#(yes of course he wouldn't you know what hes like!! he wouldn't want to be a bother on yu. nothing happened after all!!)
darkbluekies · 2 days
What is your yandere's reaction if their darling suddenly asks, "You'd rather have me dead than let me go, right?"
Warnings: mentions of isolation, captivity, death, threats,
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He would be appalled to hear that. That's not at all what he's doing ― or trying to convey. All he wants is you to be with him, and to not do stupid things that could cause pain for the both of you. He would try to take you in his arms, try to cach your attention.
"No, what? What are you saying? Never in a million years would I want you dead! But I can't let you go, I can't be without you. You're mine and you're stuck with me. That's that. No one is leaving and no one is dying. Say such nonsense again and I will show you that being dead is far worse than being stuck with me."
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Dr Kry:
He stares at you, absolutely shocked to hear you say that. How could you ever think that he wants you harm? He doesn't want to hurt you ... it is just necessary, But he doesn't expect you to understand that. Your poor, pure brain is foggy with medicine, you're not in your best state. Dr Kry would try to comfort you to the best of his ability, knowing that there is no reason to try to hide it anymore.
"Darling, you are my most beloved patient ... do you think I want to hurt you? I am doing this to keep you safe. If I didn't, who knows what would happen to you? You could run around and hurt yourself. The world is menacing and would destroy you. You are so perfect, so pure. I don't want you dead. Never."
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King Edmund:
He would give you a long look, hesitating on what to say. He doesn't want you to leave him, wouldn't be able to live without you. But would he rather have you dead? Yes, he would rather have you dead than sharing you with anyone. You are for his eyes only, created for him by a higher power that saw what he needed.
"You're damn right in that. You think anyone else is worthy of having you? I don't share anything else in my life, do I? No, exactly. But you don't have to worry about dying, my jewel. It's not like I'm going to let you leave?"
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Jerry would weigh the outcomes. You dead ... or you gone? The only light in her life being put out without a chance to ever return ... or alive? It's a clear question ... and a clear answer, but she won't let you know that.
"Have you gone mad? I'm not even going to answer such a stupid fucking question. I'll teach you what happens when asking such stupid ass questions."
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The question would break her. She doesn't want to keep you locked in her room and it certainly doesn't help her case that you like to sit in the window and gaze longingly out towards the garden. She wants things to go back to how they used to be. But to do that, she would have to let you go. Would she rather have you dead? No, of course not. Not in a million years. She wouldn't be able to ansswer the question, only replay it in her head until she couldn't take it anymore. She would press her hands to her ears and crouch down, shaking her head.
"Stop, stop, stop, stop .... please, stop. Stop saying that! I don't want that! None of it! Stop! Oh, my God, stop, please ..."
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evilminji · 13 hours
Oh... oh no it's all coming together ( o.o)
Ya'll remember my Danny haunts Space Games post?
That but MORE SO. Harder. Like... ZONE GAME DEVELOPER PASSION PROJECT harder. Because? Special Interest chemicals go brrrrr~☆
And you KNOW... you absolutely FUCKING KNOW! That Danny was minding his business, going about his life, hyped as FUCK for the new Space Game 5 (a niche game but so what? It has REALISTIC physics! It's set on THE MOON!).
Has NOT stopped rambling on about it.
Been driving everyone insane, because it won't be out for MONTHS.
Youngblood, probably, goes "So what? That sound BORING. There barely anything to DO in that! Not like one of OUR Super Cool ZONE Video Games™. OURS are way better! And we gave LOADS more options then THAT! Now can we get back to-"
Freeze frame, record scratch.
Wait. WHAT!?
Danny is violently answers out of that eternal child faster then you can say "Dude! Chill!" Got them manic Obsession Eyes. Oops. Youngblood forgot Danny is Space Obsessed. But also PROTECTION Obsessed. Meaning he can't LEAVE where he is protecting.
You know.... FOR SPACE.
He needs a work around to feed his Obsession. Video games do it. Since he can go INTO them, but leave at a moments notice, if trouble happens. It's like being both IN SPACE but also AT HIS POST! Double Obsession Feeding! Happy chemicals! Mmmmm, content ecto-goo~
But now? NOW?! He's learning there is BETTER Space?!
WHERE IS THE BETTER SPACE?! *kicks open the portal*
It? Is a terrifying time for everybody. Thanks A LOT, Youngblood. It takes like... five Amazons and Pandora herself tackling the little menace, to get him still long enough to get a semi-coherent answer out of him. Stop him trying to shake down random ghosts for answers they can't GIVE.
Youngblood is grounded.
DANNY has an Obsession-crash headache, is really embarrassed, but honestly no one blames him. No one acts their best when they're Obsession gets suddenly triggered that hard. It was a poor man offered El Dorado, a scholar all the secrets in the world. He got swept up in it.
That SAID, yes, there IS a video game shop near here. There are, of course, countless such shops. It's the Zone. There are countless EVERYTHING. It's the nature of the Zone. Just don't harrass any of the developers and all will be well, Phantom. They're not afraid to put YOU in time out as well.
Deal! ( /☆.☆)/ *grabby hands*
There? Are so, SO many games. For systems Danny's never even HEARD off. Alien ones, new ones, long dead ones. Zone exclusives. It's less a shop and more a sprawling maze.
His grin is FERAL.
Space. Gaaaaaaames!!!
The more realistic the BETTER. Give him that living vicariously like an Astronaut DREAM. But fantasy maybe! Or in the future! Or deep space! Alien mayhaps! There are a few. The blended Obsessions that are kinda like his. Space and video-games instead of Space and Protection.
And? Oh~
Oh they are so SO realistic.
Impossible to play on any Earth computer, too. Not a single chance. Wouldn't even TRY and run. But! He is a Fenton! And he WILL have his Space Games! If his parents can make a portal in their basement? HE can make a Bank of Ectoplasmic Supercomputers in his spare room! Or Bedroom! Depends on renting prices!
He GUTS every landfill for MILES for usable parts.
"Liberates" parts from Rogues, left and right. Fuck their evil plans! He has computers to build! The Justice League? Baffled. Alarmed. Nooooot his problem!!!
He completes his works and? Oh~ the smile is both terrifying and fangy.
He starts College. On line, of course, he refuses to leave Amity. And Online can be done at his pace, at his hours. So? For once? He's actually doing WELL. Even BETTER? It helps him remember to leave them games every once and a while. Eat something. Be human.
But... well... it's like a slow flip of his Obsession starving. Now that he has all the Space he could ever want? He... suddenly finds Amity... peaceful? Which is GOOD! It's... it's GOOD.
.........just not for him.
He can almost physically FEEL him mind unclenching it's death grip on the town. Finger by finger. Hands releasing, letting go, as they... reach for something. As he starts taking NOTE of crime rates in major cities. Alien attacks and Rogues, Heros spread too thin, people getting HURT.
In need of PROTECTION.
He... he doesn't WANT to be that fickle. He LOVES Amity! It's his HOME. He wasn't protecting it just because he craved something to protect! In the end, he drags it out longer then he probably should, argues with himself, ignores the problem. Is STUBBORN.
It's only after Dani starts talking about coming back to Amity to stay with him, do the college thing like he did, that he realizes...
Amity's not his Haunt anymore.
They talk. She's excited to help him find a nice shit hole of a city to protect, but also worried because he looks really gaunt. He may LOVE Space... but...
It's the GHOST in him that loves Space. The Astronaut. The Kid who refused to die, who ate a PORTAL TO THE EVERYTHING and crawled out still exsistant, who told Death not only "not today" but "not EVER"? That kid had something to protect. Was and is and always will BE, protection. Himself, his friends, his family or the town. Doesn't matter WHAT it is.
He refused to go, so he could protect them.
The part that DID, though, was starlight. And yeah, he needs it. Feeds it desperately. But it... doesn't exactly support his human half, you know? Doesn't anchor him. Make him want to eat and sleep, be human and alive, connect with people.
Space makes him ghosty.
Dani ultimately convinces him, after spraying him down with a hose and shoving a cheeseburger down his face, to move to Metropolis with her. They get ALIENS! Have Aliens HEROS! BIG DESTRUCTIVE FIGHTS. With lots and LOTS of people who need help! Plus? Gotham is within a day trip!
And UNLIKE Gotham, the Ecto isn't RANK AF in Metropolis.
Seriously, it smells like a burst sewer pipe over there.
Danny agrees. Can totally afford a modest lil place thanks to some patents. Makes one HELL OF A SCENE moving in. With his giant, ominous, futuristic, weirdly day glow green glowing bank of super computers... in this, "we love our Alien Blorbo" Metropolis.
Cause Green and Glowing sure ain't welcome round these parts! No SIR! Somebody call the COPS!
Danny isn't even half way through, when Superman lightly touchs down, a forced grin plastered to his face. The "please, God, not another Rogue. Not a new one. Please!" all but RADIATING off him.
Danny... kiiiinda forgot not everyone was as "I see fuckin NOTHING, man" as Amity natives. Awkward. Welp! Fenton Oblivious Gene's, ACTIVATE!
"Oh, HIIIIIII~☆ Superman! What brings you round these parts? Gosh, it's an honor! Dani! Come meet SUPERMAN!"
Clark knows what he's doing. Danny knows, Clark knows what he's doing. They are both from the Midwest. They ain't gonna break first! You kidding? Clark still has to ask. Inserts himself by INSISTING on helping. A welcome to Metropolis! Ha ha! (How long we gonna lie for, kid? How long? I can do this all day.)
Clark? Learns that Danny has become ABSURDLY knowledgeable about terraforming, spacecraft, aerospace engineering and anything else related to Space Survival. Thanks to... his "games".
Which Clark is PRETTY sure? Are creatively set up, alien, training programs. Cause both of the Fentons are DEFINITELY at least partially non-human. But, eh. Who is he to judge? The "mad scientist" vibe, though... THAT is his to judge. Which he does.
Routine check ins!
And pasta bakes. Because good lord, Fenton, you are skin and bones! And? If it helps with both Watchtower maintenance AND some killer articles? Because Danny is a fountain of Space related knowledge who loves to share it? That's between Clark and the weird, semi-feral, gremlin he's adopted! (Yes, honey, he KNOWS Danny is a grown man. But I did it with BRUCE-)
@hdgnj @babbling-babull @legitimatesatanspawn @hypewinter @mutable-manifestation @the-witchhunter
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shadow4-1 · 16 hours
An Impromptu Punk Concert with Ghost
(What if you and Ghost managed to get into a punk concert last minute?)
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"Why not?" You whined at Ghost from the passenger seat.
He chose silence, which you knew he knew annoyed you. You pushed at his arm, barely even jostling the limb splayed comfortably over the truck's center console.
"We've got a job to do." He mumbled, eyes ever diligently on the road.
"Yeah, I know! But it's on the way!" You huffed. "Please! I know they're your favorite band too!"
Ghost flexed his arm in a display of annoyance, and you flopped back into the passenger seat dejected. You sighed and looked out of the window at the passing landscape.
You were in the middle of nowhere, passing through little podunk towns without stopping. You'd forgotten that a certain band was touring and had gleefully squealed after cheking the map of your route. Your trip was already going to take two days minimum. What was a couple hour break?
"How're you plannin' on gettin' in?" He asked.
With pure delight, you shot up in your seat and squealed. If Ghost had really meant "no" he wouldn't have brought anything more up about it.
"Oh thank you thank you thank you!" You giggled, leaning over the console and his arm. He eyed you with a sideways glance but made no effort to move. "I've always wanted to see them in concert! This is a once in a lifetime chance!"
Ghost scoffed, but his posture was still entirely relaxed. Try as he might to fool you. You knew he was equally as interested in the concert.
"Oh don't pretend like I don't know your little secret." You teased, letting your body flop back into the passenger seat.
He scoffed once again, but you noticed the slight raise of his brow.
"I've seen those raggedy old t-shirts you were to bed sometimes. They're band shirts."
There was a long beat of silence save for the hum of the truck. You narrowed your eyes at your lieutenant, a smirk forming on your lips.
"...yes..." He sighed.
"I knew it!" You giggled and kicked your legs slightly. "This is gonna be so much fun!"
Ghost's usual worried expression became visible in the set of his brow. For what, you weren't sure. He'd seemed relatively relaxed a second ago.
"What's wrong?" You hummed.
He didn't reply. You knew better than that. You frowned.
"Hey, if something's wrong..." You trailed off, showing your concern by placing a hand on his bicep. "We don't have to go. I just figured-"
"We'll go." Ghost nearly snapped. He'd seemed to realize his sudden change in demeanor and decided to walk it back by clearing his throat. His voice was smoother and gentler than before.
"We'll go. Pull up the address."
"Of course." You tapped his arm before pulling away. You flashed him a sweet smile just to let him know you weren't offended.
After a moment of fumbling with your phone, you pulled up the GPS instructions on how to get to the venue. It was actually a bar, but it didn't really matter. You read up on all the information (including the dress code). You giggled some more, knowing it would catch his attention. Sure enough, he glanced at you out of the corner of his eye.
"Hey. It says here masks are allowed!" You grinned. "And with how big you are you'll blend right in!"
"Mm..." He hummed.
"Okay, well, the GPS says to take a right turn in about half a kilometer..."
The moment you got there, you were nearly kicking open the truck's door. It'd been hours since you'd last stretched your legs. Despite the very uneven gravel parking lot, you groaned in relief as you popped every joint in your body.
"You never answered my question." Ghost murmured, walking around to your side of the truck. He'd pulled up the hood of his jacket over his head.
"What question?" You groaned out, loving the way your back burned from a particularly good stretch.
"How're ya plannin' on gettin' in?" He asked.
You stopped stretching for a moment. You glanced up at him with a devilishly bright grin.
"Me?" You laughed. "Oh, girls get in for free. You've gotta figure out you're gonna get in."
Ghost narrowed his eyes at you. "Are you fockin' serious?"
You scrambled to get your phone out and unlocked. With a quick flash you showed him the rules of the event. Sure enough it was written out in black and white.
Girls get in for free!
A low growl formed in Ghost's throat. He glared down at you, but he didn't say anything. He looked upwards, breathed in deeply before exhaling slowly. He then looked back down at you.
"Fine." He huffed, turning around and walking towards the building.
"Hey! Wait up!"
It took you a short sprint to catch up with his long-legged stride. You fell in beside him. A warm, zing of excitement swirled around in your chest. The closer you got to the pair of black double doors the more the feeling grew.
Luckily, the line out front was short. They had two bouncers (who were not nearly as large as Ghost) checking the men's tickets. Women were easily bypassing the line, as long as they looked old enough. A woman just beyond the door was haphazardly checking their IDs.
"Here." Ghost grumbled, tugging his hoodie over his head. He threw the garment at you, blinding you for half a second.
When you managed to tug the jacket off of your face, your eyes widened at the uncharacteristic display. Ghost always had on a a jacket, or windbreaker, or long-sleeve. To see him in his soft balaclava, jeans, and a t-shirt felt wrong, too...casual.
You opened your mouth to say something but Ghost had already started walking towards the entrance at a decently fast pace. The appearance of a huge, masked man put everyone on edge. You were pretty sure one of the bouncers went a tad pale.
"Hey man, what are you doing?" The other bouncer asked, bless his heart.
Ghost gave him that look.
"Security." He barked.
And that was that. It seemed none of the bouncers were interested in telling Ghost anything. They simply went back to what they were doing.
You nearly gasped when you forgot you needed to follow him. Thankfully, Ghost'd provided enough of a distraction that you managed to come up behind him and sneak in by his side. You were getting in for free anyway, and it didn't matter if the lady hadn't checked your ID since you weren't going to drink.
The first thing you noticed was that the entire building was stuffy. The difference in the outside temperature versus the inside was intense. You wordlessly offered Ghost back his hoodie but he shook his head. It felt strange getting to see his shorn short blonde hair beneath the dingy lighting. He looked...almost like a different person.
So you didn't lose it, you tied his hoodie around your waist. You had to double knot it to keep the large amount of fabric from falling off your hips. Ghost watched you fuss through half-lidded eyes and made no attempt to help you. You scoffed up at him.
There was no way for him to hear you though. An opening band was already noisily playing on the stage at the back of the building. A decent amount of bodies were already crowded around the pink hued platform. They weren't a very good band in comparison to the lead act, but a few of the notes they hit piqued your interest.
For a moment you watched the stage from where you stood at the back of the venue. Out of the corner of your eye you caught Ghost nervously glancing around. His demeanor was off. You'd never visibly seen him uncomfortable like this.
"You alright?" You asked him, although the sound of your voice was drowned out. Ghost's attention snapped to you immediately but he narrowed his eyes.
"You alright?" You asked him again, voice lough enough to nearly strain. Still, he cocked his head. You huffed with slight frustration before stepping up closer to him. He bent his head down, angling his ear towards your mouth.
"You alright?" You tried even louder. This time he seemingly heard you. He gave you a nod, but you weren't convinced. His eyes were flicking from person to person that milled around the two of you.
"We can go?" You offered.
Ghost shook his head.
He then nudged you towards the bar. You didn't want to go but it was obvious that he needed a drink to withstand the stimulation of the place. You admired his commitment despite the fact he knew this outing would make him uncomfortable from the start.
He ordered two drinks. The bartender looked at you nervously, as if he wanted to card you but seemed to think better of it. Ghost lifted up his mask then swallowed down the first drink in one gulp. He half-heartedly offered you the second one, but when you refused, he downed it too.
You sighed at him but finally took a glance around the place. It was surprisingly nice for being out in the middle of nowhere. The bar went around nearly half of the entire atrium's perimeter. There were a few tables and chairs set up in the back for those wanting to rest their feet. But what really shocked you was the amount of men and women alike dressed in dark clothing.
Girls wore tall platform boots with buckles, latex, and black velvet. The guys wore harnesses and tight shirts with steel toed boots. Countless people donned masks of varying sizes and macabre shapes. The way they looked was eerie...yet beautiful.
You were so caught up in a pretty girl with huge wig and glitter for tears that you didn't realize the actual band was getting set up. Their crew fumbled around on stage, moving equipment and strumming the guitars to tune them. People began to crowd the stage, some squealing with excitement. You crawled up onto an empty barstool and sat in a way that gave you a decent view of the stage. Ghost just stood behind you, leaning up against the bar top.
The headlining band finally came out to a roar of excitement. Girls squealed, men whooped, and people whistled. A large group of guys stomped on the floor which, soon turned into nearly the whole building. The lead singer thanked the crowd for coming out before counting down. They started their first song.
You were so enraptured you almost didn't notice how close Ghost had gotten to you. You felt a warm presence against your back, and when you glanced up you were met with his flighty gaze. You noticed his hand tapping nervously on the bar top. You gestured at him to come closer. He angled his head down again for you to speak.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
He nodded.
"I wanna get closer." You pointed a thumb at the crowd.
He didn't move as his eyes swept across the sea of people.
The band started on their second single. It was one of their most popular songs but part of it was extremely loud and a bit grating. The fast paced drums and screaming guitar echoed hard throughout the venue. The main singer began to scream and you could feel yourself grit your teeth. You loved this band but the acoustics were just a little too good here.
It seemed Ghost was feeling a similar sentiment. He tried to covertly cover an ear with a palm but it didn't seem to help. You could tell something was going wrong. The guitars began to chug. The sound of it made Ghost wince hard.
You tapped on Ghost's shoulder to get his attention. He jumped a little but leaned down, angling his uncovered ear to you. You tugged on his arm, shaking your head.
"C'mon, let's go." You huffed. "You're not having fun."
Ghost shook his head no again but you knew better.
The song evened out into something smoother and less grating. Ghost's shoulders seemed to sag in relief.
"Seriously. Let's go."
"No." He shook his head once more, letting his hand fall away from his ear. "Just gotta get used to it."
"No you don't. Ghost let's-"
He pressed a finger to your lips as the best part of the song began. The lead singer burst into a sultry ballad that immediately grabbed your attention. You grabbed onto Ghost's hand, jerking it away from your face, squeezing his fingers tight in your palm. He shuffled closer, his head hanging next to yours as he listened intently with closed eyes.
The song soon ended with a roar of applause. This time Ghost didn't seem as uncomfortable with the volume. You placed a hand on his shoulder.
"'M fine."
Another song started. You looked up at Ghost with concern. He looked away, trying to listen. The drums kicked in and the guitars soon after. The singer began to growl about his worship to his lover.
When you looked up at Ghost again he was staring down intensely at you. You quirked a brow but he didn't say anything. He tugged on your palm that was surprisingly still in his. You jumped off the barstool and began to follow him.
Instead of walking you to the doors he lead you deeper into the crowd of people. A fourth song began to be played. The song was softer than the rest. Once again it was about devotion but also the hunger the lead singer experienced for his lover. The guitars began to chug again. Ghost grimaced but he gestured for you to come closer. He moved your body to stand in front of him. He placed his hands squarely on your hips.
Before you could even process what he wanted, he scooped you up onto his shoulders. You gasped in shock as you were hoisted up on top of him. It took a moment of your body squirming to find your new center of balance but eventually you righted yourself. You huffed, finally getting a good look over the crowd of people. You got a view that no one else in the venue could ever get.
In stunning clarity you could see all of the band members. Their instruments glittered in the low lighting. The sight of the lead singer's mask and rings made you swallow hard. You gripped tight onto Ghost's shorn short hair. The music seemed to swell in time with your heartbeat. Obviously uncomfortable earlier, Ghost seemed to have relaxed some. You wondered why for a moment then realized how tight your thighs were clamped around the sides of his head...
The bastard was using you as ear muffs!
You almost slapped the top of Ghost's head but the last chorus of the latest song began. The lead singer growled and huffed, squirming his body in a way that had women in the crowd squealing. Just when you were thinking about how childish that was the lead singer seemed to notice you thanks to your extra height.
He shook his hand out in your direction, grasping at the air as he sang his words of devotion. He rocked back and forwards, eyes locked on yours. Some people took notice and gasped. Girls beneath you glared at you with envy. Men's eyes around you sparkled with mischief. Hoots and whistles added to the lead singer's hungry tone.
Just as you began to feel deeply uncomfortable from the attention, Ghost pulled you off of him. You squealed as you fell over a yard towards the sticky floor. He caught you mid air, cradling you. There were a few laughs and jeers thrown your way but the crowd turned back to the stage. Ghost let you down at the way. Your legs shook a little from the adrenaline and also having been pressed hard around his head.
Ghost seemed even more uncomfortable than earlier. He rubbed at his ears through his mask. He looked around at the crowd with a frustration you couldn't identify. You tugged on his hand, forcing him to lean down to listen.
"We're leaving."
He didn't shake his head or protest this time. Instead, he dutifully followed you to the double doors. You walked outside and the two of you were greeted with cooler, quieter air. The people straggling in gave the two of you odd looks as you walked past them hand in hand.
Ghost didn't let go of your hand until you got to the truck. He opened your door and helped you up. He then got into the driver's seat himself. He didn't move to turn on the vehicle though. The two of you just sat there in the quiet, ears still buzzing. While you couldn't hear the music anymore, you could still feel some of its vibrations even at the end of the parking lot.
"You okay?" You asked, this time at a normal volume. "Better now?"
Ghost nodded, leaning back against the headrest. He huffed out a breath it seemed he'd been holding for the longest time. His eyes rolled softly in his head. You felt kind of bad. You didn't realize that maybe a concert wasn't the best idea for him. You'd only been thinking about your own enjoyment.
"I'm sorry, ya know..." You sighed. "We shouldn't hav-"
"Not your fault." He breathed, cutting you off. With that he cocked his head, looking down at you through his mask. His eyes had that half-lidded look you were starting to get used to.
"Had fun, actually."
(A/N: I might make a second, spicier chapter. We'll see how I feel. But trust me when I say this has been in my WIPs for months! The band being alluded to is of course, Sleep Token. But you could honestly imagine any punk band in their place. Also, spot the Chappell Roan reference lol.)
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theaceace · 3 days
I know that canonically (show-wise, at least) St Hilarion's worked to cover up Charles' death, and nothing was ever really done about the disappearance of Edwin and the other boys, but even so, do you think the school has a reputation for being haunted??
I'm imagining Niko following various ghost-hunter groups online, especially when the agency doesn't have many cases going on, and occasionally the boys will mirror hop over to an interesting-sounding location, and they'll even get a real case as a result
So when she tells them that one of the teams is planning to investigate St Hilarion's (either it's been closed for a while or they have special permission to go during the summer holidays), Edwin and Charles steel themselves and decide to go, in case there are other ghosts there that need help ('can't imagine a worse place to be trapped for the rest of my afterlife' says Charles, who has been to literal hell. Edwin, who spent 70 years in literal hell, agrees)
So they go, with Niko and Crystal as moral/emotional support, except when they get there they realise they've fucked up and are there on the same day/night as the ghost hunters. They could come back some other time, but what if there really are ghosts here that are suffering? No one wants to take that chance, so Crystal uses her powers to convince them that she and Niko are there for work experience, or are friends of a friend, or are here to replace one of the tech guys who called in sick
Both Charles and Edwin are tense and uncomfortable returning to the place they died - Edwin had gone there after he escaped Hell because he didn't know where else to go, but they've built themselves a home now with the agency. This isn't like before, when it was the closest place to familiar he could find. Charles, meanwhile, feels colder and colder the longer they're there - his hair is wet, there are bruises flaring and spreading, and a faint rattle in his chest that would have become pneumonia if he'd lived long enough
But they need to be sure there aren't any other lost ghosts stuck here that need their help crossing over, so they keep going
(maybe, as a consequence of a door to hell being opened in the school, there are unusual happenings, maybe there's still a place where the line between earth and hell is very thin, maybe there's some fragment of a demon left behind, and they can do something about it)
Anyway, the most important thing is that Charles, either accidentally or in a fit of pique at the whole situation, knocks something over just as one of the paranormal investigators is asking for spirits to make their presence known. In fact, this happens repeatedly - the boys move things, change things around, their presence is detected somehow with the equipment. Crystal and Niko are doing their best to distract the team and ruin as much of the footage as possible, and at least once the boys do something on purpose, maybe because someone is being a creep to the girls (and yes, they both know that Crystal and Niko are more than capable of taking care of themselves, but this way scares the asshole more and is also funnier), and then also to fuck with their readings
Anyway, it's coming to the end of the night, the problem has been identified, and whaddaya knows, of course it's in the attic where they both died. This is fine, why wouldn't it be fine. They get started, draw some (invisible, ghostly) runes and start working their magic when, of course, the paranormal investigators turn up, because this is thought to be the most 'active' area of the school, and the body of a schoolboy was found here in the 80s
Yeah, they try to contact 'any of the boys who disappeared in 1916' and Charles. It would be fine if they weren't so irritatingly loud, Edwin's trying to concentrate, and Charles is now shivering and dripping wet, but they managed to ignore the team right up until they start speculating that Charles was killed by one of the angry spirits from 1916
At which point, Charles - half visible, clearly enraged, looking very much like the half-drowned and frozen kid he was, like a proper ghost - tells them to fuck off already before they get hurt, they don't understand anything, and how dare they give a shit now when it's too late
Which is, of course, the exact moment Edwin finishes the spell, and causes some sort of a magical rebound that fritzes the cameras for a second, throws furniture around, and knocks them all flying. When the cameras start up again, they catch Edwin kneeling by Charles, holding his hand, and softly telling him that it's ok, it's over, they can go now. Charles sniffs and smiles and knocks their foreheads together and says yeah, let's get out of here, and together they fade from view
The investigators think this means gay love can pierce the veil of death and save the day that now that the truth of their story is known the ghosts have moved on, and it's all thanks to them! How beautiful, how wonderful, how affirming! Perhaps one of the boys from 1916 tried to help Charles, and when that didn't work, they both stayed to try and protect other people from these violent spirits, and now their unfinished business is finished! It's so tragic and touching story
Charles and Edwin, who are putting their tools back in the backpack, roll their eyes and smile at each other
On the way out, Charles swipes the memory cards from the cameras, Edwin inscribes a couple of sneaky runes on various pieces of equipment to fuck with it, and Crystal uses her powers to make sure they all remember a couple of details differently, so later they won't be able to agree on a bunch of stuff
The episode they were trying to make can't be released, their social media posts about the experience are full of details that don't match up, and fans are bitterly disappointed
Crystal and Niko watch the footage Charles stole with Jenny and the Night Nurse back at the agency. Jenny turns it into a drinking game. Charles does a dramatic reading of the posts with added commentary while Edwin pretends he's not laughing. They buy t-shirts of the paranormal investigators and wear them ironically. They leave anonymous comments
Just. The dead boy detectives having to work around ghost hunters, in a world where ghosts definitely, tangibly exist
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nanamisbitch · 2 days
Hii new account!! So um I wanted if you could like write the jjk men when you ask them out! Please and thank youuu !! 💗💗
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ Jujutsu kaisen men when: you ask them out ♡
⊹ ࣪ ˖ contains: gojo, geto, nanami, Megumi, yuji, yuta, ino ♡
P.s. thank you anon!! Omg definitely wasn't expecting my first req to come 40 mins after my guidelines!! Also if the content seems a bit disconnected please let me know. But yeah hope you like it! (It's my first write please be merciful (also critiques are always appreciated just don't be mean love ♡))
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⤷G. Satoru
He definitely knew you had a crush on him. I mean who wouldn't! He's THE gojo satoru. And guess what ? He had a crush on you too! In the beginning he denied his feelings, but gradually (as he got to his senses🙄) he realised he had feelings for you. That meant even more teasing than usual, accidentally brushing his hands against yours, accidentally bumping into you in the hallway, accidentally grazing your shoulder etc. He would start subtly flirting with you dropping compliments here and there, just to see your reaction and tease you about it.
Soon after you realised that you liked him (too). But still you were still oblivious to the very obvious hints he was dropping to you! He thought you looked adorable the way you blushed even further now! Yet the way you didn't pick up on the hints he left you, annoyed him. BUT he's not giving up because he's THE gojo satoru 💪. He started straight up flirting with you to the point you'd be a blushing mess, only for shoko to shoo him away.
But when you finally do confess, internally he's doing a hip-hip hooray! But externally he's teasing you, "ohhh of course you have a crush on meeee~ you're absolutely lovesick heh~ I'm so handsome 'uff' it's so exhaustinggg~" you will have to smack his shoulder to quit him from teasing you, he's just gonna chuckle and confess VERY CASUALLY that he likes you too.
He'll take you out on a date to a cute pastry shop and then happily ever after~
⤷G. Suguru
He tries to ignore the fact that he likes you but eventually he accepts it. He hides it pretty well but eventually the six eyed idiot finds out and teases the hell out of geto.
Ever since the day geto realised his feelings for you, he WILL find every excuse in the damn book to slyly hang out with you more. Means more hanging out with him! Also like his boyfriend (toru), he will most definitely tease you a lot if not more than gojo. Hiding all your stuff like books, glasses, phone etc. Also gives you a crap ton of princess treatment, for example if you're going shopping with shoko and utahime he will not let you lift a single bag, saying stuff like "you're too small lol".
And somehow SOMEHOW you end up having feelings for him. When you start getting flustered when he helps you out or when he teases you, he definitely notices just because he's observant in general. He'll end up teasing you more😒. Always says "oh do you have a crush on me?" "you must have a crush on me, why else would you be acting this way" "do I make you nervous? Ha it’s ‘cause you have a crush on me"
He wants you to admit you have feelings for him before he does himself, it’s part not wanting to face possible rejection part because he likes to see your flustered and annoyed face.
So when you ask him out for lunch, slightly annoyed he got it his way pouty, he's really happy. But of course he'll tease you about it, BUT he didn't deny the offer!
⤷N. Kento
He didn't think he could be capable of feeling such things. But you, oh you, you barged through the gates of his heart and decided to settle there until the end of time. The moment he sees you his whole being fills with joy. He'd be blushing even when you're just saying a simple "hi kento!". So yes he's head over heels for you. He memorizes all your favourite things : your favourite song, dessert, season, you get the idea. Complimenting you subtly here and there.
Somewhere along the way you fell for him too. The way he was cool headed, respectful, caring and the list goes on...so you decided it's now or never.
The moment you confessed, kento felt such immense happiness, something he had never felt but that all was done internally. "Oh I'm glad you feel this way about me [name]. If I'm being honest I've felt the same too for a long time.......if you wouldn't mind, would you like to go out for dinner sometime, whenever you're free".
A/n: yesss nanami's was short (he's my favourite) please don't mind ! I will be writing more lengthy pieces IF DESIRED but otherwise yeah uh hope you liked it !
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©nanami's bitch 2024 do not modify, repost, translate on any platform
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lycheedr3ams · 2 days
Ahhh please please yes könig analysis and characterization please 🙏🏾
I feel so bad, I forgot to respond to this when I posted my first König character analysis post. Here's the second one!
König Character Analysis
Part 1: His past | Part 2: König's MBTI
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I know the validity of the MBTI/16 personalities is debated in the psychology world, but I personally think it can be a good baseline guide to understanding someone's personality. My MBTI is accurate for me and a lot of people I know, so I wanted to do König's. The MBTI is a personality assessment based on the following traits: introvert/extrovert, sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling, and judging/perceiving. you can take a test to see which traits you fit (I like this one) for example, I'm INTJ: introvert, intuition, thinking, and judging. see here for more detailed info (I take quotes from this source throughout the post)
I think König's MBTI is...ISTJ (more details at end of post)
Introvert is obvious, we all know könig prefers to be alone. it's never explicitly stated, but heavily implied based off his bio about being bullied and misunderstood. he also wears a sniper hood all the time. mans is not social
Sensing may be less obvious, but this is what it is: "People who prefer sensing tend to pay a great deal of attention to reality, particularly to what they can learn from their own senses. They tend to focus on facts and details and enjoy getting hands-on experience." I think this makes the most sense for konig. as someone who has been bullied and needs to be hyper alert to stay alive at work, sensing makes much more sense for him than intuition. konig doesn't seem like someone who has much intuition, or even trusts in such things. Being Austrian, konig is also likely very practical and to the point, so he wouldn't have any need or place value in an intangible thing like intuition.
Thinking is obvious for konig, I think. I'm not saying konig doesn't have emotions of course, but he doesn't seem like the type of person to live by his heart. Again likely a cultural difference, Konig would be practical and value facts over feelings. About people who are thinking: "They tend to be consistent, logical, and impersonal when weighing a decision." Also as a mercenary, there isn't any room for emotionally-charged decisions. Konig is for sure a thinker. I don't think a feeler would do well as a mercenary personally.
Judging suits konig better than perceiving: "Those who lean toward judging prefer structure and firm decisions." Of course konig values structure, he went into the military when he was 17! This is also another cultural thing most likely, since Austrians tend to be very formal and respect hierarchy. I'm not saying every Austrian is like this, but you get me. Also as a mercenary, konig must make firm decisions, unlike perceivers who "lean toward perceiving are more open, flexible, and adaptable." I don't think konig is the type of guy to sit down and have a democratic discussion. it's his way or the highway and you can't change my mind (unless it's coming from a higher-ranking officer). konig knows he's damn good at what he does, and he's going to make the best decisions for the team. listen to his voice dialogues, he's constantly telling people that it's "better off in my hands" or to give something to him for safe keeping. if you want something done right, do it yourself, is likely his motto
This is my reasoning that konig is an ISTJ
Here's the 16 personalities website description of ISTJ:
"People with the ISTJ personality type (Logisticians) mean what they say and say what they mean, and when they commit to doing something, they make sure to follow through. With their responsible and dependable nature, it might not be so surprising that ISTJ personalities also tend to have a deep respect for structure and tradition. They are often drawn to organizations, workplaces, and educational settings that offer clear hierarchies and expectations."
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taglist: @osteawb, @sleepystaarr, @vvampir3s, @simpxinnie, @majocookie, @sharkyyyyyyyyyyyy, @marysdelrey, @kybeth5, @chaos-on-stand-bi, @shannonswizzies, @arcadia509, @bloodstoneruby, @cumikering, @skystreamchan, @junkratssheila-09, @kit-williams, @tangerynsbaby, @dreamdiaries777, @royalbxstxrd, @non-satanic-panic, @theweirdchick, @kiyomisan, @maylif, @mortimoshi, @eneiss, @daughter-ofthe-forest, @celi-xxmoon, @mangoguy, @babypeanut02
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Just Edwin and Charles living in my head without paying any rent
*Charles just took some inconsiderate risk on a mission*
E: Charles, I was so afraid of losing you
C: But I'm ok you do not have to be sorry Edwin *hugs him*
E: *blushes and step out of it* you are crazy
C: Yeah but the kind you like kind of crazy *smirks proud of himself as usual*
E: *shy and awkward around his feelings, feeling mocked*
C: *notices and takes his hands* hey, listen man, I know we haven't talked about it but as I told you when we were coming back from hell, it's ok really, you're still my buddy
E: yeah... thank you*looks at him in the eye and smiles, because he doesn't wait for something more, he knows Charles is straight and likes women but he still feels a little something, a pain in his chest*
*a little later Charles talks with Crystal about the risk he took before and why people might worry*
C: But I was ok! I had the situation secured i don't understand why he has to worry
🔮: Charles you have to understand, how would you react if it was Edwin who did something so careless?
C: Edwin would never act like that! I'll always be there for him so he never has to worry about it.
🔮: But sometimes you can't do anything, right? Like with the Cat Kings crush events-
C: Don't even mention that guy!
🔮: It's more of a god- but yeah yeah sorry I forgot how jealous you were.
C: Me?? Jealous?? *looks at her in disbelief*
🔮: *between laugh and cries, watches from head to toe* yeah you, or like with Monty, it's ok, you like to have Edwin's attention, and guys that like him are in the way of your relationship
C: I am not jealous! Yes of course Monty pissed me off but in the end, I was right to feel like that about him! And the cat king is just super annoying!
🔮: And Edwin had something else in his mind than you also, nah? *glances at him* It's ok you wanna be the only one by Edwin's side, I understand but you know that someday since you rejected him he is gonna love someone else and maybe take his distance a little, right?
C: What annoyed me was that he was distracted, nothing else! And... *thinks of Edwin loving someone else and feels as if someone just twisted brutally his guts* h-he would never leave me, it's him and I until the end.
🔮: Yeah but before the moment you are with me were in the past moment you would have passed with him, don't you think?
C: Yes but still he wouldn't be like that...
🔮: Why would he, not Charles, if he is in love you have to be supportive and let him have space like he does with you
C: It's just not the same
🔮: And why is that?
C: It's just- when he confessed it didn't seem like that.
🔮: Like what, like he would go? You rejected him and his feelings remember?
C: Yeah but it's because he is my buddie I just don't love him this way!
🔮: If you are so sure then why are you jealous and why won't you accept that he might like someone else?
C: *snaps* BECAUSE HE IS MINE *regrets instantly and avoids her gaze*
🔮: He is yours but you don't like him, uh? Charles listen, we already discussed the fact that we were just both alone and sad and we mistook attachment and friendship for something else. But him, Charles you went to hell for the guy, you would die again and again if that could save his ass, you don't want anyone but you by his side. Also, you are just so different when you are with him, you are natural. If it's keep being his buddy that scares you just know that you already act like an old married couple, so nothing will really change. *puts her hand on his shoulder* I don't say I know everything Charles, just think about it, if there were no consequences what would you do or who would you be for him?
C: *looks at her, clearly lost* I don't know Crys...
🔮: It's ok you don't have to have all the answers now, you don't have to ever have all the answers, just think about it 'k? I'm going to sleep. *waves him and goes back to her room*
C: *sits on the sofa, Edwin was out with Yuki tonight, so he was now alone, and more lost than he ever imagined he could be*
And sorry I don't have any beta readers on this so it's really not perfect, do you want me to continue this?
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ghoulsbounty · 3 days
Can I request some fluff about going to sleep with Boyd (like actually sleeping lol), like him and the reader have a fun and flirty relationship and she knows about his criminal enterprises (S4 vibes with the pocket watch UGH). Maybe he comes home late or something and is just all over the reader but not in a sexual way, just like a missing and wanting to be close to her way.
Out Of Time
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Boyd Crowder x GN!Reader
Warnings: slight spoilers for season 4, a little angst if you squint but just pure comfort and fluff (Boyd is in love)
Word Count: 2K
A/N: Anon, thank you for my first Boyd request and simultaneously igniting a burning passion within me to write more for this man. I kept the reader GN because there wasn't really any need for gender descriptors, and yes I did make that gif just for this fic 🫡 I’d love to know what you all think to this, and feel free to send me more requests 💌
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Boyd sat silently on the edge of the bed, his gaze lingering on your tranquil, sleeping form. The mattress creaked softly under his weight, causing your steady breathing to hitch momentarily before settling back into a gentle rhythm. He brushed his fingers across your cheek, a surge of longing filling his heart. He had missed you. Those brief moments in the mornings, stolen before you left for work or he had to attend to his business, were never enough. Yet, he cherished every fleeting second, treasuring these quiet moments when he could simply watch over you.
He knew you held no resentment towards him, not even when he returned home later than promised, body weary and mind burdened by his actions, like tonight, and countless other nights. He understood that you wouldn't pry, wouldn't demand every detail of his whereabouts, because that wasn't your way, and for that, he was deeply grateful. It meant you could stay just a little bit safer. You never asked for more than he could offer, only requesting that he come back to you when he could, to reassure you of his presence, to let you know he was still breathing.
Of course, he would. He'd move heaven and earth, and blow the top off that damn mountain just to fulfil his promise to you. No matter the challenges, he would find his way back to you, and you'd greet him with open arms, washing away his sins and soothing his wounds with tender kisses. You'd offer him everything a man like him could ever desire, and he knew deep down he never deserved it.
He didn't allow himself to linger on the thought of not being worthy of you. You'd never insinuated it, not even during the fiercest arguments. You never stooped to using his vulnerabilities against him. It was evident to all that Boyd's Achilles' heel was you, yet you always made him feel invincible, as though he could stand against any adversary in Harlan County. And there were many, especially with the Oxy trade dwindling with the arrival of the new preacher and the drastic measures Boyd had to employ to protect not just his business, but your shared future together.
You often credited Boyd with rescuing you from a life confined to cleaning tables in seedy bars, but the truth was far deeper: you had saved him. Boyd harboured no illusions about his criminal past; he knew the trajectory it set for his future. Yet, it was you who prevented him from plunging too deeply into the shadows of his upbringing. The thought of returning home to you, regardless of the hour, was the sole beacon that guided him through the gruelling days of battling for control over Harlan County. He fought not just for the people or for himself, but for you, and for the possibility of a family you might one day bless him with —that was what made every struggle worthwhile.
You stirred beneath his touch, your lashes fluttering as your eyes slowly opened, bleary and seeking. A smile graced your lips as you spotted him, reaching out to rest your hand on his thigh, as if confirming he was really there.
"Was wondering when I'd see you," you murmured, your voice husky with sleep. Leaning in, he pressed a tender kiss to the tip of your nose.
"Time ran away from me," he confessed, his gaze soft as he regarded you. "I'm sorry, darlin'."
You studied him for a moment, the urge to inquire further tugging at your thoughts before you decided to let it go. "Time can be a tricky thing."
Allowing him to guide you up, you melted into his embrace as he held you close. His gentle fingers traced soothing patterns on your back, smoothing the fabric of his shirt that you wore to bed each night under his touch.
"I left dinner for you in the fridge," you reminded him, pulling back slightly to meet his eyes. "I'll join you."
He shook his head, drawing you back into his arms. "Not hungry," he murmured, planting a soft kiss on your neck. "Didn't mean to wake you."
"Well, you failed miserably," you teased, a playful chuckle escaping your lips as he shook you in his hold around your waist. You could feel his smile against your skin. "How could I sleep with you hovering over me like a ghost?"
He chuckled, releasing you and gently nudging your shoulder. You settled back against the pillows, observing him as he rose from the bed.
"You'd scold me if I didn't kiss you goodnight," he remarked, a fond smile on his lips as he removed his pocket watch and set it on the bedside table. He held your gaze as he began to unbutton his waistcoat. "You ask every morning."
You hummed in agreement, running your thumb over the smooth surface of the brass watch. In the early days, you had made it a habit to stay awake during Boyd's late nights, eager to be alert in case his dealings took a dangerous turn and he needed to be patched up. It had occurred a few times, though not recently. Boyd Crowder was the sharpest mind in Harlan—few managed to outsmart him.
Your new job had demanded more from you, and though you had offered to resign, Boyd had insisted that one of you must earn through legitimate means. He had encouraged you to attend training school, funded the evening studies through unconventional channels and sang about how this new role was going to be a step in cementing the future you'd both dreamed of. Nevertheless, it had taken a toll on you, and you found yourself less vigilant than you were before, despite the anxiety that had kept you alert during those initial months, worrying about his safety. 
He didn't mind, of course. He reassured you that he was simply grateful to return home to you, for the comfort and warmth you provided him, and for the graciousness with which you welcomed his associates, despite your reluctance for your home to serve as a meeting place during desperate times. He never made you feel inadequate, even when he was out risking his life to carve out a brighter future for both of you.
You had both settled into a familiar routine, one that left you both yearning for more but ultimately grateful when the day ended and you found solace in each other's embrace.
As the covers shifted, a chill swept over you, but Boyd swiftly slid beneath them, now dressed only in his underwear, and nestled closer to you. He gently retrieved the pocket watch from your hand, leaning over to place it back on the table, before wrapping his arm around your waist. You lay on your back, gazing up at the ceiling, your fingers tangling in his thick hair as he nestled against your chest, finding comfort in your embrace.
A myriad of thoughts raced through your mind, a multitude of questions that remained unspoken as you focused on the steady rhythm of your shared breaths. Sometimes, you felt the urge to uncover everything, to strip away all secrecy and confront the raw reality of what Boyd endured each day. Yet, you quickly reminded yourself—that wasn't your place. Your role was to support him while maintaining a certain level of ignorance. It was crucial, Boyd had insisted, in case you were ever questioned about him. Which you were, often, if not by nosy neighbours from the holler then by your lawman colleagues. You had been prepared for every instance though, it was Boyd who had thrown you into the belly of the beast after all. 
You loved Boyd deeply, trusting him with your life because you understood it was the thing he valued most. If he required you to play a part, then that's what you would do. You'd remain silent, tend to his wounds, and hold him close, serving as the anchor he needed to prevent him from drifting too far out to sea.
His lips traced a tantalizing path over your collar bone, up your neck, and across your chin until they met yours in a soft, lingering kiss. A contented sigh escaped you as you melted into him, his hand exploring the contours of your body, caressing your side, gliding over your stomach, and tracing down your thigh. He grasped, stroked, and savoured every inch of you, his tongue intertwining with yours in a passionate dance.
Your hand slipped from his hair, instead cupping one cheek as the other tenderly stroked his jaw, rough with the stubble that grazed your thumb. He moaned against your lips, a sound laden with desire and need, but reluctantly pulled away, pressing one final kiss against the corner of your mouth before meeting your gaze with weary eyes.
"How long do I have you for?" he inquired, his voice heavy with longing, and you glanced over to the clock beside the bed. The red digits stared back at you, marking the finite moments of your togetherness as you let out a resigned sigh.
"Four hours," you replied, meeting his gaze once more. He nodded, a solemn smile touching his lips as he sank back onto the mattress. Extending his arm, he invited you to snuggle against his chest, and you accepted, finding solace in the warmth.
"What if you didn't go?" he murmured, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty, his fingers tracing soothing circles on the top of your arm. You chuckled softly, tightening your embrace around him as the notion settled into your mind.
"I'm not sure the Harlan County Sheriff's Department would appreciate their employees playing hooky," you replied with a teasing grin. "Even if it's just a lowly trainee like me."
"Oh, I'm sure Mr. Parlow could manage without you for one day," he replied with a playful smile, then his expression turned mischievous as he looked down at you. "Perhaps I could persuade him, given our history."
You shook your head, a glint of amusement dancing in your eyes. Boyd always teased about using his influence to manipulate your work schedule—leaving early, extending your lunch break—but you were adamant about keeping your relationship with him separate from your professional life, regardless of his hand in it. You knew he could pull strings if you asked, but it was important to maintain a sense of independence.
"You did mention we needed to keep Shelby on our side," you reminded him with a playful smile. "I'm pretty sure that's how I ended up agreeing to those early shifts in the first place."
He chuckled softly and leaned in to press another kiss to your nose. "You've got me there, darlin'," he admitted, his voice tinged with affection. "Just wish I had more time with you, is all," he whispered, his thumb gently tracing along your lip before stroking down your chin.
You bit your lip, weighing the possibilities and outcomes in your mind as you gazed up at him. "Perhaps just the morning wouldn't hurt. I'll bring them coffee to make it up—do you think that'll help? Maybe Shelby won't be too upset," you proposed, searching his eyes for reassurance. His gaze softened, a bright grin spreading across his face.
"Oh, baby, I don't think anybody could stay mad at you," he declared in wonderment, and you couldn't help but chuckle. He wasn't merely being sweet—being Boyd Crowder's partner came with its perks as well as its drawbacks, one being that those who didn't want to cross him tended to steer clear of you. It seemed that extended to the Sheriff's department as well.
"I'll call in the morning," you decided, determination firm in your voice.
You rested your head back against his chest, snuggling closer into him as his arms enveloped you, his chin resting atop your head as he spoke softly. "I do believe this'll be the best sleep I've had in a while."
You smiled contentedly against him, feeling the comforting rhythm of his heartbeat beneath your ear. Closing your eyes, you surrendered to the embrace of sleep, your dreams filled with the promise of the morning ahead, shared with Boyd, where every moment, no matter how seemingly ordinary, was something to look forward to.
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forbebeandjam · 3 days
Heyyy!!! I love your works!!🌺
I was wondering if you could write a bully bada smut ?🎀
Fantasy | Bada Lee x Fem Reader | 21+
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Summary: your bully makes you fantasize about things you shouldn’t.
Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: y’all this is a bully smut… please tell me you know what to expect 😭 still… Fingering, Spanking, etc. MDNI.
A/N: whoever requested this… sorry for taking so long bby😭 hope you like it!!
Being the quiet kid in school had always been beneficial. Sitting in the back where no one could interrupt your learning was perfect for you.
The teachers wouldn't call on you, and the majority of your classmates didn't even know of your existence and only looked at you when the rankings came in and you ended up in first place.
"Well... where did she even come from?" they would say as they looked at you.
Your long hair fell over your face and your uniform was not flattering to your body but no one ever saw that, until one day when you entered your last year of high school.
Your parents had to move due to work and you ended up going to a prestigious school. Once again, you remained invisible to everyone.
However, that didn't last for long when your uniform changed. This uniform made your curly figure more prominent to students and to the perverted male teachers.
The boys started to talk about how many boys had fucked you for your hips to look like that. Many bet that they could get you into their bed easily.
The girls talked about how much of a slut you were because of the way you wore your uniform. You even tried to wear pants but the uniform was still accentuating your figure and there was nothing you could do about it.
You were always oblivious to class rankings so you only did what you were supposed to. When the boys tried to hit on you you always pushed them away.
That was until you fell for one of the boys in your class. You couldn't help it. He was the only one that made you feel like you existed without even knowing it.
You texted him every day, helped him study, hung out at his house, and even sat with him during lunch. Many girls started to hate on you even more when they knew you were always with him but you didn't care.
One day during a study session, you went to the bathroom of his house, and when you were walking past a room with loud music playing. The door was wide open and you saw the class president, Bada, making out with one of your classmates.
"You're so wet for me, Y/N,"
You stopped to look at the scene before you and felt something you'd never felt before. Why did she call your name? You didn't know but it made you bite your lip. 
"What the fuck are you looking at?" Bada said and you cleared your throat walking back to his room.
"Mark... Bada lives here?" You asked.
"Well, given the fact that she is my sister, yes," he said and you swallowed your spit in disbelief.
You started to love the way Mark treated you. He was kind and sweet but something about seeing Bada a few seconds ago made you feel all gushy and warm. You wanted more from her but you couldn't give that away.
"Um... I have to go home now. Can we study later?" You said as you packed your things.
"Sure. I'd give you a ride but my girlfriend is in Bada's room studying and I need to take her home as well," he said and you felt like an idiot falling for him.
Of course, he was too good to be single but you didn't know the girl in the next room was his girlfriend. The girl with Bada's hand up her skirt and her tongue down her throat.
"Oh! of course! I can just take the bus so I will head out now and I'll see you in school tomorrow," you said before walking out of the room and into the hall to Bada's room.
You stood in the door frame but the girl wasn't there anymore. Bada stood up and dragged you by the arm into the room and to her bathroom.
She slammed your body against the wall. You were scared. You had never been this close to Bada ever.
"I know you saw what happened and you know that's my brother's girlfriend so you will be quiet. Do you understand?" she said.
"Well, it didn't seem like you wanted to hide anything. Your door was wide open just like her legs," you said. You didn't know why. You had no clue what took over you to speak like that.
Bada hit the wall behind you making you flinch and squirm. A small smirk appeared on her lips.
"I was doing you a favor, babe. Like you didn't let Mark fuck you. Who knows what other filthy things you did in there?" your mouth widened.
"I did not! Mark is not like that!" you said.
"Aren't you the little slut everyone talks about in school? Tell me you didn't feel your pretty cunt dripping wet when you saw me fingering Hejin?" she said as she brought her head closer to yours until you could feel her breath on your lips.
You almost gave in but you decided to push her away.
"Fuck off!" you shouted and stormed out of the room. You took a minute to breathe and collect yourself. How did a stranger have this effect on you?
regardless, you pushed your thoughts away and went home.
The following day you went to school and everyone looked at you weirdly. You bit your lip and let your hair fall on your face again.
"What a slut. Sleeping with Mark was so low. He has a girlfriend," you heard someone say. Your eyes widened. This was definitely Bada's doing.
"Y/N, why would you sleep with my brother?" Bada said as she grabbed your face with great force making your eyes tear up.
"I didn't... Bada. You know I didn't," you said shaking your head... or at least trying.
"These are the consequences of snooping around, my little slut. Now get on your knees and beg," Bada whispered in your ear before pushing you down to the floor.
"It's what she deserves, huh?" you heard someone say.
"Bada, why are you doing this?" Mark spoke up and I felt my heart clench. I didn't want to hurt him but I had to speak up.
"It's because that stupid girlfriend of yours, Mark," you said. You felt a kick on your side and realized his girlfriend had hit and kicked you.
"What... what are you talking about?" Mark said.
"Tell him, you bitch. I'm on the floor but at least I wasn't the one begging for someone else to make me cum," she then slapped you across the face.
"Mark, don't listen to her. She's just jealous of me and you," the girl said as she held onto Mark's arm. He grabbed her and dragged her away from the scene leaving me on the floor.
Bada crouched down to your level and pulled your hair making your head tilt back.
"You better pray Mark doesn't find out or you will pay for it," she said before letting go of you and walking away.
So for the next few weeks, you were exhausted. Bada had been bullying you not only because of what happened with Mark but because you took her class rank.
Every day she would look for you just to give you a piece of her mind and destroy you with her words. Calling you things like "pathetic little girl" or "a stupid slut" and you got to the point where you'd just let her.
Why the hell you let her? you have no clue. It's almost as if you looked forward to being alone with her in the janitor's closet while she made you fall to your knees and humiliated you.
You always thought there was something wrong with you for wanting her after everything she did to you but when you looked into her eyes, all your thoughts disappeared.
The bell snapped you out of your thoughts and you placed your things into your bag and placed it over your shoulder. You were already anticipating Bada's hand on your shoulder as she pushed you down and made you beg for her to stop.
As you were about to walk out, you heard your teacher calling your name.
"Yes, Mr. Jones?" you asked as you walked back into the class.
"I noticed you are not far away from a higher grade in my class. How about we discuss how to bring your grade up?" he said as she started to close the door and walk to his desk.
He called you over to his desk and you walked toward him. You felt a strange aura but still decided to see what he wanted.
"Come closer. It's alright," He pulled your chair closer to him.
"Look, you can write an essay on your favorite book, retake your lowest grade test, or..." He paused and placed his hand on your thigh. You gasped as his hand moved up and down on your thigh and he began to lift your skirt. You tried to stop him but he grabbed your wrists and punned them down.
"Please, stop..." you said and he chuckled.
"Don't act all innocent. I heard what you've been doing around school. Letting any boy fuck you. What's the difference here?" as you felt his hand riding up your leg, you heard the door fly open.
"Well, would you look at this... Mr. Jones assaulting his student..." Bada said as she took a picture of the situation before her eyes. You panicked at the thought of  Bada owning a picture of it.
"Delete that or I'll flunk you in my class!" he shouted as he walked up to Bada but she didn't move an inch.
"Like I need your class to pass. Besides, one click and I'll send it to my dad... the director of the board of education," Bada said showing the phone to him and he cleared his throat.
"How can we fix this? I will give you anything. A higher grade? WHAT? DAMN IT!" he shouted in frustration and all you could do was cry in silence.
"Never, ever talk or look at her again. I don't want you breathing the same air as her. You don't know her. And if you lay a finger on her again, I'll make sure you live the rest of your life, without a license, a job, and without fucking hands," Bada said before walking up to you.
She wrapped her oversized jacket around your figure and dragged you out of the classroom. She didn't stop until you reached a classroom in a really hidden place in the school. She pulled you inside the classroom and made you sit on the couch.
"What were you thinking? Why didn't you run away? Why did you just sit there and let him do whatever he wanted, Y/N?" she said clearly frustrated. You didn't respond.
"Oh, my gosh... you are actually a virgin?" she said and you started fiddling with your fingers. You felt pathetic for being so vulnerable with people, especially in front of Bada.
"Can you say something? I... I am going crazy," she said.
"Bada, I can't. You have no idea how you make me feel. Things I have never felt before. I feel pathetic for feeling all warm and gushy only when you touch me. I didn't know what to do with Mr. Jones. I was scared and now..." You paused and aggressively wiped your tears.
"Now the only thing in my head is you. You, pushing me down to the floor. Who in their right mind thinks like this? I don't even... I don't know, Bada,"
Bada approached you her touch was soft and you loved it. She lifted your chin.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" She said locking eyes with you. Her pupils were dark and you could tell she was eager for your touch.
"Take it. If I'm going to be a slut, I'm going to be your slut. Take my virginity, Bada," you said making her smirk.
"It's that what you really want, pretty girl? You want to be my slut? Aren't you a pathetic little thing?" She said knowing well that you liked it when she did that.
She grabbed your face roughly and shoved her two long fingers inside of your mouth pushing them down your throat and you took them so well gagging slightly but sucking hard on them.
You felt your pussy grow wetter by the second as she played with your thigh. Her hand traced circles around your inner thigh dragging her hand up to your entrance. A new excitement was found in her eyes as she felt how wet you were through your panties.
"Is that all for me?" She asked and all you could do was nod causing her fingers to go deeper down your throat and your saliva was now slimy. She removed her fingers from your mouth and strings of thick saliva connected your mouth and her fingers.
"How well lubricated you left my fingers..." Without warning, she ripped off your soaked panties. She flipped you over and you were now lying on your stomach on her lap.
"Look at how wet my little slut is for me. Mh~ let's see how good you take me..." she shoved her two drenched fingers inside of you making you let out a whimpering noise.
"Does it hurt?" She asked.
"Yes... but... keep... keep going," you said between heavy breathing and whimpering. You wanted to make her sadistic pleasures come true. And you had somehow turned all your pain into pleasure when you were under her touch.
You never told her this but, every time she beat you, cursed at you, or pulled you around, your panties would get drenched in your wetness.
"Mh~ Bada. Please, harder," you moaned as you wiggled your ass in front of her. You wanted her to spank you and she did. She left a red mark on your ass and you moaned.
She moved in and out of you harshly curling her fingers fighting to find your sweet spot, and with every thrust, she would hit your sensitive and swollen clit making you moan even more.
When she thrust in one more time, she finally came in contact with your spot as you moaned and moved more. So she stopped her movements and you started to squirm on her lap. She spanked you hard making you stop.
She turned to look at your face. You were still drooling and a stupid smile plastered on your face as your eyes rolled back. She chuckled and made you sit on the desk fingers still deep inside of you.
"Should I wipe that stupid smile off your face? You're such a pathetic slut, aren't you?" She said and you laughed.
"Only for you, Bada Lee," you replied. She smiled and attacked your lips. Kissing you and moving once again, she took hold of your neck and gently choked you.
You started to moan again, this time louder as she hit your spot over and over. Bada had come from seeing how you reacted to her. She never thought such a shy and innocent thing like you would be like this and just for her.
She always daydreamed about having you in this position and she never imagined that she would actually get to have you. But she wanted to taste you. To make you cum and taste you.
So she sped up. Having no mercy on your dripping pussy as the juices went everywhere on your thighs. And then you came all over her hand. She pushed her fingers back in your mouth and you started to suck.
She lowered herself on you and immediately attacked your sensitive clit collecting your cum with her tongue. You bit her fingers from the overstimulation and she moaned into your fold making you cum all over again letting out loud and shaky breaths.
"Mh~ you taste really good, my little slut. Cumming twice for me like that," she said as she licked up the mess you had made still twitching and whimpering every time her tongue made contact with your folds.
she made you sit up and use your panties to clean up the mess from your tights and folds before putting them in her pocket. 
After a few minutes, you had come down from your orgasm and you managed to stand up. You pulled down your skirt afraid that your figure would make the skirt lift and others would see that your underwear was missing. 
"Here. No one gets to see that but me," she said as she wrapped her jacket around your waist once more. 
You started to walk out of the room with the same shy expression and your hair hanging from the sides of your head when you felt Bada take hold of your hair and pull your head back. 
You moaned at her action and bit your lip as your eyes shut closed. 
"I am not done with you, little slut," she said with a smirk. She planted a heated and sloppy kiss. 
"I'll be waiting eagerly..." you said  licking your lips and walked out of the room.
Thank you for reading 🩵
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reggiesmolina · 21 hours
i saw this post by @shaunashipman and next thing i know i was writing this
(brand new, full throttle) touch me while your boys play grand theft auto
Bucktommy || 878 words || mild sexual content
Read on AO3
Truth be told, it wasn't Buck's fault, honestly. Mostly.
Since the Grant-Nash's house fire and Gerrard became the new interim captain, his 118 family had started a weekly brunch with a rotating hosting system (yes, that had been Buck's idea, thanks for noticing) but after Buck's first turn having them over everyone had agreed that his loft was too claustrophobic with everyone in it so Tommy (sweet, kind, loving Tommy) had offered his house with its big backyard patio with its built-in firepit and grill instead.
So over the summer his family all came together at Tommy's Spanish-style bungalow once every five weeks and really, it wasn't Buck's fault that over those weeks he had started spending more and more time there than in his own loft, sometimes only stopping by his apartment to get more clothes that would eventually end up in the dresser Tommy had built for him on the little workshop he had in his garage tucked between his Muay Thai setup and the car lift, and it really wasn't his fault that he had started thinking about the house as their home even though it was definitely too soon to be thinking like that.
If anything, it was Tommy's fault because that Wednesday morning he had spent forty minutes opening him up so thoroughly with his tongue and fingers that by the time he had finally slipped his cock in him his hole had given no resistance. And it really was Tommy's fault that he'd fucked him fast and hard, Buck's face and chest pressed against the mattress and his ass held up by Tommy's hands marking bruises on his hips, and just as he'd been about to come he had pressed his lips to Buck's ears and growled: "You're such a good boy for Daddy, aren't you? You're gonna cum from Daddy using your loose hole as a fuck toy, huh? Such a perfect boy."
(And really, what else could Buck do but cum so hard he passed out for a minute?)
All this to say that it really wasn't Buck's fault that later that day when he and Athena were washing and drying dishes in Tommy's cozy kitchen he remodelled himself a few years ago and Tommy and Bobby came in with more wine glasses and asked if they were okay washing them or if they wanted them to do it he had felt so comfortable and at home that he didn't stop to think before speaking.
He took the glasses from Tommy and said, "Don't worry, Daddy, I got it," like he would any other day they were together.
(That it took him five seconds in between saying those words and realising what he had just said in front of his dad and his wife was definitely on him.)
The moment he realised his mistake he could feel his heartbeat in his ears. All his blood rushed to his head and heated his face redder than it had ever been.
He barely registered anything else going on. Tommy's panicked stare and tense posture, Bobby's red face, Athena's laugh.
"I think you two can handle the rest of the dishes," she said in between laughs, walking past where Buck and Tommy were still stuck in place.
Buck refused to look up, maybe if he stared at the ground with enough determination a hole would open up and swallow him and he wouldn't have to deal with the fact that his captain and Athena now knew what he called his boyfriend when they were alone.
(And look, if it wasn't because Bobby heard him too he would be laughing with her. He wasn't ashamed of it. He wasn't gonna tell everyone about it but what two consenting adults got going in bed was their own business. Still, there was a difference between embracing your kinks and having your father figure find out about it, there couldn't be anything worse than that.)
"I think," Tommy started in a tentative tone, "we can all agree to forget about this."
"Yeah," Bobby agreed. And God, why was Bobby still here? Had Buck not embarrassed himself enough already? 
"Of course," Buck could hear the amusement in Athena's voice. "But if I'm allowed to say, Buckaroo, there's nothing to be ashamed of. You should hear what Bobby calls me."
(Scratch that. Thinking about Bobby having kinky sex was so much worse. That was his dad.)
And really, it wasn't his fault if Tommy laughed so hard at Bobby's bewildered look that he made Buck forget all about his own embarrassment
"Okay, no more talking," Bobby said. His face was so red it was a wonder any blood was still pumping in his heart. "This never happened. No one ever heard anything."
So really, it wasn't Buck's fault that now his dad knew what kind of names he'd been calling his boyfriend in the intimacy of their own home. And it really, really wasn't his fault he now could imagine the things Bobby called his wife when they were doing it.
(The way Tommy came so hard he blacked out from Buck riding him to the chant of, "Fuck, Daddy, you fill me so well. Love your cock inside me, Daddy" later that evening was entirely his fault, though.) 
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vivi-miya · 2 days
i’m only human can’t you see?
summary: because you’re the chosen to the chosen one, with voice so powerful it made his cock stand.
never be like you - flume
tags: enemies to lovers, academic rivals, college/university au, office au, mommy kink undertones, breeding kink, office sex, spanking, nipple play, sexual tension, gojo’s naughty imagination p in v, fem! reader, no beta we die like jjk men
gojo satoru shaked the world with his birth that his whole clan celebrated the emergence of the next head possessing the favor of gods with his ocean blue eyes and snow mane.
being the moisture to their drought became the answer to their declining power in the corporate world that everyone tried to rival for the last decades. so every vassals—board of directors—are immensed in joy for their future leader that is not even ripe yet to be in position of pulling their descending morals.
naturally, it's only just to have everything what he requests because he's a miracle baby to a couple who keeps on trying to conceive. especially since he's a boy and the sole heir to own it all. from the constant pressure that the media named them in tabloids after tabloids, they want nothing but to catch their child's indifferent tastes and appear perfect in the eyes of the public.
with the boy in present, of course everyone tried to appease his tantrums and respond to his whims just to be graced with his good side. going as far as to act all mutt-like running at his beck and call twenty four-seven. it's kind of exhilarating, he can say.
at first, gojo satoru likes that. he lives off with the idea that he holds so much power with just his appearance alone. he doesn't speak yet, but everyone wants their name to be uttered at least once in the gojo family dinner.
he can't even hold a pencil properly and everyone expects their name to be written in their company records. so the fun slowly turns into disdain that quickly turned into disgust.
how appalling.
it's shifting into something mad, it's making his head burn in fury. with the constant urge to attend this martial arts school, violin practice this, calligraphy that, horse riding, and some uptight nouveau shits to attend to with sticks far up their asses, just being an elementary made it easier for gojo satoru to realize that the world is a clock.
it's constantly running and everyone plays the role of a cog, or at least the hands and number in display. as for him? he'll never be the same. he refused to be the subject of anyone's expectations to their fast-paced attitude.
he's born to be a clocksmith, why would he succumb to the likes of someone miniscule to bring him down? because of that, gojo satoru in elementary silently starts a rebellion inside his heart.
years passed, his highschool days came. it become a little better, a little endurable for him. because he have suguru and shoko now. the pillar to his strongest, the support to the chosen one.
he never felt like spending his days contemplating his purpose inside a huge stuffy room. he don't entertain himself with every tabloid that speaks badly about him anymore. he finally have the memories he desperately dream of from all of the movies he binge watched alone.
he may not entirely free but at least he could roam the streets a little frequent, a little late. went inside a convenience store just to buy all of the sweets his handmaids hid from him and ignore the lessons his parents kept on pushing him into.
gojo satoru could finally laugh and break free from his self-sabotaging rebellion, even for a moment.
at least that's what he thinks because he may went a little overboard. and he knows he went a little off the road but will he fix his attitude? nope. will he make everyone adjust to him like the spoiled manchild that he is? yes.
gojo satoru at twenty is a business management major with a sexy body and a face you wanna sit on—everybody is dying to get inside his pants or marry him. who wouldn't? a newly appointed ceo with genes to make you a fucking hotshot? of course everybody wants him. it's high, it's a compliment. there's everything in him that the world has to offer, it's a big win.
and he thinks that too, until he tried to run for the school president with the opponent being you.
gojo satoru is high up on his horse that his parents refused to climb and knock some sense into their only child, too scared to lose all favor from their moron of a son. perhaps a form of his upbringing or solely based on his narcissistic attitude, he don't know you exists and neither do you to him.
yet the idea of anyone not knowing who is the strongest infuriates him more than being an election rival does. you're not even required to memorize all of the names of every wannabe famous and real populars, so what got his panties in a twist? why do you get into his nerves?
with that, he set his very own goal—to remove you from the position's sight and ingrain his name into your dna. so that you won't be all silly smiles pretending that you're sorry for bumping into him when the school committee just announced him as your rival. if he successfully made you lose your position, then maybe, maybe he'll have the answer his heart seeks.
you may be acting dumb or genuinely have no idea who he is made it clear that it's the first sense swipe from his foggy brain in years. no one dared to cross his crown when they're usually busy kissing his ass, men and women alike.
finally, someone who refused to acknowledge the presence of the chosen one. suguru teased his friend.
maybe in that predicament you're the chosen one for the chosen one and he doesn't like that. he's petty and he wants to start a one-sided beef that his friend knows it's useless because you have the crowd's good graces on your side. he's not only just the apple of the eye of the gods, you are many. and many is you.
his plan commenced with a little digging first, he doesn't care if it's undermine or not. he's like a crazy stalker trying to breath your air with the exasperating information about your background. you didn't even came from a good family, your surname's not sublime. your mom's dead and your father is a deadbeat. you have little siblings to support and an eldest sister at that.
beauty with an attitude. the smart cookie with a spanky demeanor he desperately wanna break whenever he sees your sarcastic smirk from a mile away.
how come you have the time to maintain that straight a's after mothering your younger siblings? do you even work or is there someone supporting you financially? maybe you're a hoe? nah, he bet you're a virgin with how uptight you are.
what's your secret? what makes you higher than him? what makes you more favourable? what makes you the number one to his two in tests and first to every events you participate in? where do you get the time to burn and support everyone?
the more gojo satoru thinks, the more he observes you, and the more he realizes a lot of things that he's glad he only knows about.
he's elated to know your nape is ticklish, to know that you're a great cook and someone who has a very hot commanding voice. his heart is pumping at the fact that you're stricter that he thought.
maybe he's crazy? did he finally lose all his marbles? why is his pants tightening at the sight of your sweaty appearance? seriously, you're giving concrete demands to your org members and he's nothing but a dead weight to his own, star-strucked gazing at you.
his change bothered everyone, thinking you'll finally lose your cool. he's extra annoying to you, double the attention seeking tendencies. he wanna rise a reaction, he wants something. and you know about that, yet you're not giving it to him. what's even the purpose of annoying in the first place? 'cause he completely forgot about it.
he's a slave to technology and to his libido. that his search engine consists of porn commanding women ordering him to obey.
ah, what did you do to him?
why is he fucking his fist at the picture of you in a polo shirt full of mud and sweat from the intramural race? why is he moaning your name when you just got into his nerve? he don't even know what's hotter! the idea of obeying your orders or you, obeying his.
he desperately wants control, he desperately needs his title of the chosen one back. the name became dull after he realize that there's a few that managed to shake his carefree attitude and give him the ick just by defying his nature.
fine, if he can't control you in college then he'll gladly do that now.
how the odds still favors him even after during your prime in college. how the universe shifted you both as the secretary to his ceo. how he'll finally able to shoot his shot after letting you get away because he let his pride win.
but he'll accept you as you are, he'll gladly accept how you act all bossy when he's higher by order. he'll let you run your smart mouth again and again and again to scold him like you always does.
because this blue-eyed king missed you.
he missed your frown, your sardonic smile. the comebacks he thinks you practice because it burns like hell everytime. the food he tried when he once visited your home, witnessing your first cry because your father embarrassed you in front of your classmates, including him. he missed your uptightness, the curve of your ass, your subtle scent, and your hot palm that once tried to tease his dick.
if you even as went far as to rub his rod, you're probably the next mrs. gojo, carrying his babe. thank yourself for not letting your attitude win and palm him further during that one night in a college party suguru threw. thank him that he still has an ounce of respect to your begging body that he stopped himself from bending you over and fucking you full of his cum.
thank the universe for letting your forget what you fucking did. if you ever make him remember any of that, he'll do all of things he's been imagining since day one. because he doesn't forget and he find it a little bad that he didn't push his luck with persuasion.
your crying face is a beauty he'll never have the guts to erase in his mind that makes him feel bad that he's not sorry for having the thoughts.
carry on with nagging, ms. smart mouth. you'll never know that you're moaning his name as your skirt bunches around you waist, buttons undone and pussy wetter than ever.
did you see it coming as you always does with your data? do you have any of the idea how his fist fucking made him spent so much that he tried to look for where you are after graduation? the ladies are never you, the body is never yours. so once he feel your pussy, there's no going back.
because you're the chosen to the chosen one, with voice so powerful it made his cock stand. he have to let your pussy know that the next shape it will take is the curve of his dick. so he inserted three, bringing you to the seventh heaven with every prod of his fingers on your g-spot.
yes, moan his name! call him sir and submit yourself to him. there's nothing more hotter than having your tongue out, completely fucked out of your mind.
that night inside his office changed everything. you'll never gonna able to look at him the same way after his long and deft fingers went inside your slit without remembering how he fingered you facing the floor to ceiling glass of the high rise building, risking an audience to look your way.
how his fingers played with your nipples and breast it became too sore to wear a bra. how he'll always let you remember what you do to him by his finger of a come hit her motion.
and he'll never make you forget how hard he became after pretending to kneel infront of him, arching your back for his eyes to feast, teasing him with that smile that got him hook, line and sinker just to pull out a pen that rolled under his desk. you're always a tease and thinks you'll not gonna change anytime soon.
fuck. fuck. fuck.
at least let him have a good night's sleep and don't go ringing his apartment on a friday night, wearing nothing but a see-through lingerie under that coat.
don't push his button when he's respectfully asking you to leave. because once his temper snap, you'll never leave his apartment until you're sore and aching for his whole.
don't pretend and act you're tipsy when he knows you're not one to drink. all this mixed signals is sending his mind to overdrive.
fuck consequences, you're an adult. you know what you're going through when you signed up to show in his apartment, seducing the blue-eyed young man. you know his sanity is barely hanging by a thread when you unwrapped yourself to him like present his parents won't be able to give him.
so when he snapped and claim your lips, kiss him back with the same fervor. show him that you're craving him the way he does. don't make it one sided and hurt his feelings because it's you who he's been dreaming of. it's you. not the company, nor the other beautiful ladies or the world who loves to kiss his ass.
it's you. his own mind machine who fucks him up everytime in office. you, his school rival who won every single thing he's second to. it's you, the overachieving eldest daughter that catered your sibling's needs. you, the strength to his strongest.
and he's not gonna able to see the other end of the red string when it's tied to your pinky. his destined, his beloved. accept his flaws as he is, and he'll worship you the way you deserve.
so when you went down on your knees, brought his hand to guide your hair in a pony, he finally lose the control his libido is fighting with. you suck so fucking good, your mouth is so warm. it's heaven and hell in one body. he like you better when you're this silent, taking all of his inside your mouth than running them, making his ears bleed.
he moans when you snaked your hands, massaging his balls. god, fuck. you're a good giver and good givers deserves a prize.
after stilling your head, releasing all of his cum in your mouth, you swallowed it, letting him know that you're his good girl.
he's glad you're still the same responsive woman he likes to tease in college. other people might think you're unbothered by his antics, but in every behind the libraries scenario, there you are, trying to resist his rippling muscles and whispers on your nape.
he knows your shudders and sensitive spot. how your body writhe while he licks a stripe from your ears to your bare shoulder. how you trash under him when he started to suck on your nipple. you're a moaner. he's glad that it's not happening inside his office like before. because now, he doesn't have to hold your sultry moans back. you are loud and that's a music to his ears as he nibble on your breast alternately.
“damn, you're all over me,”
he teases as he propped you against his chest, fucking your slit with three of his fingers. his other one is busy twisting pulling your nipples. he'll never get tired of giving you service if it's a key to the gates of your orgasm and submission.
but all fun has come to an end when he sheathed his cock inside your pussy while you're about come down from your high, prompting another strong orgasm from you. ah, just when he thinks nothing catches you off guard, he's wrong. his cock is answer to your wetness—the place where you're weak at.
“what? i can't hear you, baby? you need to be louder hahaha.”
still going with his ministrations, he's been edging you after fucking your pussy full force and toying your clit. you can't take it anymore. fuck pride, you need to fucking come on his dick.
so when he felt you squirt on him, his cum followed suit, plugging you full and round for months to come. he'll make sure this will not be the last time as he imagine how white suits you the best.
“can't wait for our little ones.”
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nekrosdolly · 2 days
this is based on nothing in particular but i think vergil would eat you out more eagerly while you're on your period.
cw; afab sub reader, dom vergil, pussydrunk vergil, blood drinking, very brief pussy sniffing, cunnilingus, reader is written to have pretty gnarly periods, somewhat soft vergil to start.
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blood has never tasted so good, flowing steadily from your sweet cunt in ichor streams and into his mouth. while he's never been fond of getting blood on his clothing from demons, or perhaps having it stain his coat (god forbid it taint yamato), this is different. you needed him and he wanted you all the same.
your periods aren't usually so bad, but it seemed to be getting worse. especially this month- it had to have been the worst yet. vergil had gone out of his way to make sure you were beyond comfortable, hardly allowing you to leave his bed- yes, his bed, not your own. he didn't want you to be suffering without him there to support you. the blue twin was uncharacteristically doting for the entire week. while he wasn't a fan of physical affection, he kept snuggling up to you in hopes that the inhumane temperature his body keeps would be enough to dissuade your horrific cramps.
he fed you when asked, made you plenty of tea that was supposed to help, and kept a good distance when you got cranky. the last thing he needed was you, pissed off at him for trying to help. though he wouldn't blame you by any means- he was suffocating you. within good reason, of course.
vergil had brought your immense pain up to trish and lady as inconspicuously as he could as a means of asking for help. what could he do to lessen your suffering?
"give her head," trish's voice is blunt. lady nods in agreement from her spot beside the tall, blonde woman.
"orgasms make periods shorter and less painful. we would know."
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you're in bed, lying on your side with a heating pad tucked to your lower abdomen. your cramps were lessened thanks to vergil's efforts (the heating pad, some tea, and food,) but not quite gone. you're wearing one of his shirts and some very loose shorts made for sleeping when vergil walks in, and he all but pounces on you. it's embarrassing, how quickly he gets a semi just from looking at you in his clothing, in his bed, smiling at him.
sharing blood is intimate, right?
you're so sweet, looking over your shoulder at him with a little smile and meager wave.
"hi, verg," you hum politely as he shrugs off his coat and sets on the coatrack hanging on the back of his door. he settles on the edge of his bed to unbuckle each strap on his ridiculous boots.
"how are you feeling?" you turn onto your back to watch him undress, gloved fingers undoing the complicated buttons on his shirt, then unzipping it. underneath lies a black tank top and like a victorian man, you swoon at the sight of his collarbones.
"um, still a little crampy, but fine," he nods once, peeking over his shoulder at you. his fists clench, then relax.
"would you like my assistance?" he stands, peeling off his grossly hot, sticky leather pants that you love because they "hug his ass." you shake your head softly, closing your eyes as another cramp storms your uterus.
"you've done enough, verg, i'm alright-" a sudden weight over you cuts you off, feeling the bed shift beside your head and hips. when you open your eyes, your dear half-devil is on top of you and damn-near purring. his hair is starting to break free from its slicked-back state, a few strands falling over his face. he looks hungry, his powder blue eyes dark and murky.
"let me help," he rasps, one leg shifting in between yours dangerously close to your cunt, "allow me."
never a patient man, he fights himself to be calm as you ponder your answer. period sex has always struck you as gross. besides, nobody wants to fuck someone while they're literally excreting blood and chunks of flesh- or so you think. the minute you nod, he's pulling your shorts off, your underwear (and subsequently, your pad,) slipping down with them.
at first, you expect him to pull his boxers down, but your eyes widen at the sight of him slithering between your legs so he's face-to-face with your bleeding cunt. he's perverted in his own special way, closing his eyes briefly as he sniffs your blood-slickened folds, making you squirm. you open your mouth in hopes of telling him to quit being weird, but he beats you to the punch when he licks a stripe up your seam, thus drawing a moan from you instead.
blood has never been so sweet. mixed with the taste of you, he's in heaven. your legs hook over his shoulders upon his guidance, his tongue delving into your leaking entrance to taste more and more gore. plush thighs hug the sides of his head, making him hiss quietly as he forces them to part. red coats his chin, nose, and lips as he eagerly fucks you with his tongue, nails digging into your skin. drowned out beneath your noises of pleasure, soft noises of his own bubble in his throat.
you should've put a towel down, an afterthought that strikes you as he withdraws his tongue from your fluttering walls to lap at your clit with hunger only a vampire might have after tasting blood. your back arches, a cry leaving you when he sucks at your pulsing clit. he'd never say it aloud, but he loves getting you off. seeing you in such a pretty state, spread out or pressed against him, moaning until your throat was raw and tears spilled from your eyes all because of him- his tongue, his fingers, his dick, whatever it may be.
to vergil's disappointment, blood continues to seep out of you and onto the bedsheets instead of in his mouth, so he suckles on your clit until he's sure you're close before rubbing it with his thumb eagerly, forcing his tongue inside your cavern yet again. he growls into your cunt at the taste again, his mind hazy with the need to keep drinking you in. he can taste your arousal mixing with crimson, fueling him to keep going. the now sharp-ish tip of his tongue prods at your spongy g-spot, a pleased purr emitting from his chest at the way you're crying out for him to continue.
the hands on your hips gain a rough quality, his once-dull nails pricking into the soft skin of your thighs and dear god, his tongue- ribbed down the sides and pointed at the very end- fucks you masterfully.
"vergil," you reach down to take his hand, your climax fast approaching, only to find a scaly mass where his human hand once was. a quick glance downwards tells you all you need to know: he's triggering, albeit only halfway. sharp, glowing blue eyes meet yours and it's like he knows you're going to cum, your tight walls squeezing his tongue like they would his cock.
"i-i love you," you whine, a sound that falls short in comparison to the volume of the slurping and squelching filling the air. your hands grasping for something to hold onto as your climax fast approaches. your lover takes your hand in his clawed one with a soft grip. your head falls back against the pillow, squirming against his mouth. he purrs, nose nuzzling into your puffy clit. the vibrations send you tumbling over the edge.
with a cry, you cum hard on his tongue. he laps up your release and blood combined, a soft moan leaving him as he tastes you so sweetly. fire lights your veins, white-hot and all-consuming as he tongue-fucks you through your heady high, thighs shaking under his rough hands. he doesn't stop, burying himself in you until you're whining, pleading for him to stop with crystalline tears that he wants to lick away. with a soft tug to his hair, you pull him off and he allows you. but not before pressing a kiss on your overworked clit.
standing from between your legs, ichor coats his face from the nose-down. it's dripping from his chin down his neck, soaking into the collar of his tank top. it's enough to make you squirm under his gaze and pull your shirt down to cover yourself. red-stained (human) tongue pokes from between his lips to lap at the blood left on them, pale blue eyes boring into your own.
"...i'm going to get a tampon in," you mutter, getting out of bed on shaky legs and meandering to his en-suite bathroom. luckily, he's kept a small stash of period products for you ever since you started dating.
in the wake of your absence, his eyes travel to the tempting bloodstain on his bed. he has half a mind to lean down and nuzzle his face into it, perhaps try to suck the crimson from the stain in order to taste you again. he doesn't. instead, he waits by the bathroom door for you to finish so he can wash himself of your fluids, albeit reluctantly.
in the end, when he's holding your unconscious body against his in a tight manner, soft snores falling from your lips, he presses a ghost of a kiss on the shell of your ear.
"i love you," the sound of his voice is lost with the wind blowing through the cracked window, just how he would like it to be.
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fatuismooches · 6 hours
I feel like fragile!reader would be genuinely upset with how literally none of the segments spend time with them. Or even try to make time with them. Especially Prime. Like, there's like 20+ of them, not even 1 can spend at least 15 minutes with them? Me, personally, I wouldn't leave my lover to fend off with themselves after 400+ years of silence. Maybe that's just me though...
Oh fragile reader would absolutely be crushed. In the beginning, you would be delighted by all the attention you got, considering you just woke up. But as time goes by, it slowly changes. Obviously, you know that the segments have a lot of work to do, and you don't expect them to spend hours with you, but there are days you struggle to even get ten minutes of attention. Yes, you know they're busy, their research is incredibly engrossing, they have a lot on their plate, but you were their lover. The one who loved them above anything else, and the one they loved more than anything too, well, supposedly.
Their actions just don't show it sometimes, and it hurts you. You're confined to your body, to the lab, you're not like them. Sure, you have some things to keep you occupied, but you aren't free to do what you want, because you literally can't. That's why their company is so desperately important to you, but it seems like you're cursed enough to not even receive that. Prime has no place to talk because he does the same thing as them at times. You love them so, so much, and you do acknowledge how much work they have but... it sincerely gets to you and yet they seem not to understand. Yeah, you love burying yourself into one of your interests, but you need interaction from time to time, something that's sorely different from Dottore.
The only segment that always has time for you is Zandy of course, and while you love him dearly, you just wish you could spend some more time with one of your lovers. I imagine you start finding a lot of solace in your Harbinger friends, like Bina, Pantalone, and Childe, because for some reason despite how busy they are too, whenever they come over, they always make an effort to speak with you. Columbina often visits solely for you. You tell her all about your feelings and she comforts you, without interrupting or brushing you off. The segments would start getting annoyed by how happy you are around them, until you snap that they actually make time for you unlike them (argument time.)
You don't expect Dottore or the segments to be perfect lovers. You just expect them to try, because Tsaritsa knows how much you've tried for them.
(This would make for a really good angst fic, but I don't think I have the heart to write it.)
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waitingtobebroken · 12 hours
Okay, so I don't even know what possessed me to write this! I should really be working on my Reverse Bang fic instead, you guys 😭😭
Binary Stars (T; Chapter: 1/2; 4K words)
Aziraphale has been going to Crowley's astronomy lectures at the local planetarium for a few months now. It is only because he is really interested in space, of course. He loves all the... constellations. And the stars! And then Crowley asks him out for coffee.
"I wouldn't have told everyone about the conference if I didn't want people to come." Crowley... Crowley winked at him. It was a little hard to guess what was happening underneath the perpetual sunglasses but the rest of his face surely looked like the man of his dreams had winked at him. Perhaps that was why it took Aziraphale a few seconds to process his words. Yes. Of course. Of course he would have mentioned it during the lecture. The lecture that Aziraphale had attended. And had been, of course, listening to attentively. Yes. That lecture. "Yes, of course," Aziraphale said with a nod. He only hoped the blush climbing over his throat was not quite as visible but with the harsh lighting overhead, he wasn't holding his breath. "Last week." Crowley gave him an odd look. "The week before." Aziraphale nodded again. He was a busy man. Sometimes the weeks blurred together. This had nothing to do with whether or not he was paying attention during the lectures. Because he was. Paying attention, that was.
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satureja13 · 15 hours
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Jack's Therapy Game (From the beginning: -> here)
After Saiwa (happily and refreshed) returned from his Therapy Game, Jack begged to go back to Lou because it did him so good. One of his painful rash spots already vanished, so of course they let him go. When Jack logged in, he found Lou and himself sweating and groaning in Lou's living room/gym. Lou: "When we're done here I'll show you the shop and after work I'll take you to my secret place in the woods. No one will see us there." A secret place in the woods? And no one will see them there - doing what? ö.Ö' Did Jack's NPC version already hook up with Lou?
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It seems Lou was a bit too enthusiastic and overstrained his shoulder. Lou: "Would you mind giving me a massage?" Jack: "Uhm - sure." Lou: "No need to hesitate. Give it to me, I can take it *wink*" Ö.Ö'
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And then Lou gave 'it' back to Jack - to reciprocate. Of course. Another round of loud moans... I wonder what the passers-by think? Ö.ö
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They went down to the bathroom to shower when Jack noticed that the spot on his shoulder was gone too! Lou: "Haven't you noticed it vanished? I've seen it when you undressed. Doesn't it hurt less?" Lou watches him when he's undressing? ö.Ö' Jack can't tell him that it only hurts when he logs out. Jack: "Ah, no. The level of pain is still the same. I hope it will stop once the last spot is gone."
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Lou: "That's really amazing. I've never seen anything like this going better, only worse. We should talk to Greg about this. He knows everything about us wolves." Jack: "Oh I don't think that's necessary. It wasn't that grave." No way he's going to deal with Greg here too!
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It must be early in the morning and after breakfast they went over to Lou's shop. Jack: "Oh! You're making juice?!" Lou: "Haha yes! Since no one here knows I'm a wolf fighter, this is my 'undercover' job ^^. And it runs quite well. I deliver to the Lion's Pride Inn and two other pubs nearby." Jack: "That's amazing!"
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Lou: "I only wish I knew how to make nectar too. I'm getting so many asks. The press was here when I bought the house but I never found out how to use it." Jack: "Well, today's your lucky day. I know how to make a decent nectar :3"
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Lou: "I think my lucky days already started when I met you :3" Aouww! And Jack started to think the same way. He really likes Lou. And everything fits so well! They are both wolves, like a good fight, share the same interests and get along really well. Plus: Lou is handsome, clever, kind and funny. Tiny Can made the perfect partner for Jack. Well, he didn't actually make him since Lou already exists in the real world. But Jack never met the real Lou and doesn't know if his character and interests are the same as NPC Lou's.
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Their work day was over and Lou took Jack to the secret place in the woods. Jack is a bit unsure what to do if Lou hits on him and wants more. Go for it? Maybe this happens so he can finally get over Kiyoshi? Even though Jack broke up with Kiyoshi it seems they are still fated mates. Will his rash get worse again if he 'cheats' on him? On the other hand, this is just a game, so it wouldn't matter, right? And they still have to find out if they can just be fated mates without being a couple and just be 'mates'.
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But Jack's worries were groundless. Lou just took him here to spar ^^' No one will find them out here and so they can change in their wolf and spar unseen.
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They didn't go easy on each other, like on their first fight at the Arena. But they still both had a lot of fun! Werewolves heal quick (except things like Jack's mental wounds or his rash, which has a magical cause) and they didn't hold back.
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And after the fight, Lou hugged Jack again. So does that mean he wants more or is he just a cuddler in general? But all the other hints? The mating wolves statue and the lube in the bathroom...
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Lou and Jack went back to care for the horses and Jack was very happy! And Valerian expressed his love (again) to Lunatic, who (still) hesitates... It's so sweet that they are here together too. Probably a suggestion from the Little Goats Satyrs.
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Lou and Jack didn't cook today, they are both tired and so Lou treated Jack to one of the stands at the market and they chatted about this and that.
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Lou: "Hiding that we are wolf fighters is something I really hate. But Barfolomew insists and somehow I can understand him and it would influence the bets. We wouldn't have a quiet minute here if folks knew about us. But I never would hide my partner. Uhm - for example. That's just not fair."
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Did Tiny Can bump this conversation because Kiyoshi urged Jack to keep their relationship a secret to protect him? Maybe it's time to work on it in the therapy? And Jack can be honest to Lou because he's just a NPC in a game? Jack: "Yes, I wouldn't want that again either, it almost killed me. And I almost killed him..." And then he told Lou a bit about his relationship with Kiyoshi. That he would do things different if he ever had a partner again. Lou agreed and they spun some theories about how one could actually do things different. To talk to each other, to stand up for their own needs, to set borders... It was a very fruitful discussion and Jack liked Lou even more now. Yes, he would do a lot of things different and he's glad that this conversation with Lou brought him a bit out of his helplessness and his fear of having a partner (and tumble down into madness and chaos) again.
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It's already late and it was a long day so they went back home. It's fun to think that he has a home here now. Together with Lou. It seems so surreal (and it is!). Lou: "Hey, you go ahead. I'm grabbing some stuff for breakfast, hm?" Jack was tired after a long and exciting day: "Ok. Thank you, Lou. For the talk and for everything."
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Lou: "You are very welcome here, Jack. I mean it. And I'm glad we met." And then he hugged him again! And again in front of all of the world! (Well, in front of the market place in Goldshire ^^') Kiyoshi would have never done that! Mayor to Martha: "Aouwww look at them! I'm so glad Lou found someone! He was so alone and sad." Martha: "Well their groaning and moaning didn't leave anything in the dark!" Mayor: "Ach, they are still young. I remember when I..." Martha: "Yea, yea, I hear you!" I wonder why the Mayor and the others had been so unfriendly and distanced to Vlad when they are so happy with Jack?
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'I took shelter from a shower And I stepped into your arms On a rainy night in Soho The wind was whistling all its charms
I sang you all my sorrows You told me all your joys Whatever happened to that old song? To all those little girls and boys'
A Rainy Night in Soho - The Pogues (Such a beautiful song. I know the song for over twenty years but I saw the MV for the first time today and I'm so glad I found it. Shows Shane so different from what we know him.)
There is even a version of Nick Cave and Shane McGowan! Aouww
Only one outtake today because they had to be flirty for the massage ^^'
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Oh and these two of Lunatic and Valerian. Lunatic is slowly melting as it seems <3
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The Therapy Game Master Post with the sessions and places so far is -> here
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest Current Chapter: 🕹️ 'The One' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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Do you think any of the Donna criticisms is valid? Or do you think fans are being to harsh. Also I find it cringy that some fans bleep out letters in the characters names. Like grow up
Thanks for the ask!
I think Donna, like every other character, has her flaws but I have not seen any recent discussion in the fandom about them. The "criticisms" I have seen recently are not ones I believe the show/canon supports. I don't think the newer fans are being too harsh, just inaccurate. They are coming to conclusions not based on canon, but on their own interpretation. Which is fine. It's just not my thing.
The greatest hits:
Donna thinks she's better than Eric.
No, she doesn't. There's little to no evidence of this in the series. On the contrary, Donna is one of the people in Eric's life who builds him up and helps him develop his self-confidence. She tells Eric - and others - constantly what she likes so much about him and their relationship. She doesn't take him for granted - she is obsessed with that boy! People who say otherwise are just cherry-picking (or they truly don't understand the show).
In her own words:
"You wanna know how I feel? Fine, I'll tell ya how I feel. [Opens to random page of her diary] Today at lunch I was looking at Eric when he didn't know it and I just couldn't believe how much I love him and how lucky I am to be with him." -S3E22
Donna never apologizes/the show puts her on a pedestal and acts like she never does anything wrong.
Simply not true. Donna is actually shown to be very reflective and can own her part in conflict (especially with Eric). Just off the top of my head:
S2E20 "Kiss of Death", she and Eric have a conversation where she admits she overreacted and explains why she thinks she did
S2xE6 "Vanstock", she admits she overreacted and tells Eric he's a really great boyfriend
S4xE7 "Uncomfortable Ball Stuff", she apologizes to Eric at the end of the episode and they both agree to figure out their new normal
S4xE27 and S5xE1, she apologizes to Eric for Casey and her role in their conflict all season
S6xE21 "5:15", she admits Eric was right about Mitch and goes to support him in fighting him
S6xE18 "Do You Think It's Alright?", at the end of the episode she admits Eric was right and forks don't matter, she just got all caught up in the wedding stuff and trying to follow the book but she's just doing that because she feels lost and overwhelmed
I could literally just keep going on and on and on! (One thing about me, is I'm gonna bring receipts 😂)
Donna's a bad friend to Jackie.
I do think Donna misstepped at points throughout her friendship with Jackie, but I also take into account how difficult it can be to be Jackie's friend and the kind of friendship Jackie returned to her.
For instance, Donna did tell Jackie that her relationship with Kelso was unhealthy and that she deserved better. Jackie straight up did not want to hear it, and insulted Donna for telling her the truth. Donna didn't initially want Jackie to move in during season 6 but look at why that might be. Jackie moved in and insisted Donna accommodate her (loud ABBA music to feel the vibration on the bed, anyone? 😂), read her diary and left mean comments in the margins, painted her own name on the bedroom wall, etc. Is that all for humor? Of course. Does it help me understand why Donna wouldn't want Jackie to move in with her? Yes. And in the end what happens? Hyde confronts Donna about the situation Jackie is going through and why Donna made her feel small by asking her to move in the way that she did, and Donna reflected upon the situation and changed her mind, did the right thing to help her friend.
I also think far too much is made of her being impulsive and/or destructive when she's under stress.
Yes, she responded to one isolated stressor (the disintegration of her parents' marriage) with those traits - the skipping school and failing classes for attention, making risk choices with Casey, etc. But I would argue that's not Donna's MO, it's not how she always or even usually responds to stress - by blowing up her whole life and making risky choices. For instance, when Eric didn't show up to the wedding. She was pissed and sad, but she sought comfort from her mom - she didn't go on a bender, run away from town, sleep with someone random, marry a stripper *cough, cough*. That's not how we see her respond when she briefly thinks she's pregnant. It's not how we see her respond when Eric decides to go to Africa. Etc.
In the case of Ms. Pinciotti, there's also a small but persistent faction of fans who think Eric can do no wrong and is some tragic victim, and Donna, of course, perpetuates poor Eric's persecution. I've always suspected that kind of attitude is rooted in internalized misogyny. But I don't think we need to open that big ol' can of worms on a lovely Friday afternoon. 😆
*I don't think I've seen the bleeping out of characters' names. I am not sure why one would do that?
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