that sounded shaky, like the remenants of your kiss and closeness gave him the chills. The thought of you being together in the most close and intimate form made him overwhelmed, causing him to slightly tremble. Leo invoulintarily giggled, pecking a kiss against your nose, before he pulled his mask off.
"Alright." He grinned, suddenly much more eager and confident, leaning close to you as he set his mask on your night stand, switching off the light switch with a mere stretch.
Suddenly, it was dark again. But, a peaceful dark.
"Will you, Leo?" You muttered.
"Yes." He whispered, so softly and so intimately, gazing bravely into your eyes. "Yes, Y/N."
You beamed with joy, resituating to the side of your bed, curling up and watching Leo with an adorable, excited expression. Leo broke out a nervous, adorable chuckle, as he hesitantly sat down on your bed, realizing how massive he was on the size of it. He downed his tea like a shot, (wanting to finish it as fast as possible, so he could do this soft and intimate thing with you) and clearing his throat. Blushing, he slowly lied down on his back, slowly turning to his side that faced you, and hesitantly placing his hand over your shoulder, unsure of what was too much touch.
You giggled, sliding his hand on your waist, so you could sit up and pull the covers over him. "O-oh..." Leo murmured, stiffening up from his shyness.
This was very overwhelming to him, since he really liked taking things slow and was inexperienced to everything involving romance before you. But... you loved that. It was like everything was new to you again too. It endeared you beyond belief.
You lied on your side, examining his face one last time, as he examined yours, trailing your fingertip across his sharp jawline.
"I really love you..." he whispered, meaning every word.
"I really love you too, Leo." You softly agreed, as you continued to smile.
You and Leo talked quietly for a bit, sweet whispers between soulmates, as you scratched his shell and caressed his shoulders to help relieve his stress and tension. He would slowly drift off more and more, talking less and less, gifting you with tiny, soft, slow kisses, all over your face instead.
You both drifted off to sleep, and slept wonderfully side by side, as safe and sweet as can be, just the two of you.
And, as you found out in the morning, Leo was a total, clingy cuddler in his sleep. Throughout the night, he had nuzzled closer and closer, wrapping his arms around you and cradling you, until you were cozy against his body, sharing the same warmth.
💙 Sweet dreams.💙
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wendystales · 3 years
Memories - lrh (Chapter Fifteen)
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Memories (also on Wattpad)
Chapter Fourteen ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ Chapter Sixteen
Marnie pov.
I walk into the record company, finding a very young guy at the front desk, probably the intern. Encumbered with phone calls and notes, I wait for him to finish everything before speaking. His lost eyes soon find me and he smiles sympathetically.
“Hi Marnie, Luke is in studio three.” he whispers quickly, getting back on the phone.
I smile in thanks, heading down the hallway he's pointed out. I didn't think it would be so easy. The noise coming from behind the door to studio three startles me. The boys are laughing and screaming so loud, it amazes me that no one came to complain.
I knock on the door twice, hard, to try to get their attention over that area. A guy in a cap opens the door, revealing a room with at least eight people inside.
Luke is the first to jump out of his chair, coming over to me, grinning hugely, pulling me into the room. Ash gets up too, following close behind.
“Sorry for interrupting, but I needed to talk to you.” I look at Luke, who agrees. I pull him out of the room as I hear Irwin complain.
"A disregard for my friendship. Before, she used to come here to see me, not to see you, you empty-headed bunch.”
"She never came to see you." Hood opposes.
I ignore the pre school fight, focusing on the tall blonde in front of me. I lean against the wall, letting him get closer.
Luke had spent Friday night with me, taking care of me. We also spent Saturday morning together, just existing on the couch. That was definitely a very good point for both of us and it really strengthened our relationship. It also didn't make him leave my thoughts, earning him the title of the cutest guy I know.
Never would Stephen do that to me, even because when I was bad he didn't even come close, not wanting to “catch my bad energy”.
“You forgot that at home.” I give his coat, trying to hide it was against my will deliver it so easily.
I saw the coat the second Hemmo left the house, but when the perfume enveloped me, I decided for my own good, to just keep it for a little while, spending day and night in it. Luke stares at me with a raised eyebrow before taking the coat from my hands, smiling.
“Funny, I really missed it, but yesterday, I saw it in your stories, so I didn't worry anymore.” I roll my eyes, feeling my cheeks heat up. "Let me enjoy that you still don't hate me today."
“Too late.” I interrupt him, biting my lip.
"I wonder if I can pick you up, so we can go to the Troubadour together."
The boys are playing there today, for the Friends of Friends event, and I was particularly excited, it would be the first time I would see them play live. “First time”.
I wrinkle my forehead and look around, pretending I was thinking about it. Luke looks at me in disbelief, holding back his laughter. I pout, shaking my head.
"I think you can! Yes, you can. I allow.” I press my lips together, wanting not to laugh.
“Oh God, you.” he shakes his head, looking away. I let out my laugh. "Can I pick you up at 7pm? I need to be at the Troubadour at least an hour before the show.”
“Of course! No problems. Go! Now I need to talk to Ash.” I push him back to the door.
“It's about my birthday, isn't it?” he opens an excited smile.
I dissolve my expression, wanting to hit him. Damn it, he knows. I feel the surprise party going straight down the drain, but I don't want to give in to it.
“No! The world doesn't revolve around you, Hemmings.” I cross my arm, teasing him.
“It's about my birthday! Alright, I'm going to pretend I don't know anything.” he takes two leaps into place happily.
“My God, I hate you.” I hide my face, sighing. I can't believe he screwed up his own surprise party.
“Hey.” I hear his voice close. I take my hands away from my face, finding his very close. His lips steal a kiss from me, quickly.
“Go away!” I pick up my bag, hitting him.
Luke walks into the studio laughing, yelling at Ash that I've been waiting. I walk around the hallway, wanting to wipe the stupid smile off my face. I hide my face again, returning to the scene that just happened about 50 times, at least.
“Say it!” Ash approaches.
“I hate him!” I point to the studio, taking a deep breath.
“Of course you do! And the sky is green. I can see how much you hate him, by that silly smile on your face.” Irwin raises an eyebrow.
"Don't make me use my purse against you too." I scare away the latest happenings, focusing on what mattered. "Do you have the ring?" he hands me a silver ring set with a black stone.
“Quickly, because he's already noticed he's gone.” I nod, still analyzing the jewelry.
"I'm going right now and tonight I'll return you at the Troubadour." I keep the piece in my bag. "All set for Friday?" he nodded. "You know he knows, don't you? How did he find out?”
“Behind that stupid face, he's smart sometimes.” I roll my eyes at my friend, laughing. “Seriously, if you pay attention, sometimes it feels like there's an elevator song playing in his head. Especially when he's standing staring at something.” I laugh when Ash decides to imitate Luke, staring blankly at the wall.
“You guys are terrible. Well, I'll be on my way, see you later.” I give a kiss on his cheek.
Thursday is Luke's birthday and I, more than anyone, want it to be a perfect day. Also, I want to give him a nice present that somehow doesn't involve my body, as I apparently did before.
Searching the internet, I found a store in east LA that sold some jewelry that I thought would be to his taste. I was going after a box with five rings and three necklaces, which looked like they were made for Luke.
If I could, I would advance the time, just to give the gift soon. I just want to see his face and hope he likes it the way I think it will.
I walk past reception, waving goodbye to the poor receptionist who still seemed tangled up with the phones. Interns.
"Marnie?" I turn around when I hear my name. The man in the dress shirt, who had just passed me, approaches smiling.
“Yes?” I look at him confused.
“Of course, you don't remember. Sorry! I'm John, 5sos’ tour manager. How are you?”
“Oh! I'm great, thanks.” I soften my posture. Being Luke's girlfriend, I must have seen John a thousand times.
"It was quite a scare. I'm relieved you're okay.” I smile gratefully at the concern. "Would you have a minute for us to talk?"
Luke pov.
I lean against the car, waiting for Marnie to get out. I take a deep breath, trying not to let the anxiety get the better of me. We've practically spent the weekend together, we're getting closer, she's letting her guard down with every second we spend together, letting me fight to win her back, and yet here I am, shaking like a stick, as if it was the first time we went out together.
"Pathetic!" I say to myself, not accepting being like this.
We dated for two years, it's not like she was a stranger. I know her better than she does. I already know everything she likes, how she's going to react to every move I make and even then, I'm terrified of doing something wrong.
When I realized I was falling in love again with every detail of her, I didn't think that insecurity would come back with it. In fact, I thought it would be better than the first time, that I would be more confident and secure. But it’s Marnie I'm talking about, she eliminates any security and logic in me.
I twirl the little ring through my fingers, noticing how cold and sweaty my hand was. Yes, that human being not five feet tall, can mess with me.
I hear the door unlock, prompting me to put the ring away quickly. Marnie steps in front of me, walking around with open arms. I give her the dumbest smile.
“So? Am I OK?” she stretches out her Friends of Friends hoddie proudly.
"You look spectacular." I sigh, feeling my heart race.
"Not really, it was a little old thing that was in the back of my closet." she laughs, sounding like her mother last week. I blink a few times, trying to disguise the stupid face I must be making.
“You really look fantastic.” I say before holding her body against mine. I sink my nose into her neck, taking in all of her scent, letting into my bloodstream, fueling the butterflies in my stomach, along with the touch of her skin against mine, even with the clothes between us.
I ease my grip, releasing her, but her body remains pinned to mine and she pulls me back, squeezing me tighter. The action takes me by surprise. Not that I didn't want to hold her, I could live the rest of my life here, in her arms. But that indicated something was wrong.
“Is it everything OK?” I whisper, overcome with worry. Marnie just nods, affirming, or rather lying to me. She's not fine.
Her body pulls away and I see a sad glint in her eyes. My body tenses, seeing that fake smile take her lips, unlike the one she gave just minutes ago. My face hardens, realizing she was acting.
“Marnie…” I start my speech to say that she could tell me anything, but she interrupts me.
“We're late, we need to go. Let's go!” she dodges around me, heading for the car door.
I sigh, seeing that I won't be able to get anything out of her today. As far as I know, she doesn't want to spoil the night and will hold it off until the end. I hate when she does that. Keep everything to herself, without the slightest need, we can share the problem and even the pain, that's what a couple does, they support each other.
We left the building, taking the expressway to get there faster. Marnie babbles about her excitement to see the band play live. Normally, I love to hear and see her talk too much. Seeing her eyes flashing rapidly, her tongue getting tangled up in some difficult word, or seeing her start to laugh before she can get the funny part out. Her clumsy hands, moving quickly until she managed to drop something.
But now, I can only move my head automatically, still with my mind on her bad performance from before. Until this morning everything was fine, she was excited and happy. Until minutes ago she was happy. But now it's just a facade covering something I can't quite make out what it is.
She didn't argue with Leah, because the gossip didn't get through to me, and I'm sure Noah would have let me know by now, so we can set the process for the two of them to make up. I didn't see anything on the internet that could have messed with her. Unless something happened during the photo shoot.
"Luke?" I look quickly at her, who was looking at me amused. “Are you OK?” now she was the one asking.
“Yeah! Sorry, I daydreamed a bit. Thinking about everything I need to do getting there. What did you say?” I try to push my worry away, focusing solely on her, which is what I cared about.
"I asked if you're going to play my song?" my cheeks heat up. She knows?
"What song?" I question carefully.
“The one made for me, Amnesia.” I stop at the light, staring at her mischievous smile. This one is not fake.
"You didn't make that joke." I say disappointed. Marnie laughs beside me. “I refuse to accept that you made such a horrible joke. Marnie, you were not like that.” I shake my head.
“It was good, you can't deny it.” she pulls my hand into her lap. I freeze from the movement, feeling my skin tingle.
“It was terrible and it insults me somehow. I taught you wonderful jokes.” her fake, forced laugh catches my attention as I accelerate.
"I hear your jokes are horrible." I look quickly at her, who's sitting sideways, her head leaning back against the bench. Shit, she is so beautiful.
“This is a huge lie.” her laugh fills the car again.
The mood gets better the rest of the way. I still have my mind hammering at that moment, but I leave it for later, as she probably would. We entered through the back of the Troubadour, meeting everyone in the hallway and dressing room.
I hold her hand, pulling her close to me as we walk into the crowd. As I expected, M&Ms become the center of everything, everyone wants to say hello to her and see if she really was okay. I leave her for a few seconds in everyone's company, pulling Ashton and Leah aside.
"Do you guys know if something happened to Marnie?" They deny it. "Didn't you discuss?"
“No! In fact, I'm missing it.” Leah turns her face away, watching M&Ms laugh among the crowd. “What there was?” she looks at me again. I resume the scene for the two of them.
“She was fine when she left the record company.” Ash reinforces my thinking.
"I didn't know anything about today's photo shoot." Leah adds. "You don't think Stephen might have shown up again, do you? Or even that bitch? Bethany?” I shake my head.
Stephen had to be really, really dumb to show up to Marnie after she said she knew everything. And Bethany never tried to talk to her after what happened, I doubt she would try now.
“I'm sure she doesn't want to say anything yet so as not to spoil the night, we know how she is.” Leah rolls her eyes, she also hates such an attitude. “But later on, she might tell what happened and right away it will be with one of the three of us.”
"If she says anything later, I'll talk to you." Hastings warns.
I thank the brunette, who quickly rejoins Marnie. I watch her extend her still-in-a-cast arm for them to sign in the few empty spaces.
I quickly prepare for the show so I can stay with her for a few more seconds before taking the stage. I position myself behind her, who was sitting on the arm of the sofa, letting her body lean against mine. I watch for her hand moving up to her shoulder, placing it under mine. I drop a kiss to her pink hair, watching her lean her head back further, looking up at me with a beautiful smile.
Shit, I'm so in love with her.
Minutes after a lot of mess, we got ready for the stage. Marnie comes to me before running to their place. I adjust the guitar, opening my arms to her, who comes bouncing.
"How much have you had to drink?" I ask, laughing, looking at her rosy cheeks.
“Just a little.” It hangs around my neck. “I promise not to pick a fight with anyone." she laughs.
“Thanks! I feel more relaxed.”
“Good show!” she wish me, stealing a kiss like I did earlier.
Marnie escapes my arms like sand, running to the door and running away hand in hand with Leah. I rub my face hard, not accepting how she can move me so much.
I approach the guys, doing our circle like every time we go on stage.
The lights blind me for a few seconds and soon I can see that sea of ​​people ecstatic to see us there. Ashton takes the lead, thanking everyone in advance for their presence and explaining why we're there.
I position myself at the microphone, ready to start singing Youngblood. Before I give the cue, I look upstairs, seeing her cotton candy hair watching me with a mixture of admiration and sadness. I blink at her, who smiles lightly and without strength. I play the chord, trying to focus my attention on the show and the new song I'm going to sing for her next, but all that goes around my head is: What's going on, Marnie?
OMG! Luke's new music video, am I right?
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flowerflamestars · 3 years
Nevermind, here goes:
Eris wasn't what she expected.
She knew he wouldn't even bother to play at being courtly like Azriel, nor would he pretend to understand her like Cassian.
She knew to expect some sort of version of Rhysand, that entitlement and arrogance shrouded in cheap charm that all the High Lords seemed to have.
But she was surprised at how his jabs hurt less, how often he just let her win, how he'd talk to her like she was a person whose opinions mattered.
It took her very little time to realize just how desperate Eris Vanserra was for an ally.
His requests for advice are often cutting, like he hates having to ask someone that is a child in his eyes, but they are there. Along with this doubt she is no stranger to, 'Am i enough? Can i do this?' Nesta never diminishes her attitude for him, but she never leaves a question unanswered either.
She thinks she should hate him, based on what she's heard, but finds she doesn't. Maybe it's because she lacks the energy to try, or maybe because she knows that perhaps 500 years from now, the Inner Circle might talk about her the same way they do about Eris. There's a hidden kindship there, between them, that goes unmentioned.
After their bethrotal, Eris had winnowed her to the cottage, beautiful and dreamy and filled with books. She doesn't ask him if he had put them there.
They get to work almost inmediatly. Eris can't leave the castle he lives in, for fear of leaving his mother alone for too long, nor can he bring Nesta along, revealing his little ace up his sleeve.
He will visit her weekly, bring her news about his plans, share his strategies and train her as much as he can, both in her power and education as his wife.
If Nesta is surprised at any of this, she doesn't show it.
But she is.
She is also lonely, briefly wonders when had her life come to her waiting for a High Lord to come and talk to her and had she become her sister, who didn't even bother to write, yet again?
Eris visits more than once a week, doesn't even bring supplies (the cottage is as self sufficient as the cabin, cause let's be honest, the Night Court can't be the sole owner of the cool magic) or news, he just shows up. Sometimes they have dinner, silently staring at each other, waiting for an attack that often doesn't occur, sometimes he stays the night in the room farthest away from her.
His crush on this female was the most horrifyingly embarrasing thing he'd ever experienced. He couldn't even hide behind false advances, had seen her tense at his teasing and known a certain Illyrian had left a scar there.
There was also the fact that he sometimes hated her, but he was also comforted by the fact it stopped neither of them from speaking.
So he's left with showing up randomly at the cottage, desperately trying not to seem desperate.
It was during one of these visits that he'd found two new females in the very well hidden cottage he'd left his fianceé in. He blinks at them, feeling like an intruder and an idiot all at once. They blink back. Then he shrugs and after a brief introduction, ignores them and proceeded to tell Nesta all that had happened at Court that day.
He continued to stay for dinner. The first time, they'd insulted each other until Emerie excused herself, claiming a headache. Nesta realized much later that he'd only given her his undivided attention because he knew what Gwyn was. What had happened to her, and didn't want to frighten her.
It softened some part of her, and she loathed him for it.
Gwyn had already figured this out, and the next time he visits, she greets him with a slam of her shield.
None of them need his pity or coddling.
He gets the message.
All in all, they don't seem to dislike him and he's nothing short of stunned for it.
He gets his ass kicked by the Valkyries more times than he'd like to admit.
Nesta watches him get up from the floor, dusting himself off in the process from the blow Emerie had delivered while they trained, he makes a comment under his breath, like some 500 year old child and damn near pouts.
Nesta realizes that she doesn't hate him.
The revelation is startling enough that she refuses to see him for a week.
Doesn't make eye contact for another.
In less than a year, Beron is dead, his sons along with him and Eris is to be High Lord. One she can respect.
She realizes, with just a little surprise, that Cassian's speech about change taking time was absolute bullshit.
The girls get to keep their swords, obviously, perhaps guessing that if left to the Inner Circle, they would turn to ash just like the House did.
They wouldnt be wrong.
The day after Emerie tells Eris who had made the dagger he held, he leaves it in her nightstand.
A mighty weapon, yes, but it hadn't been Rhysand's to give.
Nesta gives it back to him at his coronation, ignores his shocked look. She can make more, is what she says. I want you to have this, is what she doesn't.
Babe. BABE. this is so lovely?
The way they speak the exact same asshole language! the slow circling each other, which turns in unwillingly, achingly, beginning to understand and save each other!
I’m screaming
Just...he sleeps in the room that’s furthest from her! He doesn’t want to scare Gwyn! 
Truly and utterly, I think this would work. Eris respects power- longs for it, seeks it out, wants it. He needs her to be greater. Not small and beaten down like the IC, not condemned. Ferocious as she can be, to survive what they need to do.
They’re going to play with each other- that courtly, just a lil evil dance they’re both so, so good at.
But underneath it? Growing? real respect. True affection. A team- that Nesta had the chance to choose, that grows stronger as she learns her magic on her own terms.
She wants him armed with her magic! A fiery, tangible sign of family that only her chosen sisters have. I bet he never goes day without that blade by his side.
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niawritess · 3 years
The Lovestruck~Chapter 18
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(2nd January)
5:30 am
"So cute."
Baekhyun's eyes squinted as someone's mumbles woke him up and felt a weigh on his lap making his eyes open. His gaze went down to see you sleeping peacefully with your head on his lap while hugging his arm around your neck making him smile.
He looked up to see a nurse checking up on Ria and walked out flashing a smile at you two. You woke up feeling your hair being tucked behind your ear and instantly locked eyes with Baekhyun.
"Oh, did I wake you up?"
Your eyes widened realizing the position and immediately sat up startling the latter and turned around a little to check up yourself if you were drooling and you didn't even brushed yet.
Then you noticed his jacket around you making your heart flutter but soon guilty as he would have been cold all night. You turned to see him stretching his neck and arms then he turned to you.
"Did you sleep well?"
You nodded. "I'm sorry, your neck must be aching."
"No worries, it's good that you slept well."
You stared at him blankly wondering why is he so nice to you and him being like this is definitely not good for your poor heart.
You heard Ria's voice making you both snap your head to her and saw her sitting up. You sprinted towards her making her sit up before engulfing her in a tight hug trying hard not to cry.
"Y/n? I get it, you love me but I can't breathe."
"Oh, sorry." You let go and she chuckled while you felt relieved seeing her fine.
"How are you feeling?" Baekhyun came forward behind you and Ria gave a smile indicating she's feeling better before doctor checked her and informed she's alright now.
"Thank goodness, you're okay." Baekhyun spoke as soon as doctor walked out while you both gave him a confused look.
"Or Y/n would have filled a bucket of tears." He joked giggling and Ria laughed while you narrowed your eyes at him.
"Why would you say it!?" You unconsciously hit his arm lightly and gasped realizing it but he didn't seemed to mind it while Ria watched your interaction like an interesting movie.
"Was it supposed to be a secret?" He looked at you innocently and you were about to speak but heard your bestfriend's giggling. "I know, she loves me too much."
"I don't!"
They both laughed and you closed your eyes embarrassed before the door opened revealing Chanyeol and he instantly smiled seeing Ria.
Then you noticed a middle-aged man behind him and he started speaking about yesterday's incident ending with an apology.
"It's okay, but just be careful next time." Ria spoke smilingly and you felt so proud as she didn't stretched the whole thing and the man went outside.
"You both should go home." Chanyeol looked at you both. "You must be tired, go home and freshen up, don't worry about her, I'm here."
You didn't protest and nodded before Chanyeol threw his car keys to Baekhyun and he caught it perfectly before you two walked out.
"Are you feeling alright now?" You looked at Baekhyun as he took a quick glance at you before looking ahead. "I mean, you don't have to feel guilty now."
You stared at him surprised. Were you being obvious?
"Well, I'm glad that everything's fine now because I was this close to give up on my driving." You put your index finger and thumb a little closer showing him.
He frowned. "Accidents happens, but it doesn't mean you should stop living."
You smiled at his words. "Philosophy much? But thank you for staying with me, though I feel bad for troubling you."
"You don't have to, I wanted to." He stopped the car before smiling at you and you just stared at him.
"Y/n? We've reached your home." He snapped you out and you muttered 'bye' before getting out and walked faster to your home leaving the latter confused.
The clock read 6:30 and you walked out of your washroom after a quick shower before standing infront your dressing table as you rubbed your hair with.
While doing so, your mind wandered about yesterday as how scared you were but how being with Baekhyun instantly made it fade away. All of a sudden, your crossed about the scene where Baekhyun hugged you and a shy smile formed on your lips.
As you looked back at the mirror, you flinched seeing your pink cheeks and palmed your cheek feeling its warmth.
"What's wrong with you? Why are you smiling? Snap out Y/n!" You scolded yourself through the mirror before walking away from the dressing table.
You weren't the only one, Baekhyun's cheeks were hurting now because he couldn't stop grinning while thinking about you and he was already missing you.
This was so new to him but he was happy. As he walked in the kitchen drying his hair, he saw boys already awake as Kyungsoo was making his breakfast.
After telling them about today, he sat on the couch with a grin and boys stared at him weirdly.
"Hyung, Are you thinking about Y/n?" Jongin asked making his snapped at him surprised. "Am I that obvious?"
"Very-wait! You didn't deny it!" Sehun exclaimed and realising it boys looked at Baekhyun shook.
"So you do admit that-"
"Yeah, I like Y/n." Baekhyun stated cutting off Jongdae and then everyone went silent for a minute then the sound of woos were erupted.
"Yah! Be quiet!" Kyungsoo shouted rubbing his ear before looking at Baekhyun. "I'm glad, you realized or I was going to knock your senses."
Baekhyun laughed but stopped when a question was thrown to him by Junmyeon.
"So when are you going to confess?"
He sighed. "I don't know yet and I don't even know if she likes me back."
"She does, I can see that but she's clueless just like you." Minseok said sipping his coffee.
"Do it or else someone else will do it before you."
Everyone averted their eyes to the entrance to see Chanyeol walking in and Baekhyun felt threatened.
"It won't happen." He said confidently and got some chuckles in return.
"This is so good to see Byun Baekhyun being threatened." Jongin snickered and got a cushion on the face thrown by Baekhyun.
"Shut up! And it's Hyung for you!"
Later that day, you were informed that Ria has gotten discharged and has been asked to rest for few days until she's completely fine.
You had to go to the college and you were already feeling lonely not having your bestfriend beside you but you were glad to have Baekhyun and his friends who didn't let you feel left out.
You noticed that Baekhyun and Rowoon have been talking comfortably now without any tension between which you were happy to witness.
However, one thing you found really strange that Chanyeol, Jongin and Sehun kept making weird eye gestures with Baekhyun but he kept ignoring them.
You just assumed that it would be their thing so you continued with your meal but then Baekhyun kept glancing at you and smiling which did nothing but erupted butterflies in your stomach.
You were currently at the café and stared at the happy Rose smiling. Well, it has been like this nowadays since the day she has started dating. Yes, Jack and Rose have been dating after their second date on the new year's eve where he asked her out and Rose have been all smiley and you were happy for her.
You felt a stare on you and locked eyes with Baekhyun who instantly looked away and you frowned muttering weird. You have been noticing him doing that a lot now wondering if there's something on your face as the way you eat, it's possible.
"Is there something on my face?" You asked.
"No, you look pretty-" He stopped realising and you looked at him with wide eyes. "I mean, you look pretty tired."
He sighed in relief feeling almost made fool out of himself and you nodded feeling your rapid heartbeat while thinking that he actually called you pretty.
"So you're going?"
"Yes, I have to meet Ria." You took off your apron before glancing at him to see his gloomy expression and before you could ask, the door opened.
You both looked towards the direction to see a pretty girl in her teen walking in while smiling at Baekhyun and to your surprise Baekhyun also grinned back.
He walked towards her and she instantly linked her arms around his making your eyes wide but you instantly recovered and made your way to the door where they both were standing.
"Y/n, she's Somi. My cousin." He introduced and you shook her hand smiling but your eyes kept lingering to their locked arms making your stomach churn.
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"
"I just wanted to have a talk." She told him before looking at you. "Hey, why don't we have a little chat? If you don't mind."
Baekhyun looked at you expectantly and you chuckled awkwardly. "Uh, I'm sorry but I have to go somewhere. Maybe next time."
You didn't wanted to be a third wheel between them, not when you are feeling weird seeing them and a pain like needle in your heart making you stuffy.
"Oh, okay."
"It was nice to meet you." You forced a smile and she smiled back.
"Should I drop you off?" Baekhyun suggested and you shook your head.
"No. It's fine, I'll go by myself. You both should catch up." You tried not to stutter as a lump in your throat was forming and you instantly walked out biding to Rose.
Walking out, you inhaled and exhaled a big sigh while placing your hand on your chest feeling your pounding heart behind your chest.
"What is wrong with me? Did I eat something wrong?" You muttered feeling grumpy before walking down the street.
"She's gone." Somi spoke as she eyed his cousin staring at you until your figure disappeared.
"You like her, don't you?" Her remark suddenly made Baekhyun to look at her. Was he being too obvious that now everyone is asking same thing. He has to control his facial expression now.
"She seems nice."
"She is nice." He stated confidently making Somi raise her eyes teasingly at him making him scoff.
"Shut up!"
You stormed inside your bestfriend's room before throwing yourself on her bed on your stomach with a groan.
"I'm not feeling well, so I'm taking a nap." You said hiding your face in the pillow making a muffle sound.
"Hey! I'm the patient."
You groaned hiding yourself under the duvet while thinking about a while ago and again that weird pain in your chest erupting making you stir before drowning into sleep.
(8 January)
8:15 pm
Here you were standing at the gate of the familiar Amusement Park where you have been before. Ria has been in her home for days now and kept whining to take her out.
"There they are!"
You both turned to the voice to see Sehun and Jongin jogging towards you both with Chanyeol and Baekhyun walking behind them. As soon as your eyes spotted him, your stomach did a flip and your heart skipped a beat when he flashed you a smile.
It has been like this. Since that day, you are having these new weird sensations, your heart would beat in an abnormal speed whenever he was close to you and not to mention you have been feeling nervous around him lately.
You instantly shook your thoughts as they approached you before frowning as why others are not here. Baekhyun seemed to notice it and told that others were busy in their stuff.
You glanced at Chanyeol and your bestfriend smiling at eachother and you unconsciously leaned towards Baekhyun but you being short had to tiptoe.
Baekhyun smiled down at you finding you adorable before bending down a little.
"Don't you think there's something going on between them?" You whispered eyes on the pair infront of you.
"There's something else going on too."
You frowned turning to him and your eyes widened at the closeness but somehow you couldn't back away and noticed his gaze, which was different. Was it adoration? Or you must be reading too much.
Clearing your throat, you looked away."What do you mean?"
He smiled. "Nothing."
Even if he says it, you won't understand because this has been happening for few days. He kept giving you some hints but you being you, didn't get it but that didn't stopped him from adoring you. However, he has to step up and do this directly but, boy was so nervous.
"Hello! Let's go!" Jongin exclaimed like a baby and you all laughed before going inside.
You heaved a sigh seeing the usual crowd making you uncomfortable already.
"Oh, I guess Rose's friend called the whole city again." Baekhyun joked chuckling and you instantly smiled remembering it while others looked at you two blankly.
"Oh, it's our thing." You looked at him in surprise and he just shrugged grinning cutely while others just walked ahead.
"Our thing, huh?" Your bestfriend teased bumping her shoulder to yours and you shooed her ahead.
Then, you noticed the crowd making you uncomfortable but then you felt a warm hand grasping into yours and you flinched but relaxed seeing it was Baekhyun.
"Let's go?" He asked and you nodded before he intervined his hand making your stomach filled with butterflies but you didn't wanted to let go.
As for Baekhyun, he felt giddy inside feeling your small hand against his and he just never wanted to let go of it. As you both walked through the crowd, you spotted your friends as their eyes flickered to your hands them to you both.
"Uh, she's uncomfortable with crowds." Baekhyun spoke as you both approached them.
"Okay, you can let go of her hand now." Sehun smirked at him and you both instantly let go before looking away awkwardly while they chuckled.
Everyone strolled around and riding the rides and you got to know that Baekhyun was afraid of heights since he wasn't getting on. You saw how his ears turned red when his friends told you but you found him cute and told him that he doesn't have to feel embarrassed.
After riding half of rides, you all were tired and decided to rest somewhere then walking further, you ended up in a familiar place. Sitting down on the bench under the tree, you smiled remembering it and it was still same, not so crowded.
"Y/n, do you remember?" Baekhyun pointed his finger towards the tree and you bit your lip recalling the scene before smiling sheepishly.
"It wa so embarrassing." You groaned hiding your face and he giggled at your embarrassed state not noticing the stares of the others.
"We are also here, you know." Ria commented making a weird face. "But what am I missing?"
"Uh, nothing. Let's have some ice-cream."
You both grinned like excited kids.
"Okay, we'll get Ice-creams for you." Chanyeol spoke before asking Ria about her flavor but she decided to go along with him since she can't just eat one flavor.
"Vanilla for Y/n." Baekhyun told Chanyeol as he was about to ask you and you nodded while the boys gave him a teasing look.
Ria and Chanyeol walked away and you sat with three boys before Jongin started to whine about being tired of just flirting so two of them started taunting him.
"Jongin Sunbae, why don't you just get a girlfriend then?" You blurted out your question and he chuckled. "Will you help me find a girl then?"
"Hm? Me? How?"
"Find me a girl who is pretty like you." He grinned and you looked at him surprised then he got a smack on the back of his head.
"Not her." Baekhyun glared at Jongin who just tried to flirt with you and the latter stared at him smirking as he was already being protective over you.
"Okay, sorry, junior Y/n. I was just joking." He gave a sheepish grin raising his hand in surrender. He knows you are off limits since you are his friend's girl but seeing his Hyung's expression, he couldn't help but tease you.
Suddenly, Baekhyun got a call and excused himself not before giving his friends a look of 'Don't you dare do anything funny' and at this, they both nodded raising their hands up.
As you three were chit chatting, Sehun's eyes spotted a Balloon and dart game across of you. He stood up and suggested to play but you weren't in the mood.
"Junior Y/n, Are you scared?" He smirked and your inner competitiveness jolt up.
"No way!"
"Then let's have a game. What do you say?"
"Sure!" You stood up and walked towards the stall where others were playing it.
As you stood in front of the counter, you unconsciously locked eyes with a guy who seemed to be staring at you with a smirk. You gave him a dirty look and he looked away scared of your fiery eyes before you felt Sehun and Jongin standing either side of you.
You smiled feeling secured with them before you three started your game.
"No! How did you do it?!" Sehun whined as you shooted half of the balloons almost winning over him and you did.
"Yes!" You clapped excitedly and he groaned rolling his eyes.
"I won!"
"It was luck!"
"It wasn't! You're just saying because you lost."
"Wow! Junior Y/n, you sure are good in this game." Jongin complimented raising his palm and you high fived it before looking at sulking Sehun.
"What's happening?" You looked back to see Baekhyun coming while shoving his phone in his pocket.
"Sehun and Y/n had a game and she won." Jongin told him and Baekhyun stared at you amused before smiling proudly.
Soon, Ria and Chanyeol came back after ages and as you were shoving your mouth with ice-cream, the boys and Ria talked with their eyes before Sehun leaned in to Baekhyun's ear.
"Have a good time with your girl." He winked at him and before Baekhyun can process his words, they left you alone with Baekhyun who was confused as you.
"What's happening? Where are they going?" You stared at them confused as they were running off somewhere.
Baekhyun shrugged. "I don't know, shall we stroll around?"
You nodded, though you were still confused before stepping ahead but gasped when something bumped into your legs or say someone.
"Mom." You looked down at the boy shook who seemed to be five-year old looking up at you with his puppy eyes and tears streaming down his rosy cheeks.
"You have a son?" Baekhyun hovered over your shoulder behind you looking at the boy confused.
"I know right, even I didn't know." You rolled your eyes and crouched down to his level before wiping his tears.
"Hey, baby. Why are you crying? Where are your parents?" You asked softly and he sniffled cutely making Baekhyun awe at the sight.
"Mom got lost." He replied clutching your hand tightly and you smiled at his answer before Baekhyun bend down to his level.
"Should we look for your mom?" He smiled softly while wiping his tears and he nodded looking at him with his doe eyes.
"Okay." He picked him up in his arm. "What's your name?"
"Cha Eun Woo." He answered confidently making you both chuckle.
"Ajjusshi, I want that." He pointed at the stall selling cotton candies and Baekhyun frowned.
"It's Hyung."
"Ajjusshi, Candies."
"First, call me Hyung."
"No, Ajjusshi."
They kept bickering like kids and you stared at them in disbelief but more to see Baekhyun acting like a kid to the kid.
"Okay, Stop!" You put your hands on your hips with a stern look and they both stopped. "Are you both kids?"
Eunwoo raised his small arm. "I am."
Baekhyun smiled nodding and you bit your lip feeling embarrassed before masking stern face again as you looked at Baekhyun.
"But you are not. Why are you arguing with a child? We have to look for his parents." You said sternly and Baekhyun couldn't even say anything seeing you being stern for the first time and it scared him but he liked your feisty side as well.
Well, you love everything about your love and that's the thing was happening to him and he wasn't complaining.
"Noona, I want that." Eunwoo pouted cutely while wriggling from Baekhyun's arms and he instantly put him down while feeling offended.
"She's Noona, then why am I the Ajjusshi?" Eunwoo giggled cutely making you smile and Baekhyun playfully glared at him.
"Do I look that old?" He questioned looking at you innocently and you shrugged smiling playfully before running away with Eunwoo.
"She didn't even deny." He clicked his tongue before sighing. "I can't even get mad at her."
"Do you want one too?" The shopkeeper asked and you nodded excitedly being the cotton candy lover you are.
"I have two babies with me." Baekhyun spoke from behind as he paid the Shopkeeper though you insisted to pay for yourself but he beat you before picking up Eunwoo and you looked at him frowning.
"I am not a baby."
He giggled seeing you eating cutely. "Yes, you are my-"
You stopped eating as you looked at him in surprise. He cleared his throat. "I mean you are eating like a baby so you are a baby."
You rolled your eyes hiding your flustered state as he almost called you his baby.
"Can I have some?" He asked and you nodded offering him.
"Here your change, Sir." The Shopkeeper said before smiling at your three. "Your family is really cute."
You both looked at him shook and as you were about deny, you got another shock.
"Thank you." Baekhyun smiled politely at him and you looked at him questionly before he leaned down to whisper.
"I don't want to embarrass him."
You looked at confused but didn't asked further as you two started walking with Eunwoo in his arms. As for Baekhyun, he smiled to himself wanting to be this true one day and thinking about it made him so happy.
"Hyung, I want to play that." Eunwoo pointed at the arcade section and Baekhyun smirked. "Now I'm Hyung."
Eunwoo pecked his cheeks giggling cutely and that made Baekhyun smiled before he put him down while holding his small hand.
He sighed. "Remind me, if we're babysitting or looking for his parents."
You chuckled as he was being dragged by Eunwoo with you following them. As you reached there, you saw both of them playing with games and laughing.
You awed at the sight and thinking that Baekhyun would be a great father, though a little stubborn but still great.
Approaching them, you saw them struggling to get a stuffed toy from the claw vending machine. Both were pouting cutely and saw others were staring at in awe.
"Can I try?"
Baekhyun scoffed lowly. "It's not that easy."
"Oh? Are you scared that i'll get it and you won't?" You smirked folding your arms and Baekhyun rolled his eyes playing.
"Game on!"
There you both started with a challenge but ended up cheering for eachother with Eunwoo clapping excitedly while other people were commenting but you both were too imersed to notice.
"Must be young couple!"
"They look so cute!"
You squealed as you got the stuffed toy and so did Baekhyun before doing a high-five then laughed. You both gave the toys to Eunwoo who giggled cutely talking them before Baekhyun began to play again.
Baekhyun took out a small white teddy bear and held it out to you and you looked at him confused as you thought it was for Eunwoo.
"For me?"
He nodded. "Last time, you gave me a Keychain and now I'm giving you this as a memory."
You smiled taking it. "Thank you but why teddy?"
"Because it's cute and small just like you." He smiled and you blushed but instantly looked away clutching it your chest but Baekhyun saw it and smiled before you three went to Lost and found section.
After the announcement, Eunwoo's Mother came and hugged him before thanking you both.
"Thank you, Noona and Hyung." Eunwoo said pouting feeling sad to leave you and you kissed his cheeks while Baekhyun patted his head.
"Hey, buddy. Don't get lost again, okay?" He pinched his chubby cheek and Eunwoo nodded pecking his cheek before walking away with his mother.
You both sighed simultaneously and looked at eachother before walking out to find your friends.
"Where were you two?" Chanyeol asked as soon as you everyone met and Baekhyun gave him a bored expression.
"You were the one who ran away."
He smirked leaning in to him. "Aren't you glad?"
Baekhyun looked away and didn't say anything because he was glad as he got spend time with you.
"Y/n, Did Baekhyun Sunbae gave this to you?" Ria whispered smugly pointing at the teddy and you nudged her shoulder causing her to laugh.
It was close to ten and everyone decided to leave but there was beach close to the Park which was five minutes walk and thought to visit there. You gaped at the sight of the beach at night. Sound of calm waves and cold breeze sending chills down your spine but you liked it since it was your favorite thing.
Sniffling, you shoved your hands into your jacket pockets before walking on the sand trying not get yourself socked. You turned to your side and burst out laughing seeing Sehun and Jongin doing the Titanic pose together and singing their title song.
Chanyeol and Baekhyun both face palmed at their behavior but let them be to enjoy their moment. Still laughing, a sudden shriek left your lips as Ria pushed you forward in the water and you shot a glare before doing the same.
The boys joined you both and as Baekhyun stood beside you before taking the chance you pushed him forward making him yelp and you laughed. He laughed along before getting lost to stare at your giggling face.
You stopped laughing as you noticed his intent stare making your cheeks heat up and you looked away shyly. This was so new to you, you have never felt this shy or nervous but Baekhyun was making you feel all of this.
"Stop being so obvious." Baekhyun flinched as Chanyeol spoke in his side and realising what he meant, he coughed awkwardly looking away.
You began to walk a little but startled when you felt something cold dropped on your head. Touching the spot on your head, it felt wet before it started snowing and then you heard a loud sound. Looking up at the sky, your eyes went big seeing the fireworks going off beautifully.
You watched in awe while feeling the snow in your hands before feeling someone stood beside you.
"Ria, this is so amazing!" You exclaimed hitting her arm and earn a deep groan but it wasn't Ria's? Confused you turned to see Baekhyun rubbing his arm and you gasped.
"I'm so sorry! I thought you were Ria."
"Thank goodness it wasn't her or she'd be lying unconscious now." He commented and you narrowed your eyes. "No, like seriously. For a tiny girl like you, you sure are strong."
You slightly scrunched your nose clicking your tongue before looking away and heard his chuckle as he stood beside you.
You smiled looking at the fireworks while enjoying the snow unaware of Baekhyun's stare on you.
"There's a saying, that if you're with someone you love in the first snow, your love will blossom." You looked at Baekhyun who was looking up before he looked down at you smiling fondly.
You frowned thinking why was he telling you? Does he like someone? That thought left a sudden ache in your chest.
"You still don't get it?" He asked suddenly and you blinked confusingly and he sighed.
"Can't you see what I'm trying to say? Y/n, I like you, and not as a friend but as a woman."
Enjoy the chapter because we got a confession🤭😂😂😂😂
@wooya1224 @buttercupbbh @jddcfc-blog @usernameloaa
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