#but explicitly disallowed gore
saltminerising · 2 years
I wish they'd clarified more of the things people brought up as not being explicitly disallowed in the rules (like the icon skins and what classifies as sexual imagery), but maybe they're just working on that right now and will add it later? honestly they responded about the gore pretty quickly so i'm optimistic that we'll be getting more clarification soon
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baratron · 7 years
Wrestling Ships Discord Chat!
Hello, here’s the masterpost of guidelines for the Wrestling Ships Discord Chat! Some of these sections are copy/pasted from this other group I’m part of, because they have GOOD RULES. Also, this group is for +18 peeps, so please understand.
This is the official post for it, and, if you are interested, like it so I can send you a link to join. And also consider reblogging this post so we can spread the word about the group, and make it bigger!
If you are interested in this group, after reading these guidelines, please message or send an ask to me, baratron, and I’ll send you a link to join! This group is open for all promotions, from WWE to CZW to whatever else you can think of! All wrestlers are welcome! I just used the wwe tags because they might have a bigger reach!
=18+ Only =Respect each other’s headcanons/ships/favs (you don’t have to agree, but respect their views and don’t bash anyone based on that!) =No Harassment
This includes via private messaging.
=No Personal Attacks
Channels will be muted if the mods feel discussions are veering into personal attack territory or becoming unnecessarily hostile beyond the bounds of acceptable debate.
=No Hate Speech
Transphobia, homophobia, racism, sexism, etc.
=No Vagueing/Vagueblogging
Disagreements between users should be handled either in PM between affected individuals or via messaging a mod to serve as go-between. Airing vague concerns about server policies or about other server members in public channels is a bannable offense. Warnings will be given in private if necessary.
Vagueing, name-dropping and airing grievances about specific members of fandom who are not part of the server is not allowed. Keep such topics to PM.
Please note: This is an adults-only server. Mods expect you to be able to communicate your concerns clearly and in specific terms.
The following are just guidelines. No one’s going to sneer at you if some discussion blooms outside their proper channel (except for explicit NSFW stuff outside the NSFW channels). So, please be polite when requesting a channel shift. also, these descriptions are also pinned on each channel!
#announcements Important info goes here, usually new server policies, and anything else that might be important. You can mute this (as you can any channel at any time) as important info will be tagged @ everyone. Please, do pay attention to these though, because important things will pop up.
#intros Tell us about you! Add things like name/nick, age, location (general, like country) and link to your blogs and like, what ships you like. Just a small intro will do, just so we know who you are!
#general Pretty much everything goes here. Wanna gush about Ambreigns? You got it. Wanna say how cute it would be if Owens and Jericho held hands? That’s cool too!! Or just talk about something SUPER COOL that you saw, which is wrestling related!
#prompts-n-fic-or-art-suggestions Post kink meme prompts and suggest things to be drawn or written HERE!
#fanworks Post links to your fics, fanarts, edits and so on, as long as they are wrestling related. Please, try to keep most of the discussions of things posted here to the general chat!!
#nsfw Here’s where the explicitly sexual (or the more violent) stuff goes! Sometimes, people want to talk about ships, but don’t want to talk about the NSFW aspect, and that’s cool, and that’s why it goes on a separate chat. Also, keep violence to an acceptable level. Talk about gore goes into nsfw_extra.
#nsfw_extra Not for the faint hearted! This space is a free for all in regards to content -- very little is disallowed and there may be triggering content posted without warning. Content that’s considered triggering: dubcon, noncon, bloodplay, gunplay, gore, character death, drugs, serious mental illness and other extreme things.
#roleplaying You want to find  a roleplay partner to play out your dream ship?? Talk about it here! Most probably, there’ll be no LEGIT roleplaying here, but this can probably change (or another channel can be opened for that in the future).
#maid-cafe-au Concerns headcanons and discussion about the chat's very own Maid Cafe AU. Bound to get NSFW (as the cafe doubles as a fetish place from time to time and fishy business happens at night). Feel free to post fics, fanart, headcanons, ideas, RP stuff... anything related to the AU <3
#school-aus A channel dedicated to college/high school/whatever school oriented AUs. Because this was just bound to happen at some point!
#au-development Channel for discussion of all smaller AUs in general, so they don't clog the general chat (plus, to keep things organized).
#live-spoilers For all your live needs! Discuss everything about the current RAW/Smackdown/PPV/any other live show without the fear of spoiling your fellow chat members! Keep the general channel clean!!!
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