#Poetry Month
lunchboxpoems · 2 years
In lieu of flowers, send him back.
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nosebleedclub · 2 years
poetry month challenge
1. long after 2. fawn-like 3. milk teeth 4. devil town 5. rusted 6. love you’ve given 7. real angel 8. driving past your elementary school 9. contamination 10. 2:21 AM 11. forgotten room 12. dollmaker 13. blade 14. husk 15. never 16. seed moon 17. bread and wine 18. day of rain 19. ecological crisis 20. espalier 21. reclamation 22. clever prey 23. peach blossom 24. eyes in the dark 25. sanity 26. pollen 27. bobby pin 28. reckoning 29. peninsula 30. true face
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youhavenofaith · 2 years
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spn poetry month day twenty six: dirt @spnpoetryrenaissance
dean coding catching up w me </3
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psychic pamela barnes, dean POV.
I dig
the way
she digs
plum nails
under this
thick skin
with ease
and her
flirty prose.
I dig
how she
digs deep
with only
a look
that says
'S up, cowboy?
when she
already knows.
I dig
how her
digging dirt
on those
dead dirtbags
is like
me digging
a spoon
into pie.
I dig
that she
digs us
the way
she does–
and needs
give no
reason as
to why.
written for the @spnpoetryrenaissance spn poetry month challenge. you can find info on the event by clicking HERE —*spooky-ass voice* come, join usssss... the prompt words for 02/04/22 were: MINOR/UNDERRATED CHARACTER.
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📚History, Hoops, and Jimi Hendrix: Picture Books for National Poetry Month
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malakkc-poetry · 2 years
Poet, poem, poetry
Organize the images in the writer,
Every word is a symbol that will let
The poet achieve the portrait that will be
Remembered in all its glory of their bravado
Yearning to be heard with great pomp.
(Double acrostic poem)
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env0 · 2 years
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Guess who has their poetry published in the neighboring town?
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the-liminal-place · 2 years
he smokes
his cigarette
like it's the last one on earth,
but he's always got two packs
floppy hair
—that smells of something fruity
and car grease
and his grease—
in his eyes
and he plays
at tucking strands
behind pierced ears
while his old guitar plays you
“bobby mcgee”
because he knows:
you're watching him,
so in the moment.
he sidles up,
that cowboy,
puts them dirty fingers
in his filthy mouth,
then in yours,
and you don't care
they got the day smeared on them.
you lick 'em clean
then touch them
to your heart.
you're his little campfire
and he's your box of kitchen matches.
mmm, babygirl.
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my dad has a knife collection
robyn’s dad took her to the fairground this weekend. she said he bought her candy floss and they went on the big wheel. she showed us the fluffy bear toy he won for her on the hook-a-duck.
daniel’s dad stayed home all sunday to build lego with him. they made a spaceship with loads of guns on the back. i tried to tell daniel the guns weren’t very good because they weren’t the sort that would work from long distance. miss told me off for saying that.
megan’s dad taught her a new math equation last night. it was a really tricky one no one could understand but he spent all evening sitting with her showing her how to do it. megan says her dad always helps her with her homework.
my dad didn’t come home this weekend. he doesn’t come home many weekends, but this time it was for good. my mum said that was just the risk of his job, but i caught her crying while she polished glasses behind the bar. i never understood all the things my friends say they do with their dads. i suppose now, i never will.
Supernatural Poetry Month - Day 2, minor character
going through a jo phase at the moment, so here’s a little something i wrote in about 5 minutes when i was bored at work for @spnpoetryrenaissance poetry month celebration!
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goingtolebanon · 2 years
first day of napowrimo (using @mercuriian's prompts)
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lunchboxpoems · 2 years
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feytouched · 3 years
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on learning i am not, in fact, a fairytale heroine | the orangery literary society 🍊
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nosebleedclub · 3 years
Poetry Month Challenge
1. Four crows 2. Heavy breath 3. Uncontrollable 4. Strawberry field 5. No longer inviolable 6. Mold 7. 11:05PM 8. Police Sirens 9. Voicemail 10. Paradise 11. “A letter came for you” 12. Hiding Place 13. Foreign city 14. Extinction 15. Kittens 16. Tree-lined 17. Petrichor 18. Fake ID 19. Home back then 20. Lost pilot 21. Throat 22. Cut fruit 23. Dewy 24. Genetics 25. Cherry tree 26. Pink moon 27. Tribulation 28. Commune 29. “Walk me home” 30. New growth
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SPN TFW poem, dean POV, s5ep13: the song remains the same.
Finally, worthy. Worth something
good? Something righteous? 
Finally; because
bringing up my brother
—only a dumb child myself—
meant dragging him behind me
like Jacob Marley's chains, 
and that really doesn't count.
Finally, worthy. Worth something
reputable? Something honorable?
Finally; because you failed him.
Your one and only job. 
Not even recognising 
another addict in the family. 
"You're more like him than I'll ever be."
(open to interpretation).
Finally, worthy. Worth something
favourable? Something Noble? 
Finally; because I tried. I tried so hard
and it wasn't even close 
to good enough. He called me
his Right Hand Man like it was
an insult. I could never live
up to her sacred memory.
Finally, worthy. Worth something 
acceptable? Something virtuous? 
Finally; because maybe, maybe I'm more
than the the high-school diploma 
I didn't get? More than that
six bucks burning a hole
in my back burner, my unholy denim
pocketful of holes.
Finally, worthy. Worth something 
admirable? Something pure? 
Finally; because somebody believes. 
Someone of his calibre believes. 
In me. One from above believes 
in all of the above… I'm incredulous,
yeah, but also thrilled. Free, to answer
a better calling—maybe even... more?
Finally, worthy. Worth something
positive. Something just.
Finally; because I'm finally
sure of something other 
than things going bump in the night;
sure of something worthy of my voice
not mocking when I say its name:
Team Free Will, goddammit.
written for day 1 of THIS SPN POETRY CHALLENGE. the prompt words were TEAM FREE WILL. this event is run by the wonderful mods of @spnpoetryrenaissance, thanks so much guys :)
also, i want to thank @rauko-is-a-free-elf, my very gorgeous friend, for inviting me to join in with this event <333
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poisonseed12 · 2 years
A tribute to Dead Poets Society, my all time favourite movie.
This was quite the ambitious redraw! I was so frickin tired in the mid process ugh
This is featured on The Interlude magazine, also as a submission for Poetry Month!
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heatherrosebabcock · 2 years
A Postcard to my PTSD
I don't believe in ghosts but I know what it's like to be haunted by them.
Some days, there is a vestige of the woman I might have become. She is sitting cross-legged in the grass on a late August afternoon, reading the palms of children to distract them from the bees. She is carefully picking up shards of broken beer bottle glass off of the sidewalk so that no dog shall cut his paw. She says 'let's feed the fish' and stuffs her ceramic fish bank full of coins in anticipation of a rainy day.
She lies dormant and breathless under the fetid junkyard heap of other people's hang-ups, other people's insecurities, other people's trauma. Usually. But some days I am the woman I might have become.
If only for a moment.
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